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How To Get Moon Crescent Eyes

Guest dlbxd

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Guest banana milk

some korean say it's "smiling eyes" when you smile your eyes smile :)

some people can't have it though, unless they fake it >_<

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Guest s2_syj

i think they're just born with it :]

i suppose you could use eyeliner to give the effect .. but not sure how.

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Guest child2child

i think it comes naturally when you smile or semi-smile. basically all of the pictures you put up everyone's either smiling or semi-smiling or squinting because of the sun.

i guess you could put white eyeshadow/liner on the inner corner of your eyes to bring more focus there when you smile? and eyeliner halfway on the lowerlashline? that's kinda what hyori's makeup it. when i think crescent moon eyes i think hyori... :)

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Guest rawwwr

^Just google pics of hyori smiling.

And, I don't think you can get them without surgery if you don't already have them.

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Guest Flicksityy

You can always drag the eyeliner downwards so it lines up with your tear ducts, then line the bottom so it intersects with the edge you've created (unlike the original wing technique) it'll make you look caked though.

Man, I should do a tutorial or something. Words are so hard to explain. :/

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Guest Jello.

I have eyes like that.

And i dont really use any makeup.

LOL i use eyelinre everyday to make my eyes like yurs! XD

Maybe use eyeliner to make a little flick at the ends?

Like.. but downward?

Idk. XD

I think its from genes.

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Guest dudeilovefood

uhh i have them if i move the corners of my mouth upwards..

doesnt everyone get them if they smile reallly wide?

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Guest xl0v3juicy

When applying eyeliner on your TOP lids, don't flick it upwards. Instead, pull the line downwards. Then, on your bottom lids, connect the end of the line (drawn on top) and pull it along the bottom, getting closer and closer to your eye as you go along. This way, the outer edge of your bottom lids has thicker eyeliner which gradually gets thinner as it goes in.

Sorry for the crappy explanation...

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Guest menelausee

Ooh I'm into the moon-shaped eyes too. My eyes naturally curve upwards too so I apply my makeup heavier on the bottom outer corners like so:5165_1232749098985_1236872004_31197.jpg

When I don't, my eyes are really slanty. IMG00001.jpg

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hmm i thnk you're born with it O.o

cus i have it whenever i smile...~.~" and i can't really control it,so even if you can't see the bottom half of my face, you can tell i'm smiling. but i don't use make up at all...so i don't think you can get the same effect, unless you're talking about cateye? like,, the eyeliner thing that amy winehouse does...

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Guest meilove

all i can think of is when u line ur eyes with liquie eyeliner, pull it out more.

my eyes are naturally shaped like that but i still do that with my eyeliner lol

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Guest ovaltinejenkins

umm. this thread kind of made me laugh :D

anyway, yeah, what others have been saying;; it's genetic.

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Guest tashaisasian

I'm not sure what you're talking about exactly, but from the looks of it - maybe you can go with a cat-eye/winged liner?

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Guest Linh_Linh

hmmm your eyes might be too round to somehow make them shaped like a rainbow. you either have to be born with that shape and accentuate it with eyeliner or at least have something similar to draw it into that shape.

i say give up on the idea especially since your eyes are big and gorgeous already. why can't ppl be happy with what they already have?

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