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Having A Bad Day? Wanna Rant? Right This Way!


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Man, I fell down yesterday when I was playing tag with this little girl. She looked bored and lonely, there was no kids outside to play with her because it was more a fete for teenagers/adults. I decided to play with her, chasing her around playfully and bam. I fell down on my sides, I was bleeding on my elbow, ankle, and got a bad scratch on the sides of my calves. There were like so many people outside, it was the weekends and all that jazz. Almost everyone was crowding around me, I couldn't help but to remain in that position of how I fell. Good thing I wasn't extremly injured, I just laugh it off though I wanted to cry.

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Guest kurayzeexivy

I hate my family.

Everyone acts like they're better

than everyone else, when in the

end, they're just failures.

Quit telling me all this john teshing

bull mini cooper. I don't want to hear it.


and to Josh: I john teshING HATE YOU.

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Guest chungmah.

I hate summer school.

It's summer, now wonder my average doesn't equal to what I worked for in day school.

I swear I'm going to die these next two weeks.

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Guest bubblepeach

I really feel like quitting my job. Too much pressure from workmates and the boss is just crazy. How can he expect us to finish such massive jobs in limited time??

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Guest soulremix.

Ughh, my mom is so annoying -____- I ask her nicely if she could return my books for me at the library and she tells me that there's not time and she's going to work soon. Wth, she's going to work at 3 and it's only 12 <_<

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Guest dudeilovefood


listen up, kay?

the causewaymall item i boguht for you was $6.60 but through shippiung and whatever, it's $15!


omg...and you keep going.

but on the site it says 2 for $!3 like crazy, are you stupid, really?

theres shipping from asia to the orderer and to me...

and the dress is not light, kay? it's HEAVY.

youa re so stupid...its liek you wont stop until it's (the price) is $6.60...

theres shipping too!

the cheapest youll get is like 11!

i already have to pay 3 dollars for you!

sicne i lowered to price to $12 cause you keep saying things like this and that!

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Guest cinjin

OMG I can't believe my friends told him that I liked him. I think I'm gonna cry from embarrassment :( And I don't even like him that way! It was a crush! A small crush!

Now he's going to think I'm some creep (why? because I don't really know him...) D: WHY DID THEY HAVE TO DO THAT!? ARGHH!!

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Guest chungmah.

She moved the test to Wednesday.

WTF. I barely know WW2!

Hate summer school.Hate summer school.Hate summer school.

Hate summer school.Hate summer school.Hate summer school.

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Guest Starberriee

My mom thinks my brother did all the chores. I DID THEM, I DID!! I spent over 2 hours moping cleaning as my brother was gaming.

When she got home she assumes he did them, and he doesn't deny it. No one thinks I would do chores...just because I get lower marks than my bro.

I don't get their reasoning, and my mother is making me do the dishes tonight as well. Since I haven't help out in the house. Arghhh!!

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Guest xxpiinkified

urrgh .. i've been feeling sick-ish all day.

from having a headache in the morning, to freezing my butt off in class to horrible stomach aches.

): horrible

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Guest Octopus__

Why can I never understand myself.

All I do is feel rather infelicitous and not even

know why. God damn it. All I do is

cry and cry, but it's like Idk if I even

should. I make myself oh so angry..

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