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Having A Bad Day? Wanna Rant? Right This Way!


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Guest skipturninrain

Why am I on soompi??? I should be doing my essay ugh!! Why do I have no friends...well that's not bad at least I have cats. I have to study for A&P and math.... College is complicated and stressful...but oh well too many things are piling up in front of me i need to finish this and finish my work ASAP.

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Guest defslplss

QQ... I am so dumb. I sat there for four hours in the computer lab. I couldn't even finish part one of my programming assignment. ...Maybe I'm not cut out to be a CS major .. I'm still in lower div too! How can I think classes are hard already? BUT I WANT IT SO BAD. I want the rest of my life to revolve around computers.

...Also the guys at the computer lab were staring at me ... I didn't think I was dressed weirdly or that I was talking too loudly or that I was perhaps talking snobbishly ... >_<;;;;;;;;;;;;; I AM SO SELF-CONSCIOUS

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Guest smileyoo

Shut up with the word beautiful. STOP abusing it! beautiful this, beautiful you, beautiful that. The meaning is way deeper than what you are using it as. ESPECIALLY THOSE WHO ARE USING IT JUST TO SOUND BETTER AT DESCRIBING SOMEONE WITH A HOT BODY OR FACE. I mean you don't even know her, and bam. comes with the "she's beautiful"... Just shut up.. say it and mean it, not to show off your sweet talk tactics.

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Guest YooAmie

Being called a backstabbing b--ch, when the girl who told me in my face IS one herself. Blaming me when it wasn't my fault, who do you think you are? Get your facts straight before you decide to lash out on other people. No wonder she's always the hot topic in my school. 

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Guest juniestjuna

OMG? What the heel is people's problem? She thinks oh, I'm mad and then ignore me like she's mad and richard simmons at me. People who thinks that way pissed me off.'i want to punch them off the frig mars. But then mars would kick them back.

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Guest skipturninrain

Look I'm going to be honest....at first it was nice for you to write about how you being a single mom at 16 graduated from highschool became valodictorian and even managed to go to agood university blah blah blah. Great good for you, but seriously STOP IT. WE GET IT. So please stop posting on facebook about your baby daddy not giving money or recognizing your girl YOU have denied him to see her and its your fault for having way to much pride to accept anything from him. Also for badmouthing the father who your child!! Ultimately, its YOUR fault for YOUR MISTAKE so really just cut the cr!p and stop posting 5 long post about YOUR MOST PERSONAL MATTERS and achievements despite your SETBACKS!! I really will stop supporting the facade of "good responsible mother in school but also with a lot of problems blah blah"....I pity you for not having the pants to simply drop the subject and for wanting to get others to feel both bad and proud of you and million likes from facebook. All I say is MOVE ON and stop just writing those posts that sound the same thing but just written in different ways.

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Guest juniestjuna

Oh, god. Okay. This woman gotta stop. Who does she think she is? Are you that good? Are you god? Who are to say that I can't change? Who are you to say that I won't be able to change? Are you like my soul? Did you zap somebody and like became me? No shot, I know that I can change cause I'm not like you. I can do it. I don't need people like you to tell me what I can do. Shut.

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Guest adoredior

why do you always egg her on when the situation is already worse? you wouldn't like it if i do this to you. you're so inmature. pls just act your age once and be a mature adult. 

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Guest juniestjuna

Okay. You know that kind of friend where they are like we are BFF and you never tell me anything and I always tell you thing and so much more. I really hate them cause then you trust them and tell them so much richard simmons yet they go and talk so many poop behind your back. And telling people all this an that oh, as if you are the bad person. I hate them. This kind of friend you call them. 3 they really hurt me.

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Bloody hell I hate when asian family friends and relatives keep pointing out that I'm really small. So what. What gives you the right to openly judge me.  

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Guest dolljjang

owoowowowwwww my eyes hurt. my eyessss ...my eyesss T___________T +allergic and rash all around my body. why~~~~!!!!! T_________T

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Instead of sleeping, you decide to stay up until 8 or 9 in the morning.  For what?  Just watching K-dramas.  If anyone wakes you up before noon, you get mad because you say you're tired.  Whose fault is that?  It's almost 6 P.M. right now and you're still sleeping.  That is so ridiculous.

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Guest juniestjuna


Stop making yourself the victim. You never cared about anyone but your selfish self. Yes thank god you finally realize your a bad person.

Took you what 17 years to finally really that? -__

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Guest smileyoo

You are the rudest woman I've ever seen in my entire high shool life. You tell me to greet you good morning and demand it like it was required to say it to you. The next time I see you, I said it. And what? You didn't even look at me in the eye. What the actual richard simmons is wrong with you? Did you just give a student of yours an attitude of a teenager? Oh, yeah i mean it's okay to not even reply when someone saids good morning... Yeah, totally. You have problems.

& ugggggh. I hate loud people in the house. So annoying!

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