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Wilfred Laurier University

Guest jybaby

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My friend is going here for business this September. She needed a credit card to apply for residence, and guess who had to cover it for her D:

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Well I want courses that interest me yet i want them to be somewhat easy (i am SO picky T__T) anyways this is what i have so far. opionions?

- communication studies CS100*

- global studies GS101*

- political science PO110*

* are these courses hard? i went on rate my profs to get a taste of what the teachers would be like and the class but all the reviews were SO mixed.

- cp102

- re103

+ the 5 mandatory bba courses (i chose ma129...but i'm still very unsure if i should continue taking math or not and select the other math courses. i'm scared i'll need it in the future)

do you guys think it'll be easier to take econ all in one lecture or 3 lectures/week

I also want to take english but is it tons of readings and essays? In other words, time consuming?

concerning res: haha! well the only reason i wouldn't want mac is because there's only one bathroom on each floor i think. i seriously have MAJOR issues with sharing personal things like washroom, especially with people i'm not close with. if it's just one person i could probably handle it. i hope i'm not coming off as spoiled or anything!! it's kind of like how people are scared of heights/small spaces etc. I also liked waterloo college hall but i heard it went on fire or something? I wonder if it's going to be fixed by september... =S

anyone want to sell me textbooks? or know a good place for cheap used ones?

thanks so much guys!! i can't wait til one year from now when a new soompier comes into this thread and i'll be answering the questions :rolleyes::P;)

From all those courses listed, I'd definitely say that they're ALL easy =) haha! I took CP102 and RE103 personally and omg.... it's an easy A- or higher even without going to class and stuff O_o

I think communication studies would be easy and my best friend took global studies and she says it's all common sense o_O i think she got an A in that course so no worries =) I don't know about political science though... >_>

I would suggest taking econ twice a week? When I took it, it was on tues and thurs each week >_> but I can't personally take a week's worth of learning in ONE class... especially for econ since it's so boring and I fell asleep SO many times in that course >=( lol!

English has a lot of essays and stuff...... says one of my close friends lol XP he didn't do too well and he thought it'd be easy... >_> but then again, his english isn't the best so I don't really trust his opinion o_O he's also not a very hard worker....

I'm willing to sell textbooks! =) I'm pretty sure the editions haven't changed..... so if anyone needs year 1 or year 2 textbooks let me know ^^

on one of the letters from laurier it said that 'Only students obtaining scores of 70% or better on the Evaluation (CPPE) are eligible to register in MA103( calc1), MA110 or MA 129'.i thought that was weird. I got accepted into their Economics, but i'm thinking of switching into BBA during year 2. So i'd have to take the first year BBA courses right? Most of them are similar anyway. I'm so worried! Also, I am already taking calculus in gr.12 but i'm worried about taking calculus 1 and doing poorly.

Well when I was choosing which MA to take.... the test results were really just an indicator of what they RECOMMEND You take? o_O I didn't take it seriously and I don't even think I took it to be honest LOL! it's whatever you THINK you should take =) I took MA130, but I honestly wish I took MA103 since it was SO bs that course and the first half was literally identical to high school's calc course o_O blah!

My best friend actually majored in Econ her first year ^^'' she didn't like it AT AL and then applied for BBA second year =P She GOT IN!! ^O^ and honestly, she said it wasn't hard AT ALL.... she just took all the same courses I did (except in electives) and she got higher if not, the SAME as me and she was accepted =) I think it's also cuz A LOT of BBA's actually fail out of first year... in my year, there were about 900 BBA students O_O and about 300 of them left or failed out >_> so 600 BBA students in second year... with less then half in coop =P



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Guest killmysmile

Well when I was choosing which MA to take.... the test results were really just an indicator of what they RECOMMEND You take? o_O I didn't take it seriously and I don't even think I took it to be honest LOL! it's whatever you THINK you should take =) I took MA130, but I honestly wish I took MA103 since it was SO bs that course and the first half was literally identical to high school's calc course o_O blah!

My best friend actually majored in Econ her first year ^^'' she didn't like it AT AL and then applied for BBA second year =P She GOT IN!! ^O^ and honestly, she said it wasn't hard AT ALL.... she just took all the same courses I did (except in electives) and she got higher if not, the SAME as me and she was accepted =) I think it's also cuz A LOT of BBA's actually fail out of first year... in my year, there were about 900 BBA students O_O and about 300 of them left or failed out >_> so 600 BBA students in second year... with less then half in coop =P



Yeah I didn't take the test seriously. Then I saw the 70% thing and I basically had a heart attack. I'm hoping that it still allows me to take MA103 haha. It wasn't hard to get into BBA? That's awesome! I know i'll have to work hard though. Thanks a lot for the help. I remember I googled something about Laurier and Soompi showed up so I just had to check this out.

Thanks a lot!

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Guest busagiboo

LOL! for a "small" school, there's still a lot of people you don't see =P I also live off campus so it's harder to bump into people.... since I only come for class >_> nothing really to do on campus

Coop is great =) I love it! I think their system is kinda flawed? and it's a work-in-progress, but the coordinators really work hard to make sure you're comfortable and know what you're doing and stuff ^^ they send emails all the time to update you on important dates and stuff... and especially cuz the economy is so bad and it's SO HARD to find jobs now, they try extra hard to help you find one ^^

I'm currently working at Imperial Oil/Exxonmobil for their HR - Payroll department. I actually was hoping to get into a CA firm (cuz I'm going into accounting lol =P) but I couldn't land an interview with them so that's sad =( but besides that... when I had other interviews lined up, it wasn't too bad.

My actual interview with the coop center was actually really short and easy I think? They asked really typical questions lol! and none of that "What are your weaknesses?" kinda of questions =P they asked questions that reinforce what you wrote on your resume like "What was your favourite place to work and why?" or "What are 3 strengths you have?" and stuff like that.... it wasn't hard =)

You already applied for coop? Well I don't think they base your acceptance SOLELY on your resume... honestly I didn't think mine was too smooth =S but it's based on like.... your grades, resume, your interview, your extracurriculars (school involvement -__-'), volunteer and like a few others. If you need help on it let me know =) I can't promise that I'll make a difference but I never really asked upper years or have older siblings to spam questions with so I think it helps haha =P

Haha, I don't think I'll be going on campus all too often next year since my place is a 7-10 minute walk from the campus. -___-;;

Oh ok, I thought they would pick apart the resume or ask hard questions. Good to know! But is it true that you need to have work experience? Because I don't exactly have any work experience. o.o

Yeah, I applied right when the "application" was made available. I just had to click a button... If you don't mind me asking, what extracurriculars did you have? I'm worried I didn't do enough during first year. =S

I would suggest taking econ twice a week? When I took it, it was on tues and thurs each week >_> but I can't personally take a week's worth of learning in ONE class... especially for econ since it's so boring and I fell asleep SO many times in that course >=( lol!

Like TM said, take econ twice a week! It's already boring enough taking it twice a week, don't torture yourself by taking it for three hours at a time. I took it twice a week and I was lucky enough to have a bunch of my friends and my roommate in my class so we could goof off.

I'm willing to sell textbooks! =) I'm pretty sure the editions haven't changed..... so if anyone needs year 1 or year 2 textbooks let me know ^^

I know for sure the business textbook changed because my friend (who's also in second year co-op!) was complaining this past year about how they changed the editions after your first year. But, I think the econ books will probably be the same.

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Haha, I don't think I'll be going on campus all too often next year since my place is a 7-10 minute walk from the campus. -___-;;

Oh ok, I thought they would pick apart the resume or ask hard questions. Good to know! But is it true that you need to have work experience? Because I don't exactly have any work experience. o.o

Yeah, I applied right when the "application" was made available. I just had to click a button... If you don't mind me asking, what extracurriculars did you have? I'm worried I didn't do enough during first year. =S

Like TM said, take econ twice a week! It's already boring enough taking it twice a week, don't torture yourself by taking it for three hours at a time. I took it twice a week and I was lucky enough to have a bunch of my friends and my roommate in my class so we could goof off.

I know for sure the business textbook changed because my friend (who's also in second year co-op!) was complaining this past year about how they changed the editions after your first year. But, I think the econ books will probably be the same.

Ok like in all seriousness, I don't know where people are getting all these rumours from o_O before I applied for co-op, I was also REALLY nervous, but from what I've experienced... they're not as strict as I thought when handing out acceptances into coop =)

I had work experience but it was barely anything LOL! I've worked at Home Outfitters, Shoppers and I did data entry for 4 months after first year >_> it wasn't exactly "office experience" and I actually only did it for something to do during the summer =P and the people evaluating you know that so you don't have to bs about it...

If you have like NO work experience or no experience in a working environment, that might be hard to bs lol =P but I'm sure if you have ANYTHING legitimate to talk about, it's fine

Haha! I was really worried about my extracirrculars too O_O Actually in all honesty, I did next to nothing ahaha! I did the notetaking thing and that's about it? o_O But they're willing to look at things you did in high school too ^^ So I added a bunch of stuff I did in gr. 12 (which THANK GOD! was actually quite a bit ^^) so I filled up 2 pages for my resume

About the textbook thing, I know they change the manuals every year and all the course packs and stuff... but I doubt they'd change the actual text? We'll see when everyone's buying books next year haha!



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  • 1 month later...
Guest jybaby

school's approaching! i'm super nervous...

i'm in waterloo college hall/single.

should i sign up for oweek? it looks like a lot of partying? i signed up for the business admin orientation though (the one day event).

can anyone give me some insight: KS100 with Gregory Cameron VS SY101 with Marcela Cristi

both seem like boring courses but there's really nothing else to sign up for right now =T KS100 is a better time slot though...

i hate how our booklist comes out so late!! every school has gotten theirs already :(

if anyone took these last year let me know. msg you once booklist comes out





KS100 or SY101 (undecided)

i guess my timetable turned out alright. the only thing is that i have to take math in second semester which i've heard is harder. i had the option of doing it first semester but i read the prof for that class was horrible on ratemyprofessors + i'd have to give up two classes that i really wanted. thought it wasn't worth it.

is everyyonnee readyy???? lolol

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Guest busagiboo

school's approaching! i'm super nervous...

i'm in waterloo college hall/single.

should i sign up for oweek? it looks like a lot of partying? i signed up for the business admin orientation though (the one day event).

can anyone give me some insight: KS100 with Gregory Cameron VS SY101 with Marcela Cristi

both seem like boring courses but there's really nothing else to sign up for right now =T KS100 is a better time slot though...

i hate how our booklist comes out so late!! every school has gotten theirs already :(

if anyone took these last year let me know. msg you once booklist comes out





KS100 or SY101 (undecided)

i guess my timetable turned out alright. the only thing is that i have to take math in second semester which i've heard is harder. i had the option of doing it first semester but i read the prof for that class was horrible on ratemyprofessors + i'd have to give up two classes that i really wanted. thought it wasn't worth it.

is everyyonnee readyy???? lolol

I signed up for O-Week and everything, but I didn't go to all the events, mainly because by the third day I hung out with my roommate for the rest of the week. To me, it wasn't worth my (parents') money because I didn't go to everything. However, I regretted not signing up for O-Day. O-Day should be pretty good since you'll meet other people in your program and stuff.

What's KS100? Haha. SY101 isn't too bad; it can be a relatively easy course to take. I'd rather take SY101, though. =) But I don't know anything about the profs. :sweatingbullets:

Are you taking RE103 DE? I can't remember. I have two friends who just took that course this summer, so they might have books that you need!

And I can sell you my BU111/121 and EC120/140 books if they're the same editions. Hopefully they are!! But I can't sell you the BU111 lab manual 'cause I sold that to my roommate last year, haha.

I honestly can't wait to move back to Waterloo. So much freedom there. LOL. And I won't be sitting around at home being extremely lazy and unproductive. :P

Ok like in all seriousness, I don't know where people are getting all these rumours from o_O before I applied for co-op, I was also REALLY nervous, but from what I've experienced... they're not as strict as I thought when handing out acceptances into coop =)

I had work experience but it was barely anything LOL! I've worked at Home Outfitters, Shoppers and I did data entry for 4 months after first year >_> it wasn't exactly "office experience" and I actually only did it for something to do during the summer =P and the people evaluating you know that so you don't have to bs about it...

If you have like NO work experience or no experience in a working environment, that might be hard to bs lol =P but I'm sure if you have ANYTHING legitimate to talk about, it's fine

Haha! I was really worried about my extracirrculars too O_O Actually in all honesty, I did next to nothing ahaha! I did the notetaking thing and that's about it? o_O But they're willing to look at things you did in high school too ^^ So I added a bunch of stuff I did in gr. 12 (which THANK GOD! was actually quite a bit ^^) so I filled up 2 pages for my resume

About the textbook thing, I know they change the manuals every year and all the course packs and stuff... but I doubt they'd change the actual text? We'll see when everyone's buying books next year haha!



Oh ok, that makes me feel a lot better, then!! I guess I'll just have to fill it up with everything I did in grade 11&12. Haha.

What was the GPA cutoff for your year? I thought it was kind of high for this year: 7.7.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest jybaby

haha ^ i don't think i'm going to o-week then except for the business orientation

anyways this is my textbook list!!

i would prefer if it wasn't written in (or atleast too much)

offer me a pricee~


vicky i'm not taking re103 de so we don't need any material for that coursee~

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Guest busagiboo

haha ^ i don't think i'm going to o-week then except for the business orientation

anyways this is my textbook list!!

i would prefer if it wasn't written in (or atleast too much)

offer me a pricee~


vicky i'm not taking re103 de so we don't need any material for that coursee~

Awww... They completely changed the business textbook! That sucks...

I can sell you my econ books, since they're still the same edition. For micro, I could sell it to you for $50-60? But you'll have to go to the bookstore to purchase a code for myeconlab. I never used the myeconlab for micro because our quizzes weren't on that site, they were on WebCT.

For macro, I have my textbook and study guide (that hasn't even been opened -___-;;), but I'll have to see how much the bookstore's charging for those first. I can't remember how much I paid for mine. You'll also have to buy the myeconlab code from the store for this course, since I used mine and this course, they did the quizzes on this site and not on WebCT.

I haven't written or highlighted anything in any of the books, so they're all in pretty good condition. =)

~Tropical.Mists: Do you still have some of your textbooks? Do you think I could buy them off you if they're still the same editions and everything? =)

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