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Chat With A Stranger


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Guest xthanhhhx

wow some of these are funny

but it seems too scary! D:

its 4am and its freakin me out haha.

ill do one when theres sun out xD

the perverts come out at nite D:

Stranger: hi

You: hello

Stranger: from?

You: Texas and u?

You: fsdfdsfdgd

Stranger: ah i'm from korea but i'm not rude i'm very kind

Stranger: asl pleas

You: Oh thats really cool

Stranger: :D

You: 14/F/Texas

Stranger: WOW

You: you?

Stranger: 17/f/korea

You: annyongsaeyo?

Stranger: wow

You: lol, sorry if its not right ..im such a korean wannabe lol

Stranger: that's ok ! you know korea?

You: yeah, i actually like some boy groups there and singers

You: :D

Stranger: who??

Stranger: super junior ?

You: Big Bang, Se7en, 2NE1, Wonder Girls

Stranger: wowowowow

You: do you like Big Bang?

You: lol

Stranger: i can;u believe it

Stranger: i know big bang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111

You: i do too! yay for us.

Stranger: i like big bang very much

Stranger: wow!

You: Me too! who's your favoirte?

Stranger: i like top

Stranger: same !!

You: haha, top is hot :3

Stranger: aha ! you no.1 who?

You: I like GDRAGON.

Stranger: wow

Stranger: very cute

You: I know, he's too cute.! so have you been to their concerts before?

Stranger: yeah !

You: Which one? And how was it?

Stranger: very cooooooooooooooooooooool

then she dissconnected after having an awesome convo. :/

but weird, i met a korean :)

i thought I was gonna meet some perv.

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Guest Rainity

internet is dangerous. i would but i wouldn't risk it lols.

incase i get stalked but some convos here are pretty funny.

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Guest dianannsano

Stranger: hi

You: hola

Stranger: hola

You: is this like the "Talking to God" stuff?

You: All AI

You: artificial intelligence

Stranger: what do u mean?

Stranger: i cant understand u

You: like are you really a person or computer generated to make responses

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


^ Hahaha... I'll try again later.

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Guest xMitsukiChanx

connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!

Stranger: hii

Stranger: asl?

You: spatulaaaaaaaaa

You: you're boring

You: A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!

Stranger: you too !

Stranger: haha

You: yeah

Stranger: where you from?


You: earth

You: I come in peace

You: :)

Stranger: תגיד שאתה מישראל ><

Stranger: בבקשה :)

You: kasldjflasjdfdlkjfjlkd?

You: kldsjflsdkjfl!

Stranger: נווו באמא שלך

You: kslfjiejfjjfjfjfjfjjf

You: jfiermdkfjff?

You: 什么乱七八糟的!

Stranger: Do you speak Hebrew?

You: 呸

You: nooope

You: spongebob?

Stranger: hey there

You: omg i missed you!

Stranger: yes

You: it's patrick!~

You: =)

Stranger: no, yoiu got me

You: so how's the pineapple these days?

Stranger: ):

You: doing goood?

Stranger: rotten

You: look, can we just like eat it already?

You: pineapple houses are overated

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: hhi

You: hhi

Stranger: from??

You: mars

You: you?

Stranger: mee too !

You: omg!

You: NO WAY!!!

Stranger: are u green??

You: nope, I'm blue =)

You: you?

Stranger: mee too ! ;D

You: OMG!!!

You: oh this is so exciting

Stranger: yes

You: i'm gonna cream myself

Stranger: siitä vaa

You: 怎么又有人跟我讲外星人话!!!

You: 屁!!

Stranger: vittu opettele puhuu

Stranger: hey

You: omg are you that pervert from this morning?

You: WTF!

Stranger: sure i am

You: leave me alone!!!

You: stay away!

Stranger: never!

You: i'm calling the cops!!!

Stranger: im always behind u

You: they're gonna go arrest you right now!

You: omg!!


You: get away!!!

Stranger: im always there where u are!

You: don't stalk me!!!!

You: i'm running away to antarctica!!

Stranger: i follow u..


Stranger: u cant never run away from me!

You: yes i can!!

You: you can't find me!

You: i'm like waldo!!!

You: muwahahaha!!

Stranger: i always find him..

You: oh really?

You: mini cooper

You: well

You: i'm gonna go hide now!

You: you'll never find me!!!

Stranger: now?

You: NEVER!!!


You have disconnected.

LOL ----edit----

new one:

Stranger: Hey there

Stranger: M / f?

You: trans

You: you?

Stranger: Errrr

You: don't judge me

Stranger: Pre or post?

You: i had enough of people bullying me

You: i'm gonna stand up for my sexuality!!!

You: don't make fun of me!!!

You: stop it!!!

Stranger: o_O

You: i'm not weird!!!

Stranger: I wasnt saying anything!

Stranger: Shiiiit :P

You: why are you judging me!!!

You: you!!!!

Stranger: Im not!

Stranger: I totally respect that

You: I'm so hurt by your comments!!!

Stranger: Its your choice

You: why???

You: why can't I be a trans???

Stranger: . . .

You: ?!?!?

Stranger: Waiting...

You: who said I can't????

Stranger: Waiting...

You: why is the world so cruel

You: I'm gonna go cut myself

Stranger: Awh

Stranger: ///

You: and it's gonna be all your fault

You: pinkberry.

Stranger: I would be really sorry

Stranger: If I knew you on a personal lever

Stranger: Level*

Stranger: As of now

You: fine

Stranger: You're a bipolar emo tranny to me o_O

You: let's get to know each other

Stranger: Nope

You: i'm not EMO

Stranger: Err

You: judging me again?

Stranger: "Cut" Is not a lifestyle

You: I hate people like you!!!

Stranger: Emo is

You: my councellour said to not talk to you!!!

You: people like you!!!

You: you're emo!

You: I'm not!

Stranger: Im emo?

You: I just want to be loved!!!

Stranger: Uhm hon

Stranger: You are very EMOtional

You: yes hon?

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Guest xo_sugar_ox


You: hello, my name is connor



You: what about you?!

Stranger: OMG

Stranger: NO WAY

Stranger: ME TOO


You: so whats your name?

Stranger: connor!



Stranger: YEAH!


You: the connors

You: oh yes.


Stranger: CONNOR*

You: wei'll be famous


Stranger: YEAH!

You: we gonna get hella $$$$


You: ;D












Stranger: YES, THOSE TOO

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Guest WYtherapist

Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!

Stranger: hi

You: hey o.o

Stranger: where are you from?

You: Somewhere

Stranger: ?

You: ?

Stranger: where are you from?plz

You: Somewher mayne

You: somewhere**

Stranger: 음..

You: l spak english

Stranger: ㅇㅇ

Stranger: i'm from usa

You: Me too, wow we actually have something in common

Stranger: wow

Stranger: can you speak korean?

Stranger: i love korea

You: No, l can't speak korean. l love korea too.

Stranger: wow how old you /

You: 1 yrs old

You: ;-D<3

Stranger: one?

Stranger: f/m

You: f/m?

Stranger: 너 미국인 아니지?

You: Dammit l spak english!

Stranger: you aren't american

You: Wtf..

Stranger: ?

You: How am l not american? LOL.

Stranger: i don't like you i hate you plz shut up

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


l'll try again..lmfao. l'll edit later..

Right now, l'm totally convinced their not bots, lol.

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Guest gazea9r

Stranger: hi

You: hey

Stranger: i'm yoda from star wars

Stranger: u?

You: oh nice!

You: i'm...tiffany?

You: not from star wars

Stranger: ooh... are u from john teshland?

You: haha no

You: didn't yoda die?

Stranger: no

Stranger: are u a richard simmons?

You: no..are you?

Stranger: no, i'm yoda

Stranger: or u are stupid

You: i'm tiffany

You: you'd think since you're yoda

Stranger: no, u are a big pinkberry

You: you'd be all knowing with the force

You: LOL

I didn't realize it until after I posted. But I copy and pasted right from the conversation box. Where it says "john teshland" is actually suppose to be "f**kland*" and where it says "pinkberry" its suppose to be "b**ch*" hahaha

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Guest xiarang

I met this really nice guy from Canada. I thought he'd be a creep, so pretended to be a guy. Convo's not that interesting, though... xDD

Stranger: hey babe

You: im a dude

Stranger: haha , good :)

You: hows life?

Stranger: its okay , could be better :(

Stranger: hbu ?

You: haha, same here. just broke up wiv my gf

Stranger: awhh :( , sorry to hear about that

Stranger: how old are you ? lol :P

You: nah, its ok. she's wasn't that great, i guess. hm? 17. you?

Stranger: im almost 16 :P lol

You: howd you find this site?

Stranger: my friend lol

hbu ?

You: some online forum. at first i was creeped out by some people.

You: creepy guys lurk here

Stranger: haha , ya

You: so, what country you from?

Stranger: canada :)

hbu ?

You: from the uk. pretty boring over here

Stranger: awhh how come

You: aw, my friends drink a lot, but i'd prefer to play sports. spoilsports

Stranger: is that bad they drink alot :P

You: well, i can't take much alcohol, i feel left out. D:

Stranger: awhh :P

Stranger: well its boring over here too :(

You: how come? canadas pretty big, right? there must be a lot to do over there

Stranger: haha ya its big

Stranger: but boring

You: hmm. do you travel much, then?

Stranger: nooo

Stranger: parents hate traveling :(

You: aw, really? shame. :(

Stranger: yeah :(

You: oops, gotta go. someone's calling. ah, before i go, i'm gonna tell you a secret

Stranger: haha ohkay :P

You: it doesn't matter im telling you cause you're a stranger, i guess

You: but, i'm actually a girl. xD 14 years. i thought you'd be a creep, but you were nice to talk to. bye bye~! <3

Stranger: haha ohhh ohkay

bye byee :) <3


A guy from Germany who wanted to meet 'ami chicks', so I insisted that I was a guy. xD Talked about Girls (how there's too many Chinese and Korean, in his opinion) and WWII. 'nah, i don't blame germany as a whole. hitler must've been intimidating or something.'


Stranger: hi

You: i love to dance

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

LOL some weird guy, or gurl.


There was also a person from Taiwan, who seemed to be upset, since there were some racist people online. Tried to cheer him/her up. :)

Edit: This person seems to dislike China (I guess), and has asked me to write a letter with him/her to some news channel or campaign group. Even gave me their e-mail. I'm pretty scared now. I'm never gonna chat with this person again, even though I do feel a little sorry, since I said I would help him/her...

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Guest TheGeekInThePink

Stranger: *cries*

You: O__O

You: why are you crying?

Stranger: *continues crying*

You: omg

You: o-o


Stranger: Stranger has died. Continue?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.



You: D: hii..

Stranger: hi!

You: :D how's it goin?

Stranger: not bad and you?

You: pretty good pretty good. :D

You: heatwave D:

Stranger: yeh?

Stranger: where are you?

You: nyc xD

You: feels like a heatwave

You: might be just ..heat

You: xD

Stranger: so when are you gonna let me tap that?

You: O_____________O

You: uh.

You: eh, sure why not.

You: whenever you want

You: rofl

Stranger: awesome

Stranger: come to australia

You: XD

Stranger: otherwise forward FB details

Stranger: XD

You: XDD

Stranger: XDDD

You: you can have my aim if you want :D

Stranger: mmm

Stranger: I lack aim

You: aww

Stranger: spewing!

You: XD

Stranger: sso yeh

Stranger: taping is good

You: rofl it sure is

You: :D

Stranger: you smile alot

You: I guess I do xD

Stranger: :D

He/She was nice. xD

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Guest Regina Rae

Stranger: Yo.

You: Hello :)

Stranger: your name?

You: Your name?

Stranger: bob

You: Gina

Stranger: What are you doing?

You: Talking with youuuuu :)

Stranger: Where do you live?

You: In a house! Haha, you?

Stranger: well, in a house! :)

You: Is your name reeeally Bob?

Stranger: lol no.

You: Let me guess! Mmm, Adam?

Stranger: Nope! =(

You: Kevin? Daniel?

Stranger: youre picking lame names.

You: Uhm. I don't know....I give up.

Stranger: yo. you still didnt guess my name.

You: I gave up....

Hmm, it's pretty fun.

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Guest Panda Kisses

Stranger: A wild ABRA appeared!

You: Go, Pikachu!

You: -Pikachu uses Splash-

You: john tesh.

Stranger: It does nothing!

Stranger: Wild ABRA uses teleport!

Stranger: Wild ABRA fled!


You: sdkjsfkl

Stranger: Son.

Stranger: I am dissapoint.

You: -throws spork-

You: No u.

Stranger: GENTLEMEN?


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My hobby:

Making people like this paranoid

Stranger: the game

You: yes

Stranger: you just lost it

You: fail!

Stranger: no u

You: btw…as we were chatting there I hacked into your system and left traces of child pornography. Have fun in jail!

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Guest yoko102308

It was such a good convo but my mom's laptop messed up a lot (I think .dayua virus) and bam..such a cool guy


Talk to strangers!

4334 users online

Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!

Stranger: hi

You: Ello there

Stranger: sup?

You: chillin to some big bang & soompi

You: you?

Stranger: falling asleep and surfing the web.

Stranger: whats soompi!


Stranger: im out of the loop fill me in

You: http://www.soompi.com/forums

You: it's a forum that for Korean music/culture/ect

You: but it has everything else too

You: I actually don't see a lot of Korean stuff to be honest

You: but there are a lot of asians there

Stranger: looks like a message board. so you really follow that?

You: ?

You: I read fanfics there...

Stranger: i guess i dont get what you do there haha

You: oh

You: talk about different things

You: I mostly go to the food section, the tech section, & fanfic part

Stranger: ooook

You: it's something to past time when you teacher is blabbing in class

Stranger: your going to have to tell me what a fanfic is too haha

Stranger: so glad school isn't for another month here

You: I go back on the 6th Dx

You: & a fanfic is short for fanfiction

Stranger: of august?! thats insane

You: I got on May 18th though

Stranger: ahh ok.

You: or 19th..one of those

You: only for exams

You: ohh I meant got out on

Stranger: hmm i ended may 16th but we go back september 9th :]

Stranger: where are you from?

You: Mississippi

You: it sucks here

You: big time

Stranger: do you have a big country accent?


You: I'm from New Mexico

You: I dispise southern accents with a firery passion

Stranger: haha why'd you relocate? man i bet its humid as hell in mississippi

You: Military

You: then my dad got out

You: and we got stuck here

Stranger: me too, i dont see the appeal. they make you sound stupid.

You: For real

Stranger: are you near the river?

You: Tombigbee

You: I think it's spelled like that..

Stranger: ?

You: & the MS river is close too

You: the tombigbee is a major river in MS

Stranger: cool. im all the way at the other end of the river haha

Stranger: i go to school in Minnesota

You: Minnesota

Stranger: ok

You: is there a lot of cows

Stranger: ya they have stupid accents too

Stranger: umm more in wisconsin

Stranger: cheese capitol

Stranger: when you drive down the highway you can see huge signs that say just "CHEESE" and nothing else.

You: xDDDDDDDDD hahahahaha

You: I like cheese but on on my crackers, pizza, and lasgna

You: & cheesticks of course

Stranger: ever had cheese curds?

You: ...

You: the real question is

You: do I want a cheese curd

Stranger: haha you do.

Stranger: its the offical snack of the midwest

You: offical snack?

Stranger: they're kind of like squeaky cheese lumps haha

You: hahah squeaky?

Stranger: offical snack.

Stranger: if they dont squeak they're no good

You: okay

You: I'll order some

You: if they don't squeak I'm gonna complain like hell

Stranger: damn straight haha

You: people here like catfish..

You: and fried chicken

You: and a bunch of other stuff I wont eat

Stranger: soul food!

Stranger: ya?

You: exactly

You: but I can throw down with some cornbread

Stranger: soul food is amazing. i dont eat meat though so it kind of limits what i can eat to fish and cornbread haha

You: it depends on how cooks it

You: I'll eat my mom's but not my gradma's

Stranger: true

You: Grandma's food is like cafeteria good

You: *food

You: we all know how bad that is

Stranger: ha isn't grandma's cooking supposed to be the best?

You: not my dad's mom

You: but my mom

You: mom's mom makes some bomb food

You: fosho

Stranger: there is nothing like homecooked food.

Stranger: my dad is an awesome chef. im going to miss is when i go off to school again

You: college student?

Stranger: ya

Stranger: high school?

You: yup

Stranger: what year?

You: going to be junior

You: a

You: effin typos need to be shanked

Stranger: mmk good luck on those acts!


Stranger: its all strategy. they suck expecially the SAT.

Stranger: BUT gotta do 'em

You: yep.

Stranger: *especially

You: what's your major

Stranger: i haven't declared yet. but im thinking about environmental science and french

You: ohhh french

Stranger: oui oui

You: I take it in school

Stranger: cool how long have you taken it?

You: this will be my 2nd year

You: freshmen year I took spanish

You: It was boring

You: but I like French~& I feel smart when I can read directions in 3 languages

Stranger: haha french is great. the culture is awesome too.

Stranger: i can say about 5 phrases and spanish. most of them are really weird haha

Stranger: *in

You: I used to be fluent

You: back in the day

You: when I was 7

Stranger: then you lost it?

You: Yeah. no one here spoke anything besides horrible english

You: same with my japanese

Stranger: you were fluent in japenese too!

You have disconnected.

or save this log or send us feedback.

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Guest It4cH1

Simple. yet to the point ;)

Stranger: Horny girl?

You: Horny man!

Stranger: Eh that doesn't work does it?

You: yeah. it doesn't....

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Guest dorkyxninja


Stranger: wot u got swine flu

You: i do?

You: i mean i do

You: *cough cough*

You: *sneeze sneeze*

Stranger: so do i oink oink

Stranger: u got the apple sauce

You: i have BBQ sauce?

Stranger: nice i love it

You: me too~!

Stranger: so u male or female

You: female

Stranger: really You: yup

Stranger: lies

You: :o nah uh

You: and you are?

Stranger: a drag queen called fif

iYou: omg~! forrealsz?!

You: nice to meeet you fifi

You: whats your real name?Stranger: forshizzel

Stranger: steve

You: oh ahhaa cool~!

You: I know a steve...You: he is on blues clues

Stranger: wel'm nt ol

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Stranger: Hi stranger from outerspace

You: IM SO MAD!Stranger: OH! ME2!

You: someone stole my giraffe

Stranger: that happened for you too!?

You: yeah!

You: omg ~!

Stranger: yesterday someone stole my lion

You: someone stole my elephant yesterday

You: this perosn seems to be stealing african animals

Stranger: oops.. Yesterday I stole someones elephant.. I'm sorry

You: thats okay~

Stranger: you want it back?

You: yes

You: im training it to jump

Stranger: ouch.. I made soap out of it

You: im gonna go ninja on you if you dont give back my elephant~

Stranger: I'll give you your elephant.. But in a soap box

You: oh oaky

You: ill give you a whole packet

Stranger: of elephant soap!?

You: yes and doves~

Stranger: awesome, it's very expensive1

You: yes it is im the person that makes them :o

You: and i charge a whole bunch of money when it only like 5 dollars

Stranger: oh, that's why you own so much african animals

Stranger: you cheater!

Stranger: now I'm mad

You: no im not :o

You: ill give you a cookie fif you forgive me

Stranger: alrighty then

Stranger: but it has to be a chocolate cookie

You: okay good ^_^ Stranger: or wait, I hate those..Stranger: nevermindd

You: what? o_o

You: who doesnt like cookies?

Stranger: my lion didn't

You: ill give it a steak then

Stranger: actually my lion was a dog.. but then we cut it's hair like a lions, and now itøs

Stranger: it's a lion

Stranger: it's gone

You: ahaha xDD



Stranger: NO WAY!


Stranger: CRISIS


Stranger: It's gotta stop!

You: yes

You: lets go all ninja and samurai on them

Stranger: yea!Stranger: NOW!

You: yeah


Stranger: Stranger with african animals, I have to go now

You: okay ~ ill fight these people ~ ill give you a zebra

Stranger: you take care of the thievesYou: for trying to help

Stranger: thanks alot

You: np

Stranger: then I'll buy you a new elephant

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Guest -jiaaLi

You: hey

Stranger: yes

You: poop

Stranger: wtf

You: yo face is the john tesh

Stranger: lol

Stranger: i thought ma lion king is fuk

Stranger: ciao

Stranger: mmmuuaaah

Stranger: c ya

You: bye babr

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Guest Taylor Min

This conversation was way more interesting

You: soompi???

Stranger: Hey brah.

Stranger: WHats up?

You: your from soompi???

Stranger: Sure

Stranger: If it gets you off.

You: do you know what soompi is

Stranger: Is it hard?

You: no

You: do you want it to be

Stranger: lmao.

Stranger: Nah i'm good.

Stranger: So, where do you live?

You: soompu

You: i*

Stranger: korea?

You: heyyyy

You: you know about soompi???

Stranger: hummm... u breakdance goo?

Stranger: i just googled it

You: oohh i be trying

You: darn you...who asked you to google

Stranger: I live in China

Stranger: Haha.

You: ohh

Stranger: Gotta love that T1 internet connection.

You: hmmm mmm

Stranger: Yeah, theres like 300 of us just chilling here

Stranger: about 40 of us are on break now

You: mmmm hmmm

Stranger: in the basement of some slum lords apartment complex.

You: i gotta find soompi

Stranger: We all farm WoW Gold.

Stranger: Good stuff, man.

You: mmmm hmmmm

You: mmmm hmmmm

You: i gotta find soompi. love ya bye

Stranger: Sometimes when no one's home I enjoy separating M&M's into color groups and pretending they're little villages of people with their own economic and social problems, and then I try to fix them through free trade agreements and other diplomatic measures.

You: expanding the mind and thinking

Stranger: Yeah

Stranger: my mom said im smrt

Stranger: so i gt to thinklike i am

Stranger: oops

You: arent we all

Stranger: Got ot think like i am

Stranger: to*, rather

You: i really gotta go find soompi. youre nice. bye

Stranger: later tater dont let ur meat loaf

You: i love meat loaf

Stranger: its a southern thing

You: im southern

Stranger: like taters and grits

You: i love those too

You: XD

Stranger: south korean?

Stranger: !?!

You: no

Stranger: aw.

Stranger: My girlfriend is from korea

Stranger: She doesnt speak english well

You: ooh is she beautiful like the superstars

Stranger: so i just make er wash the dishes and cook for me

You: ohhh big dog

Stranger: oh and im 13

You: wow

You: im 17

Stranger: arranged marriage

You: that sucks. are you happy???

Stranger: hell yeah

Stranger: i dont have to do dishes

Stranger: and i get laid now and then

You: but theyre fun

Stranger: feels good man

You: oohh i havent gotten laid yet

Stranger: well get an arranged marriage

You: i dont wanna

Stranger: yeah my wiffe is 22

You: dude get out

Stranger: shes got 32-C's

You: mannnnnnn

You: this guy dreamed i had 44 ds

Stranger: lmao

You: yeah i know

You: X_X

You: i was supposed to been left you know

Stranger: yeah

You: i gotta find soompi

Stranger: Ok/

Stranger: Good luck on your quest

Stranger: May the force be with you

You: good luck with your marriage

You have disconnected.


I just had a conversation with a South Korean girl. How awesome is that.

We talked about 2ne1, hair color, Michael Jackson and cake.

I referred to her as my noona. She found that funny.

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