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Asian Issues And Racism

Guest heygingersnap

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Guest ihigh

most of them are smart because at the young age the parents imprint in their mind that we have to do well...and as we get older it becomes a habit to do well. if not we get the stick

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Guest smilexsayumi

Yeah same ethnicity doesn't deal with your intelligence;

but the thing is Asian Parents are generally strict when

trying to teach their children a lesson or education wise.

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Guest emceej

i don't believe in that stereotype

but our parents have the ugliest reaction when it comes to grades.

no kidding.

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WE'RE not SMART!!..THEY'RE just DUMB!! :rolleyes:...

i mean, how can u really tell if someone is smart?..on what basis?..grades?..they dont mean nothing..i get awesomely good grades but i'm actually pretty retarded...the thing with the parents that u guys keep talking about?..i dont think its really true for everyone...how ur parents push u when ur young...etc..my parents don't give a damn how i do in school..I push myself. I guess "smartness" or just "hardworking-ness" is part of the person's nature.

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Guest beana*

I think why Asian people are so smart is because at a young age parents stress the importance of education. However that didn't happen to me and I'm not the brightest crayon in the crayon box :P

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Guest yienyienyien

mainly because our parents will have the most disgusting look on their faces if you get a bad grade. And asians tend to be SO COMPETITIVE sometimes. ._. *especially parents who love to brag about how well their kids do at school..bla bla..*

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well i do believe in it but really not all are. but hey if we all weren't then where did the stereotype come from in the first place? so yea i would agree that some asians are really smart...and i would say its kind of our parents and families fault cuz if we didn't drive to be i think we would get our a$#'s whoop anyways lol :lol: seriously....

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Guest EchoOff

cause we're pimps.


we be beastin' :lol:

i kid. i kid.

everyone's different.

it's just a stereotype.

but even if it's not.

it's probably because of the lifestyle asians grow up in.

they are taught to be cunning, you know?

"when you don't know somethin', CHEAT!"


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Guest babigurl87

idk bout the stereotype thingie ....... but i get really good grades and my parents don't push me at all......... and i'm pretty lazy 2 .. i don't do my hw until like 9 @ nite

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Guest miimisunshine

our parents.... they are strict when it comes to grades. like i remember i was watching one of KevJumba videos. he was explaining the difference between Asian grades and non- asian grades. it was Hilarious!!

i think technology gave us that stereostype.we are expected to be smart.

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