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Asian Issues And Racism

Guest heygingersnap

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This is mainly directed at the Chinese Soompiers, but yeah.. I'm studying English Language. And just wondering if anyone is offended by it.

Because frankly, I'm not really. I didn't even know it was considered racist until I read about. Maybe it's just been 'neutralised' in my area.

So yeah, what about your area? Is it considered racist still or has the meaning been 'neutralised'?

Thank you.

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if anyone who isn't of chinese descent refers to me or another asian as a richard simmons, i'd get really indignant and murderous

(given that i detected negative connotation of course)

as long as they didn't say it to mean offense i don't really care

saves you a syllable

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Guest viper2788

i kinda do. if theyre my friends, i wouldnt mind. but its just disrespectful comming out of a mouth of a stranger. i wouldnt hesitate to say the N word if some black guy called me a richard simmons. you know? same thing.

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Guest missdevotional

I don't see the big deal... I refer to my chinese friends as richard simmons, but it's like an affectionate term when I use it towards them.

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Guest love!mvmt

nope, i dont find it offensive. i call all my chinese friends "you chinese" and all my viet friends "you vietnamese" and so on. haha they dont mind ^^

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Guest himekograce

grrs. =0=ll

one time people were playing a game in my freshman year highschool..

"guess what asian country grace is from!"


they said some pretty STUPID things.. >.>ii

GAH! ._.;; people. are. dummies~~~

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Guest A.lee

i do. im not chinese but alot of ppl call me 'richard simmons' and i get offended by that.

if it was by another asian i wouldnt care but alot of 'black' ppl who live in my area call me richard simmons and i hate it.

i always tell them to stop and that i get offended by they just keep calling me that. (i dont even know who they are)

how would they like it if i called them the 'n' word?!?! (which i never have)

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