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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest dbsgdec

***I think Jaesu mentioned it in their couple talk that what makes their voices so great together is that what one voice lacks, the other has. Which is why it's hard to say who's better than the other. Jae's got the technique, Junsu's got the stage presence or passion; Jae's got the range, Junsu's got the adlibs; etc. It's the Great Debate, I tell ya. But I'm gonna go on an OT5 digression and say: They have such distinct voices but when they come together, it's an incredibly vocally pleasing thing.

I agree.

Singing skill

1. Junsu - What can i say? He's born to sing. His voice is mesmerizing. One voice i'd never get tired with.

2. Jaejoong - Such beautiful voice.

3. Yoochun - I love him in cd, not live. Husky manly flirtatious voice.

4. Yunho - deep bass, the important pole in tvxq.

5. Changmin - too high, but lovable.

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Guest Mitakki

Hi everyone!

I just came back from my Nagoya Trip for THSK's 4th Live Tour.

It's my first time in Japan but I got one of the most memorable experiences of my life.

I enjoyed the concert on June 18 & 20 and had happy moments with THSK, especially my cute Yoochun.

Most importantly, I got several good & caring friends with the same interest from different countries. So impressive :)

Wow... You're so lucky!!! I'm really jealous!!!

Thanks so much for the pics!!!

Can you tell us some more detailed reports??? Plz!!! :P

And I guess you're also going to their upcoming Bangkok concert right???

More Chun @ Kimpo Airport

His MP3 player + headphone are the gifts given by fans for his birthday!!! :P













Credits: On pics


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Guest pickleisgood

I based this on how I would give points to a professional dancer ^^;

1. Junsu-- 9.6/10 He is AMAZINGLY good on choreographed steps, his body is instantly in tune with the music and he seems so passionate when dancing, you can see it on his facial expressions. He usually kills the choreography and puts some adlibs (like this thing he does with his finger and tongue on Hey, girl!) here and there for added fangirl fatalities. xD He's verrry manly and charismatic and full of energy when dancing.

2. Yunho--9.3/10 Super-great freestyle and he knows lots about dance genres. Sometimes he exudes ultra-manliness when dancing, but most of the time he has this sexy/effeminate grace (I don't think it's bad!) like a shaolin martial artist or a male ballerina :D He's like a spaghetti pasta when he dances, however weird a comparison that is xD

3. Changmin 8.6/10 Imo, Changmin is highly underrated as a dancer :( The thing with Minnie is that he's very good with the steps and he's very energetic, but I think since he dances the steps by the book and he has unusually long limbs it comes off as kind of too sharp and dare I say it, mechanical? (it's not mechanical at all but I can't seem to find the right words right now so forgive me xD) But like I said I think Minnie could be as good as Yunho if he lets go more and puts more spin on his moves.

4. Jaejoong 7.5/10 Jae, unlike Minnie puts a lot of ad lib and/or unnecessary moves sometimes and I think he's too conscious of his surrounding that he seems to drift off somewhere else than just dancing and being in tune with the music like the first three above. I think he's really good though, almost as good as their Japanese back-up dancers (who are amazingly good, btw).

5. Micky 6/10 I don't wanna be harsh on Micky and I understand that the first two on my list are exceptionally good dancers, but Micky doesn't put a lot of energy in his moves. I guess it has something to do with his health. He's better than most people, don't get me wrong, but when all five of them dance you can instantly tell the difference between him and the top 3 above. ^^; He needs to work on his stamina if he can (I heard he stays up late and eats little) because from what I've seen on the Purple Line rehearsal they filmed last year, if he just puts more energy into his dancing he could be as good as the rest of them DBSK boys! :D Micky, hwaiting! <3

EDIT: Singing skills, hmmm?

1. Junsu 9.8/10 (Shining voice) I came from a country where people sing ALL the time, and I mean all. the. friggin'. time. so I'm a pretty experienced listener (not singer lol) of very talented live singers from amateur to professionals and celebrities and I have to say that Junsu is right up there with the greatest live performers in the world. He borders on absolute pitch and rarely goes off-tune and on those rare occasions he's obviously sick or exhausted. His voice is so obviously trained through the years that when I first heard it I thought he might have had a background on opera or something lol. Only thing I can point out is that I hope he can moderate his vibrato a little, depending on the song ^^

2. Changmin 9 /10 (Crystal voice) Again Minnie is usually underrated in this category T.T If we're talking individual skills I think Minnie is clearly fit to be a solo singer. He's been trained to sing the higher notes because he's one of the rare vocalists who can reach those notes and still keep the volume. The others' voices thin out on very high notes (which is usually the case for most singers) but Minnie's stays the same so when they do acapella for example, you can clearly hear him more than he should be heard xD I hope he holds his mic like Junsu does when singing high notes (Junsu holds his mic away and does this side singing so it doesn't sound as sharp to the ears.) and practice controlling his voice more although these past few years he has been improving so much ^^

3. Jaejoong 9/10 (Angel voice) Jaejoong is gifted with a naturally beautiful voice quality. I think his voice is soothing and relaxing and he can cover various genres which is an indispensable skill. Only thing is that he finds it difficult to switch from high to low/ low to high and he drags his notes when he's switching. His vocals are improving with each new song, though and I'm pretty sure he'll be as good as Junsu technique-wise in the future :D

4. Yunho 7.5/10 (Lifting voice) I called his voice lifting because in acapellas his bass lifts the other boys' voices up and makes them ring beautifully in our ears. I think his bass voice (on recorded songs) is top-notch. I had a friend back home who is incidentally a professional bass singer for a record company comment on Yunho's voice when I asked him to youtube the HaHaHa commercial and Whatever They Say acapella and he said that Yunho's bass is "crazy good" ^^Y

5. Micky 7.5/10 (Silky voice) I love Micky's voice when he talks :o It's soooo sexy and sensual. I think when it comes to recorded songs, Micky's voice easily becomes my 2nd or 3rd favorite depending on the song but during live his health is again, the issue I think T.T He runs out of breath easily which breaks his voice and he turns to using his throat voice which is not good for his vocals when overused T.T But really, when he's in tip-top shape, he sings soooo good. :D

This is my opinion and mine alone so please feel free to disagree but no bashing please? D:

I was prepared to say something about the topic, but when i saw your post, its like you took away the words from my mouth! All i can say now is ditto! Although my ranking varied a bit from yours, i absolutely love your analysis.


1. Junsu/Jaejoong. Its crazy not to like them if you like tvxq songs.

2. Changmin. I agree with you. He's def. underrated.

3. Yoochun.

4. Yunho. Sorry Yunho. But i think all bass singers tend to be underrated.


1. Junsu. Natural.

2. Yunho. Power.

3. Changmin. Learned.

4. Jaejoong. Cute.

5. Yoochun. Lacked energy.

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Guest mkjunsu

First Post! ^^ I'm Kath btw nice to meet u all and thanks for all the amazing contributions to this thread!

I Guess I'll Start with the ranking:












5.Yunho (He is improving so much though!)

Also once i figure out how to post pics i'll be sure to do some pic spams ^^'

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Guest xU♥Vcass♥OneTVXQ

[PICS] 090624 Yunho @ Gimpo Airport Arrival (Korea)









Source : PersonalyYoonho

Credit : xU♥Vcass@OneTVXQ

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Guest yeonchae_jejung

...Dancing Skills...


Don't underestimate his power when dancing! =D


he's curvy but flexible like yunho.. ^^


his legs make the dance so graceful


haha.. to make his own dance, he can't do it very well. but for dancing together,he's good!!


His habit when dancing : bended hands.. haha.

...Singing Skills...


this is the reason why i like tvxq for the first time.bcoz of his voice!! he always makes me cry whenever i heard him sing..


No doubt.. he always can reach every note.and the vibration is so "junsu"


he's getting better and better.. has a characteristic voice. =D


sometimes he makes a surprise with playing the note..haha.


only one : rap like crazy!! <3 <3 <3

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Guest LeaYuri

What song do you like to listen to live and not on a CD/in CD quality? Or in other words, find yourself listening to the live versions more than CD-recorded versions?

I tend to choose ..

1)Love In The Ice

2)Share The World (I dislike this song but once I watched they sang in live performance (MF 21),I was stunned and started to like it :) )

3)Dont Say Goodbye

4)Darkness Eyes

5)Rising Sun

6)Summer Dream

6)Ride On


8)Asu Wa Kuru Kara

DBSK Kimpo Pics Thanks to all stalker!! :P

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Guest haruno_xiah

About their singing skills... I´m sorry but I can´t do it... It´s very very difficult for me to do this rank... T_T

I could only rank them like this:

1. Junsu / Jaejoong

2. Yoochun /Changmin

3. Yunho


But I love all their singing skills.. It´s just that all 5 of them are great singers! So it´s very difficult for me...

The link for that baby-maker... http://www.vw.com/vwhype/babymaker/en/us/

aw thanks alot.

I will make all babies in toho coupple !! XD ahaha !! :D

welll ~

seems people in here were confused to choose Tohoshinki the best singing skills in rank ~

and i saw that . overall people have choosen

Jaejoong at the first place !!

and the 2nd place was Junsu


and the other were random :D

and me:

1. Jaejoong

2. Junsu

3. Chang Min

4. Yoochun

5. Yunho

Jaejoong is really2 have an angel voiceee :D

we're not wrong to choose him at the 1st place !! (:

thanks everybody !! =D

and ~ another question ~~

which member of dbsk do you think are the most experienced at flirting with girls ?

my rank :

1. Yoochun

he's so incredible to do something which so romantic , rite ?? ... <33

2. Jaejoong

3. Yunho

4. Between Junsu or Chang Min ( because they're both same !! hahaha ~ not looks too interested with a girl than they're stuff lolz XDD ... Junsu is really interested with his GAME and FOOTBALL.

and Chang Min is so interested with his FOOD.)

how about u ? ;)

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Guest miss_h

May I joint the discussion?? ^^

Singing Skill

Everybody has say what they have to say.. I just wan to add something:

DBSK is consist of 5 competitive and ambitious man, but the greatness of it is that they all know it and willing to compromise when they sing together. Look at JJ for example, he have a very strong voice but he tend to softer his tone when singing with the member but belt it out when sing with other artist; The perfect example for this is when they sing Towani and when he sing Goose Dream with various artist;

JJ, Se7en, Eru, LSG, In Sooni - Goose Dream

I think media and public really underestimated JJ. In Korea, people tend to over prize Junsu over other and forget JJ voice and his role in the group. In DBSK, JJ voice blend theirs together and make it sound united.

I just don't like it when non-fans, claim to be fans, and demand one member to go solo and make it sound like the other is insignificant to the group. Each of them are special. As people explain in this discussion very well. SM really hit a jackpot when he make DBSK.. ^^


Freestyle: Yunho is fierce, Junsu is smooth, Yoochun is sexy, Changmin is awkward sexy (because he is big and sometime he is too shy), and JJ is fail (:lol:, love you Kim JJ)



the most experience with flirting:

1. Yoochun: I say it again, he is sleazy by nature. He can play this game like a pro. Example: X-Man DBSK special.

2. Jaejoong: People tend to overlook his manliness because of his pretty face. But I always have this flirty vibe from him. His fan service is the best out of five for god sake... He know the technique

3. Yunho: He have it, but choose not to use it

4. Changmin: He want to, he just don't know how to; yet. This boy have a great potential to become 2nd or 3rd, but for now he is in 4th because he is too shy and don't know the art, YET.

5. Junsu: my lovely innocent Junsu. He do not flirt, he go straight to the point :)

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Guest jaejoong.ro02

how would you rank the dongbang boys in terms of how well they dance? (i know most would put yunnie as 1st, but what about the rest?)

just for fun! =)

1. Junsu (10/10) -> just because I like his dancing the best, emotion + charisma. He's a natural dancer.

2. Yunho (9.5/10)

3. Changmin (9/10)-> He really puts the effort.

4. Jaejoong (7/10)

5. Yoochun (6.5/10)


1. Junsu/Jaejoong (10/10)

2. Changmin (9/10)

3. Yunho/Yoochun (8/10)

QUESTION: How much of an impact does DBSK have on the paths of Korean groups that are going to Japan right now? What's the extent of their role in opening up the Japanese to Korean groups? Or how they view Korean groups?

Sort of like how much influence does DBSK have in Japan regarding the debut of new groups (exposure, etc).----I understand that there were other Korean artists in Japan before DBSK but I was wondering what DBSK's impact was.

I can't answer it directly but I think if your a Tohoshinki fan in Japan, you'll most likely know other kpop groups.

But of course other groups has to work really hard and double the effort coz it's hard to please Japan.

I can say that among kpop groups, DBSK dominates the Japanese market.

So let other groups do what they can do and as a fan let's continue supporting TVXQ coz we believe in them. ;)

I also have another question:

What song do you like to listen to live and not on a CD/in CD quality? Or in other words, find yourself listening to the live versions more than CD-recorded versions?

Actually I'm a big fan of their live performances and there are more times that I prefer listening/watching their lives than listening to the CD quality songs.

and ~ another question ~~

which member of dbsk do you think are the most experienced at flirting with girls ?

1. Yoochun

2. Jaejoong

I don't think YunMinSu has any experience.

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Guest min_60

I think media and public really underestimated JJ. In Korea, people tend to over prize Junsu over other and forget JJ voice and his role in the group. In DBSK, JJ voice blend theirs together and make it sound united.

I just don't like it when non-fans, claim to be fans, and demand one member to go solo and make it sound like the other is insignificant to the group. Each of them are special. As people explain in this discussion very well. SM really hit a jackpot when he make DBSK.. ^^

I agree with what you said about Jaejoong's voice. I'm not saying Junsu is bad or anything, it's just that people really do underestimate Jaejoong's voice. I recommended some of their songs to my friend and her response was "Wow, Junsu's voice is awesome." I asked her how did she thought of Jaejoong's voice and she said it was just okay. :sweatingbullets:

It's true that all five of them are at their best when they're together =)

Songs I love to listen live rather than cd quality

1. Bolero

2. Mirotic

3. I Wanna Hold You

4. Travel Log

5. Love In The ice

6. Doush!tte

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Guest fobbiyo

What song do you like to listen to live and not on a CD/in CD quality? Or in other words, find yourself listening to the live versions more than CD-recorded versions?

Love in the Ice for sure.

Forever Love, Bolero, Asu Wa Kuru Kara. Basically all of their ballads. I rather hear them live than recorded to be honest. Other than Doush!te, I think every ballad they sang so far is really good. It showcase their singing ability well. I love it.

Honestly, I only listen to Forever Love at 2nd Bigeast Fanmeet. Sometimes I forget I'm listening to the recorded other than at the beginning. It's so beautiful live and it definitely deserves to be one of their best live they have ever done.

Ranking on singing ability? hrm..

1) Junsu. Not because I am biased, but I think he won me over by his emotions. He puts emotion into every note and lines he sing. Truly amazing. I always get teary listening to him sing the ballads.

2) Jaejoong. He's behind Junsu because he hasn't quite put enough emotion into the songs. He is better now with it though.

3) Changmin. His high notes are no joke. Though, I think he still has a little bit of trouble controling it. He is better at it now though.

4) Yunho. He improved alot over 5 years, and I'm super proud of him :) Dancer to a singer must have been hard. He sings well now.

5) Yoochun. Although, I think he got worse last year, he is improving once again this year. Sometimes, his lives are hard to swallow, but not all the time. If this was based on composing, he would definitely get number 1 :)

These rankings aren't anything. They are best together and being first or last doesn't mean they are the best or the worse. They are still brilliant singers.

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Dancing Skills

1. Junsu - his dance moves are sexy, sleek and they never fall into a routine. He seems so natural when dancing, like he was born knowing those moves. Sounds stupid but that's how I feel.

2. Yunho - he's an amazing dancer, no doubt about that. But sometimes, his popping is just too much for me if you know what I mean. Also, lot of his moves just seem to be variations of 'O'Jung.Ban.Hap intro. He needs to show more versatility. But I loved his dance on Sexy back. The best dance improvisation ever.

3. Changmin - he improved so much since debut. Sometimes he seems too tall and lanky to be a good dancer, but he really is. I love elegance and sophistication he brings into dbsk's choreographies.

4. Jaejoong - he seems a bit clumsy when dancing to me, like he's too pretty to pop. But he's trying hard and he does his moves like a pro.

5. Yoochun - before, he used to be a whole lot better. Lately, whenever they need to dance on some show (like for example, when they had to dance a part of Mirotic in some Japanese show), he just moves a little bit here and there and looks pretty uninterested. That's why I'm giving him the last place. Because he sort of stopped trying.


1. Jaejoong/Junsu - so. I prefer Junsu's voice. When he sings, everything else disappears. He sucks you in with that raw passion. When his voice weavers in Don't say Goodbye, I get goosebumps all over. His voice is my idea of heaven. It's so soft and gentle and sweet - I get such a wonderful feeling listening to him.

But Jaejoong's voice has another sort of quality to it that's hard to ignore. He can sings all sorts of songs, he just suits every genre. Also, there's this crystal clarity to it. It's fresh and unmistakable. He doesn't quite put as much as passion as Junsu in his singing, but hey, Junsu's sort of passion is really rare.

2. Yoochun - I love the simple, husky sweetness of his voice. The way he sounds in 'All in vain' and 'Day moon' is magical. He has troubles with breathing so his lives are not so good sometimes, but his voice just leaves me smitten. It's so crazy good, so pleasant to listen to, that for a while he and Jaejoong were pretty much tied on my list.

3. Changmin/Yunho - Changmin's high notes are amazing, but we never hear much else of him. He sort of became 'that boy who screams in Mirotic'. Personally, I prefer his lower notes like in Taxi. He practically carried out that song all by himself. And that says a lot when you have other members like Junsu and Jaejoong.

Yunho has a pleasant, booming voice that doesn't give you much to love or hate. He can do better than he gets to show, Bolero being a perfect example for it (although everyone seems to talk just about Yoochun's high note). His voice tones down and rounds up most of their songs, giving it that final touch - a cherry on the top. Overall, I like his voice.

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Wow... You're so lucky!!! I'm really jealous!!!

Thanks so much for the pics!!!

Can you tell us some more detailed reports??? Plz!!! :P

And I guess you're also going to their upcoming Bangkok concert right???

Thanks! Please wait for my detailed report. I'll try to finish it soon. :)

And I'll surely go to their Mirotic Concert in Bangkok because I live here. :D

So exciting to see them tomorrow. Hope everything goes as planned

and the boys are not so tired travelling here & there. :(

I'll try to memorize all the moments during the Press Con. & the concerts

and share them here with you guys later (stories & photos, I hope) .

P.S. Thanks so much for Yoochun's parade of photos, love them all!

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Guest junnie

Kim Junsu's Live Compilation

his unique powerful soulful voice makes me love him even more~!!!!!!

Dancing Skills...

1- Junsu - 100 %perfect

2- Yunho - 99.9 % perfect

3- Changmin -

4- Yoochun -

5- Jaejoong -

Singing Skills...

1- Junsu

2- Jaejoong

3- Changmin

4- Yoochun

5- Yunho

Songs I love to listen live rather than cd quality...

1- Love in the Ice

2- Beautiful You

3- Bolero

4- Begin

5- Asu Wa Kuru Kara

6- Forever Love

7- Summer Dream

8- Mirotic

9- Somebody to Love

10- Loving You

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Guest Kamoku-Ai

Dancing Skills:

1) Yunho. The 'O' video, need I say more! :P Yunho has some major-talent in dancing.

2) Junsu. I love his natural, effortlessness. There's just no other way to describe his dancing.

3) Changmin. I enjoy watching Minnie dance even though he isn't the best. He's very good!

4) Jaejoong. A bit clumsy. I feel his dancing is better in MVs than it is live for some reason.

5) Yoochun. I feel so guilty for doing this. :( But Chunnie just seems to dance because he has to. But I still think he's sexy when he dances! :w00t:

Singing Skills

1) Yoochun! I looooove his deep, sexy voice. It just does something for me. I think he sings with a lot of passion and I always look forward to his turn in songs.

2) Junsu. I truly believe this boy was born to sing! His vocals are just so perfect whatever he sings.

3) Tough one between Junsu and Jaejoong. I think Jaejoong has an effortless singing voice, like it's just natural for him.

4) Changmin. Wow he has improved so much! His voice is so powerful and harmonious.

5) Yunho. Sorry! I love Yunho's voice but it just doesn't really stand out to me. I still love him though!

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Guest bukishine


28 June, 2 tickets BL or BR zone.

email me: agia.raras@gmail.com

Many thanks!!

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Guest keikai

lol interesting...

Dancing Skills

1) Yunho

2) Junsu

3) Yoochun

4/5) Changmin/JaeJoong

but my personal fav dancing ranking...

1) Junsu (when he dances, its so "Junsu", cos there's a deep sense of freedom in his dancing. and i always felt dancing should be this way ^_^)

2) Yunho (POWER hahhaa~~)

3) Chun/Min/Jae (not super into their dancing haha!)

Singing Skills

1) Junsu/JaeJoong (no words needed)

2) Changmin/Yoochun

3) Yunho (BUT, he is the member that i personally felt improved the most!)

My fav singing ranking..

1) JaeJoong (powerful, versatile, emotional. i love his deep voice ALOT)

2) Yoochun (same as Jae, his singing gets to me. Though not as powerful as Jaesu, his voice makes me wanna cry. and his voice is sooo sexy!)

3) Junsu (powerful, emotional, charismatic voice)

4) Changmin/Yunho (Min's voice sometimes sounds too sharp, esp when he doesn't pull the mic away, BUT his screams are just so LOVE. Yunho's bass voice...wat can i say? I love his bass voice especially in acappellas)

i think Lee So Man's smart in getting TVXQ together. 5 men with 5 unique and powerful vocals, blend in so perfectly, harmonizing, everything. TVXQ is TVXQ only cos of these 5. Despite me giving the rankings and all, TVXQ's singing will never be complete without each and every member.

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Guest xU♥Vcass♥OneTVXQ

[HQ]Tea for Two FULL (Esubbed)

Credit : whisperpuppies + DBKnights

Share: OneTVXQ

From : whisperpuppies

really like this song! The lyrics are so sweet, it makes your heart warm and melt. I tried making it flow better, and I hope you'll like it too.

Oops, I made a mistake! I accidentally put in a forever and ever again after "Let me see you smiling by my side"~ Ahh....don't have time to change, bear with me.


I"m so in LOVE with this songs <333333

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Guest Cloud

I love ranking. :) it's so fun. Well, I like READING other people's rankings.

The recent rankings are a real testament to JJ's improvement in singing. Even maybe last year... a lot of people were ranking Junsu first, despite their preference for JJ's voice because it simply was OBVIOUS that Junsu was the better singer. But JJ really has improved immensely. He has better lung capacity than before and is not as off key... and he really is learning to put emotion into his singing.


1. Junsu

2. JJ

3. Changmin

4. Yunho/Yucheon

Junsu will always be number one for me when it comes to singing. A lot of people were mentioning that JJ can digest any genre, and I agree (pretty much... it's what i've always thought too)... BUT I think people take for granted that Junsu ALSO can pull off a variety of styles... a lot more than he's actually given credit for. The difference though, is that JJ pulls it off with his versatile voice, while Junsu pulls it off with technique. (I actually think that in this aspect, Junsu's voice puts him at a disadvantage.) There's a reason why Junsu has the most admirers among fellow singers. Junsu really understands how to sing. To me, he's just always been at a different level. And even when it comes to the other components.. like adlibs, rhythm apperception, insight, Junsu outshines his members. I don't think he's the perfect singer though. But I don't really care for perfect. He's good enough and I know he'll get better because miraculously, he keeps improving (this goes for the other members too).

I know i made this post Junsu-biased, but I only wrote about him because it FEELS like... a lot of people put heavy emphasis on voice... which is slightly different. Anyway though, the gap is getting smaller and smaller as JJ improves. I'm really proud of him. He's really come a looong way. I always thought JJ just SANG like a regular person who knows how to sing, but never learned. (Okay that was VERY articulately spoken -_-;;;;) It was very raw and kind of messy... when he wanted volume he was just LOUD...... and even if his voice had color, because he didn't know how to max out his emotions, it was a bit flat... but now... he's like a completely different singer. JJ has SO much potential, it's ridiculous. I really think one day he'll be just as good.. if he keeps at this pace.

and I don't study singing so sorry if i sound too opinionated when I have like zero experience. I'm only reflecting on what I felt from the countless performances i've watched over the past 4.5 years. So this is purely my perception.


wasn't going to do dancing but eh, for fun


1. YUNHO/JUNSU - I don't know how to rank these two.

Yunho definitely has better technique. His moves are clean and really pretty. Yunho dances almost too perfectly (?). It lacks depth... personal flavor. Sort of ... like with enough practice, it can be imitated. But Yunho ALWAYS, has the best form.

Junsu has style. Like his singing, he personalizes his moves. I don't know how he's so good at that! lol. His moves are HIS moves. But I always thought Junsu sometimes overdoes it... and he can get messy... sort of.. loose? especially when he gets all into it. haha. does anyone know what i'm talking about?

2. Yucheon - He's not a bad dancer. He's just... lazy and not as energetic as the other members. (i don't mean lazy as in not-a-hard-worker, i mean lazy as in.... just his moves are lazy). He's definitely not as clean as yunho or junsu. Yucheon's.. OKAY.

3. JJ - Not a dancer. But he has a very distinct style. So he gets credit for that. the dance always looks a bit different the way JJ does it. lol. It's not ALWAYS good but I like watching him sometimes.

4. Changmin - can't dance. =X hehehe <3 but points for keeping up with the dbsg choreography. He pulls it off. I guess that's enough.

Other than Yunho or Junsu, none of the other members are GOOD dancers. And this was always my (kind of ridiculous) opinion, but compared to other dancer-singers, yunho and junsu aren't like.. the most.. natural/truly-gifted dancers..........

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