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+ sodatsu zassou +

Guest Sou

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i'm dead right now.
soundclick!! I posted 2 mixes in the soundclick because there's things i like in both of them. mine is a little more even and is, generally, louder but clips, a little, however david's is smoother. mine has more effects that i wanted, david's doesn't. <3 they're both good, so check them out. I really liked singing this song. there were some tongue twisters in there that were really fun to work out. ^^ It was really high energy and it turned out very well. 8D I hope you guys enjoy it, ne. It's rockish, but a bit more mainstream than some stuff i've posted. ;o; Comments and stuff are appreciated ne. <3<3 Enjoy~~!! here's the translation by the boys at centigrade-j :: the tragedy opens you can't live like a flower if you wanna make it you gotta make the big money pushed forward and onward like wandering sadly like tragically rushing through life growing weeds that forget what came before *1 feelin' like a stray dog never stop telling me I'm beautiful floating up like I'm falling this ain't the beginning or the end feelin' like a stray dog, I'm dead right now. the tragedy opens turn on the light with an 'I love you' how did you accept it? how did you allow it? and again we skirt the issue, and again it's the same flavor I'm completely at a loss, it's not going well at all I don't need any help feelin' like a stray dog when the time comes I'll know it with both eyes open wide I'll cast off this thick skin in order to rise again, to return to life feelin' like a stray dog I'm dead. I can throw it away, I can choose it, I can run away I can laugh, I can sleep, I can fly, I'm free, and yet not free in the least. growing weeds that forget what came before feelin' like a stray dog never stop telling me I'm beautiful floating up like I'm falling this ain't the beginning or the end feelin' like a stray dog, I'm dead right now. I don't need any help feelin' like a stray dog when the time comes I'll know it with both eyes open wide I'll cast off this thick skin in order to rise again, to return to life feelin' like a stray dog, I'm dead right now
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Guest onigiri_kun

wow~ you did such a great job! I love the mix you did yourself!

I love it some you roll your "r's: just like ringo

do you have like your own little music studio

or something? the sound quality is like flawless~

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hey sou i know u use the behringer mic, do u connect ur mic to the comp using a plughead adapter or do you use a lead that can be plugged directly into the comp?

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Guest fantasiimaker

Another one of my favorites from Onitsuka XD;

You make this sound more rockish than Onitsuka's version. A little more mainstream than usual, and it sounds good on you =) more of this please!

Though I wish you didn't clip so much XD and I think I heard a few lyrics errors, so you may want to check over that.

You don't need hmaster to mix for you <__<;;

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Guest conversebunny

amazingly rockish XDD I really love it!

both mixes are good, but I also liked the effects you put on yours better. :)

awesome job, can't wait to hear what you're posting next! ^^

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I think there IS a lyric error-- but it's really only one, and it was in the romaji i was using (the one from J-centigrade), and I was way too lazy to change it. +_+ if it's where i think it is, they wrote-- "kaseganakya naranai attouteki ni".

And I'm training David, you know. *laughs* The clips are my fault, since I need desperately to get a preamp cause I get really loud sometimes. *laughs* xDD

wenwen :: I use a f/m adapter that's pretty standard for music cables.

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Guest hmaster

your mix pwned mine...I played this through the school pA system to warm up the amp system and you did a better job than I did.

And I look forward to your webcomic of sorts...you MUST let me know when you hit project completion!

well I'm at school, cant' stay for long...ja, kaasan!

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Guest _MaJa_1234

^ woah.. Sou's kaasan? Ahh... thats really weird... since i'm going to be cosplaying as kadaj at an anime convention next year >.<

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I should've said this sooner but I watched Cirque Du Soleil this year, it's fantastic. XD

I love the music in your songs. I think I like guitars. I'm only listening to your mix for now, just because I'm lazy like that. Sorry hmaster ^^0

Aw, heck. I'm listening to hmaster's one now. His is clearer but I love the effects in yours. You sound awesome in both anyway.

I got nothing more to say. You are just so good. If you ever do a world tour or anything, make sure you come here to Perth (Western Australia) because I so want to go to your concert!

By the way, how do "r"s usually sound? I want to practise my pronounciation :P Though I want to roll em like you do, it sounds so cool xD

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Guest babiixru

tongue twisters, when mastered always sound greatttt. ^ agreed, i like the way you roll your r's =D. gooodnesss. i want your mic womann haha. i have no criticism <3 :wub:

do you have the instrumentals for hot stuff and trust you o.o? if so would you be so kind as to upload it for me if it's not a problem? =) ty ^^

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Guest animagelet

Sounds #@%$#^ Hott!!!! both versions do @_@ sounds flawless. your voice is so unpredictablee.. because it can seriously bend in whatever way you want it to. Insanity O.O!!! <3333

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animagelet :: *laughs* I don't think it's unpredictable so much as it is controlled, ne. <3<3<3 I'm glad you liked the song. ;o;

babiixru :: I made both those instrumentals myself, and they both sucked. >_@ Comparitively, anyways. Koda Kumi never cuts clean for me. Well. I think it did once, but that's it. >>; If you still want them, you can have them, though.

rai-rai :: Rs usually sound like a cross between an r and an l. like. It's a softer R sound than an english R. That's the best way I can put it. >>;; My Rs have gotten out of CONTROL since I've been listening to cali//gari constantly, and Shuuji Isshi's Rs are like BLING. *die* and aaaaaah cirque~~~ Which show? :D

Maja :: ahahaha. xDD I think it might be an inside joke. Even though I DO play Jenova in an FF7:AC RP. >>;;

David :: Never, ever, ever again, in the future, allow me to tell you that something you do blows. <3<3 ...not in reference to this mix. Btw. >>;;

Thank you all for listening~~!! <3<3 ^^

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I dunno XD Quidam?

It was awesome. Those people are amazing. Anyway, I got your mix on my iPod and I keep listening to it. I love those guitars :P

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Guest babiixru

sureee! i wouldn't mind. I HAVE A REQUEST. i was listening to this song and on the higher notes she reminded me of you since she has a simliar to tone to that of yours so i was wondering if you'd sing it =) and it has a rock edge so that's you style i know ^^ if you DO sing, i want to get first post rights :ninja: HEHE :D


and the instrumental:


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babiixru :: I already did dragon, but it's being released on asianize, so it's not out yet. xDDD It's gonna be on a mini album with internal bleeding strawberry, hontou ni gokurousan, kurumayasan, and infection. <3<3

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