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Asian Issues And Racism

Guest heygingersnap

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Guest razberrymeringue

ahh i'm not even asian and this bothers me!! it's actually embarrassing for me that people can actually be so ignorant and stupid sometimes...but i do listen to asian pop, so i've gotten some stuff before like for instance one time:

me: "i listen to korean pop"

girl: "ohh really that's so cool!"

me: "i guess so.."

girl: "is it all 'ching chang chong tokyo ching chong'?"

me: "ummmm....no...not at all..........-_-##"

blah...i didn't even know what to say..i was so..speechless. haha. i figured there were so many things wrong with that statement that i didn't even know where to start correcting her. so i didn't bother. i just walked away..

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Guest hiswendy

There's this girl, an acquaintance, who makes fun of the way Koreans talk... and she says it that way. I want to smack her and scold her that first of all, HANGEUL DOESN'T SOUND LIKE THAT. AT ALL. SECOND, THAT'S FACKING RACIST. (: But I don't. I hold it in & think of other things.

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Guest miniix

usually i ignore it but when it gets really annoying and rude i get back at them

(this actually happened)

this guy (he's paki): hey chingy can you open ur eyes and get me some rice (and this really pissed me off because my eyes arn't that small

me: hey paki, can u go get me an elephant for me to ride on while ur dad blows up america?!

he just stared at me and he left the class and the next day he switched classes. since then no one gave me rude comments but some of my friends for fun say ching chang chong and i just laff it off.

my other friend said that a good thing to do is if they say ching chong or something pretend to laff and be like 'i cant believe u just said that u eat dog crap!' and walk away.

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Guest mikamoui

^ooh i saw a comedian say something about that. when you they say "what does ching chong chong mean?" you should say "you just called your mother a hoar" XD

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Guest iya.donghae

There are tons of Chinese ppl at my school so noone makes fun of them/us.

But the people in the internet who go "Konichiwa!" and "Kawaii!" just richard simmons me off. ~___~ It's not cute, it's freaking annoying, they're trying hard to be soo Japanese when they have minimal knowledge of the language.

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Guest expressway.

i hear azn

jokes but its coming mah azn friends that i kno

and i make some

we joke

and they make black jokes


we just supa chill


"go pick cotton"

its funny if yu kno me in RL

haha; ohmygod ;D i remember i had this black boy that used to

mess with me, but we were friends, not best friends, but we were

close. he would go tell me "go pick rice" & i told him "go pick cotton"

xDD man, that quote brought back memories. puahaha! i make alot of

asian jokes too .. alot because there are really a lot of stuck-up asian girls

at my school. im always yelling 'fob-group!' cuz they always travel in

like a pack of six and what-not. lmfaoo`.

EDITT// this is completely off topic, but i want the jabbawockeez

to win the dance crew thing. SQ comes second for me. ;D

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Guest AMIbunny

hmm this haven't happened to me since Elementary school! thank goodness.. lol I remember back then, people were always like "ching chong chong." and i stared at them like O_O..wth? lol

I replied back "Thats not Chinese you know...."

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Guest stoopidity

oh my fudgin' god.

i fricken hate that. really. really. really.

i was singing at a karoake place in japanese [has anyone ever listened to Eternal Snow by Changin' My Life?], and my firends kept mimicking me.

also my dad does that, too.

DSKFJSKLJFLDK makes me wanna smack 'em across the wall.

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Guest robotomy

I hate it, it absolutely gets on my nerves. At my school they say that a lot to my friends and I and we get so irritated by it.

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Guest CrazyAzn

Retard: "ching chong ching chong ching chong"

Me: "Good to know you're mentally challenged." (walks away)

I was just speaking the truth. There is something psychologically wrong with people who make fun of others.

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Guest redmoon123

It shows how uneducated those stupid idiots are. I think it's retarded to make fun of other people's languages.

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Guest AtomicNorthernLights


As you all know

Everyone knows about the Black stuggle (i'm a black guy so i kno)


Everone knows about the Latino struggle

But not to many people know about the Azn struggle

If you know about FaR*EaSt MOVEMENT

It has come to mah attention that you guys are kinda

under the radar

like the azn struggle in america is lost

im not saying this to be racisit

or anything

cuz i got mad respect for ya'll

anyone wanna post up some racist things that happen to em

or anything or just discuss

and you guys are coming into the media a lttle bit

Jin tha Emcee




Can you clarify what you mean by struggle? Do you mean the struggle against discrimination and racism? If so classifying the struggle by race is detrimental to the movement. The reason being is differentiating between Black, Hispanic, White, and Asian struggle is not going to get it done. You must have solidarity amongst all races in order to reach equality.

Individual race struggles might be able to get things done for their race of people of their color, but i highly doubt it can be done since racism and discrimination will probably still be a reality for others. On top of that it might even make you the target of reactionary forces such as the police which is evident throughout history how singular movements were targeted by the police. Only when people of all colors come to struggle together against racism and discrimination directly oppose the the idea and proponents of racism will you be able to secure true equality for all.

But if you mean the struggle against the exploitation of people of the proletariat and some of the petty bourgeois class then the same thing must be done against the capitalist system the only difference between the two struggles is one if for equality in society and the other for equality in economically.

Sadly nothing can be done about these things if we do not take direct action against them.

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Guest AtomicNorthernLights

What you think the stuggle is

so all the above


Congratulations, comrade you are a communist!


Now we gotta find out were you fit on the spectrum of the revolutionary left.

if you believe in the destruction of the state, the elimination of exploitation of people, the free federation of work, and lastly the end of money and what we consider propery and the creation of a society based on "From each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs.", You might be an anarcho-communist.

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Guest iPhets


well i got used to it..

i remember i overheard some people beside me talking about asians and went.. "damn asians should just get out of this country, they came in a boat and its not even their land..etc etc they're not aussie at all.."

ORLY? i really wanted to laugh, because these guys seriousslly needs some history lessons ..

1) "australia" originally belonged to the aboriginals?

2) if these people really were the "australians" that colonized "australia", they were the ones that came in a boat.

3) most importantly, i came in an aeroplane

so its not really that offending to me, because most of those losers in my school don't actually know what they're talking about, so yah..

theres better ones but i cant really remember =/

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