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Epik High (에픽하이) Official Thread [#2023]


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Guest prawfishy

Recorded and uploaded just for you hahaha! <3

Still in the Tukutz love mode I see haha!

hahaa.. i cant believe you read this thing too...

your the best!!! <3

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Guest choEy

Oh really...I just remember that there was a lot of little people around me haha. Out of nowhere these two little girls somehow got in front of me lol

Yea...it was also funny when Tablo poured the entire water bottle on Mithra's head haha

err well not like RIGHT behind you haha. i kind of wanted to go up there but.. yeah.

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Guest FunPhax

man, now you guys got me all hyped up for the concert in seattle. what is the pricing on the merchandise? preferably the shirts and bandana.

i'm hoping to go to their signing but.. its 40 min away D: i need to get a ride from someone haha

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Guest dkimxd

the shirts were $30!!!! omg so expensive... but the concert was freaking amazing!!!!! ahhh sooooo goooooooooooddddddd hafhahfaefhakjefhakjdhgkadjhfakjhfajkghjaghajhfakdhfkahdfa

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Guest dubseeXvip

man, now you guys got me all hyped up for the concert in seattle. what is the pricing on the merchandise? preferably the shirts and bandana.

i'm hoping to go to their signing but.. its 40 min away D: i need to get a ride from someone haha

shirts were $30 (one size only, black&white) and bandana is $12

towel is $15 (narrow strip)

book album $30

(if they raise the prices for Seattle, itll probably be due to the traveling/tax costs)

i would suggest going to the signing event! its a chance and opportunity you can never get back! EPIK HIGH IN THE FLESH!

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Guest Siriusmoonpuppy

haha everyone's reviews on the concert is getting me hyped up for friday...NYC WHOO <3

hopefully i can get some pics in T-T it's going to be crazy on the floor tho >.> and im tiny so damn, tall people are lucky haha

thanks for all the fan accounts everyone! =] definitely hyped now~ hopefully it's not too too crowded (the fillmore in NYC looks kinda small from the outside).

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Guest sincronia

Guess I'll post my super long entry from my LJ, if anything. :P Slight spoilers for the Seattle + NYC kids~?


The day started off with going out to eat at the K-Town plaza with James (our ride!), Tiffany, and Catherine (.ChocoCat.). Food was great! ♥ We roamed for a bit afterwards then headed off to the venue, fighting off the crazy traffic on Sunset Blvd. We managed to get to the venue around 5:30 or so, and thankfully, the line wasn't TOO long. We thought it was, until we saw a hoard of people coming after us. We were probably among the first 100 or so!

Three hours of waiting outside was not that bad. We kept ourselves occupied with playing Mario Kart, talking to random people, checking out the smoooooooth cars (Audi, BMW, Jaguar, Bentley, Ferrari... You name it, we probably saw it :P). The time neared for us to get in, and they handed out red glowsticks for all of us. :3 I had a Sharpie on me, so all of us wrote EPIK HIGH and such on 'em!

After some waiting, we finally got in... I went straight for the merchandise since there were only about 20 people or so. Got a bandana, black t-shirt, phone charm, and the Lost Map #001 CD~ In under two minutes! xD After that, we made our way to the floor, where James pretty much worked his way through the crowd to get to the center somehow (though still towards the back).

The music started, and the Samsung Onmia cellphone commercial went up (DO WAAAAAANT?!)~! Everyone got all hyped. :P Luckily HOB allowed cameras, everyone was all going nuts with recording, including me. :P The MC dude (totally forgot his name!) came on stage to introduce Far*East Movement... Their performance was SICK! The intergalatic theme never looked so goooood! 8D I'm not familiar with them, but they sounded GOOOOOOOOOD~ They looked like they had a buttload of fun on stage, too. :P The Wong Fu guys, Philip Wang and Wesley Chan, came out too! I've always wanted to see them~ :'D They seemed kinda awkward, but totally got downnnn. Loved it!

Kero One came up next, and the crowd got pretty laid back. Somehow, my group and I ended up towards the front, so we were like, five feet away from him. :P Really mellow music, his voice is relaxing... I was swaying around, trying to hold my spot in the crowd. :3 Good cooler inbetween the two crazy groups. People were being really rude to him though. :( Too much hype for Epik High~

Then at last... The moment had come. Beatbox DG came out to the stage, along with DJ Tukutz at his turntables. Freakin' BOMB! I've NEVER seen anyone beatbox in person, an DG was freakin' NUTS. His SexyBack rendition was SICK! I thought I recorded it, but I guess not. D: Once he started beatin' it up to Cipher, the crowd went CRAAAAZY, and you can bet poor little me got squished...

... But I moved closer to the front, so I was LESS THAN FIVE FEET AWAY from Tablo, Mithra, Beatbox DG, and MYK. My face was literally like this: *O* No joke, dude! There's too much to go through for all the songs and such, but their performance was AMAAAAAAAZING. And that's an UNDERSTATEMENT!

Before I go on, this was the tracklist of the for the night:



Top Gun

The Future


She Doesn't Know

Follow the Flow

Map the Soul


MYK's Peformance (which was soothingly amazing)



One Minute, One Second

Love Love Love



Free Music

Map the Soul (Worldwide Version)


Every. song. was INCREDIBLY PERFORMED. I was swept away (literally, almost, because of all the pushing and shoving @_@) by all the songs... I swear, I can't even fully describe the awesomeness of everything, 'cause I'd go on FOREVER. Tablo, Mithra, Tukutz, MYK, DG, Pe2ny... Everyone was just SO into the music, going CRAZY on stage from side to side, flinging WATER at all of us fans dying from the heat/exhaustion... I was even too dehydrated to be moved to tears when Tablo told us that they've gone all this way because of us fans. CAN YOU FEEL THE LOVELOVELOVE?! ♥♥♥ *makes L sign with hand*

We all sang to what they could, we listened, we cheered, we screamed our hearts out~ And they performed all my favorite songs!! I was going nuts (they were too!) during the second half after MYK's performance. XD And ONE? The acoustic version was like, omfg. Beautiful! They left after Fly, but came back for the ENCORE, which I have entirely nonstop on video. :3

WHAT SUCKS? My group and I couldn't stay long afterwards (it was midnight!), so we left for some food and drinks... Totally exhausted after being so cramped in there! BUT DUDE, they came out to the front of the venue and did some VIP meet & greet thing! Some fan got upclose pics, autographs, and so on. SO LUCKY AHHH~

THE BEST THING? I got to touch Tablo's hand during the performance. ♥ Just for a second or two! Though I forgot which song... Hmm. o_o Yeah, yeah, other fans got to shake the entire crew's hands, get autographs, even a freakin' hug from Tablo himself... NEXT TIME I'LL STEP IT UP!??! XDDD;;

In all... The night was EPIK. It was just.... IUSHFLISDHGLIFHSDGLSYGF:SF It's still incomprensible to me even now. It's just... I needed this concert so badly after having two weeks of AP testing and a really blaaah week. I remember just standing there, going crazy to Fan and thinking, "DAMN, this is the best night of my LIFE!" ♥ It's Sunday night as I'm working on this, and I'm still (and always shall be, at this point) on an EPIK HIGH!


The end. ;P Sorry it's so LONG! I was unfortunately unable to to make it to the Meet & Greet, since my parents didn't let me. ;( Until next time...

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Guest himejima

they have only been on Chocolate and appeared in two-three random magazine shoots.

They were also on Lee Hana's Peppermint~ ^^

I think it says on their schedule that they will be on Come to Play on June 8th--someone who knows korean should double check me on this? I'm pretty sure it's that show.. lol--so I don't think they're giving up on going on shows completely, it's just not the complete media frenzy like they used to have... I remember somewhere they said Tukutz was in charge of manager stuff and it's really hard to book appearances on shows..

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Guest tricky

I have to say, the Sunset Strip Epik High concert was a borderline religious experience for me. The incredible joy and loudness of the crowd and connection with Epik High was up there among all the concerts I've been to.

And I've been meaning to ask . . .

For those of you who managed to do both SF and the Sunset concerts, how would you compare them?

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Guest schadenfreud1c

the SF venue was awesome. I have no idea why you would assume that seats+stage = sucks. Every seat in the house was a good seat since the place was small and it was perfect for those people who didn't want to get moshed or blocked by tall people. I was within 8 rows (of short people) from Epik High and it was awwweesome.

you guys should start a EH merch bulk order so you dont have to pay 30 bucks at the concert...that's what some of my friends are doing.

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Guest Tinateukbum

man, i forgot about that verizon thing in Pasadena ><

but wow reading all your guys' experience is great,

the part about all Asians at the House of Blues is amusing of course lol.

the pictures of them eating pizza on the floor[saw on allkpop] were truly epik :]

they're srsly so cool^^

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Guest honeybeeshrimp

@ lelapin dude, you're SO SO lucky.

I saw some fancams of the SF con and it was pretty big no? With all the seats and the stage. The LA concert was really small, but hell of a lot of ppl packed into the little space.

i just think the balcony made it look bigger. but actually the place really wasn't all that big. o.o

but overall i'm glad because i think sf left a pretty good impression on them. Epik High knows how to get a crowd HYPED.

i'm just bummed since they didn't stay in sf for long. rushing to come in and leaving for socal for the la concert.

as for the meet and greet.. soompiers please keep us updated! :] thankss.

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Guest runtoyou989

ugh, i wish they'd release a concert DVD for this. i wanna relive it again >_<


im so paranoid that im gonna forget every detail.

we should beg them xD

i thought i saw a guy videotaping the performance tho

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Show was an enjoyable experience, even though I was working the merch booth the whole night. Sorry to the people that may have NOT gotten the Lost Map CD with the shirt... I wasn't even informed that we were supposed to hand them out with the T-shirt until like I sold like 15 shirts.

Honestly, I think it's great that Epik High has decided to gone totally indie, although I wonder how they're going to chart if at all now, since the it seems like the only way for anybody to get famous is to simply sell out and appear on those variety shows and talk shows.

And reading the comments about Kero One, it's pretty sad how many people aren't feeling his music, if people would actually take the time to listen to the lyrics and he spits, they'd hear some real stuff... I guess since his style of music doesn't fit the electro flavor of the month, it's gonna be hard for him.

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Guest choEy

Show was an enjoyable experience, even though I was working the merch booth the whole night. Sorry to the people that may have NOT gotten the Lost Map CD with the shirt... I wasn't even informed that we were supposed to hand them out with the T-shirt until like I sold like 15 shirts.

Honestly, I think it's great that Epik High has decided to gone totally indie, although I wonder how they're going to chart if at all now, since the it seems like the only way for anybody to get famous is to simply sell out and appear on those variety shows and talk shows.

And reading the comments about Kero One, it's pretty sad how many people aren't feeling his music, if people would actually take the time to listen to the lyrics and he spits, they'd hear some real stuff... I guess since his style of music doesn't fit the electro flavor of the month, it's gonna be hard for him.

i was late so i didn't get ANYTHING -_- except one Fast East Movement shirt haha.. that wasn't even my size xD

.. eh, Kero One is already pretty well known (from what i gather) even i didn't know who he was at first but now i'm already listening to him.

people can hate and disrespect haha how else does one get famous :P

on a side note - does anyone know what Tablo's exact quote about "Map The Soul" went? All I remember is him saying is how you use a map to guide you to a destination but there is no map for the soul so -something something- music lol.

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I have three fancams from the Epik High Concert in LA.

The quality isn't great but you can still feel the excitement, the love that the guys get. :)

She Doesn't Know:



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Guest RoboticChopSticks

dude. sf concert was soooo good. i'm ashamed to say that i've never heard of them until last september or something but i'm so glad my friend showed them to me. but yeah, they sell out of their merch really fast so i think you should get there early so no long lines and you don't have to run back outside to get to the tables first.

and i have a question: how tall are they? i feel like they're short but i want to be hopeful and think they're unusually tall asians.

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Guest ohhlalakelly

Pictures at the SF concert

credit: ohhlalakelly

sorry they are crap quality, my camera sucks.



Love x3:

Myk Solo:

Tablo translator:

Cute Tablo:

I have a lot more. Like the first song (I forgot) how Tablo was like, "SAY OOH!! SAY YEAA! SAY WOOOOOOHHHOOOOO!" Or something like that. And I have MTS World Wide version. But my laptop is not cool right now. They are not really good quality anyway. So I won't upload them. XD

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Guest Pineapple Q

I'm so sad I didn't get the Lost Map CD. I should've asked about it. TT__TT And I regret not taking any fancams. x( But it was still the best experience of my life! I doubt they'll be back in SF for a meet any time soon, but I'm still hoping. <3

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