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[N.G] Kissed By You


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Guest Haengb0kk

I really dont LIKE han heejoo. omg

HOW could someone be so hateful and such a bi.tch!!!

Goodness...aha i think yekyung is so stubborn sometimes,

hmm aha more public affection with yuhwan =P

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oooh yay yuhwan and yekyung finally have something going on. xD

dang is yekyung still scared of kisses? o.O;;

and heejoo has problems. she needs like anger management. she's like over obsessed in making yekyung miserable

she even ran into a little girl with a car!

and ooooh is sunghwan her ... uh.. brother? cousin? ... boyfriend? fiance? loll i dunno

post soon!!! =DDDD

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Guest shooshi

yuhwan and yekyung really do make a cute couple. she needs to get over her "i hate kisses" thing though. :)

please post soon. i cant wait for some answers!

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Guest crazie_meh

hhahaa Jungroo and Seunghoon are so cute together! hehehe

but who is Gyo SungHwan??? and who interrupted them??

ack!.... i wanna know.. post soon

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Guest xsogorgeliciousx

is heejoo and sunghwan related???

and did seeduk just appear??

fight fight fight!!

xD...just want some action ;]

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Guest ~Karamel~

i wanna noe who interrupted them!

i just wanna kill that heejoo! she's so freakin mean!

god why cant she just leave them alone?!

hope u post soon!

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Guest procrastination

hey! new reader...

damn this story is pretty addictive eyz!

YuHwan is one serious turn on LOL, so do-able

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Guest PalBokEe


I'm so hooked on this fic!!

I like the drama, i like the action, and the comedy in the fic was adorable!!

I love everything about this story! ^ ^

Looking forward to your next update!!

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Surprisingly, AeRim jumped up and glared at me. “You DID mess with someone special to her.”

I furrowed my eyebrows together. “What are you talking about?”

AeRim’s fists clenched tightly together. “I’m pretty sure you know who Gyo SungHwan is?”

Blinking a couple of times, I waited for her to continue.

“He’s her—“

“LEE AERIM,” HeeJoo pulled AeRim back roughly. “Stop.”

“Han HeeJoo, let her finish.” YuHwan gave HeeJoo a warning glance.


All heads turned towards the person brave enough to interrupt the quarrel.

Kissed By You || 56

“SungHwan?” HeeJoo’s voice was weak and quiet.

“What are you doing here?” SungHwan glared at her. I was a bit taken aback. How did SungHwan and HeeJoo know each other?


“Don’t call me that,” he cut her off with a rough snap.

“Gyo SungHwan! Is this how you talk to your fiance?!” AeRim snapped.

Gasps erupted from the crowd of watching kids. I was one of them. “Y-You’re engaged to…HeeJoo?!” My eyes were wide and frantic as I stared at SungHwan. It was strange. I thought all of my feelings for him had disappeared long ago, but suddenly, they seemed to open up once more. I simply couldn't accept him going to someone as horrible as HeeJoo.

“We need to talk,” SungHwan mumbled. He took my hand but I didn’t move.

Shaking my head, I took in a shaky breath. “Let go.”

“YeKyung, let me explain.” His voice sounded like he was pleading for me to follow him.

“I-I’m visiting SeeDuk later. We can talk then.”

Reluctantly, SungHwan let go of my hand. He left the place with his head hung a bit lower then usual. The gossiping started right up as soon as he left. My mood to get revenge already disappeared the moment he appeared, causing me to become distracted with the news of his engagement.

“Come on, let’s go.” YuHwan pulled me away from the two glaring girls. Once we were outside, with SeeDuk’s gang following a meter away, he asked me, “Are you alright?”

I nodded my head and put on a grim smile. “It’s all good. I-I was just surprised, that’s all.”

“I think we should go visit him now.”

Agreeing with him, we got into the car that SeeDuk’s gang had arrived in. Within minutes, we were in front of the hospital. YuHwan and I walked towards SeeDuk’s room with curiosity and worries. What did he want? And why was he so determined to stay because of me? Maybe finally I would know the answer; just maybe.

When he arrived at the hospital door, the guy in front of us opened the door and said, “She’s here.”

From somewhere inside, I heard SeeDuk's voice say, “Let her in. Only her.”

A buff guy, who looked like SeeDuk’s bodyguard, came out and motioned for me to go in. When I felt no one behind me, I looked at YuHwan who was glaring at the guy. The bodyguard glared down at YuHwan. It was a funny sight to see this crazy guy trying to glare at a bodyguard twice his size. Hwang YuHwan, you never fail to amaze me.

“Go in, he’s waiting,” the bodyguard rumbled.

I quickly walked in and the door clicked shut behind me. The hospital bed was empty, the sheets were ruffled and messy. “Hello?” I looked around and stopped when SeeDuk walked out of the bathroom with his hands fixing the collar of his buttoned up shirt.

“You came.” He gave me a small smile.

I nodded. “What did you need to talk to me about?”

He continued walking around the room, cleaning up and packing things to go home. “I don’t know…”


He stopped and sighed. Sitting down on the bed, he patted the spot next to him. With my hands folded neatly in my lap, I looked up at him expectantly.

“You do know you’re adopted, right?”

I froze. How did he know? “H-How did you know?”

He didn’t answer me. Instead, SeeDuk looked down at his hands and seemed to struggle to find the right words. “YeKyung, y-you’re….”

“I’m what?”

His head jerked up and I drew in a breath of surprise. Why was he crying?

“What’s wrong?” I gently asked him.

“Is it so wrong to love?” He looked ahead of him and seemed to ask no one, but I answered anyways.


“Then why does God curse me?”

My breathing became uneven as I looked away. What was going on here? He was acting like he committed a sin.

“SeeDuk, what did you do?”

“I loved.”

The silence that enveloped us was greatly uncomfortable. This…this person, what was he talking about? He loved…loved who?

“Who?” I whispered, my voice slightly choked.

He didn’t answer me, but instead, grabbed me into his embrace and buried his head into my neck. I lifelessly stood there, my limbs not reacting to anything that was happening. My mind was racing with assumptions about what was going on while shock overtook my bodily movements.

“I wish we could stay like this…forever.” His voice was barely audible, but I caught it somehow.

The emotion in his voice touched me so deeply. I had always hated him, but seeing him so vulnerable made me become weak and defenseless. There was something about him that seemed to make me care and worry for his well being. No one could explain this feeling. It was just something I could only feel.

I slowly brought my arms to wrap from his waist. When I felt something wet on my shoulder, my grip tightened. SeeDuk ah…why’re you hurting so much?


The loud slam of the door made me look up. My arms immediately pushed SeeDuk away when I saw YuHwan's surprised and angry face.

“YuHwan ah, it’s not—‘

He left before I could even explain.


Kissed By You || 57

“YUHWAN!” I yelled once I was outside of the hospital. Looking left and right, my eyes frantically searched for him. The cars in front of me zoomed past me causing me to stumble backwards as I panicked from not catching a single glimpse of YuHwan.

“YEKYUNG!” SungHwan stopped beside me, a bit out of breath. “Did he tell you?”

My breathing increased when the fear of YuHwan leaving me hit me with full force. I shook my head and tried to get the thought out of my mind. On my knees, I gripped onto the hem of my shirt.

“SeeDuk Hyung, he didn’t tell you?!”

“Shut up,” I cried. “LEAVE ME ALONE!” With my hands over my ears I shook my head violently from left to right.

The people that walked by gave me looks of pity. SungHwan bent down and tried to get me to listen, but I roughly pushed him away and ran. I needed to get away to somewhere, anywhere.


“I don’t want to be alone…” I cried. Sitting outside of my elementary school, I watched the sky turn dark. It had been at least five hours since school had let out and I still didn’t see the familiar car of my mom. The chills were catching up to my small body as I huddled on the edge of the sidewalk with my feet on the road and my body on the edge.

Every now and then, a car would pass by me, but never stopped. My hands were cold, my lips a little blue, and my teeth chattered. I had forgotten to bring a jacket when I was rushed to school this morning; too worried about being late.

“Where are you?” I whispered, seeing my breath escape in a little smoke that disappeared into the air a little after it left my mouth.

Drowsiness was already catching up to me. Resting my little head on my knees, I tried to keep one eye open for the car.

And I cried. They weren’t coming. I felt abandonment, betrayal, and loneliness. I've felt a lot of hurt before, but this was the biggest of all. Never…never had I ever felt so much hate in my life. How could she do this to me? Even if she didn’t love me as much as MeehLah…how could my own mother do this to me?

When a car slowed down near me, I wiped my tears away and looked up. There was a little boy that got out of the car and started walking towards me. I looked up at him with fearful eyes.

“W-Who are you?”

He smiled and I could see two missing teeth. “My friend and I were just passing when we saw you. Do you need a ride?”

I shook my head slowly. “I’m waiting for someone…”


“My mommy.”

He nodded and sat down beside me. “Aren’t you cold?”

I nodded and rubbed my hands up and down my arm.

“Here.” He gave me his jacket and sat down waiting with me.

We talked very little. He was a strange boy. I would sometimes catch his stare which made me uncomfortable. It was almost midnight when another car stopped near us. I looked up expectantly. When a man stepped out of the car, I jumped up and ran towards him, hugging him tightly. My father…he was the only one that loved me.

We got into the car. I looked behind us the whole time, watching as the view of the little boy grew smaller. I never even knew his name…



I looked up from the ground and stopped swinging. Biting my lower lip, I stopped myself from jumping up and grabbing onto him. It was him…he was the little boy. How could I not have remembered?

He took a seat on the swing next to mine, looking down as he rocked back and forth.

“I’m sorry.”

It seemed like I was apologizing a lot. Many times, I wondered why I did such things to hurt people…never did I realize how much it’d hurt me.

“Don’t cry,” he told me softly.

And that did it. I cried, disobeying his request. He stood up and pulled me off of my swing, bringing me into his warm embrace. His scent was so welcoming and comforting. No matter how many times I get hugged, his arms will always be the only answer; the only pair of arms that could stop me from wrecking havoc or breaking down.

My cries ceased minutes after, turning into small, light hiccups.

He chuckled when I pulled away and looked up at him. “You know, if you keep this up, your eyes will turn into huge frog eyes.”

I joined in on his light laughter. His finger lightly traced my left cheek, leaving a tingling sensation while he stared down at me with emotion filled eyes.

“YeKyung ah, I want to kiss you,” he whispered.

He received no reply from me. Taking it as an okay, he slowly leaned forward, closing the space between us. My eyes fluttered shut upon feeling his light breath on my face.

*Bee lee da dee doo dee

I opened my eyes and YuHwan backed away, annoyed. Picking up my cell phone, I frowned at the voice.

“YeKyung, come to the construction site,” SungHwan told me. “It’s important.”

Already tired enough, I answered, “It’s late.”

“This can’t wait.”

Drawing in a deep breath, I said, “Alright, but make it quick.”

“Then come quickly.”

YuHwan waited for my explanation. “SungHwan wants me to meet him at the construction site now.”

“It’s twelve at night. Is he crazy?!”

“He said it can’t wait,” I explained further.

“I’m going with you.”

I nodded my head, gratefully accepting his company.

During our walk there, I couldn’t help but feel a bit queasy in the stomach. SeeDuk was most likely going to be there. What was it the two needed to tell me? Was this why they came back? Their seriousness scared me so much. After all, these last few months haven't been the best with all the bad news I've been recieving.



indelible_sin lol, who did you think it was?! =D haha, it's okay if you blurred it out, lol.

msxadina haha, it's pretty confusing

vivian0522 lol, the kiss is such a big event. I'm waiting for something extremely special ;] and yea, many questions arouse every time something happens, eh?

milkis they are, aren't they?

leebabe007 lol, sometimes, this couple seems so corny :X hha

TuBbieCheeKz Gyo SungHwan was YeKyung's neighbor back then when they were younger. He's also SeeDuk's younger brother.

jocepi haha such a cliffhanger

cathyy of course =]

smileyface(: YeKyung tries not to hurt people on purpose =]

Korean_Girl92 she wants to kick some richard simmons

xsweeetzx lol, I'm sorry >O< but I'm too addicted to cliffhangers :X

baybeeh_bliss ahah thanks<3

x1buckybabey YuHwan seems to strong now eh? He's able to restrain YeKyung from beating others up xD

-SK of course ;] heeh

x Sim pli city x many that will be answered soon =]


whiteyingfa many possibilities as to what their relation is, eh?

missxsuong the beach thing is amazingly romantic =D

Sweety_x1 YuHwan's trying to trick her into kissing him ;]

eunhyung SeungHoo and JungRoo are love =]

mangolover lol, mucho banjun!

shronie_x3 lol, darn kiss... ;]

JungPilGyo their relationship is pretty shocking actually

SakuraYue lots of things are going on in the back

B0B0* Hello! lol, it's been a while =) Everyone is just always messing things up for the poor couple. And on top of that, the kiss keeps being pressed towards YeKyung =P lol. They are indeed cuter now =) btw, I missed you too! xD

dakoreanhamster that's why HeeJoo is such a slutty girl =_=

liltoazndevil haha, the little couple =)

phat mole will do!

mzclumzie gifts to bribe her ;]

b[]KoReAnSaReSoSeXy lol, YuHwan's a doctor at heart. Regardless, he'll try to decrease fights and all because he's scared to see anyone hurt, especially YeKyung. And yea, that last line was pretty sad, huh?

dreamyxxx they're a mini couple of the original =]

twist&fall- lol, you're the master of stalking xD haha, I just had to write a little bit on JungRoo and SeungHoo =)

saranghaeyo_sungmin lol, my stories are following you into your dreams too! xD

DaViviCode doesn't make sense, does it? ;]

kaneki HeeJoo and SungHwan's relationship is pretty whoa

jellyace695 lol, ants near your computer?! haha

*.:AnGeL*BAbII:.* all happy couples must have troubles that come their way unfortunately. And that's good! You reread the story! lol, i don't expect readers to, but as you can see, when you reread the story, it does bring back many unanswered questions. And yes, the girl in the picture is important ;) lol, very good! I didn't expect you to reread, but keep that question in mind. It will come up later.

lido0LmisSundersto0D things shouldn't!

♥„~“Cleopatra“~„♥ sadder and much more drama now. It's just a wave that goes and calms over and over before the big storm.

xonike lol, huge fights are just getting ready to happen, eh

x3 DiNOTASTiC of course you can call me that! =) haha, torturing's a hobby of mine :X but yea, YeKyung's stubborness is a special trait of hers. ahha, thanks so much<3 I'm playing around with the idea of a sidestory featuring SeungHoo+JungRoo or some sort of new story with them, but I'm not really sure yet =]

theLOSER haahah, the kids are cute as anything

SwtDrmz5892 lol, SeeDuk is getting suspicious now, right?

sheLLiJiElUn hah, nope!

Whatevers ah, I'm sorry! I just updated the PM list, so yea, your new user is on there =)

TiNGxx2 fate is very dirty~!

kibumOxyunho lol, no no nope!

Miss_van lol, it wasn't an official asking out thing! It was fake at the beginning but gradually just became real.

shinhwa_knives ah, you guys are just waiting for her to get some bloody action eh?

gottalovegirl she's getting more romantic and in touch with her softer side!

MizzNana lol, when he's jealous, it's <3

edible.x nope nope! no slapping =D

zer moua haha thanks<3

pinkslippers lol, SungHwan is YeKyung's old neighbor when they were kids. He's SeeDuk's younger brother. Look into the PM list/Author's Note link on the first page =)

ASiANBABYGiRL lol, the killing HeeJoo and AeRim part will be...intense. Trust me =]

n3xt2y0u Welcome! lol, you're so hyped! glad you are though x) unfortunately, i don't have any room on my PM list left. I hope you can still catch up though =]

have_faith Welcome! thanks! :)

xo_hyeseung lol, well, my imagination's running low right now. Gotta get my muse back! *seeks out boyfriend for ideas* ahha.

lostdesires hard to say eh? I so can't wait for Eclipse to come out. Need my daily dose of Edward Cullen and his deliciousness<3 lol

myREVERIE. lol, they're really just too cute

greymoose no no no! It's all good hunn. You can stay on the PM list! =) Wow, you're making me feel really happy<3 I love having such dedicated readers =) haa, you guys are the reason I post =D

yelinoh lots of emotions swirling around here. Things could go seriously wrong if anyone makes a wrong move =]

SiLeNt1 Welcome! and yea, you're right ;) there's more that's going on with this family =]

Mae! eh, I know. Bad things really do tend to happen, altering people's lives and making them stronger or breaking them.

agi112 Welcome! yea, I don't have anymore room on the list =( I hope it's okay though!

LoveItLiveIt lol, just pummel her into a pulp

HYPERGURLY^^ yea, YeKyung does need to notice more around her, especially about YuHwan. they do need a good beating

baybee || loveLy LOL, major surprise there

JungYunho<3 haha best to wait

HikaruStlye lol, weird huh? But maybe you're seeing something about SeeDuk that might come in later in the story =]

Sharleen aha, the world is very small

hunnyl she's extremely bad

Hy0mi lol, makes you just so tingly inside, doesn't it? xD

babii3xquiisit3 haha, he's really adorable =]

Haengb0kk trust me, there are some people who are just plain b!tches to the core =__=

xchink :X lol, forgive me

BKRI haha, YeKyung's fear won't dissipate that quickly~

shooshi she does =)

crazie_meh haha, so many questions, so little answers xD

xsogorgeliciousx nope; not related in a family sense anyways

rachel--c Welcome! thanks so much<3

lilaznmichi everyone wants to kill HeeJoo with a painful death

procrastination Welcome! lol, I'm glad it is addicting xD

PalBokEe Welcome! Glad you're liking the story =D

yurijanice Of course :D

Welcome returning and new readers!<3 I just got back from Florida! I'm extremely sorry for the late update. I tried to update before I left, but it just wasn't possible. However, I'm sure these chapters make up for it. They're so exciting, right? lol, well, we're definitely getting some progress. Some questions are answered and others will soon be.

Thanks to lyrical_lies and iamkt for helping me with PMing<3 You guys are wonderful =D


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Guest B0B0*



Wheeee finished reading and I'm first (:

Anywho, totally sucks how YuHwan was about to kiss YeKyung and then ... YEAH. I was thinking that'll happen anyways. HAHAHA! But yeah, things ARE progressing (: And I find it cute how YeKyung & YuHwan are sooo protective of each other .. Well, their love. Tehehehehehehe ^__^

For some reason, I think SeeDuk is prolly YeKyung's brother :x Since she's adopted .. LOL The thought just suddenly popped up into my head when I read it! I was like NO WAY! HE'S PROLLY HER BROTHER! :o But then again I need to wait for you to update yet again .. AHHH You keep on stalling the kiss AND the secret .. BOOO. But HeeJoo seems a bit nicer now? Then again SungHwan was there that's why. So BLERHHHH. Stupid HeeJoo but yeah, it seems like she's getting the point that she shouldn't mess with YeKyung because of YuHwan. MWEHEHEHEHEHEE (:

Yes, I missed replying to this fic because I was lazy ... Now I'm not! Still kinda .. ISH BUT MEEHHH! I replied! (: Update soon<3

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^that was what I was thinking.. her being related to seeduk

why else would he suddenly mention her being adopted.. but that would be extremely awkward if it was true

Thanks for the post!

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RESERVING!!!YAAAY! U made my day :D

Yaay double chapters again :)

Wow YuhWan seems like a very understanding person.

Though I understand how he would run away after seeing the girl he likes hug another guy(much like his rival) he still came back to her :D

I knew somehow somewhere there was gonna be a flashback were she meets a boy that made her happy for one moment in life that was etched in her mind forever causing her to come to the conclusion that THAT BOY is HIM. Sorry I sound confusing. I hope you get me

Anyways gahh I hope it's not a whole love triangle thing or is it.

I ususally HATE love triangles(or squares if you count HeeJoo) in stories because most of the time they end up being cliched and the girl will end up with the boy but before the other boy turns evil and be all 'if I can't have you then no one can' duude.

It happens too many times.

Though weirdly enough I kinda do want SeeDuk to fall be in love with YeKyung don't why maybe the way you described him. Made him seem pitifull yet vulnerable.

I <3 YuhWan hehe. Srry I seemed to have confused you. I'm confusing myself. :wacko::sweatingbullets::unsure:

SeeeDuk..I'm starting to like him! hehe. He brings so much drama though.

But I like him because even though he's not the only one,he was able to bring YeKyung's hidden personality out and make her realize what she had been doing and the affect it made to the people around her.

As the progressing chapters come up I feel more and more of YeKyung vulenrabilty and her need of company.

AHH your awesome cliffhangers are eating me up!


<3 thank you :D

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Guest JaeJoongLover

I love this story!

There are these special movements and there the hard and rought times!

Shows how life can be!


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Guest whiteyingfa


wahh. i dont like cliffys T__T

i wonder what it is now...

you know, i think they might be REAL SIBLINGS O__O

ah, the possibilites~

can't wait till the cliffy is revealed (:

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Guest liltoazndevil

its like every time

they're gonna kiss

something interrupts them

love this couple though

those two guys are so secretive

i want to know what it is they wanted her to know

like are the related and whats with the fiancee

post soon

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Guest severus

=.= another cliffhanger

you sure love those donntt cha?

ggrrrrrr. i really dont like sunghwan

but yuhwan always lightens the mood =))

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