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Edison Chen Breaks His Silence

Guest Tonyc402

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Guest c a t h e r s

^ that's really scary.

i really feel sorry for him. i also hope that everything he says is true...

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Guest Atmosphere.

But still, it was his fault, his mistake for doing what he did.

I don't hate him for his mistakes because everyone even me make mistakes.

I once posted up a strip tease for my boyfriend video, with almost my boob showing.

And somehow, one of my friend took the video and showed it to my ex-boyfriends.

I learned my lesson on not to post ANY VIDEOS of me like that again!! Even pictures!!

So yeah... I'm just saying, this is what he gets for what he had done. I get that he is upset,

but his fans are even more upset of what he did. Of how he was. I get that he's trying his best

to look like an innocent image again, but what he has done, will never be forgotten, cause I'm sure

those pictures are saved on someone's computer and IT WILL SOMEDAY show up again and remind

Edison Chen's fans. Even for Vanessa Hudgens, when her naked photos got leaked. Most people

can't accept her because she lost her innocent image, cause that's what she gets, it's her mistake.

Same for me, it was my mistake, I should be getting over it, just deal with it, stay strong with it.

Maybe Edison is staying strong, but he should stop making it look like everyone should forgive him

so easily for what he had done. I'm sure there's crazy girls who fell in love with Edison Chen even though

they never met him in person or get to be actual friends before. And stop making presses like "Back when

I was a teenager" Seriously enough of the excuses. What you have done, is done. It's like whatever happened

in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Whatever happened in Hong Kong, stays in Hong Kong. Whatever happened with

Edison Chen, stays in his Fan's hearts. I'm not against of what he did, he just wanted to have fun because he loves

girls. And he just wanted to experience, but people took it the wrong way saying he's addicted to sex blah blah.

Cause people are just rude sometimes. What people should do is just leave him be. If he's like that, let him be.

He's a human too. He didn't go off killing people in the first place.

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Guest Untouchable_M

^ I agree with you. I still believe if it wasnt his idea for taking photos the girls wouldnt have done it. Yes, they all did it willingly and none of them denied this.

He has a really good PR team around him, all props to them. Good choice to chose CNN a lot of people watch it.

Hope he's proud for bringing the whole situation up again ONE year later, esp. when Gillian is trying to make a comeback.

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Guest nana544

I wish him good luck and best wishes.Honestly, I believe that it wasn't his entire fault. All the girls knew what they were getting into.

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Guest yumoreo5

WTH? You guys found this interview good? It was blah, his English is so limited and simple, he didn't say anything that made me sympathize with him. Yes, he's still a creep for taking so many photos of his and other's private parts.

I think the whole blame on Edison began when he took off running overseas while the media and bashers hounded on the ladies. I don't buy the story of him not being able to apologize earlier because he couldn't find them and didn't know what to say...that's BS! Cecilia and Gillian mentioned that they did call him BUT he ignored them. And is the word "sorry" so hard to say? Even till now, he has never called them up to apologize, only through the media, which makes no sense and is so insincere!

Yeah, yeah, the ladies consented to the photos but so, it was his computer?? Yes, he is blamed for being careless. Saying sorry would have sufficed but he didn't do that, he still hasn't personally done that. :rolleyes: And no, Edison isn't that important for the ladies to hate him. If anything, Gillian has always had a soft spot for him and Cecilia, well, like she said, everyone has moved on.

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Guest nxtlvl

Edison seems like he's grown up a lot. Hopefully this experience, albeit not a good one, will be a good life lesson for him.

I watched the video, however, it sounds like a lame sob story. I wish he could step up to the plate and be more 'man' about it.

For those who think that Edison's a creep and disrespectful to the female 'victims'...why is it that he is at fault if they [probably] did it willingly? And that's assumed because if he took those photos without the others' consents, the women would have lashed out and defended their own justice. So it does the media no good to ignorantly blame him for this incident.

And what's this talk about triads going after him? It sounds pretty bizarre.

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Guest babystar*

all i know is that, if he was in AMERICA, he would be the next big thing. he would b like an octomom

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Guest tea-light

I do feel sorry for this guy. It wasn't like he wanted these pictures to be put out in public. I don't really see what he did wrong anyway. So he took a bunch of sexual pictures with his gfs and other celebrities. So what? It's not illegal and c'mon, he's a guy. Some guys just do that weird stuff. Seeing his career get ruined in front of television/media just sickens me. I personally don't like Edison Chen, since I never thought he was a good actor/singer, but I would never wish for something like this to happen to him. His career is ruined, he can barely walk outside without being looked or judged at negatively, and his life just sucks right now.

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I think he didn't have to give this interview... but I guess he just needs to get this off his chest... I don't hate him or what ever... I still love this guy very much... the public really don't know what is going on and they only know what the media wants them to know... this whole sex scandal was blown out of proportion... #1 rule, don't take any sex pictures or video them. Good luck to him and I hope everyone learn from this.

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Guest 0oyokisuo0

I do agree with this, his speech is terrible for 30 years old! :huh:

you are kidding me. most of americans talk worse than that at age 30.....

and he has been in hongkong for most of his life.

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Guest Myss Blewm

He went to high school with my friend's brother in BC, Canada. :lol: WTF are you people talking about Edison not knowing English well? Hahahahahahaha. He just likes to talk like a "bro".

Well, I do feel bad for Edison for having his private photos released like that. Those were extremely private photos and I'm sure he never intended to have any of the photos distributed the way they were. He shouldn't have gotten the kind of bad attention that he received.

On the other hand, I can see why the photos sent everyone running scared. Edison isn't really a huge "role model" but a lot of people in the youth culture liked him. To know that he has a kink for photography in the bedroom isn't something he could sell to the kids.

I think people should just let it go. Pam Anderson and Tommy Lee survived a sex tape scandal, Edison will survive through this. The entertainment industry tends to be forgiving. If not in China, he can always ask to be in a Fast and Furious movie.

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Guest Bo Ryeong

I totally agree. It really wasnt Edisons fault that someone stole the pictures from him. I mean ethically, a computer tech guy isnt suppose to go through your stuff. But i guess privacy doesnt exist anywhere in the world. The girls only have themselves to blame because its not like they were drunk taking the pictures. LAME. society needs to get over it. So what if he's a playboy? he's been that since day one he came out. PEOPLE KNEW THAT....but the girls still chose to be with him, the girls still let him take the pictures

i agree too... i belive edison is x de oni 1 who practices on taking sex photo and stuff... maybe cuz he's a celeb so its a big hoohah which explain why people invaded his privacy causes such a big deal... but come the girls involve too... its a mutual business plus i agree, didn't de girls realize when flashes and camera straight up to their face?? jus bcuz there's oni 1 guy and many girls involve in this scandal, av1 put the blame on him... try to picture oni 1 female celeb who involve with lots of guy celeb for de similar scandal.. how would de public justify it? who is to blame? dey r all adults... its totally a mutual thing... de photo should not leak other than that is just plain human behavior... i never like edison or any of the female celeb involve but recently me and my fren debating over this issue and this is just my 2 cents... -peace-

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Guest ninyaah

I still don't understand why Edison is still the main blame for this whole controversy. The celebrity girls were in it too, they knew what was happening. They knew that they were being photographed, it was out of their stupidity to let it happen and when it got to the public all they can do is cry and place the blame on him. What a shame.

Agreed. I haven't watched the interview yet, but reading the comments -- I'm glad he owned up to his mistakes. The one who leaked the photos is the one who's to blame. I'm not saying Edison is innocent; it's just that this incident has been unfair for him, while the girls who were apart of the scandals were the ones considered victims.

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Guest sundae

Why does everyone forget that he shouldn't have had 1000s of naked photos of past flings and girlfriends in the first place? I mean how disrespectful is that to his present girlfriend. This is different from having porn on his computer, he was actually with these people, they weren't his fantasies. He should be sorry, if not to the public, but to his present girlfriend.

Not to mention, he claims he deleted the pictures but how would the computer guy know to search for these "deleted" pictures if he didn't know they existed in the first place when he got the order to fix the computer. I bet he just put them in the Recycling bin and didn't permanently delete them. If that's true then it is his fault for not properly handling them. I mean if he had these pictures on his cell and he lost it then people would blame him for being careless. Not properly storing them is the same thing.

Still, this whole thing has been blown out of proportion. What they did in the bedroom is pretty common and none of the public's business. It's just very unfortunate that they're all public figures so the public think they have the right to judge.

well he was with them. as he said the girls consented. So its not all his fault...so what if he had 1000+ he's a GUY!!!! and the computer guy didnt know what he was looking for...he just happened to recover the hard drive since the laptop crashed and found all the pictures. Deleted things are never deleted permanently. There always in your hard drive somewhere.

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Guest ZooniQ

Why does everyone forget that he shouldn't have had 1000s of naked photos of past flings and girlfriends in the first place? I mean how disrespectful is that to his present girlfriend. This is different from having porn on his computer, he was actually with these people, they weren't his fantasies. He should be sorry, if not to the public, but to his present girlfriend.

Not to mention, he claims he deleted the pictures but how would the computer guy know to search for these "deleted" pictures if he didn't know they existed in the first place when he got the order to fix the computer. I bet he just put them in the Recycling bin and didn't permanently delete them. If that's true then it is his fault for not properly handling them. I mean if he had these pictures on his cell and he lost it then people would blame him for being careless. Not properly storing them is the same thing.

Still, this whole thing has been blown out of proportion. What they did in the bedroom is pretty common and none of the public's business. It's just very unfortunate that they're all public figures so the public think they have the right to judge.

Did you watch the interview?? Because he clearly says he not only deleted them, he EMPTIED his recycle bin. The techie who stole the pics COPIED his hard drive and RETRIEVED the pics (and presumably other content that isn't quite as salacious).

And there's NO ONE to blame here, other than the guy who leaked the photos. Not the women and certainly not Edison. It was a consensual act between adults in their private time. Might not be everyone's cup of tea but that doesn't make it wrong. They really shouldn't have had to suffer for that.

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Guest Uchiha_Hai

WTH? You guys found this interview good? It was blah, his English is so limited and simple, he didn't say anything that made me sympathize with him. Yes, he's still a creep for taking so many photos of his and other's private parts.

I think the whole blame on Edison began when he took off running overseas while the media and bashers hounded on the ladies. I don't buy the story of him not being able to apologize earlier because he couldn't find them and didn't know what to say...that's BS! Cecilia and Gillian mentioned that they did call him BUT he ignored them. And is the word "sorry" so hard to say? Even till now, he has never called them up to apologize, only through the media, which makes no sense and is so insincere!

Yeah, yeah, the ladies consented to the photos but so, it was his computer?? Yes, he is blamed for being careless. Saying sorry would have sufficed but he didn't do that, he still hasn't personally done that. :rolleyes: And no, Edison isn't that important for the ladies to hate him. If anything, Gillian has always had a soft spot for him and Cecilia, well, like she said, everyone has moved on.

Maybe he just is just being himself and saying whatever that is on his mind? I know lots of educated people who may talk regular or in your words "terrible" but sound like Stephen King on paper.

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Guest FusionGT2

All I can say is that the main person to be blamed is the person who leaked the photos. It's just such a major violation of privacy in its most intimate form, as well as crude disregard for the people involved.

thats my thoughts exactly!! I dont understand why the public freaked out so much about it. Please..its just sex and everybody does it. What a person does on their own personal time is their choice. It's not like Edison intentionally threw those pictures out in public. It was LEAKED! So seeing how the public reacted to this is amazing. Seriously now.. what exactly is he being punished for? Just cuz hes a celeb doesnt mean he cant have the right to have sex and do whatever else he wants in the privacy of his own place. The main point is, those pictures were never meant to be seen by anyone but his own eyes.

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