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少女時代 Girls' Generation (소녀시대) Official Thread 2

Guest zahieyjunki

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Guest moiimusic

poor taeyeon!

she is there for holiday not for work!

hope that she will still enjoy no matter what

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Guest Ian.

I'm kinda ashamed to be a SG Sone right now. Like seriously? Though yes, its a rare time to see her in Singapore, but hello, she's having a vacation, whats more, with her family. And don't they know about typical Singaporeans? See crowds = all start to crowd around.

And people who keep reporting about her whereabouts, and at the same time asking others to give her space really disgust me. Talk about contradictory.

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Guest cantthinkofaname

honestly i don't blame taeyeon for being pissed off, she was there with her family for a vacation, to enjoy her time. but then yet, taeyeon has to accept the consequences of being an idol, especially if you're the leader to the most famous kpop girl group right now. yeah you're pissed off because you didn't get to enjoy your vacation in peace, but do understand that, no matter how much you want to enjoy it in peace, you're still an idol. fans will crowd and make a scene, wanting your autographs and such, since snsd doesn't promote in singapore. yeah it sucks that fans don't know their limit and stuff, but honestly...who does? wouldn't you act the same way too if you saw your favorite member from a kpop girl group out there in your city just walking around alone or with her family? you'll have that urge, that urge to persuade your own self to get just that picture and just that signature from your favorite member. so telling fans not to crowd her isn't so...productive you know? LOL

anyways, i hope all the girls enjoyed their time off, after this, it'll be another hectic schedule for them, especially if they'll be promoting in japan now.

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Guest HyperionZ

honestly i don't blame taeyeon for being pissed off, she was there with her family for a vacation, to enjoy her time. but then yet, taeyeon has to accept the consequences of being an idol, especially if you're the leader to the most famous kpop girl group right now. yeah you're pissed off because you didn't get to enjoy your vacation in peace, but do understand that, no matter how much you want to enjoy it in peace, you're still an idol. fans will crowd and make a scene, wanting your autographs and such, since snsd doesn't promote in singapore. yeah it sucks that fans don't know their limit and stuff, but honestly...who does? wouldn't you act the same way too if you saw your favorite member from a kpop girl group out there in your city just walking around alone or with her family? you'll have that urge, that urge to persuade your own self to get just that picture and just that signature from your favorite member. so telling fans not to crowd her isn't so...productive you know? LOL

anyways, i hope all the girls enjoyed their time off, after this, it'll be another hectic schedule for them, especially if they'll be promoting in japan now.

From what I heard, I think it wasn't because of people asking for autorgraphs maybe, but I think people started taking pictures of her up close and in her face? Not sure if that is true or not, but I think that is why she probably got annoyed. There will be crowds, no doubt about that, but if you give her enough space and respect, then she could probably accept it.

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Guest cantthinkofaname

From what I heard, I think it wasn't because of people asking for autorgraphs maybe, but I think people started taking pictures of her up close and in her face? Not sure if that is true or not, but I think that is why she probably got annoyed. There will be crowds, no doubt about that, but if you give her enough space and respect, then she could probably accept it.

yeah that part i understand, it's obvious that those kind of things will happen if a famous celeb decides to go on a vacation out of country. i'm not surprised that it happened that way, and i'm sure none of you are surprised either. but then, you can't blame fans nor can you blame taeyeon, fans are fans they will get excited and forget about giving celebs spaces, celebs will get angry or paranoid that no matter where they are, fans will always be there to crowd them. so it goes both ways, blaming singapore fans and saying that they're rude or whatever isn't going to change the fact that this will happen to the girls again, if they decide to go on vacation out of country. it's like in life, what your actions are, you better accept the consequences that comes after it, either it's good or bad. but enough of me ranting about this LOL i'm sure not a lot of international fans will make it a huge fuss anyways.

where did the other girls go for vacation, tiffany in LA, taeyeon in singapore, what about the rest? i have a feeling some of them stayed in korea to visit their families kekekeke.

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lol you guys, taeng seems to be the type to be very protective of her family and privacy, and i heard people kept screaming her name very loudly and flashing cameras RIGHT into her face :|

like im sure she would be fine and glad enough to sign autographs and stuff but there were 100+ fans crowding the tiny girl so she probably got scared and frustrated. she came there to spend time with the family she barely sees. i think its ok to look at her from a good distance but dont come to close lol

i feel bad cause she hasnt had a real vacation since debut

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Guest Toorie

I'm with 'cantthinkofaname' on this.

I don't know if Taeyeon really got pissed, but honestly, i doubt it. I think i've got to know her very well over the years, and i don't think she's that naive.

I mean SNSD is the most famous girlgroup in Asia right now. And Singapore is known to be one of the places where they are very popular aswell.

Maybe she went to Singapore to have a little more privacy than in Korea, but i bet she knew that there are many Sones around there too.

If it was her priority to have privacy then she would have chosen the US or Europe and not Singapore.

So if she really got pissed, then because some were really rude and totally crossed the line.

But if they only followed her and asked for autographs and photos, or even screamed her name, she wouldn't be pissed, our Taeyeon isn't that naive, she's knows that there is no privacy for her in Asia.

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Guest Enos

Well..We don't really know if taeyeon looks really pissed or anything but i am sure she will feel uncomfortable with so much people stalking her and her family..

Agree with Toorie..

But i hope those fans taking photos would off their flashes...It sucks because those flashes blinds you...

Well i hope some sg news will report on our taetae~

I bet those tourist in SG will be so shocked to see the crowd...

Judging from the fancam .. taeyeon seems sad than pissed..

Is there a translater??Its seems that they have bodyguards around ...

Look at this.

SOnes were loud....

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Guest cantthinkofaname

lol you guys, taeng seems to be the type to be very protective of her family and privacy, and i heard people kept screaming her name very loudly and flashing cameras RIGHT into her face :|

like im sure she would be fine and glad enough to sign autographs and stuff but there were 100+ fans crowding the tiny girl so she probably got scared and frustrated. she came there to spend time with the family she barely sees. i think its ok to look at her from a good distance but dont come to close lol

i feel bad cause she hasnt had a real vacation since debut

but you can't expect taeyeon to get a peaceful vacation, especially if her and her family decides to go into another asian country for vacation. and yes, it gets very frustrating if you have a bunch of fans crowding you, wanting your autograph and flashing cameras left and right, the pressure is on you and you won't be able to enjoy your time. but honestly, did you expect taeyeon to enjoy her time in singapore? when i first read that she was on vacation in singapore i automatically thought "nope, she won't get any privacy there". like really? really? but really, you can't expect fans to first think about giving her space, when they first see their favorite idol walking down their city streets, by herself or with her family, the first thing they'll think about is, "OH IT'S TAEYEON!!! TAEYEON I WANT YOUR AUTOGRAPH!!!" *flash* *flash* and then the news spreads around on the net and causes more controversies. it's the aftermath that fans will think about giving her space beforehand instead of causing such a scene on the street. and yelling out her name is no exceptions at all. so what i'm saying here is, before any soompier says that "oh singapore fans are rude for what they did to taeyeon" or something along that line. you've got to think, what would you do if you're eating and when you look up taeyeon is in front of you? honestly for me, if taeyeon ever decides to visit fresno *which i highly doubt it* LOL, and i see her in a random store, i wouldn't even think about giving her space, all i would think about is "OH MY GOSH, IT'S TAEYEON!!!" the fact that taeyeon is my favorite member in snsd. so, no in my perspective, i don't see the fans at fault nor do i see taeyeon at fault. fans will act the way they do and taeyeon just act the way she does lol, and life goes on~

oh and this LOL i'm not an anti fan of taeyeon, i'm actually a big fan of her, but for me, i can understand perfectly why singapore sones acted the way they did and why taeyeon would be so upset. everything always happens for a reason right? LOL in this case, taeyeon is famous, fans saw her with out her manager and wanted pictures of her, so bada bang bada boom, it ended up to this.

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lol she knows the consequences of becoming an idol, she will be followed with fans and all wherever she goes, like been said above she's not naive

but at some point it will be disturbing when they surrounded her when she's with her family, i think she will be ok when she's there by herself or with the other girls

we saw her pics yesterday being taken, she seems fine with it and she also had pic with some fans

also there's fan acc how taeng so polite and even gave her/him autograph

she will be ok if ppl not crowding & following her non stop and flashing cameras right in her face when she's with her family

i understand the fans situation too tho, i probably will be like that, but there are time we should know when to give them lil bit privacy esp when the artist is with their family

and hope some ppl dont misjudge her over this lol XD

remember fan acc from HB last year? it's been said by most ppl who met her in person

that you should caught taeyeon in the RIGHT TIME

if not you will mistaken/misjudge her as cocky or smth yet she's actually not

lol learn from ppl who already experience it XD

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Guest Toorie

Good god, some Sones are actually considering writing an apology letter for Taeyeon. No need to get a complex out of it. Taeyeon would have those problems in any part of the world where she is famous, it's not Singapores fault or anybodys.

And like i said, i'm sure she isn't pissed at Sones, she is much to smart to think that Singapore or any place in Asia would guarantee her a calm and peaceful vacation.

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Guest smackbee

Omg, yesterday they are saying she is enjoying her time ,but now,

I guess more and more fans know about her whereabout and its quite annoying

for her not able to enjoy her full holiday!

SG Sones please learn from yst's Sones, cause they gave her enough space and freedom,

please do not let this small kid get pissed off because her vacation was gone! (: thankyou~~~ (:

Shall share a picture (:


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Well..We don't really know if taeyeon looks really pissed or anything but i am sure she will feel uncomfortable with so much people stalking her and her family..

Agree with Toorie..

But i hope those fans taking photos would off their flashes...It sucks because those flashes blinds you...

Well i hope some sg news will report on our taetae~

I bet those tourist in SG will be so shocked to see the crowd...

Judging from the fancam .. taeyeon seems sad than pissed..

Is there a supposed translater??Its seems that they have bodyguards around ...

Look at this.

SOnes were loud....

she seems more upset than pissed

her family there too and the fans following like that and screaming so dang loud XD

i would feel the same if i was her

she even said "please" to the fans >.<

the other vid is in private

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Guest modernaffair

just saw the videos. the fans were sooooooooooo loud at the flyer. why can't they just keep quiet when they see her. she probably wouldnt get angry if those people kept quiet. Even i would get angry.

I bet she has a reason not to enjoy her trip because from what i see, her previous vacations elsewhere seem to be more peaceful without fans literally following her around. She needs time before the hectic japan schedule. Why can't fans just give her her space (even though i know being an idol, it's normal to get followed around, but she's still human)

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Guest herojaejoong:)

I really can`t understand why people who weren`t even in the at the location during that time kept on raging to SG Sones as if Taeyeon had been harassed badly. Because I totally understand why people yelled, scream when they saw Taengoo. I mean, who wouldn`t? There`s this idol you`ve been wanting ever since you`ve known her existence and is now in front of you... I can`t bash you for screaming. You`re just excited. And about the Taeyeon video, she was saying please, and the girl who was taking the fancam obliged. So I guess it`s good. But it would be great if someone could make an OBJECTIVE FANACCOUNT of what really happened ^ ^ oh and don`t forget to mention Taeyeon`s personal appearance, I think she`s really beautiful in person.

So I just hope Taeyeon and her family had a great time in SG. Maybe Taeyeon got a little bit frustrated, but she is a star, how can she complain? Privacy is something you`ve already taken away from yourself once you`ve been a public figure. But as a true fan, you must know limits.

btw, SNSD for JAPANESE SONGS? is this true or not?


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i dont think she's angry at all

she just lil bit upset

i dont see any sign of her being pissed lol

she even still say "please" to the fans, sounds more like lil bit desperate to me XD

i think it's because the fans chasing her & being too near while her parents there like you can see in the video

for fans screaming & taking pics of her, i think she used to that situation but she seems asking for lil space when her parents there with her

yeah the fans said sorry after taengoo said "please" so i dont think she's angry to the fans

feel disturbed yes it's normal but angry i dont think so

but im sure she had a great time in spore ^^ they went to universal studio right? it's fun place hahahaha

herojaejoong:) oooooh

i hope that's true,not just some spam hahaha

i want the gals to make new japanese song instead remaking their korean song to japanese

but we'll see

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Guest teukiie

To be honest, it's kinda expected Taeyeon would receive this kind of attention. SNSD fandom is EVERYWHERE, even in Glasgow (trying to think of some far away country) & yes, I do feel sorry for the SONES who scared the Kim family (so they should come to Wellington keke)

anyone know their status?

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