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Having A Bad Day? Wanna Rant? Right This Way!


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Guest VanillaLace


LOL... Caps makes me feel better.

But I ordered two dresses from YesStyle for Homecoming. One for my sister and one for myself. It came in 9 business days so I was really anxious, homecoming is in a week. GUESS WHAT?! When I open the package, well my sister's dress just looks jim dandy, my dress is INCORRECT. I. have. the. wrong. dress. Directly translating to, I have no dress considering all those I have I have worn about three times each. Customer service will not answer my calls, I sent an email that will be probably read in a week. And even if they had picked up right away, there was no way in falhskjd that it would get here before homecoming. Now I don't want to go at all.


I heard YesStyle was pretty good as far as these things go, but I guess not, I'm being so immature but I am so frustrated right now!


Okay I'm done.

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I'm trying to study, but all I hear is these annoying voices trying to whisper about me. I'M NOT DEAF LIKE YOU GUYS, SO SHUT UP! All because you want to take the stupid car because you think you look so cool driving you're being a stupid BEEP. I'm too annoyed and pissed off to study right now.

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Guest o________O

OMG.. seriously what's with everyone coughing in lectures? I'm guessing that it's probably from all the late night drinking.. WTF?! there's always someone coughing loudly every 5 seconds and it's john teshing ridiculous. You can do whatever you want in your free time (I don't care). However, I find it john teshing irritating as hell but you loud bubble gum dipmini coopers distract me when I'm trying to listen to the professor, earlier I wrote about 4 lines before I gave up because I couldn't john teshing hear anything because of you ignorant selfish bastards.

Also, what's up with you richard simmons cyclists'? There's a john teshing cycle lane on the road for a reason, USE IT. A stupid bubble gum earlier was cycling along the footpath and instead of going in a straight line he decides to weave in and out, so basically every pedestrian on the footpath didn't know which way he was going. STUPID DUMB mini cooper.. he was also going against the flow of traffic. This stupid bubble gum should've had his skin peeled off with a knife. Again, several times when I went into the city centre, some stupid Tom Cruise decide to 'cycle' around when everyone is walking, seriously why can't you just john teshing walk? It's the john teshing city centre, why the hell would you ride your bike around there? You can bring your bike by all means, just don't john teshing ride it unless there's a cycle lane.

Edit: To all my flatmates, can you not wash your dishes and mini cooper once you've finished eating? Seriously, the sink is john teshing stacked with plates, pots and pans. Also one of you Tom Cruise clogged one of the two sinks which means that I can't do mine at all. Why am I surrounded by Tom Cruise?

Edit: I just remembered from the other day, what's with you bubble gum smokers'? I have nothing against you if you smoke, hey it's your body right? Do to it whatever you wish, but don't come near me and smoke that mini cooper. Two dipmini coopers the other day came down to the bus stop I was waiting at and started smoking. Instead of having consideration for those who don't smoke (everyone else) they decide to come close enough so that I can inhale it. Thanks a lot dickheads.


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Guest glamorousCHIC

here we go again.

best my butt... just shut up will you. 

they are not the best! in fact they're remotely far from from being the best.

like eww...

delusional retards. >.>

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Studying and absorbing all the information and facts for the SAT. I am not ready...what a tight schedule this week! But I still read a bunch of fanfic..because whenever I read, I'm in my own world, where I don't feel all the pressure. Sigh...more problems...and more..and more.

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Guest WonderBinnie

How can you call yourself my 'best friend' when you talk mini cooper about me behind my back? You actually think telling someone mini cooper and making them promise you they won't tell me will prevent me from knowing? Okay you are REALLY WRONG! Why? Because that someone is my friend as well and she thought it was important for me to know that you my so called 'best friend' is talking mini cooper about me. We're not even best friends. I've only known you for 1 YEAR and I don't even see you that often how can you call me best friend when I didn't approve? UGH.

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Guest vip_gd

if you're gonna make a status about me say it straight to my face

if you have no courage to confront

keep it to yourself, you're just creating unwanted drama

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Even if the rumor is not true, I hate you for getting into it with her.

I like you so much. Even if you don't care about me.

But just hearing crap like that makes me devastated.

I hope you know how many tears I've dropped because of you.

Like yesterday on the bus and after school, I've dropped so many because of you.

And you don't know and wouldn't care if I happened to tell you.

I hate you so much now.

Stupid D-Bag.

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Guest o________O

OMFG.. where do I start?

According to the university, there's a water leak around the part of the campus I'm staying at (it's one of the most expensive) so therefore the water supply has been cut off, meaning that there's absolutely NO RUNNING WATER. WTF?! what the hell do you want us to do? We can't even wash? WTF!? It's been off for the past john teshing 8 hours.. you're john teshing lucky that I didn't go out today in the john teshing ridiculously hot weather. WHY THE john tesh IS IT STILL SO HOT? IT'S OCTOBER.. Jesus. I couldn't even cook anything at all because there's NO john teshING WATER. What am I paying for.. seriously I can't even wash my hands after using the toilet. I don't believe it's right that I should have to go and buy water, carry it all the way here just so that I can rinse my mouth after brushing my teeth. That's complete my happy poopoo, then you have the nerve to inform us that the water problem might be fixed by tomorrow. OMG.. this is a complete john teshing joke, seriously I didn't even get to wash my face in the morning and barely got to finish brushing my teeth just as the water stopped running. This mini cooper better be fixed by the morning (before I wake up). Looks like I'm gonna have to go out later and buy a bottle of water just so I can get washed.

Another thing, one of my flatmates is a piece of mini cooper that keeps drinking my milk.. WTF?! stop touching my food bubble gum, do you have any idea how annoying it is for me to constantly go back and forth to the grocery store to replenish the milk that you keep drinking which doesn't even belong to you? OMFG.. I think I know who it is too, the one that never seems to have grocery bags, hence he has rarely gone grocery shopping. Speaking of grocery shopping, why the john tesh are there so many people but so few cash registers in operation? Are you retarded? Do you know how to operate a business? The john teshing queues were huge earlier and all I was carrying was a carton of milk and orange juice. I stood in a certain queue for 10mins, then they decide to open a new one, in which a lot of people just went there who didn't even have to wait (Tom Cruise). Then the stupid pinkberry infront had about 20 items and she didn't even have the manners to ask me if I wanted to go infront of her. Really?! I had 2 john teshing items and there wasn't an express queue. Last time I let a man infront of me because he had significantly less items than me. As in he didn't need a basket to carry everything. Seriously, john tesh all this manner my happy poopoo, I'm just going to be a selfish bubble gum. john tesh this.

Now I've got a minor cold because of all those other Tom Cruise that kept coughing in that lecture the other day. That's john teshing fantastic, I have to suffer through this mini cooper because of you stupid dumb john teshs. If you're going to be a distraction during the lecture, just don't come at all. john teshing selfish bastards, I actually hope several of you die.. honestly it would make my life a hell lot stress free.

My life is honestly so mini cooper right now, I hope I die in my sleep.

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people need to stop complaining about having "no money" when you DO but decide to go to the DAMN CASINO.

you come back with nothing and complain even more and then you go around asking people to help you pay the bills saying that you have 'no money'?

WTF MAN, SERIOUSLY! maybe you damn people shouldn't go to the casino EVERY DAMN DAY.

so annoying. my goodness.

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Guest WonderBinnie

I don't know who to believe anymore. I don't know if I should believe what you say to me or what that girl says......I really want to know who's telling the truth, I'm tired of feeling lost and confused. I really hope what you tell me if the truth.........................

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Guest yangri

I'm getting along really well with someone - a little too well for someone who's already in a relationship. There's nothing I don't like more than being a home wrecker but that seems to be the story of my life these days. And what's worse is, I like them I really do. FML, I need to meet someone else but then I don't want to because I'm enjoying this. But that other part of me feels so guilty because his girlfriend is so fking sweet she drove across two cities to haul his drunk richard simmons home. And it sucks the first time we actually got to talking to each other was because his friend decided to force 6 shots of grey goose down our throats. This isn't a healthy relationship and I should stop it but I probably won't, at least not immediately.

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Well, it's not just today, but for the past couple of months I've lost a ton of money, about 4.4 grand in total because peoplekeep jacking my things. It's not that i'm irresponsible, I'm just unfortunate. I lost a macbook pro because I someone quickly jacked it and ran away. I lost my iphone because someone pushed me into a pool fully clothed! I lost my LV wallet with my birthday money in it because someone pushed me over and quickly grabbed my wallet and ran for it. I lost my ipad2 because someone unlocked my room door and stole it from there. 

Recently, my teacher won a 21.4 million doller lotto. I've been daydreaming constantly about what my life would be like if I were rich. 


so unfortunate. >: 

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