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[N.G] Kissed By You


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Guest phat mole

aawww SeungHoo has matured :) He's still a cutie but now he's a wise cuite haha

thanks for taking time to post in this fic!! We really do appreciate that you're taking time to post a chap~

and omgosh thanks for the PM aswell, there are like so many of us on the list :o


phat mole

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Guest ntts


Your story is rather cute, especially having Jungroo and SeungHoo. Little kids can brighten anyone's days. lol

And YuHwan and YeKyung, I can't wait until that awaited moment.

Heejoo and AeRim, what are they sociopaths.

And Jaeho and SeeDuk, forbidden love.


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Guest crazy for youu

Awesome, you updated!

I love Yekyung she's hella

different than other fic main girls(:

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Guest berry_x.2

thanks for the pm =D

seunghoo is wayy too cute xD

the father is pretty mean tho..

but he kinda switched to being nicer really fast o__o

thanks for the updatee x)

-berry <3

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Guest tainted.skies

xD Awww, how cute. SeungHoo stood up to his dad. I love how he`s so cute towards JungRoo. x]

Grr, his dad is like -strangles- haha. :< How can he hit his own son in front of his friends? D:

Thanks for the PM!<3

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Guest starnight131

ahhhh soo cuteeee.

i'm glad little boy stood up to the son of a bastar.d

our little seunghoon is allll grown up!

ahah. cant wait for the next chapterrrr!! !^^

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Guest cLuMsyGal

hey hey!!

new reader,kewl stuff u got there

very interesting =]

seung hoo is god damn cute!!!!

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Guest indelible_sin

aaaaaah!!! what a creul; cruel man

such an innocent cute lovable son

I WANT HIM AS MY SON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can i have hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim????????

hehehe >.> cruel wealthy people i tell you, CRUUUUUUUUUUEEEEEEL!!

I seriously want to adopt him! aigoooooo so intelligent and adorable!!

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credits to x.lovinglife


With a smile like that, I had to kneel down and give him a great big hug. He was growing up so quickly. It made me extremely happy to know I’d helped him grow stronger and become more dependent. Halmoni would’ve been glad.

That night, SeungHoo told his parents he would be staying with me and coming back when they sent for him. They agreed, though not without threatening me that if any harm came to him, they’d have my head for it.

Fair enough.

Kissed By You || 73

After I finally got SeungHoo home with me, we planned to celebrate. Of course, when we got home, YuHwan was awake. He blew all of our plans by telling me I had school tomorrow. I swear, the guy is like a freaking old man! Not my boyfriend, just an old man.

So the next morning, I had to leave JungRoo to celebrate with SeungHoo. I do hope they’re okay…she seemed to have a mischievous glint in her eyes.

School went by quick. I hardly even noticed walking into the cafeteria and sitting down. It seemed odd that everyone seemed to be watching me. I had a strange suspicion that something was going to go down.

“Well, if it isn’t the jealous little richard simmons,” HeeJoo said as she came to stand before me.

I stood my ground, my grip tightening on my backpack as I glared at her and AeRim. It really irks me that even after everything that has happened, we can’t hate each other from a distance instead of always fronting.

“Hey richard simmons,” I replied with a smirk. “Enjoying yourself?”

The twinkle of malice in her eyes started to really shine as she stepped forward, trying to make her steps intimidating. Let me tell you, she failed miserably.

“Guess who is out on the streets right now?”

I raised an eyebrow. “A lot of people. They do go out of their houses after all.”

She threw back her head and let out a laugh. I frowned. I wasn’t finding any of this amusing at all.

“Dear YeKyung, you’re too oblivious. Have you checked your cell phone all morning?”

Without questioning her, I pulled out my cell phone and frowned. What was I looking for?

“Han HeeJoo, you are an annoying little richard simmons. Why don’t you get out of my way so I can have lunch?” I growled.

She now seemed confused. “Don’t you have a message?”

I opened my phone and showed her the screen. “There’s nothing on there! Now move out of the way, I’m hungry.”

After shoving past them and getting my lunch, I took a seat with KyungHee, only to notice someone missing. Three somebodies to be exact.

“Where are they?” I asked.

“I’m not sure. I saw them this morning and that was the last time I did.”

I looked over at HeeJoo and AeRim’s table. They seemed to be acting normal. However, HeeJoo’s conversation from earlier bothered me. Was I missing something?

“Something’s wrong,” I said, but KyungHee didn’t hear me.

The rest of the day I felt like something was going on. The thing was, when one didn’t know what is bothering them, they just ignore it. And I did for the rest of the school day.

Boy, was I ever wrong. Something was indeed wrong.


“Baek JaeHo!”

I stared in shock at his apartment. There was yellow caution tape all around the perimeter of his home. He stood outside with a few suitcases and an extremely exhausted look on his face. WooRi and YuHwan came out of the apartment, both bustling red with anger.

“What is going on?!” I asked. KyungHee had rushed up to calm WooRi down to keep at least one guy from exploding.

“Lee AeRim,” JaeHo replied quietly.

At the mention of her name, YuHwan burst out.

“That fcuking rainbow! I can’t believe she would go to lengths like this! It’s fcuking unbelievable. She’s a girl, but damn it all to hell! She’s gone too far this time. There’s nothing stopping me from beating a low life,” he growled.

I gently placed my hand on his chest, trying to calm him down and keep him from tracking down AeRim. As much as I hated the girl, I wasn’t going to let YuHwan do something he was going to regret.

“Calm down,” I said in a soft, but stern voice. “We’ve got to keep our heads cool about this.”

“About what?! That richard simmons just kicked JaeHo out of his house without even actually being here! There’s no keeping cool about anything,” YuHwan said.

“Just let it go,” JaeHo said.

I looked at him with eyes of sympathy. “JaeHo, let’s get your stuff back to YuHwan’s place. I’m sure he has enough room for you.”

YuHwan seemed to see the logic on this, because he rushed to take JaeHo’s things and place them in his car. WooRi and KyungHee followed him.

JaeHo stared down at the ground, his hands looked oddly empty.

“You know, I really didn’t believe she did this. It just seemed too heartless for her to do something so cruel,” he whispered.

The silence was hard to endure. I knew he must be going through turmoil over the fact that AeRim really was the cruel hearted girl everyone knew she was. Her image was completely ruined now in his mind. It just took getting used to.

“You know, JaeHo, what I think you should do is go talk to her,” I suggested. “This needs to be out in the open. No more hiding behind signed papers and paid lies.”

He looked up and his eyes seemed to hold fear, anger, and confidence. Straightening up, he nodded his head and the both of us headed to where the others were. It was time to end ties and I’m sure he needed as much support as possible.


We stood in front of HeeJoo’s house, where AeRim spends most of her time. Standing in front of her door, I yelled for her to come out.

A couple of minutes later, the two stepped out of the house. So there we stood, with JaeHo facing AeRim and the rest of us backing each person up.

AeRim’s face was devoid of any emotions. She seemed to be trying to mask it because her eyes gave everything away.

“Why did you do it?” JaeHo asked.

I hated the way his voice sounded so weak. It was like he was pleading for her to deny it. Because of this, I knew she was going to let him down. His fall would hurt more than I wanted.

“You know why,” she said coldly.

“No, I don’t.”

“You’re always chasing after me even after I tell you I don’t like you. Stop chasing after me. I don’t like you and I never will! It was getting pathetic. I had to do something to get the message through your head. What better way?” AeRim said as her sneer grew.

Something seemed to snap in JaeHo. I could sense that he wanted to lash out at her and burst into a bundle of emotions. However, he contained it and his shoulders released the tension.

“You think I can just tell my heart to stop loving you?!” His voice was full of hurt, anger, and disbelief. “Who are you?”

She let out a bitter laugh. “Baek JaeHo, had I known you would be this much of an annoyance, I never would’ve helped you that day we met.”

Now, I knew she had gone over the line. The way JaeHo seemed to freeze so startlingly made my heart stop. She was entering dangerous territory.

“Lee AeRim, you are a despicable richard simmons,” JaeHo growled out.

AeRim seemed to be caught off guard by his comment. She took a hesitant step back. I was awed. It was the first time JaeHo had shown that much emotion in his words.

“It would’ve been easier if you’d just let me die that night,” he spat. “You really have no understanding of what you’ve done. If this is really who you were the whole time, I’ve been quite blinded not to see such an ugly monster. Do forgive me for interrupting your evening. You can go back to whoring or whatever else you do with your goddamn money,” he said, turning sharply away from her and leaving us all frozen in place.

My mouth was wide open. WooRi and KyungHee’s eyes seemed to bulge out of their eye sockets. We were all too shocked to even comprehend that this was the end of the big finish.

“Damn,” was all YuHwan could say.

True that.


That night, as we moved JaeHo in, everyone was in a half excited, half hesitant mood. We weren’t sure if JaeHo was okay to approach yet. He seemed quite fine, but as I always said, the quiet ones are the ones you need to look out for.

After WooRi and KyungHee left, the three of us stood around awkwardly. I wanted to say something to him about his speech, but I couldn’t form a good enough comment. He told AeRim off with such confidence that I almost envied him. It was the type of speech that would definitely shut AeRim up and have her completely embarrassed to even been in the same room as him.

“You were great,” I said lamely.

YuHwan chuckled. “Honestly, that is the most anger you’ve shown in a while.”

JaeHo gave us a crooked smile. “It was relieving to let it out.”

“Good!” I exclaimed. “Let out your emotions! It’s always better than bottling it in all the time.”

JaeHo raised an eyebrow. “Yes, well, I won’t get letting it out too much. Don’t want to look like you.”

I raised an offended eyebrow. “Excuse me?”

“You can be quite a giveaway with all of your emotional bursts,” YuHwan chipped in. “That’s what makes it fun to rile you up. I bet HeeJoo knows that too, which is why she always approaches you with stupid stuff.”

I pouted and crossed my arms. “I am not easily riled!”

“Yes you are,” YuHwan countered.

“No I’m—“

“Let’s get to bed,” JaeHo interrupted quickly.

We all agreed and walked to the bedrooms. When I peeked into mine, I smiled softly at the sight before me.

JungRoo and SeungHoo were fast asleep with their hands interlocked. I gently closed the door and turned back around to face the two guys.

“My room is occupied. We’re going to have a little problem.”

“I’ll sleep on the couch,” JaeHo suggested. “I’m completely up for it.”

“Where will I sleep?” I asked.

YuHwan left without answering. He came back with a large blanket and a pillow. “Here.” He threw it to JaeHo, who caught it, yelled a thanks, and left for the couch.

I stared at YuHwan, still waiting for an answer. “Where will I sleep?”

“My bed,” he suggested.

“Are you sure?” I asked.

He raised an eyebrow. “Uh, yes? It’s quite obvious what the answer to the solution is.”

“Okay, I just wanted to make sure you were okay with it.”

I ran over to his bed and jumped onto it, settling in the warm blanket and burying my head in his pillow. His scent washed over me like a lullaby and I sighed softly.

When I felt the bed dip at the end, I opened one eye and stared at YuHwan. He was in the process of taking his shirt off. My eyes popped open.

“What are you doing?!” I shrieked as I sat up.

“Getting ready for bed,” he simply replied.

“Where are you sleeping?”

He frowned. “Uh, in bed?”

“I thought you were sleeping somewhere else! I’m not sharing the bed!”

YuHwan stood up and I felt my face flush. He was bare-chested! Sure, he had a nice body, but for god sakes, couldn’t he just keep the shirt on?!

“No, I’m sleeping in my bed.” He started to climb in but I halted his actions.

“Yah! I told you I’m not sharing a bed with you!”

Instead of taking me seriously, he shoved me aside and climbed under the covers. I sat on my side, glaring down at him.

“Eun YuHwan, get out,” I growled.

“Su YeKyung, shut up,” he replied with closed eyes.

I wanted to argue some more, but the thought of sleep made me give up. There was no point. He was already on his way to dreamland; might as well follow his lead.

Snuggling under the blankets, I closed my eyes and relaxed my body. Unfortunately, I tensed up again when YuHwan’s arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me against his body.

“YuHwan,” I called out warningly.

“Relax,” he breathed in my ear. The hairs on my neck stood straight up. Goosebumps formed on my arms as I unconsciously trembled.

“YuHwan, I can’t sleep,” I whispered.


“No, really, I can’t sleep.”

He instead, tightened his grip on me and rested his cheek on my shoulder. Great, now I’m wide awake.

“I can’t—“

“But I can,” he whispered.

“Selfish,” I mumbled.

He chuckled and nuzzled my shoulder affectionately. “You can sleep. I won’t do anything without your permission.”

I turned my head slightly and stuck my tongue out. What a jerk. Sighing, I let the tension leave my body. I’ll get him in the morning. Sleep is more precious.


credits to x.lovinglife

Kissed By You || 74

The next morning, I woke up feeling extremely rested compared to other nights. I rolled over to find YuHwan snoring away, his hair sticking out all over the place. Giggling, I lightly patted his hair, watching as it flew right back into place. His hair is so amusing.

“Having fun?”

I jerked my hand away in surprise. He grinned up at me.

“Did you sleep good?” I asked sarcastically.

He mocked contemplation and nodded his head. “Always have slept fine in my bed.”

“You’re fat, move over,” I whined and shoved at his body.

Instead of budging as I had hoped he would, he grabbed a hold of my arms and flipped us over so he was on top of me. Letting go of my wrists, his hands slipped down to my waist and he circled them with his arms. His head rested against my shoulder as he closed his eyes.

“Need more sleep,” he mumbled.

I pouted, squirming under him. “Eun YuHwan, get off!”

“Only if you give me a kiss.”

My struggling ceased in favor of giving him an ‘are-you-crazy’ look.

“You aren’t serious,” I said.

He opened his eyes. “Oh, I am very serious.”

Chewing on my lower lip, I tossed the idea around in my head. Maybe one little kiss wouldn’t hurt. It did surprise me that I’m not as disgusted by kisses as I used to be. YuHwan’s pervertedness must be rubbing off on me.

“Okay,” I said. Quickly, I placed a chaste kiss on his cheek.

He frowned. “What was that?”

“A kiss.”

“That was not a kiss!”

“Ah-ah! You never specified what kind of kiss. Now get off.”

Reluctantly, he got off, mumbling about cheaters and cowards.

“The only coward, my dear, is you,” I said. “If you want it so bad, fight for it.”

His eyes twinkled with mischievousness when he looked up. “Fight for it?”

I backed away, watching as he slowly got up. “I mean, not now! Just, you have to be subtle, you know? It wouldn’t work out in the open. You’re—you—YuHwan!”

I turned around and ran out of his room with adrenaline rushing through my veins. It was quite exciting. Call me perverted, but a game of cat and mouse is always a good warm-up!

“What in the world?” JaeHo grumbled as he got up and watched us circle the couch.

“Surrender,” YuHwan ordered.

I laughed. “Oh, it’s not going to be that easy.”

“Stop, I’m getting dizzy,” JaeHo groaned. “I can’t take this every morning.”



SeungHoo and JungRoo joined the circle as they played with each other. The four of us jumped side to side around the couch with JaeHo now becoming extremely annoyed.

“Stop!” He growled. “Go eat breakfast like normal people!”

He then buried his head underneath of the pillow and tried to retrieve his sleep.

We all followed his suggestion, understanding his annoyance. He was going from living by himself to a house with four others. It was quite a change.

After breakfast was done and we were all dressed, we left SeungHoo and JungRoo to head to school. The three of us strolled leisurely on the sidewalk as KyungHee and WooRi later joined us.

“How was your first night?” WooRi asked.

JaeHo shrugged. “Fine. My first morning was not however.” He glared at YuHwan and me. We grinned sheepishly.

“Well, as long as we’re settling in.”

As we were just about to head into the school gates, YuHwan pulled me aside. I looked up at him questioningly.

“Want to skip today?”

I raised an eyebrow, amused at his behavior. “Wow, you’re actually initiating that we skip?”

He smiled. “I want to skip today.”

“What if I want to go to school?” I rebutted.

“I want to skip,” he repeated, waiting for me to obviously agree.

Usually, I’d do the opposite just to annoy him. Today, he just looked so eager to skip that I couldn’t squash his excitement. Boo me for being soft.

“Oh alright,” I gave in.

His fingers interlocked with mine as we headed away from the school. From his pocket, he took out his phone and text who I assumed was WooRi to tell him we weren’t going to be at school.

“Ready?” he asked.

“Where are we going?”

He grinned. “It’s a surprise.”

Oh, I love surprises. And I knew I was going to love this one.


We went to an amusement park. I thought it was nice that he decided to take a whole day off just for fun. The first rides we hit were roller coasters, then the small rides. I was mildly surprised that he was able to keep up. It seemed he was really energetic today.

“Oh, that was a rush,” I exclaimed as we sat down with our ice creams.

He agreed by nodding his head. We ate our ice cream in comfortable silence, watching as the other people walked by with their families and friends.

“What time are we going back?” I asked as I glanced at my watch. School was almost going to let out.

“We’re not done yet,” he said with a smirk.

I raised an eyebrow. “Not done yet? Well, what are you running on?”

He laughed. “Today’s a special day, that’s all.”

“What special day?”

He just gave me a secretive smile and went back to eating. I went back to my ice cream a little confused. What was going on?

After finishing our ice creams, YuHwan took my hand and we left the park. Our next destination was the beach. Another pleasant surprise was in store for me.

We walked along the beach with the sun, though still high, awaiting the time that sunset would come.

“You know, I had a dream last night,” he started.

I looked up away from the beach to look at him. YuHwan, at that moment, was an image I would never forget. The sun highlighted his eyelashes and his hair. His features seemed softened by the waves in the background and the salty breeze as it washed over us. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but something extra also seemed to make him appear ethereal in that moment.

“What was it about?” I asked.

“Bo SooJin.”

Though I wanted to stop because of the name he had just mentioned, I forced myself not to. Even when I felt that slight stab of hurt, I hid it from my face because I didn’t want him to know.

“She came into my dreams last night to tell me something,” he continued. “It wasn’t too clear at first because I felt like I was underwater. All of the sound was sort of muffled. I knew what she wanted to tell me was important too because she kept persisting and urging me to listen. I had to swim for a really long time before I could reach her.”

“Did you?” I asked.

“I did. When I reached her she said one word.”



I frowned. “What an odd dream. Do you know what it means?”

He slowly came to a stop and put his hands on my shoulders. “Yes.”

My head tilted to one side as I watched him. “Well, what does it mean?”

“I’m free,” he said.

“Free…?” He really wasn’t making much sense to me. Had he been trapped before?

“Free from her.”

Again, I felt that stab. It’s ridiculous for me to feel jealous or even remotely annoyed at him mentioning SooJin. She was his first, someone important to him. I could never replace or erase those memories of his. All I could hope for was to create new ones that would be just as wonderful.

“YeKyung,” he whispered.

I looked up and noticed that we were extremely close at this point. The proximity between his face and mine had shortened drastically.

He stared into my eyes, a smile lurking behind them.

“I never told you what the special day is today,” he whispered. “Do you want to know?”

I dazedly nodded my head. Boy, does closeness do crazy things to people.

He slowly leaned forward, his hair softly brushing against my cheek as he pressed his lips to my ear. He exhaled once, something that made my body completely manic. Then, he whispered into my ear.

“Happy Birthday.”

Beside me, I could hear everyone jumping out from behind a display that was previously covered in darkness. They wished me happy birthday as the fireworks went off all around us. I didn’t notice any of this however.

My eyes were locked with YuHwan’s. Everything around me seemed to spin into a mix of colors as all I could see were his chocolate eyes boring into mine. His hair softly brushed my cheek and his comforting scent wafted towards me because of the wind. Then, the strangest sensation came over me. I felt like my whole body was floating off of the ground and all of my limbs relax. My eyelids started to drop, slowly, as my heartbeat started to accelerate. I had no idea what was happening. A billion thoughts ran through my mind as I could feel the panic start to well up in me. I didn’tohmygodwhatishappeningIcan’tItdoesn’tWhatif…

Arm around waist. Hand grasping hair. Skin on skin.

Then it happened.

His lips were on mine.

And he kissed me.



babyboo` Lol, JungRoo is rubbing off on him.

xchink Yes, I’m updating more now too =)

chng234 yep, it’s good that he’s learned this courage.

MisS_SuJu Yea…my list is extremely full and I do have a lot of people asking to be on it all the time. I try to fit them, but I also don’t have lots of time to spend on PMs either, so I try my best.

TheShyGirl lol, yep, the end of the school year gets busy. I’ve actually been pretty free now that I’ve gotten a bunch of things done.

MaYa^^ extremely strict

wfl yea, he’s pretty serious

LoveItLiveIt They’re addicted to those things; it’s simply what they live for. Lol, yea, I wouldn’t do that! They’re too adorable =) SeungHoo’s about eight/nine =)

Gullwings he’s growing up<3

pinkslippers haha, man, now that I think about it, I touch a lot of different subjects in this story =__= haah. I feel like I’m going off plot xP

Helena_hue he’s strong<3 he’ll bounce back

reesilove thanks<3 haha, I have a lot of PMs to do everytime I update.

ShootingStarX Welcome! Lol, I’m glad you like the story. It’s a good thing you’ve just come in too ;] haha, I’m sure you liked that last chapter up there. It was hard for me to get just how I wanted to add the kiss xP

HYPERGURLY^^ lol, I agree

liltoazndevil yep, he’ll grow up to love his kids

alwayz_kay YeKyung was really torn from the beating.

x Sim pli city x he’s very old-schoolish

jusplainmeh lol, I’m sorry ahha. I did leave quite abruptly and haven’t been on in a long time!

K-PopFighting Haha, np

sharleen yep, I’m sure you loved that last one. Def. YH+YK scene x)

cathyy I’m posting much sooner now =)

LacedOut aww, thanks for giving me this notice<3 I do hope you do good with whatever you’re doing! Thank you Sunia =)

snookie831 yep; he’s growing up so quickly

leebabe007 yep, JungRoo encourages SeungHoo to speak out haha. She’s such a spoiler =)

jellyace695 haha, they can be!

AzureBlue123 that story was hard for me to write =X lol. A story writing a story =_=

dakoreanhamster he fights back at least

kaneki it was a short update. I hope this is sufficient though! It’s much longer I hope lol. Double chapters.

*.:AnGeL*BAbII:.* lol, he sounds older because of JungRoo. That girl rubs off on him =)

Miss_van haha, he’s actually eight/nine. I know, sounds old, right? It’s because of JungRoo =)

Sophi.e* he has developed throughout the story =)

kawaii999 yep, I have a spot open =)

krnxlover94 Welcome! It is very long eh? lol. As for the PM list, It’s all full =\ I can’t accept anymore at the moment.

phat mole lol, I think I avoid posting because of the PM list =X haha. But I won’t leave you all hanging. That long break was completely uncalled for. I had so much work to do I didn’t even realize how much time passed lol.

ntts Welcome! Haahah, they are SUCH sociopaths. You’re right =)

crazy for youu haha thanks

smileyface(: yep, very ugh

xsweeetzx he is really bad. His mom is just blah, but his dad is like terror.

blaise7259 always find strength

berry_x.2 lol, he’s tired. Of all the arguing and the same repetitive fights

ASiANBABYGiRL he loves jungroo x)

starnight131 Welcome! Thanks

JungPilGyo he really loves her =)

cLuMsyGal Welcome! Thanks =)

indelible_sin lol, I wish I could have him as a brother/son/friend ahhah



You guys didn’t expect the kiss to come that soon, eh? ;] lol. Well, it’s not really soon. I’ve dragged it out for way longer than I should have I think. But it has come finally. I hope you guys enjoyed the two chapters I’ve posted. I’m trying to keep on a posting schedule for quicker posts, but that’s just a try. We’ll see<3 Love you guys!


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first be back to edit****************


new reader!!!

ahhh they kissed! finally and he actually

worked for it too!!! they're so cute together

especially the bed scene... loved how you

updated with two chapters! thanks!

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Guest hopexfaithx3


omg they kissed!!!!!!!

yay! i was waiting for this~

i love yuhwan and yekyung

they are such a cute and loving couple..

i hope nothing bad happens xP

update soon!

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Guest liltoazndevil

i totally loved these chapters

first aerim got yelled at through a

lovely lovely speech of jaeho's

which i cant stop loving the moment

then the part in the bed that was so

adorable and then they finally kissed

at the beach after a great day

it cant get any better then this

i cant get over how great it was

thank you so much for the om and post soon

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Guest AzureBlue123

YAYY!!!! they kissed!!!

LOLS didnt she remember that it was her birthday.

nggawww how sweet of everyone to make her a surprise

bday celebration.

YAY!!! jaeho finally showed aerim what he's made of.

seunghoo and jungroo are so cute together!!

and and yuhwan and yekyung were so cute

when they were going to sleep..lols

can't wait for nxt chap!!!


pls update soon!


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Guest reesilove

thanks for the pm;





i can't believe it..


so freakin adorable...

me = jealous..



dang.....after so long...



i lovee yooh;

come to meee..lmaoooo

just kedding..



but really...i'm so happy for him.

freakin aerim..

that *&^$%^$%*&*(%&^$%^$



update soon pleaseeee

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Guest rumbelle

saved ;D

-- editt

Aww they kissed. How cute! :D


After 74 chapters they finally kissed!

I`m happy (: - does a happy dance -

AeRim is such a btch !

How could she do that to JaeHo.

That`s way messed up o:<

Anyways, update soon! (:

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