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[N.G] Kissed By You


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Guest jaykay4792

yayyy i check like everyday =) i lovee this fic! i can't wait to see what happens between yuhwan and heejoo..i sincerely hope he kicks her or something.

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Guest baybeeh_bliss

aww yuhwan is in the evil group

something bad is going to happen

love ur story

post soon ^^

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OMG OMG OMG OMFGOD......................... poor YuHwan T.T .............why does he hav to be in heejoo's group..........T.T hopefully heejoo her group... doesnt start something.... but i hav a feeling yekyung is going to go crazy...........POST SOON!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest greymoose
greymoose lol, there are a lot of things that don't make sense right now ahha

oh hha okay(: oh im sorry for always posting late-_- idk if i can post in the next chap if you post soon cuz i have LOTS of catching up to do insummerschool cuz i dont get anything. SO IM SOOO SORRY IF I CANT REPLAY TO THE NEXT CHAPTER!. sorrysorry forgive me just once please(: haha hmm. i hate heejoo-_- btch. haha aerim is so funny, cuz she doesnt reall do anything. LOL(:


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Guest MEOW

sniff sniff waa thats so unfair!! you totally left us hanging there TTOTT

how can you just dump something like that on us and expect us to

not whine about it TTOTT totally unfair sniff sniff WHAT HAPPENS





ok so maybe im a little childish but you know.....

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Guest t33z3

Hahaha no worries, I didn't fall off. :P

Looks like YeKyung's fallind deeper and deeper by the chapter! >< That's not a bad thing though. =]

Yikes! >___> Worst enemy+your boyfriend=chaos. In YeKyung's case...TOTAL MASS CHAOS. =_____=" It ticks me off knowing that HeeJoo's probably doing her happy dance, even though she's just a character in your story. xP

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Guest Miss_van

has she realize that she starting to like Yuhwan yet?!?!when have he started to like Yekyung?has she realize that she starting to like Yuhwan yet?!?!when have he started to like Yekyung?this trip will be really interesting...probably will bring out the jealousy in Yekyung.

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Guest Yuna N.

YAY for double chapter update!!

NAY for yucky cliffie T_T

Yeah, is YeKyung turning to a big softie or is it just me?

The girl needs to bounce back & toughen up.

But not TOO tough that YuHwan will have to refrain her. ;P

For some reason I feel more sympathy towards YuHwan rather than YeKyung

I mean C`MON! Having to go through a trip, with HeeJoo, :crazy:

I would go ballistic if I was him. T_T

So I`m hoping HeeJoo won`t cause any problem between YuHwan & YeKyung...

But who am i kidding <_< OF COURSE she will.

I`m sensing some dark clouds heading their way T_T (LOLS)

Hopefully, even though something bad will happen, something good follows along ;D

Perhaps YuHwan&YeKyung KISS i`ve been waiting for is in the near future? :phew:

Yeah OK I`m definitely curious on what will happen next ~

So update soon, OK? <3

You`re doing a great job, BTW. Keep it up :)

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Guest kaneki

whaaaaaaaaaaaaat!??! yunhwan is in the OTHER group?!

man hectic hectic!! cant wait to see what happens! omg

the drama hahhaa update soon!

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Guest tiramisuu

ahh heejoo is so.. >-<"

yekyung, you need to go kick her butt!! and aerim`s too!!

nononoo~ yuhwan can`t be in heejoo`s group >-<"

please update soon!

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Guest leebabe007

I AM a law abiding citizen…sometimes.

haha LOLS. this cracked me up. argh that heejoo

girl. aw man why oh why does yuhwan have to be

in their group?!? ack nooooooooo!!! :( man. anyways

yuhwan is so sweet. he took her punishment for her.

:wub: thnks for the pm. post soon. ^____^

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ughh. she enhanced yekyung and actually posted it everywhere? she is so freaking annoying!

aw. how sweet of him. he took the punishment for her~

what??! did heejoo have anything to do with yuwhan being in her group?

well at least yekyung isn't in her group or it would be hell.

what is she planning now?

wonderful chapter! post soon! (:

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Guest flyxme.

oh no

something bad will happen

why, why? why???

he just has to be in THAT group, huh? *cries*

nice chapter, post soon!

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Guest Haengb0kk

DANG those are some crazy a$$ b!tches! lol

seriously, aerim and heejoo are taking things too far!

i was hoping yuhwan could be in yekyung's group!:[

I caught up with your story in one day! aha i was bored =P

can't wait to see what happens next!

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Guest damn.u

Thanks for the pm.

Lmao. Sucks for Yekyung. But worst for YuHwan. Gawh~ i hate it when they're put into groups. It always turns out how i expect it.

So two groups have only four people? They should just make all the groups four then!! And re-do them too. xD

Wait. How long has Yekyung not been in school? Seems like a long time. xD Lols. Cuz a lot of things happened, but i don't remember

mentioning that she attended school. But it could've been the weekends. Hum..i wonder how they trip to Lotte World is gonna go.

In my mind right now, its not gonna be too good. We'll see what happens.=)

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