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[N.G] Kissed By You


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hello lovely, I read almost 10 chapters, catching up on everything. And oh my god!

She kisses YuHwan! And Seeduk likes her right? I don't know whats up with Seeduk and Sunghwan(?), but they mean trouble, just like Meelah.

acks, I can't wait to know what happens next!!!!

Update sooon please!!

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Guest lido0LmisSundersto0D

thank you soo much for the pm..i don't remember if i replyed before...you have so many replies that i don't even remember ==". well if I didn't before...THIS IS SOO CUTE!!! *squels* she pecked/kissed him. lols and she was blusshing...awwws how sweet. btw great chapter, great work as usuall. I hope you post soon!!! i'll be waiting~


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Guest 1tym012

OMG... i'm soo behind in my reading here.... dumb schoolwork... but yeah keep posting so that i'll have something to read after my studies.. :D

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Guest ~Karamel~

*new reader*!!!!!!!

i just finished reading ur story!!

it's so cute!

im waiting for the next chapter so i hope u post soon!

oh and if u have room, can u still add me to the pm list please?

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Guest TuBbieCheeKz

how cute!! BubbleButt ^0^

lol Sowwie I've been behind in reading and replying. TT_TT

BUT I'm catching up!!! lol

Thank for pming me still!!!



Post soon. =D


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I held the game control up to either of them. “Want to play the oh so unbeatable spoofy?” I asked them.

SeungHoo gave them a smirk and challenged them. JaeHo shook his head with a smile. YuHwan on the other hand, took the controller and gave SeungHoo a challenging smile. “You’re on.”

I smiled as SeungHoo’s eyes lit up. There is one thing he always wanted most in life: an older brother.

While YuHwan and SeungHoo played, I started making some more honey tea for KyungHee and breakfast.

Kissed By You || 41

“Alright, let’s take a look at that now,” Dr. Ji said.

I had come in to get a check-up for my stomach wound. Earlier, on the way to the hospital, I thought of a hundred ways to kill AeRim when I saw her again. Not only could this wound scar, it was costing me with all the medical bills!

Dr. Ji slowly peeled the bandage away from around my stomach and made sure everything was fully healed.

“Looks like it left a pretty big scar,” he said with a grimace.

That's it; Lee AeRim, I'm giving you one to match mine. I thought. Physically or emotionally, it was going to happen. No one got away with scarring me and lived without me getting revenge.

Upon hearing Dr. Ji's statement about my scar, YuHwan asked, “Where?” He pushed Dr. Ji out of the way and traced my stomach scar making me laugh from the ticklish sensation.

“Stop! You’re not supposed to even be in here.” I glared at him. He'd refused to stay outside of the room even when I'd threatened him.

“Hey, I’m here for support lady. If you don’t like it, go tell someone else, because I’m not listening.”

After a few minutes of our arguing, Dr. Ji couldn't take it anymore. “Here,” He said and handed me a letter. “It’s from your parents.”

The last few words made me become serious. I sat back down with YuHwan nosily hovering over me. What could they possibly want to tell me? Even if my mother was mad at me, couldn't Appa at least tell me in person? Why the indifference by writing a letter and having a doctor drop it off. It made me angry and sad as these thoughts crossed my mind.

"Open it," YuHwan urged. He looked worried, but tried to brush it off.

I opened the envelope and slowly unfolded the letter. It was in Umma’s handwriting.

Dear YeKyung,

I’m sorry honey. I’m sure it seems like I hate you, but in truth, I love you just as much as MeehLah. You just don’t understand how hard it is to watch you go around laughing without a care when you should be worrying. There are so many things we’ve kept from you. This is one that we were going to wait to tell you, but I think it’s time you deserve an explanation.

YeKyung ah…you’re…you’re not our biological child. We adopted you when you were one. Your parents died in a car accident and in the will it said that we were to take care of you. We were, after all, named your god parents.

I’m sorry you had to know this through a letter. It’s too hard for me to even speak it aloud. Your real mother was my sister. Just speaking about the incident is too heart ripping.

YeKyung ah, I respect your decision to move out. You don’t rightfully belong to me. I also understand why you’ve been feeling hated. It’s just that everytime I look at you, I see her, your mother, SoYeon. She was so beautiful, just like you. I miss her so much that it’s hard to have you walking around without mistakening you for her.

I just hope you don’t hate me for this mess. I’d rather die then be hated by my own niece.

Love your Aunt,

Su SunHee

I couldn't believe it.

My hands shook and the letter floated to the floor. I…was adopted? All this time, I thought I was my parents’ daughter, but I was only their neice. And MeehLah…my cousin.

YuHwan wrapped his arms around me from behind me and started mumbling comforting words that never reached my ears. I hugged his arms surrouding me, trying to understand why I didn’t see it in the first place. By the way Appa acted, I would’ve never suspected such a thing to be true.

Yet...hadn't MeehLah always treat me cruelly? One never had to love their own cousin. Why hadn't I seen all of this before? Umma...no, Auntie's behavior and MeehLah's, they were so obvious. I was just being ignorant, living a life I thought would remain perfect for me.

“I’m only a burden,” I whispered.

“Don’t talk like that.” YuHwan hushed me with a harsh hiss.

“But it’s true. I am a burden. I even heard her say it.”

YuHwan only held me tighter. It was so much for me to handle and yet, so little. The tears unexpectantly slipped from my eyes and ran their course down my cheeks as I thought over the words my Aunt had written. My parents were dead. I never had a home to begin with. All of my memories were lies...

YuHwan rocked me back and forth, trying to comfort my tears. I grabbed his hand out of need and grasped it tighter each time I felt a sharp stab in my heart.

Nothing would be the same anymore. I will always be considered an orphan living off of her uncle and aunt; A freeloader.

“Don’t cry, you need to be strong…for them.” He gently lifted my chin and wiped the tears away, our eyes never leaving each other’s comfort. “YeKyung ah…”

“What?” I croaked.

He slowly lifted up a finger and stroked it at the corner of my eye. “Your eyes, they are not brown.”

“What are you talking about?” I didn't want to joke around right now.

“No, they are not their usual brown.”

“Then what color are they?!”

“They are grey.”

I blinked uncontrollably, trying to understand what he meant.

“I think,” he slowly started. “That when you cry, they turn grey.”


“They are lifeless.” He said sadly. “Don’t…don’t cry.”

I drew in a shuddering breath and nodded even though I had an overwhelming desire to outright sob.

...was it that lifeless to look at that he had to ask me not to cry?

I’m sorry. I don’t think I can do that. Not by myself anyways. It’s too hurtful. My heart…it feels like it’s being hit by electric rods over and over again until it gives up. Crying is the only way for me to let it out. How do you expect me to keep it in when I feel like I’m dying over and over again inside?


I felt useless. We had returned back to the apartment and she had disappeared into her room. I knew that she needed her space, but for how long? What was she doing in there? Worst case scenarios popped up into my head, but I cleared them. She was strong, not weak. It may be a weak moment for her now, but she wasn't stupid enough to do anything crazy.

Sitting on the couch, I thought back to when she'd found out about the news. There was a mixture of shock, hurt, and sadness. Her expressions seemed blank and stiff. The only thing I knew to do was hold her. I'm not used to this vulnerabilty of hers. All I'd ever seen was the strong spirited Su YeKyung. Seeing her weak side made me crumble inside.

Anger filled me when I thought about how she'd been treated by her Aunt. Even if she was just adopted, that gave her no right to be treated like a bum. They were still related by blood! Nothing could change that.

YeKyung's lifeless, grey eyes suddenly popped up in my mind. I'd been surprised when I looked into her stormy eyes. The color was surprising, but the blank, dead expression of it topped everything. What I would give to never see that look in her eyes again...

I looked towards YeKyung's bedroom door and sighed.



jocepi lol, of course he’s starting to grow on her ;]

shronie_x3 lol, definitely psychic

vivian0522 lol, it was only a kiss on the cheek, so not quite there yet~

lm1sslannl yes he is!

TiMExLESS YuHwan will be the one to initiate the real kiss though ;]

mct2dj Nah, cheek kisses aren’t really kisses, but it’s a start, right?

itami lol, it was only a kiss on the cheek!

yelhsagnay yes, her mom sucks >O<

leebabe007 lol, I love playing race car games! It’s my best skill :X pueheh

JungYunho<3 SeungHoo has to come first ;] haah

liltoazndevil Well, YeKyung never kisses anyone, so of course he’s shocked! lol

damn.u some questions will be answered =)

smilezzx Welcome! lol, forty is a lot xD

Sophie LOL, I used to take choir! I stopped because I wanted to do other classes (try electives and all). But I sing normally at home with the karaoke (poor family’s ears :X LOL). Blah, my weekends are filled. other than dance practices for my friend’s quincenera, I also have to do dance practices for international day soon. I’m booked @_@

MizzNana Jealousy is the key to bringing them closer ;]

kp4life lol, I burned my lip with a curling iron once T___T lol (you’re probably thinking, WTF?) haha, it’s a crazy story xP

cathyy ahah spoofy is so cute =]

minwoo-forever Oh, I know! But I just try not to bother it. (after so much experience with curling my hair, I’ve learned, lol)

x Sim pli city x hehe, nicknames for them all =]

mangolover omg, really?! My hair is starting to burn at the tips. Plus, I get so many split ends =__= so I have to go cut it off. I wish I could just speed up time so my hair could be long again.. T0T

hunnyl hehe, yep!

lalalasupp Welcome! of course

lostdesires It is a perfect family!

ASiANBABYGiRL haha gotta start somewhere!

berry_x.2 really? lol, I didn’t think Moonlight Walk would make anyone cry :X I was trying to shapen up my skills. Of course YuHwan is nice to SeungHoo =] They’re becoming really close now

dakoreanhamster LOL, not against SeungHoo! He’s the ultimate winner. They are good though.

xodreamer haha, he did with his shock-face

lyrical lies Welcome! lol, just a kiss on the cheek though

jsquynh hrm…aren’t you Quynh? lol, I’m guessing since your first user was QThuynh lol, as for AeRim and HeeJoo, they haven’t disappeared yet. The thing is, they have to stay away to come up with a better plan, right? xP

xonike lol, perfect?

Sweety_x1 of course she likes him. It’s YuHwan!

mizzochan lol, when he’s that cute, it’s hard for her to restrain ahha

Mae! lol, she did blush though. That was her reaction. She’s starting to lean towards the side of maybe-kisses-aren’t-so-bad. haha

smileyface(: haah, cuteness overload!

xjustsweet homework is a bummer heh

greymoose lol, finish that project! I hate being the cause of procrastination :X ahha

bbobbo* heh, ahuh

birainy just for him!

kaneki haha, their names are weird but cute, ne?

♥„~“Cleopatra“~„♥ nope, not yet. The enemies have to come up with a plan first, right?

jaejoong<3 haha, cutes

shooshi yes they are!

cHoCoLo I want SeungHoo as my kid<3 haha

wfl LOL, yea, it does!

Lisan she’s still afraid. But remember, her kisses go on a basis rule.

Ciao.Bella just a cheek kiss though

Rea drama is coming back~

Sophi.e* things are stirring up now!

JungPilGyo she didn’t outright say it yet..

Lisa Thai lol, she did but not overall

happinmich because of her bravery? =]

yokemun haha, freaking cutie

KoReAnSaReSoSeXy Welcome! he is

sandy. a wonderful family

too late it’s okay =D glad you’re back~

JaeJoongLover puhaha, they did!

MEOW Welcome! Makes me feel so special<3 lol

ltruong haah, yea, she’s really in denial

t33z3 LOL, nah, I wouldn’t end it so abruptly and without a dramatic ending… ;) LOL, I know what you mean. It’s just like, why are their lives to interesting and ours so boring? I wish I had a young lover… T___T (*sighs* this is why I write haha. To live something I can’t really xP)

phat mole lol, lots of kids cause confusion. I’m one of five (from my dad) and it’s crazy at times

Sharleen at that moment, he just looked irresistible. She wasn’t thinking. Just the action popped up and she moved before she could comprehend what she was doing xD

love_jesus hehe, you’ve got it!

arisuxx Thanks =) At least you’ve stumbled upon it now! =D

ingi.girl^ LOL, friends living together would indeed cause a lot of fighting, but a close knit bond as well

gottalovegirl she added the S because his name starts with an S. Just to make it more unique ;]

Kumikox3 Welcome! lol, a lot of drama will come back soon. Just one by one

winta haha Y+Y! Kindergarten is the best grade<3 hehe

hyunwoo_luver ahuh!

riku haha they’re adorable

baybeeh_bliss cuteness overload, hrm?

*.:AnGeL*BAbII:.* ahha, filled with laughs and surprises.

baybee || loveLy ahuh =D

zer moua lol, definitely!

Mui Wow! I haven’t seen you in forever<3 it’s good to see ya =D

lido0LmisSundersto0D it’s going somewhere at least

1tym012 haha, will do! gl with your studies =)

lilaznmichi Welcome! Thanks! I’ll try to add you, but I don’t think there’s anymore room on the PM list T___T

TuBbieCheeKz haha, school and all =)

mzclumzie Good! You’ll love the future chapters even more ;]

LoveItLiveIt Welcome! I’m glad you’re enjoying!

Hey guys! I know this is a short chapter, but important information was given, so that makes up for it. Part of her aunt's poor treatment towards her is because she's adopted! However, there are also other reasons behind the Aunt's strong dislike of YeKyung... ;]


you guys rock ;)

PMs might be a little late. I have to cook dinner and my dad's sick :( so yea...


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Guest iamkt



that was just shocking, i never would thought

she would be adopted. but things happens

when you least expect it. haha

yuhwan is soo comforting ^^,

i hope yekyung is okay. anyways i can't

wait for the next chapter. update sooon again. <3

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shocking chapter! =O

Yekyung was adopted? Omfg. so shocking..

But that doesn't mean her aunt should've treated her like that.. it's not like she hated her sister=\

Where's the scar she has? Lol.. it looks like yuhwan doesn't notice it xD

Woah, her eyes are cool, if she cries it turns grey, and when she's fine it's brown, that's just cool

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Guest hunnyl

heyy thanks for the PM!!

her aunt seems to be really sorry, but no matter what she shouldnt treat her niece like that...i mean all those years...gosh...anyways great chapter...its okay if you PM a little late...atleast you still PM us..^^haha..post more soon!!oh and hope your dad gets well soon!! :D

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Guest B0B0*


I shall edit once I finish the chapter ^o^


That was such a short cahpter but uber sweet<3

Oh Yuhwann you sweet sweet dude. I wonder how would YeKyung handle all that stuff without him there ^_^

ANYWHOOO wow her eyes changes color o_o Man that's kinda . . . creepy. But still<3 Hahaha it's cool !!! :)

I hope you update soon!

no long reply i don't know what to say :x


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Guest gottalovegirl

....wow....her eyes turn grey when she cries...that is sooo omg... :crazy:

no wonder her cousin and her aunt treated her sooo badly...but still that's a bit messed up <_< ...i still like her uncle cause he's coolll...

can't wait until yekyung gets her revenge on aerin...^^...muahhahahahaha...

you keep on supporting her yuwhan.... :)

post soon.... B)

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Guest liltoazndevil

like her life doesnt suck enough that her aunt of hers

has to tell her she's adopted at his time

right after kicking her out making her feel even worse

her "aunt" should seriously have treated her better

so what she reinds her of her sister

she should think this is the daughter of the sister i loved so much

post soon and thanks for the pm

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Guest yokemun


happy 100th page!!!


thnaks for the pm....

man...she's adopted.....no wonder her mum aka aunt treated her so badly...

sigh....poor yekyung....

“I think,” he slowly started. “That when you cry, they turn grey.”


“They are lifeless.” He said sadly. “Don’t…don’t cry.”

i love this part....yuhwan's so...caring....

i wonder what will happen next...

post soon!!

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Guest jocepi

oh wow... it must have been a big shock for her : (

but her aunt shouldnt have treated her niece like that...

great chapter =)

thanks for the pm and post soon <3

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Guest Kumikox3

AHHHH you updated yay weee.

cant wait brb to edit.


aweee YuHwan, is starting to show feelings towards her. Does he like her?... wow.. he showed it a bit quick.

Dude I would of never expected that, I feel so bad for her. & I thought her mom loved her too much,

that she had to hurt her to be stronger or something but dang.

SO sad poor girl. update soon.


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