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Do You Wear Makeup Or Do You Prefer Not Wearing It?

Guest erika.march1993

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Guest pinkalicious

Hmm.. i prefer not to. i sound cheesy, but i think showing ur natural beauty is better then showing a pretty face that is just covered in make up.

Make up is necessarily for me on special occasions :)

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Guest teephanie

Sometimes I think make-up is necessary for work and stuff like in an office. It's almost apart of the work attire, going to work without makeup is kind of disrespectful in a sense lolss get me? Makeup for me is about everything except foundation. I woulddd put it on, cept I have oily skin and foundation on my type is skin is a lot of work to maintain throughout the day

Obviously I feel better without makeup but it makes me look less tired also =)

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Guest chibichi07

I try to avoid wearing makeup. The only time I'll put it on is when I have somewhere nice to go (aka special occasions). Even when I have to put it on I usually only use powder to take the shine from my face =/ For special occasions I'll be more willing and put on a small amount of lipstick and little eyeshadow. Nothing else. Overall I prefer not to wear any.

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Guest josebud

I wear make-up almost always and every day. When I am at home and not going nowhere, then it's nice to be without it. : D I look so pale without it :s Foundation, eyeliner and mascara are my every day products!

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Guest DarkDanger==

I prefer to not wear it, becus I tend to get upset when i take it off, bcus the sight of me wearing make-up is prettier than without it.. Soooo everytime i take it off.. i feel dissapointed.. *or something like that*.. even tho its only mascara and eyeliner... that's why i made a promiss with my myselff... that I would first appreciate how i look without make-up and when I'm at the point that i do that.. I want to start wearing make-up *may sound a bit toooo dramatic, but thats just how i feel like in my head *tht just makes me sounds like a crazy person xDLOL.

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Guest lovey43

I can go out places without wearing makeup, but I prefer to wear it because I look better with it basically.. but I guess it depends on my mood

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Guest xclueless

Of course I prefer NOT wearing it because sometimes I get lazy and taking it off is a such a hassle but I do wear it anyways. I look a lot better with make up and I don't have the greatest skin so when I do wear it it makes my skin appear like 10x better haha. I try not to do it everyday though just everytime I go out and every once in a while at school. My main products are foundation, concealer, and eyeliner.

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Guest xtiffanyx

I wear it unless I'm going somewhere like the lake or out in the woods. I don't like the idea of wearing nice clothes, shoes, accessories, etc. and leaving my face blank. Makeup completes the look in my opinion. Plus I love applying it and wearing different colors :).

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Guest fiveohfour

I had my friends put make up on me and they said I look really pretty with it on, and even my guy friends gave me a lot more attention (Amazing how much attention you get from changing your appearance. Shows how shallow people can be). But I prefer not to. I look meaner with make up on and besides I dont think I look bad without make up so why bother? And being the lazy person that I am I prefer to get sleep rather than wake up earlier to put on make up. Sleep is better for your skin anyway XD

If I really do look as good as my friends say I do with make up on, then why not just surprise people on special occasions instead of wearing it everyday and have people get used to it?

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Guest acquaintance

i only wear foundation and powder because i have terrible skin .

trust me , i'd rather go all natural , but i don't feel comfortable doing that .

kind of sucks , since my skin feels like it can't breathe when i have it on .

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Guest Charmingbestfriend96

I used to wear makeup in 7th grade - 8th grade everyday, foundation, eyeliner, mascara, eyeshadow but now im in 9th grade and i prefer the natural look :)

i put my hair in a bun, curl my eyelashes (i have naturally longeyelashes) and occasionly wear bb cream depending on how my skin is...but yeah i dont wear eyemakeup unless its for a special occasion and i feel MORE confident without makeup..like this is the real me not me under a crap load of makeup...i love getting home late and going to bed straight away without the need to take off my makeup kehe :lol:

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Guest meringue

I wear makeup, but only to make myself look more "awake".

I was born with dark undereye circles so I use makeup to cover them and make me look well-rested. I can sleep for 12 hours and still have dark undereye circles. They will never go away. I also use eyeliner to make my eyes seem a little bigger, adding to the "bright and awake" effect.

I don't use foundation or eyeshadow though. Those are very time-consuming to put on, and I have nice, clear skin so I have nothing to cover up. I would only apply eyeshadow for special occasions.

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Guest starlightt*

I only wear very light/minimal makeup (mascara, eyeliner, concealer & sometimes blush); but even then i think that's too much. I do agree that since my style tends to be a bit more on the slight semi-formal side it's a bit awkward having a blank face so I generally tend to wear makeup to make my face look more "awake/brighter". In the end, I'm confident enough to go out with just concealer on (concealer is a must because of my dark eye circles; what highschool has done to me =.=")

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