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At Your Best, What Celebrity Do You Resemble?

Guest siyeon

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Guest iamcrazymike

I never understood this, but when Heroes was still new and popular people kept telling me I look like Hiro Nakamura/Masi Oka O_o.

Oh and a couple weeks ago I was told I look like the guy who made lolcats . . . granted I have no idea what he looks like . . .

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Guest youngforlife501

I've been told I look like Yoon Eun Hye (because of my buck teeth ㅠㅠ), Jang Seo Hee (because of my round face), Im Soo Jung (because of my plump lips), Goo Hye Sun (because of my hairstyle), and Kim So Eun (I don't know why :P).

this is me! :)




Personally, I don't think I look like any of them. haha

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Guest aliceee

Well this is definitely me at my VERY.VERY BEST since lighting/angles/makeup are all taken into consideration...


I want to say I look like someone but I never know who :(

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Guest hkukaudition

When i had my hair permed in HK the guy there said that i looked like Rainie Yang after having my hair done. That was a nice feeling - but i think i've kinda changed since then... Hai~ >_<

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Guest Ebikko

I think I resemble Kuroki Meisa quite a bit. We've got pretty much the same face shape, lips etc. My eyes/eyelids are a bit bigger and my nose is rounder though.


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Guest PROshinigami

Hmm from what I can remember...

My favorite compliment is being told "I saw this band in Metal Hammer, and the girl in it looks like you (plus heavy as makeup)" and that girl was Doris Yeh from Chthonic.. but seriously, I WISH LOL.

I've also been told "You have chubby cheeks like Sooyoung" from SNSD. HA.

...myheritage doesn't work for me even when i downloaded the toolbar.. just fails = =

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Guest GoongLOVExx

A few people have told me Anna Paquin, but I don't really feel like I look like her...maybe because we both have a gap in out teeth haha.

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Guest loveutomorrow

People always tell me that I look like Tiffany from SNSD (especially when I crimp my hair...but I think my face is more round than hers ><

Also, my friend used to look EXACTLY like Sunny in this pic: sunnygain_20091112.jpg

except, Sunny looks pretty different now, my friend still kinda looks like that only a big older and mature xD she's not into Korean music/celebs at all, but when I showed her the picture, she was like "OMG we're twins!" lols :)

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Guest dorkafied!

I think at my best or how I normally look like I would look like Park Bo ram

whenever they see a picture of her, they tell me that I really look like her XD

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Guest Honey__

The comments depend on the haircut, but honestly, I think the only person I bear even a little resemblance to is LYF... maybe BoA, but that's pushing it.

Over the past six years (in order)? Gong Li, BoA (back in the day), Kim So Eun, Seohyun and Liu Yi Fei.

.... I have a friend who looks really similar to Goo Hye Sun (except I think my friend's smile is prettier ^-^ kk).

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Guest leelee.

I overhead some idiotsignorant freshmen at school saying that I looked like the dead girl from The Grudge. OTL

And these kids were standing right in front of me in the cafeteria line. They were the type of people that assumed all Asians were Chinese (which I'm not). *sigh*

Other than that, I don't think I look like any celebrities -- unless you count grudge girl as a celeb. :lol:

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Guest sunni-ku

personally, i think im a caucasian Nicole Jung. For looks, we both look better with shorter hair than long hair. The difference is the face shape..

otherwise, i really don't know! But i can really relate to personality. I'm Taeyon/Sunny when im happy (SNSD), and the mature Tiffany when i'm more serious. But all around, for personality and looks, Nicole Jung.

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Guest MeriendaTime

I have gotten loads and loads of people saying I resemble Miley Cyrus. Some people say they don't see it all. I don't see it either!

Not that I think she's ugly, but there's just something about resembling a teeny bopper idol that just saddens me.


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