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Epik High (에픽하이) Official Thread [#2023]


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Guest shytide

it was kind of long.. but it probably felt like that because it was more mellow. i'm sure he was out there just as long as anyone else xD

you/i/ and everyone else just weren't jumping around hahah.

mannn i was totally counting the number of songs/minutes that passed by; he performed for at least 40 minutes and 8 songs--for a middle act T________T i mean some were good, but it's not for this kind of concert. i was literally falling asleep =(

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Guest Steffany.

The SF show was nothing short of outstanding, I keep replaying everything in my head, over and over again. :)

I still remember back then when I first heard "I Remember" from their first album Map of the Human Soul.. wow. Been a fan since. I personally have nothing more but even more respect for them now that they have chose to be independent and self sustaining, instead of depending on a record label to dictate their every move like many others in the music industry.

Their music is clearly unique and to be able to see them in person? What an unforgettable experience.

As much as I enjoyed Far East Movement and as much as I love Kero One, I'll skip right to Epik High, hehe.

Oh mannnnn when Tukutz came out from behind the stage, my jaw dropped! I couldn't believe it for some reason. It was like I needed a slap in the face so I could get a firmer grip onto reality. Their performances were godly. I had the time of my life singing along to every song they performed. When crowds started hoarding towards the front, I actually got to be literally in front of the stage, with my crappy phone camera but oh well. Being right in front was the definitely one of the various highlights of my night! I actually had to elbow too many girls trying to push me out of my spot though. Oops. :X Hehe. It was one of the best experiences of my life to be right in front of the Tablo, Tukutz, Mithra and MYK. I'm usually one to diss obsessive fan girls but I couldn't help but completely melt when I got to hold Tablo's hand, and of course I couldn't hold back my smile with Tukutz, Mithra and MYK as well! Not to mention I also got to keep Tablo's water bottle that he drank from. Dorky? Yes, I know. Do I care? No, not really(= Heh! Too many fangirls tried fighting me for it though. In fact, one of them to the left of me was literally crying!

May 15th, 2009 <3. I'm still at a concert high and everything is still freshly engraved in my mind. &I hope one day they can return for me and their thousands of other fans to relive everything all over again.


I have literally over an hour's worth of them upclose on my phone. At least I can still rewind these moments.


and the infamous water bottle I kept spazzing over! HAH yeah, I'm lame. :)

Map my soul<3

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hehehehe...finally my turn to spaz about the la concert :)

My friends and I arrived at House of Blues probably around 6:30ish, and we were like...omg...the line is soooo frickinnnn long :o :o :o So we hurry to the back of the line and wait happily for a couple hours before we were let in ^^

I met a few soompiers, like foreverisdelicious, spymanut, and the new opener of this thread, whohungjen? :)

We get in, and I was really surprised at exactly how small House of Blues is. We were kinda towards the back at first, but we figured that we wanted to stay on the ground floor (lol the mosh pit) because we would get a lot more interaction than having a clearer view on the balcony.

Man...Far-east Movement really got the audience pumped *_* I've never really listened to their songs before, but I will definitely look out for them now :D Their astronaut suits were hilarious also :lol: DJ Dumbfoundead was really funny as well; he made a great mc for the show ^^

There were some technical difficulties at first (LOL at the "we still have one minute to burn thing"), but it was fine in the end :)

Kero One has some great songs, but like many people have said, they fit more of a mellow hip hop, a stark contrast to the energetic performance before, so a lot of people got tired of him quickly >_< Some people kept yelling out "Epik High!!!" during his performances ;_; But he was great nonetheless XD The girl who performed with him (don't know her name D: ) had such a wonderful voice as well ^^

Finally...the moment that EVERYONE had been waiting for...EPIK HIGH!!!! It was amazing :o

MYK and DJ Tukutz were the first ones to come out, and everybodyyyyy was screaming for them. Beatbox DG was amazingggggg :o I had no idea people could actually do that :o

And finally...Tablo and Mithra come out, and the entire place is totally pumped. I don't quite remember which songs they performed first though >_<

Then Tablo made his speech about how they made their label, and how after 6 years with their previous company they could never come all the way out here to perform, but after they formed their own label, they could :) I don't know if it was just me or not, but it seemed like they were all pretty emotional up there when they were talking about this, and I swear I could see tears in their eyes ;_;

My friends and I were all in the "mosh pit," so whenever they performed a new song or had fan interaction, everyone would move and push in order to get closer to the stage, so in the end we were all pretty close :D (not close enough to touch them, but it was all good hehe)

Pretty much, they performed most of their songs from their "Map the Soul" album first, then the second half of their performance they stuck with mostly the old classics. I seriously still can't get over the fact that I saw One, Fly, Love Love Love, Flow, 1 minute 1 second, and Fan live. Fan especially (the first song that got me into Korean music to begin with ^^) They had everyone jumping up and down...we were seriously rocking the House of Blues :lol:

I don't think I've heard MYK sing live before...and geez was I blown away. He really does have a smooth voice, so him + guitar = major awesomeness hahaha

Being hit by Tablo-water 3 times was awesome, not only cuz it was Tablo-water (duhhh...), but also cuz it was incredibly hot and sweaty/sticky, so the water felt sooooo nice :)

Best part for me though...whenever they held the mics out for the fans to sing, we really did sing. I can honestly say that no background music was needed: we were that loud. I really hope that they see through this that their fans really truly love them <3

When they went back inside, of course everyone shouted encore, and when they came back, I'm pretty sure they sang Free Music (one of my favs in map the soul) and finally Fan. And all too soon...it ended ;_;

We then scrambled to get merchandise, but by the time we got there, all the black shirts had sold out already D: Anywayz, I ended up getting the towel, 2 pins, and the cell phone charm :)

This is more of a rant than anything...but on the ride back home, they had to close down like 4 of the 5 lanes of the freeway, so we were stuck in traffic at like 1:30 in the frickin morning. I didn't get home till past 3 D:

Anywayz, the next morning, I go with one of my friends to the Meet and Greet at the Verizon store. We get there around 12ish, and omgggg it was sooo hot standing out there D: The Verizon mc person, although she was trying her best, started to get really annoying by the 20th time she asked us if we were excited to see Epik High (no duh...XP). But after burning for almost 4 hours (gahhh it was bad), we finally got our chance to see them :)

I didn't want to come off as rude so I didn't take pictures when I actually saw them. To be honest, I had this entire speech planned out in my head to say to them (well, mostly Tablo, cuz I don't know Korean lol), but when I got up to the table, I totally blanked out D: So I ended up just saying hi, thank you x 1000000, and bye >_<

But the absolute coolest part of the entire thing was...as I was leaving, I turned back around and said bye and waved, hoping that they would respond. And omgggggg (yea, I'm still spazzing about this LOL), DJ Tukutz and MYK both smiled and waved back XD XD XD XD I am so serious...DJ Tukutz is the most adorable person ever :lol: His squeaky voice and scrunched up eyes are the BOMBBBBBB XD Tablo used to be at the top of my dorky/cute list, but now Tukutz is totally pulling him down :D Ahhh...but I still kinda regret that I didn't take a pic of them at the end >_<

And I finally got the chance to listen to the Lost Map cd that I got with my purchase. Of course, the songs are amazing. But the one thing that literally had me LOLing and ROFLing was the end of the home edition of Top Gun. "I'm the top gun..represent nuh uh...uh uh...I got guns...No I don't...I don't have guns." LOLLLLLLLLL XD XD o tablo, you crack me up :lol:

Ahh that was the longest post I've ever had, and totally worth it ^^

And I'm so sorry I killed your computers with all my pictures ^^;;

concert pics!!

























Meet and Greet!!
























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Guest fobbiyo

I really love the Worldwide version of Map the Soul after listening to it properly. MYK is awesome.

I came late to the concert, so I got was Kero One's shirt D: lol. Luckily it was in my size though.

I honestly thought Epik High was going to perform alot more. I did enjoy the others though.

Loved the concert. I wish they can come back and do an encore concert or something. lol. I think I love them alot more. I definitely have even more respect for them.

I also love that quote Tablo said about problems with your soul. lol. I cracked up really hard.

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Guest kimchi hana

So here I was, just normally checking my email.

Then oh, what is this? MTV Iggy? I opened it.

My eyes opened up like they've never opened before.

And I realized I won tickets for that Allkpop show in NY.

Only 30 people won and I was among them. Holy cow.

I was hyperventilating for about a minute till I went nuts.

You wouldn't believe how excited I was and imed my friend.

But then it all went downhill. Her mom said no.

My mom started ranting on about how I was selfish.

(Because I'm going to the NY concert on the 22nd, too.)

But this is only a 60 people concert! Maybe even less!

I am determined to go any possible way I can. ;_______;

Anybody else won the tickets, too?

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Guest helennn


Me & my friends got there around 3 ishhh. We had nothing to do, so i brought a long sharpies so we could write on our shirts & stuff. LOL.


Our shirts ^^;

i wrote my name on the floor. :D


We waited for awhile, and then we bought the things from the thing.. and went to the VIP line thing.. LOL. (x Yeah! (: & I had to wait outside until the concert started because they couldn't find my ticket or something.. BUT IT WAS A GOOD THING BECAUSE I GOT TO SEE TABLO AND I SAID HI TO HIM & HE SAID HI BACCK ^____^<333 I got a video of them during their press interview! I'll upload it later ^_^; & I got to see F*M do thier interview too! & I got a handshake from KevNish♥ Hehehe. I was going to ask him for an autograph/picture! But he looked really tired. ): They said that they only had 3 hours of sleep the night before! How do you do such an amazing performance on 3 hours of sleep?! Haha, that's Epik High forr yaa. (;


F*M at their press conference thing. (:

When Far East Movement came out, the crowd went crazy! The whole space suit thing was dopppeeee!<3 i loved it! And they gave away a pair of kicks! Along with some CDs too. And kero was good too =) propsss! EPIK HIGHS ENTRANCE.. EVERYONE WENT INSANE!!! AHHH. I love tablo.. He's so down to earth. "This whole john teshing stage is yours" i love himmm Hehehe. He's so good looking in real life<3 and he's so funny, entertaining, and inspirational! Everything about him is just so perfect<333 and tukutz! His beatboxing was SOOOOO GOOODDD! I never knew he was so good looking either! [x When tablo was sitting on the speaker and singing to the people in front, i was sooo jealouss[x i wish i was thereee! MYK's performances were even better than i was expecting! I'm loving his song lyricsssss :D My favorite performance DEFINATELY ONE<3 I felt so touched.. I was almost going to cry. (': I LOVEEEDDD IT.


Favorite picture taken! :DDDD (C: Andrew C)



MOSH PIT CHOAS !!!!!!!!!!! ._.

After the concert, we saw kevnish and james walking to their bus!!! We got to take pictures with them and kevin let me hold his space helmet thing. LOL <3 and they're SUCH SWEET PEOPLE<333333 they both wished us a safe ride home and they're so nice and polite.. they gave us hugs DDDD <33333 We talked to them for awhileee, and they were like "Hope you guys get home safe ^^!" Omfg so cute. LOL <33




We saw tablo in the bus, but we were too late cause he was already in the bus when we got there [x but its okay! We got to wave to him from outside ! I also got a picture with kero ^_^ !

Meet & greet pictures!


Tablo signing my shirt♥






I laminated it(:


Tablo was drawing on Tukutz's face on some of the posters & asking people if they wanted a "personalized" poster. HAHAHA. <3 Dork. :P (C: Alieen)


The end! ♥



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Guest she leanss


Me & my friends got there around 3 ishhh. We had nothing to do, so i brought a long sharpies so we could write on our shirts & stuff. LOL.

Our shirts ^^;

omg helennn i'm still jealous that you got a pic wtih tablo, kero, and kevin from fm. haha.

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Guest chenzi

My friend can't make it to the NYC concert tomorrow, so I'm selling one general admission ticket . Please, someone help me out. PM me for info.

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Guest t. yama


LA House of Blues - May 16th, 2009 & Verizon Wireless Signing - May 17th, 2009

Day of the show:

Got in around 8 something and headed toward a spot that looked closest to the front. After a while...people were already packing in and pushing their way to the front. Ok, I admit I was doing that too...but it just got way out of hand. I just kept looking at my friend and we were like.."OMG...can't breathe." The person on my left, right, and back were totally like...full body contact. x_x. The host DJ Dumfound(?) was cool. He did a little perf. pretty good~ but dude.. I seriously COULD NOT enjoy FM's performance at all. I'm so sad...and it's been so long since I've got to see them perform live. I was seriously stuck between the pushing and shoving...almost falling at one part. GAHH. FM's set was awesome though -- year 3008! :D All I could really remember was "Millionaire" and "Girls on the Dance Floor". The Stereotypes and Wongfu's Phil and Wes were there to support. ^^

Kero One was next. He's really good, but his portion of the show slowed everything down a bit. I'm not too familiar with his songs but...it was chill.

And then of course, EPIK HIGH, MYK, and Beatbox DG came out. It was amazing~ I didn't have my camera with me since I didn't think they would allow it so I just used my handy dandy phone to take pics and vids. Surprisingly they came out pretty well. I thought the audio was gonna be all jacked up...but I'm satified. :D

Here's just a few of the videos I took~

Believe -

One -

One Minute, One Second (Tablo) -

** Fan (my fav. vid of the night) -








The show was amazing and was worth all the bruising. lol. I can't stop listening to them now...ahh. ;D

Day of the Fan Signing:

Got there a little late but was able to meet up with everyone that was already in line. The Verizon Wireless people got people to play games for different prizes like..a signed T-shirt. It was...interesting..haha. But dude, waiting there...in the sun...not moving...it was so hot. Everyone was practically melting. Then at around 1:30ish? We see a white van pull up and -- TADA. EPIK HIGH HAD ARRIVED!!! They each came out one by one. I think it was Mithra first? and then DJ Tukutz (who wave with move hands looking like a Beatle lol), and then Tablo followed by MYK. By that time, we were feeling a little bit better knowing that it would be our turn soon.

They played various Epik High songs, BoA songs, and then they even played FM's "Girls on the Dance Floor". Anyways, when it was our turn, we got into groups of 3-4 to go in at a time. So once your group is called, you line up against the wall and we were next. No one wanted to go first so Jenny just told me to go first (dkjfl..lol). So I agreed and while waiting there..I suddenly got really nervous. I have admit, I went to the fan signing all carefree..just expecting to get a signed poster and be done with it. I didn't have anything for them to sign anyways ;X

Watching them through the window...heart beating... XD


Right before it was our turn to go in, I saw that Epik High asked for them to take a 5min break so...we waited some more and then the security guy told us to go in. So, I walk in slowly and Tablo wasn't really paying attention so then DJ Tukutz reaches his hand out for the piece of paper with my name "Tiff Yama" on it. And then Tablo goes "Tiff Yama! Tiff Yama! "Yama" means uhh...in Korean we say "yama ita" in Korean, that means like...chotago...which means AWESOME." And omg...I was freaking out while I was listening to him and he was looking at me while saying all of that. I could have just dropped dead...because TABLO WAS TALKING TO ME. LOL. I didn't expect that at all~ wahhh. I didn't realized that Mithra and DJ Tukutz were joining in on Tablo's little speal soo...just watch the video. ;D (My friend Monica is so awesome (YAMA) for getting this all on videooo)

(0:04-0:23) & then 1:36 - my handshake with Tablo ;D


So yeahh~ I wanted to say some stuff like "Good job at the show last night" or something to that effect but Tablo's thing totally threw me off...but it's ok. I just smiled (but in my head was jumping and spazzing like crazy...lol). I like how Tablo remember Jenny from the airport (she was on the same flight as them with Kero-One and FM!!!). That girl even got a picture with Tablo and then one with Tukutz. XDD And the Tablo's "Oh Tabusha~" loll~. I love how Monica can be so calm when it comes to meeting kpop stars~ I just become speechless. XD LOL at "You're a genius!" to Tukutz -- his reaction...gah so cuteee! XD


When Tablo was explaining what YAMA meant ♥♥ which gives me a while new meaning to my name~


Passing it down~ DJ Tukutz is a cutie. ;DD


MYK signed it last and that's when I finally decided to say something so I just told him thank you. lol. I saw that Monica asked for a hug from Tablo but he said if we hugged her, he'd have to hug everyone so...we all got handshakes. ;D The security guys were guiding me towards the exit but then I asked if we could take a picture with Epik High and MYK soo~


Then it was the last group's turn to go. Justine had a picture of her with Epik High from HB 07 and Tablo was like "Oh, this is when Mithra was all military" LOL. Oh Tablo.

After that, there was a fast Japanese restaurant next door so we all went there and then spazzed about what had just happened. I couldn't stop thinking about it...LOL and everyone could tell that I was spazzing. XD I told them what happened and then Monica said she had it all on video and I spazzed even more (mind you..I tend to keep my spazzing to myslef/low key...but this was definitely something to let loose! LOL)

When everyone was finished eating, we decided to go back to see if they were done signing and they were. All of them were infront of the store, taking pictures for something?



Their white van then pulled up and it was time to say goodbye. I love Tukutz's little "bye!" voice. XD Tablo was handed a "4C the Power" pamphelet so maybe someday, they can participate and work with them. ^^ EPIK MOVEMENTT~ Mithra was smiling and beatboxing to himself while passing~ it was cute. ^^

Leaving the Verizon wireless:

I saw Tablo do a peace sign with a little smirk but I didn't catch it on my camera...but it was definitely focused towards Jenny, his boo. lol. She has proof (and the effects kill me~ hahaha XD)

Anyways, my whole EPIK HIGH experience will be something that I will remember forever. TABLO~ look what you've done to me!!! I can't stop thinking about you and your words. Kang Hye Jung is so lucky to have someone like you in her life. ♥ EPIK HIGH~ I have so much respect for you guys and I hope that after the "Map the Soul" tour, you guys will become even more successful. I really REALLY wanna buy their album + Tablo's book but I'm so broke right now~ gahh...lol. TABLOOOO ♥

My signed poster~







I was having a really bad day Friday so I think karma was just on my side that weekend. I'm so excited for those going to the NYC show tomorrow night and then those that will be going to the Seattle show too!! Epik High -- you guys have made such an impact in my life. Hope to see them again some day. ^^

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Guest t. yama

Does anybody know what song this is? It's from their concert at San Francisco.

It's Epik High - Geunyeoneun 그녀는 몰라 (Feat. MYK) :]

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Guest ohhlalakelly

The Worldwide version is pretty much like the Korean version, only with Myk and Kero.

I really do hope they come back to SF for the meet and greet. It would really disappoint us if they didn't (but we'd understand if they have tight schedule). It's Tablo's hometown and i'm sure we left a deep impression on them being their first show in the states and all. sigh*

Yesterday my friend pointed out to me that Tablo and I share the same birthday. Yay! :)

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Guest steph*funny

Omgosh helennn I remember you! I was one of the girls that couldn't get in either....haha. Idk if you remember me but I was like right behind you when you shook Kev's hand at the press thing! :) Well actually I like let you stand in front of me cuz I'm tall....hahaa ok I sound like a creeper.

Anywayyy the LA concert was amazing. I would post pics but my camera sucks. Haha. I think my favorite parts were Love Love Love, Tablo's random talking, Fan, Fly (the jumping was mad crazy!) and Map the Soul, both versions :D

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