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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest sarah_kim

:( this is really saddening for me.

TVXQ started me on my whole KPOP love thing

To see that the group and the fans are all over the

place...this is waaaay to chaotic for me.

but as for SMEntertainment... well. I've never liked it anyways.

As soon as the SM artists started dropping like flies because due to serious

lack of mental/physical health, I stopped believing anything LSM said

about "we are a good caring company". Hello. If you care, you don't

let your artists hit rock bottom like that -_______-''

I will watch this thread and this case carefull and HOPE AND PRAY for

the best outcome for TVXQ AS A GROUP. LSM can retire now for all

I care <_<

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Guest maydx93

I'm a little confused right now backtracking all the pages...so is the press conference cancelled??

Cleared up for me. Thank you Eltoshen!!

I just got a summary from my friend...and yeah. SM deserves a beating, but we can't do anything right now besides hope for the best.

Keep the Faith.

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Guest catgirl5000

no none of the members in dbsk have twitters. fans have created them.


so is the press conference cancelled. I cant wait to get some official word.


They had the conference earlier today

JaeChunSu werent at the press conference themselves, it was there lawyer who spoke on behalf of them

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Guest Eltoshen

I'm a little confused right now backtracking all the pages...so is the press conference cancelled??

I believe it already happened, unless I recall incorrectly.

In the end, it's more likely that the company just wants to save image by putting the blame on the members. They can always replace DBSK, but they don't want their stocks to drop. Sounds like the action that SM would take.

What a corrupted company.

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Guest Supernike911

This is my first post-- i wouldn't want my "first time" anywhere else!! rofl ;)

this is a hard time for fans as well as the boys

although we may be freaking out and it seems as if this won't end as quickly as it started because of obvious reasons, i want to emphasize a point which is think is really important:-- in addition to having AMAZING vocal and dancing skills, great personalities and mezmorizing drive and passion towards their dreams, without us fans to support them, they wouldn't be anywhere as near as their success they have now

so as fans, it is really important to support the boys during times of hardship

we've already gone thru so much with them, this is just another "test" to see how united and strong we are as a team (dbsk+fans)

no matter what they decide, i believe it is in the best interest of everyone so we have to be mature and respectful of their decisions


below is a link for a petition to support the boys

there's already 4000+ signatures and more wouldn't hurt one bit :)

the messages will be sent directly to the boys so what are u waiting for???!!!!!


credits: Daily K Pop News

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Guest Labacookie

Wow, things have been intense! O:

I have no idea where things are going to go. Seeing SM's stocks slide like 20% in two or so days, I'm thinking SM has to realize that the uglier this gets, the more money they stand to lose. Didn't they just get back in the black?

I think renegotiating with DBSK and not pretending this is all about the cosmetics business would be the smart thing to do.

I'm not even going to comment on the finger pointing and wank going on. Some people really need to stop. And I don't mean in the sense that opinions aren't welcome so much as in the attempting to speculate about members and motives without actually knowing what's going on, because to aside from what limited info has been released...we don't.

In any case, DBSK FIGHTING!

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Guest bravetears

People, STOP blaming HoMin..

n people, STOP blaming JaeChunSu..

seriously, the 'stupid' dbsk is way more wise than the 'wise' us.

so stop making 'intelligent' assumption where it can torn our relationship as Cassiopeians apart..

because i cn see some ppl r takin sides already..lyk all these things r about HoMin vs. JaeChunSu when it is clearly not.

we need to b ONE dearies..dbsk need us to trust em..to support em.

n i believe., all five of em hav plans n strategies for this matter..just trust 'em will ya?

just BE ONE.

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Guest lovelygirl5

i has been a silent reader for almost 2yrs now. This is the first time I write something in this forum. Sorry if my writting may not be good. Anyway, i really hope the three members will win this case and hopefully the homin will join them at the end. Becasue like others have stated DBSK=5. Without five of them how we call them DBSK. There will just be only the name left to remember and i don't want that to happen. I still want to see they perform in j-pop and k-pop world. I feel like we(fan) had been fighting with them. They is what the new generation is looking after. Their success don't come out easily. Many people here have been said that SM can create a new band to substitute DBSK. But seriously, do sm think that other boyband will have this much affect to international fans lik DBSK have. My answer is no. You can look at me as one of example. I never into any k-pop or j-pop before in my life. Well i know there are a lot of good artists outthere, but i never pay any much attention to them. I know the song is popular and that's just it. I don't understand any of these languages and don't atten to learn or know try to understand them. But after being a fan of DBSK, I want to understand what they said in the clips or try to look for the translate of their lyrics. I never thought that DBSK will has this much impact in mylife but they did. So for me i don't think there any other groups that will make me this crazy to understand the other languages that not my language like DBSK did. I think some of the members in this forum probably are the same as me. So for sm, this is a big lost for them. They really need DBSK to create more international fans. I know super juniors and snsd also have many fans. But to me, there are really big gap in my heart. DBSK is only one group that make me desire to listen to k-pop and j-pop. So let's pray that this situation has end soon. DBSK fighting!

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Guest evelyim123

Wow, things have been intense! O:

I have no idea where things are going to go. Seeing SM's stocks slide like 20% in two or so days, I'm thinking SM has to realize that the uglier this gets, the more money they stand to lose. Didn't they just get back in the black?

I think renegotiating with DBSK and not pretending this is all about the cosmetics business would be the smart thing to do.

I'm not even going to comment on the finger pointing and wank going on. Some people really need to stop. And I don't mean in the sense that opinions aren't welcome so much as in the attempting to speculate about members and motives without actually knowing what's going on, because to aside from what limited info has been released...we don't.

In any case, DBSK FIGHTING!

I agree 100% with what you're saying.

I just hope the whole thing settles and blows over soon.


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Guest toomuchsmiling

Wow, just one night and things have been bad here. :ph34r:

It feels like this is a thread on music entertainment legality cases w/ S.M. than a DBSK thread. :lol:

-tries to lighten it up-

I have nothing to say (since everything's been said) but I'll just say: I stand by them. All FIVE of them. No matter WHAT. :)

just a share =D

DBSK Funny & Dorky moments Compilation (2008-09)

since it's so serious here. THis will make you smile no matter what mood you're in right now!! :D

Many laughs, and many GROUP HUGS. let's not forget, shall we?

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Enjoi, can i just clap my hands for what you said! *claps hands*

[ENG SUB] DBSK - Preparing for a Press Conference about SM issues {Thai News}

wow, DBSK is making news all over Asia.....the response to their possible disbandment has the greatest response I've ever seen in the Korean Music Industry so far...I think that all the fans are on their side right now...even the reporters seem to be putting SM on a bad light and agree that the contracts are ridiculous.

I know there have been news everywhere in asia now.

Really for all i see the boys are not even fighting for money, they are fighting because of that 13 year contract.

every one, just stand for them and always keep the faith.


I know the boys and us fans can overcome though times when are together as one.

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Guest taikogirl91

I agree 100% with what you're saying.

I just hope the whole thing settles and blows over soon.


same here!

there's 19375404392278506572824 things going on in my mind right now, but it would take

much too long to write it all out

toomuchsmiling: thank you so much for the link! THIS is the TVXQ i LOVE to see =]

that is how i want to see them from now on after this all passes

and like you, i don't have much to say since everyone

has said a majority of my thoughts already

but i WILL continue to support them throughout this whole issue and will always keep believing in them.


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Guest e`PSY

Am i the only one who's disappointed in te 3guy in all this fuss? Am i the ONLY ONE who thinks they're being selfish and not considering their fans?

I just had to laugh at this comment...DBSK have been considering their fans ever since they debuted. We were the first thing on their minds, we're the reason why they work extra hard, we're the reason why they didn't speak up about the 3/4 hours thing earlier because they didn't want us to see how much they're going through. I really don't see how they're being selfish by finally coming out with the truth.



As far as I know, the press conference happened but I don't know why news hasn't been released yet. We just have to keep the faith guys and stick with the boys through this. They're having a hard time right now, the future is very much unknown to them and to us so lets just keep the faith for them. We know them so we know they'll bounce back from this. This situation will only make them stronger, it'll make their fanclub stronger too.

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Guest fara_diggory


this thing really make me sad...

i hopu the boys win....and get what they deserve...

and i hate to see people talking about jaechunsu vs homin...its rediculous...

the boys are one... they'll never seprate...

gosh, i hope this thing end soon, and we can see the boys' happy face, enjoying performing and singing...


i pray for the good for the boys...

what ever happen next, hope it will make the boys happy

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Guest yippieyeah

I never really quite liked Don't Say Goodbye until Mirotic Bangkok concert where that song left a deep impression on me. It now has a special place in my heart. When I was thinking about what happened the past few days, the scene of the entire stadium singing to them came to mind again. I wonder if they heard it and thinking about it now, it was like a premonition for what's happening now. The lyrics are pretty apt too.


Don’t Say Goodbye

I can’t read your feelings since you try not to meet eyes with me,

Because I feel like a lost child, I just wait

Thruthfully, I know what you’re going to say,

But I can feel that it’s not your whole heart; your tears tell me

Don’t say goodbye,

I can hear your heart telling me not to let go of your hands,

I can hear you heart; You still just want me,

You can’t hide it, you can’t lie

I won’t allow it – your lie of wanting to seperate,

Look in my eyes and tell me,

It’s not…it’s not the truth

Don’t say goodbye,

I can hear your heart telling me not to let go of your hands,

I can hear your heart; Even if the world turns its back on us; Even if it’s a painful love,

You are my love, you are my soul

Don’t say goodbye, don’t leave me now,

The promises we’ve shared is everything to me

Don’t say goodbye, you are my everything to me,

My tired days only look for you,

Like a pond which won’t dry, I’ll love you,

You are my love, you are my soul

Don’t say goodbye, you are the only one for me,

As if nothing has happened, if today passes,

Let’s not let go of each other, and we’ll make it through,

Cause you are my everything to me,

Cause you are my everything to me

credits to:ginaaax3@soompi

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Guest chopstickee

DBSK Funny & Dorky moments Compilation (2008-09)

since it's so serious here. THis will make you smile no matter what mood you're in right now!! :D

Many laughs, and many GROUP HUGS. let's not forget, shall we?

Sorry for cutting your post. Aha, that just made my day ^_^

Junsu's laugh is so contagious!~ ^^

I have some funny videos to share ^^

Funny Changmin

& we just have to Keep the Faith ^_^

Let's try and focus on the positives and the funny times and the reasons why we love TVXQ right now.

Everything I'm sure will turn out right in favor of the boys. ^^

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Guest kamenishikeii

It's a very hard time for them, and I'm happy because a lot of people supporting them. But actually, I don't know what will happen. I'm reading news, and rumors and articles in these days, and I always belive in them. I never thought that they disbanding or something else. I know that they want to be together forever if it's possible. I know too, that they know what they are doing. That's why, please, don't blame Yunho and Changmin! This time is a hardest for their carrier, especially for both of them. So they need support of ALL of their fans. I'm sure, YoMin are by the other members' side. And following them, whatever happen.

I hope, this case will be resolve soon. I just want them to be happy. I want to see smile on their faces, and want them to be healthy! This is the most important!

Let's be by their side!


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For those people who taking sides or creating sides, and blaming them for being selfish and asking the question why they didn't do it before.

Take it in consideration that before, DBSK wasn't that popular, they will definitely lose if they speak out during those times. Right now is their peek, with Avex and endorsement deals. It's bound to happen, you can say that back in 2008, they were testing their popularity with Mirotic and in early 2009, they were testing their popularity again but in another country to make sure they have the status to deal with this.

The members has spoken, that they don't want to disband and that they are in it together, don't questioned them why the other two doesn't want in. How do you know they don't want in? They have reasons and decisions as grown men, and as loyal fans, you have to respect their decisions and support them. They stood on Tokyo Dome together, went through hardships together, so it's anyone who has a say in their closeness as a group, it would be them, not you people here who think that you know everything and are basing it on assumptions only. (To those who are blaming either Jaechunsu or Minho)

Sorry to say this, but I see that some/few international fans are a bit immature right now. Compare to Cassiopeia oversea, in South Korea, whom almost everyone "claim" that they are crazy are actually very chill with this. How ironic.


Can we get the subject of virginity back? I want to read interesting thoughts on that, or spam this with hot pictures of the DBSK men? I want to drool over them again

I think all members should stop replying to lil_miss_kawaii Because she doesn't seemed to change her opinions no matter what you say. Even putting up facts in front of her, she won't change her opinion, her post is always the same stuff anyway, and I think we should respect that. Leave that alone.

And fyi to lil_miss_kawaii, Shinhwa is still popular, it's just they're doing their solo stuff right now. They have been a group for 10 years, did you not see their 10 years anniversary this year or last year? I wondered if you know who Junjin is now....

And girl, I think you should just leave the thread, we don't need more drama, your post are mostly the same thing over and over again, everyone has replied to you in disagreement and agreement, but mostly the former, you would get the hint by now that they won't change their opinion, and so are you, don't force it in everyone head, because you are irritating them right now I bet. And I think that you too are irritated with everyone blaming your precious SME. I understand that you are generous, you rather work your asses off for a company (because it seemed like that in your post) but majority of people are selfish, we work our asses off for our future, our dream. You think DBSK just wanted money? Have you ever thought that they have dream that they want to accomplish? What are their dreams? To Sing and reach out to everyone and many others that we have no idea about. So, wouldn't you think that maybe they sign the contract for that instead of money?

If you don't know, and I don't know what their reason to sign the contract in the first place is, then shouldn't it be better for us to shut up?

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