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Edison Chen Breaks His Silence

Guest Tonyc402

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Guest 0oyokisuo0

Sad thing is, privacy isn't protected in China, at least I don't think so.

Really. :huh:

I'm pretty sure that isn't true. Privacy rights have been available to Chinese citizens under the Constitution and other legal regulations since the 1980's. Things have only improved since then and are continuing to improve as time goes on.

hm he's from hongkong. they have different set of laws - which means the citizens have more privacy protection than mainland china.

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Guest loves_T

Is the gf he's referring to Vincy? What's her background?

She's EEG founder's niece. The company that Edison is signed with I think.

I don't think he is to blame. I can't understand why the public made such a big deal of it, yeah okay at first everyone might be shocked about the leaked pictures but to blame everything on Edison is a bit too much. I can see why the girls involved are angry at him but they aren't the only ones going through all of this.

He probably didn't handle the situation in the best way, by running off like that. But come on, he has come out now and had this interview. It's better now then never.

I believe him when he said he deleted the photos and didn't know they could be retrieved. I had no idea this could be done either until 3 weeks ago when I accidently deleted my essay for school, I told a computer technician about it and he ended up getting it back. Like a whole heap of things. I have had my computer reformatted around 4 times and he even got some of those things back. I was so shocked that this could happen.

I feel sorry for everyone involved in this scandal.

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IMO I feel sorry for him, because it was the guy's fault for accessing Edison's stuff. It's not like Edison published them for the world to see. It's his business with what he wants to do. It was private, and then a guy had to steal them and show everyone. The guy should be the one to blame, not Edison.

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Guest mekka

I still don't understand why Edison is still the main blame for this whole controversy. The celebrity girls were in it too, they knew what was happening. They knew that they were being photographed, it was out of their stupidity to let it happen and when it got to the public all they can do is cry and place the blame on him. What a shame.

Cheeeers to you Lovee! they all blamed edison but they participated in the act, they were not drugged they wanted it, so they should be the last to talk and just shut their traps. He shouls say nothing from here on it, he has cleared up what was done to him, he was defrauded. These girl need to cover up their shame, its shame on them....

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Guest grapefruitpeel

I really do feel bad for him...

It's the girl's fault as much as his to have taken those pictures anyway, and he's not being portrayed as a victim of invasion of privacy as well..

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Guest Saiyu

He deserves to be back in HK now after more than a year of hiding. The death threat is so creepy.... I hope nothing happens to him. Like Loveee and mekka, I agree that the blame has been all pushed onto Edison when his female partners were equally irresponsible. Edison was the poor scapegoat in this entire mess.

Edison Chen was one of my favorite HK stars. I still think he's cute, but the sex scandal made me lose respect towards him. :( I'm happy to see him in this news clip; it's been such a long time not seeing him. Hopefully things have calmed down in HK.

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Guest hoistdacolors

didn't read through the whole thread. maybe this was already answered. the reason he's getting death threats is probably because the ladies that were involved in the scandal are all back by triads. the hk entertainment business is quiet a dark place. some sleep with producers, some are backed by big triad bosses to get famous. Even if they didn't sleep with anyone, their agency companies might be heavily invested by the triads. So in a sense, starlets are a kind of investments. Edison's pictures ruined the careers of many people and many "investments".

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Guest Aesthetic_Chinese

I really hope Edison gets a second chance. I mean yeah what he did was wrong, but he isn't the main victim. I think whats done in the past, is in the past. They shouldn't dwell over this, it should just be forgotten, it shouldn't be forgiven, but forgotten.

Good luck to Edison

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  • 3 months later...
Guest NEEKA902

After seeing the interview and thinking about it, I definitely don't think that Edison should be blamed for this whole scandal. He took those pictures with the consent of all the girls and its not like he put a gun to their head forcing them to take the pictures. The person to blame is the computer technician, he was invading personal space..you don't just copy someones hard drive. IMO they were targeting him! The girls that were involved in the scandal are definitely backed by triads, so I think he should still watch out. I mean..people are still out to get him. It makes me feel sick to see the girls cry and blame him for everything.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Flicksityy

His photos, his choice. Pu.ssy girls were in it, their choice. Repair shop chose to disrespect their client's privately, not his choice.

Just who is being professional here? Paris Hilton is famous for her sex videos, no one went crazy and blamed her. Why is Edison being blamed? Because he's Asian, unfortunately Asians are the most nosiest and exaggerating figures on earth. They strive for purity, for face, because we are taught to be clean and obedient as children. And unfortunately for him, one of Asian's most nosiest and exaggerating crew took advantage of this; the Hong Kong tabloids.

Those girls crawled into his bed. They were the ones who were attracted to his money and looks. They were the ones who wanted a piece of his western culture.

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Guest I_broke_a_nail!

"I don't take those pictures anymore. And actually I cease to take those pictures for quite a long time."

LOL Edison is hilarious. He's not even saying that he's NEVER going to take it. Just that, for now, he won't be taking them...

"I was in my first serious relationship at that time. It was the first time. I was ... in love."

Is this the same girl he's with now? Is it Vincy?

Never mind, he commented that he's still with her.

Such a sweet girl. She really doesn't judge him.

Well I know that Vincy's family is known to be in the Triads.

Some wanted to kill Edison whereas some wanted to protect Edison.

Wow, I forgot all about this.

"I thought that when you put the pictures in the trash bin and you empty it... it goes **insert noise**... that it is gone ... FOREVER. But its not..."

HAHAH I agree.

Now we all know =O

"I have to say... it was mutual. Those pictures taken were ALL consensual."

WORD. Finally he said it.

It's those dumb girls fault to have taken the pictures in the beginning.


- Edison is either extremely honest or an incredible actor. But we all know his acting isn't the best.

- The way he talks, he's really down to Earth. The way he described how he felt when he first found out that the pictures were on the internet was... so realistic.

- Edison is still.... hot as hell lolol

- I wasn't siding with him actually. But I really do think he is a victim and he is at fault at the same time.

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Guest Dulce de Leche

Why are some of you guys speaking about these people like you personally know them... weird. What if he actually did try to apologize to them but maybe the girls are ignoring him and lying that he didn't? Or vice versa, maybe he's ignoring them and hasn't actually got around to apologizing. Who knows? We will never know. Anyway, my opinion is that I think most of the blame should be put on the guy who retrieved the pictures. It's not like Chen purposely exposed them. Why does Edison need to apologize to those girls, it's not his fault that the deleted pictures happen to expose them. It's not his fault that they actually let him take those kind of pictures, heck, they could have refused. My point is, he didn't even try to make this happen, it's just so sad of what's happening. I can't believe he's even getting death threats from those "triads" (never heard of triads), they act like he intended for this to happen.

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Guest chao vivi

i'm surprised his current gf stuck with him.

even if she known about it before it happened.

if i dated a guy who had a fetish like that, it'll be a big no-no.

he reminds me of my ex bf o.O physically and mentally.

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Guest i n c _ m p l e t e

Ladies, now, now, here I am talking about Edison and here you guys are attacking me? This is about Edison, not me, so stay on topic! :rolleyes::lol: This is how threads get closed down, some fans just can't take criticism against their idols. :rolleyes: You can defend your idol but please, no attacks. :lol:

Well, it's certainly been a while since I've come by, but I should clear up the fact that no one made any sort of personal attack towards you - merely pointed out the irony/hypocrisy in your criticism of Edison, which I think is fair.

Edison is, by no means, someone that I idolise or admire and I find it amusing that to some people, anyone who could possibly be neutral or empathetic towards him is instantly labelled a rabid fangirl fighting to the death for his honour.

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Guest nana544

I watched all three parts and I believe Edison was being honest and truthful toward the whole thing. It sucks that the photos were leaked without Edison's permission, and even worse on the internet. However, I believe it was all mutual by Edison and the girls...so I don't blame them for doing what they done in the photos, therefore the person who is to blame is the person fixing Edison's computer....the person was being noisy just because Edison is in the public eye. The person who leaked the photos is to be blame....if it wasn't for him then all these photos can never be seen in the public...also, it's unfortunate that the girls and Edison are being put on the spotlight when it really should have been the person who's fixing Edison's computer...I hope the media and everyone who used to like them or is still can forgive them although it's normal to do stuff like that because they are only human after all....

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Guest mz simmonz

wow I totally forgot about this scandal until seeing this thread.

I also feel bad for Edison..he's so young yet he looks like he aged years since the controversy broke out.

While I don't think he's totally innocent (1300 photos?? dang boy!) I feel like he should be forgiven already..he's publicly apologized countless of times..you can tell he felt (and still feels) extremely ashamed and sorry..I don't think the photo/sex scandal should ruin his entire livelihood.

Even my mother says it's a shame that he gets the crap end of the stick..I mean, it's not like he secretly filmed the girls he was having sex with..HELLO! anybody who saw the pictures can see the girls posing for the pics, sometimes even smirking into the camera with Edison..the girls got publicly humiliated, sure, but they were able to live on..unlike Edison who pretty much got threatened and exiled out of HK..well I guess it's just a cultural thing..in the U.S. sex scandals are the stuff that rockets D-list celebs to stardom haha.

When I saw that clip of Cecilia Cheung's interview, I wanted to slap her..she does have a right to voice her opinion and be angry but I have to shake my head at that woman..she knowingly posed for those pictures...it's not his complete responsibility to do damage control..just another insincere damsel in distress who can't fully own up to her scandalous acts. :rolleyes:

hope in time, Edison will be accepted again into HK media. He's no saint but there are guys who've done way, way worse.

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