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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Beautiful T_T

chun and the piano is just love....and during the end its like hes putting so much emotion into playing those last notes. His head was down the whole time..

i cant beileve share the world is doing so good on both sales and downloads.

Shesh who knew?

Its their highest selling single right now.

I just hope sbu would do even better.

Knowing they sang the song from the start of the tour, thats got to boost some of the sales=]

AADBSKIII- lols 9 hours of dong bang? omg thats great.

japanese versions are always so pricy.

i hope they include the eng subs also.

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Guest loveprincemax

핫이슈(Hot issue) Shim Chwangming~

ㅠㅠ.....;; Tonight sleep is not comingㅠㅠ

to put into mouth it was paradise for me'~';;휴~~



퍼가지 마세요.


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Guest maimi

Foreigners who will attend Mirotic Concert in Bangkok

TVXQ Event is arranging "Memory in Blue Project"


On 28 Jun 09, all 4500 Baht seats from SC to SM (11 blocks) will be given light sticks in Light Greenish Blue.


The lights will be used during the songs : Love in the Ice, Insa, and Don't Say Goodbye.

Please light up the lights by cracking and shaking the sticks when the VTR starts (after Changmin singing the Lullaby Song)

Important :

If you are in the mentioned zones,

1. Please switch off your RED light sticks during the 3 songs.

2. After the songs, please hide the WHITE sticks in your bags or under your seats.

If you are able to get pictures, we will be very much appreciated.

Last, but not least, please help to promote the project. Thanks.

Credit: Translated by PrimUnni

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Guest llxpammexll

holy shoot. hopefully the prices for AADBSK III for region 3 (korea and such) will come out soon... most likely they'll be a lot lot lot cheaper.

i've watched the other seasons.. and the korean versoin had good english subtitles.

sadly, i STILL want to buy AADBSK TWO. any help or suggestions? pm me please (:

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Guest e`PSY

[NEWS] 090622 Super Junior movie with two TVXQ members guest-starring in it...

Some rumours in Asia the other day is that Super Junior will tour Asia for a second time, film their second movie work, and this may possibly bring Super Junior to a higher level in the music industry.

According to the news, Super Junior will be filming a movie that is based in the modern days. This is a good opportunity for the 13 individual, and different Super Junior members to perform their actual skills. In this movie, two members from TVXQ will be guest-starring, but play important roles in this modern-day movie. Q: Who in TVXQ will get the two roles? A:For now, it is unknown.

Super Junior and TVXQ has been gaining more and more fame since their debut, and this movie may boost up their social status in the music industry even more.

Everyone hopes that we will soon see the splendid movie starring all thirteen Super Junior members and two members from TVXQ!

English translation credits: ♡♥{東方神起}♥♡ @ onetvxq.com


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Guest asdfhjkl;

AADBSKIII; Wow.. I know japanese versions are always expensive, but it's seeing the prices each time still makes me go :o Yesss, they're doing the couple talks again. Those are always interesting :D

SBU PV was nice! Simple, but the transitions were kinda cool. And I didn't know where to look, there were so many of them! It was so great xD

And, other thing. thought this was cute. :P

Yoochun (sexily) teaches Junsu to say "Darkness Eyes"

LOL one of the youtube comments got me laughing so hard; "haha~ DUCKness eyes matching with his duck butt <3"

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LOL wonder which performance this is from XD

The price of AADBSK III Japanese Vers is near enough the same price as last years AADBSK II Japanese Vers, so i wont be too worried about the price of the Korean one :) Im glad theres the 'Couple Talk' segment again XD But sadly, i was hopin they were gonna have another 'House Tour' of their apartment :( LOL! Anyway looking forward for the release, thanks for the info ^_^

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Guest Shenlu

Ah as usual the Japanese version of AATVXQ is expensive ^^

We should discover the price of the Korean version soon, considering it releases on July 31.

The contents seems really fun, another couple talk? =D and Saipan, I'm so excited to see what they did while they were there.

As for 2 members starring in a movie with Super Junior, this should be taken with a large pinch of salt until it's either confirmed or denied, no? ^^;

I have a request! ^^ Could anyone tell me the font used for Jaejoong and Yoochun's tattoos, please? (The TVfXQ SOUL and TVfXQ MYC respectively) because I've been trying to find out for ages and it's driving me nuts...

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Guest jemima



Two tickets for 2 days :

1. 1 (one) ticket for 27 June 2009 : Zone R row M seat 5 ; price THB 1,900 (yes I sell it cheaper !!)

2. 1 (one) ticket for 28 June 2009 : Zone SM row E seat 17 ; price THB 4,400 (it's also cheaper !!)

You can buy both or separate ticket. Just send me message or drop me an email at : retno7223@gmail.com

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Guest afterglow.

goodness. the japanese version of aadbsk3 is so freaking expensive! the korean version will be released on july 31st right? some fans on dnbn are guessing that maybe the kr version will cost between 3-5 manwon. i hope so!


about the aadbsk series, does anyone know if they will produce more if they run out of print? or is it like, if they run out then that's it. i'm saving up to get their music releases first, but i don't wanna miss out on aadbsk3 if it's a limited edition. =/

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goodness. the japanese version of aadbsk3 is so freaking expensive! the korean version will be released on july 31st right? some fans on dnbn are guessing that maybe the kr version will cost between 3-5 manwon. i hope so!


about the aadbsk series, does anyone know if they will produce more if they run out of print? or is it like, if they run out then that's it. i'm saving up to get their music releases first, but i don't wanna miss out on aadbsk3 if it's a limited edition. =/

Dont quote me on this but from what i remember they usually produce more after but once the 2nd batch are out of print again they wont make anymore >_< *starts savin my pennies* lol

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Guest toomuchsmiling

All About DBSK 3...is 150 FREAKING DOLLARS?????

OK, all about dbsk 1 was only 45!! all about dbsk 2 was like..around 60?

I forget how much money i spent but THIS one 150?? that better be a lie!

how could it be worth so much when the otehrs were priced significantly less!!

And from what I read of the contents, it doesn't even have as much? T__T

i will be patient and wait to see if the price is not as much as what that article said!

haha, btw, the MF talk show was freaking hilarious. XD

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Guest BoA_TVXQ

Beautiful performance.this song is one of the most favourite ballad songs i like, it will never make me bore. the scene the boys sang together while Chunnie was playing piano is so romantic. Its so touching

WOW, i rarely see this side of Minnie. he's darn cute. i imitated him too and my mom was like " what the heck are u doing?stpo doing weird moves" . But my eyes forcused on Chunnie more, his way of looking at Minne is a little bit suprised and ridiculous LOL.

wanna share some pics of Jae in NHK SBU









as tags +mrtvxq

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Guest teukieca

Moon Hee Jun Talks About Kim Jaejoong

Moon Hee Jun: "Even since Youngwoong Jaejoong still became H.O.T fan, he’s already attracting my attention."

Moon Hee Jun a former H.O.T member told his feeling about TVXQ member Youngwoong Jaejoong.

In one interview, Moon Hee Jun was asked about his opinion towards his hoobae (junior) "I have good relationship with all TVXQ members, but Jaejoong is the one who loves my music the most. I hope we’ll have this good relationship between us continues."

Moon Hee Jun revealed that before debuted, Jaejoong was one of H.O.T fans. When H.O.T held concert, once he saw him among the crowd, Jaejoong instantly caught his attention. “Among all audiences’ faces, I only could see Jaejoong very clearly from stage, so I always noticed his existence. While in the other hand, we didn’t have that many fan boys, so among all those fan girls who were screaming our names, of course Jaejoong stood out. I didn’t know who Jaejoong was, at that time. I ever thought myself "is he a fan of mine?"

“After TVXQ debut, Jaejoong greeted and introduced himself as H.O.T fan. When I met his father, he said to me, "Jaejoong adores Moon Hee Jun a lot, he even has your poster on his room’s wall, listens to your song, and has a dream to be a singer too." From that point, I started to hang out with Jaejoong. We talk about music while are drinking. Surprisingly, Jaejoong has the same music taste as me, which makes us bonding even better.”

In the end Moon Hee Jun stated, "Just after TVXQ debut, as they’re still at the same company SM entertainment, our music were kinda similar. However, as time goes by, now they’re building up their own unique music."

source: Naver

shared by: Honey Kizz@soompi+sarang@blogspot+teukieca@soompi

New Age Pianist THE Yiruma Supports Idols., I want to compose music for idol groups like DBSK SUPER JUNIOR WG

" I want to compose music for idol groups like DBSK"

Yiruma who returned from naval military service interviewed with Maeil Economy Star Today during his Nation Tour.

Yiruma said " when i performed Wonder girls 'nobody' during one of my performances ( Lee Hana's peppermint show) there were some fans who were dissapointed because they thought it was too 'commercial' but I'm not a traditional pianist. I want to be a music composer who can reach the general public of all ages, not just hard core classic listeners."

Yiruma have said before he wanted to give his music to the artist Sung Si Kyung. Yiruma said " I want to work with artists who have excellent talents such as Kim Bum Soo, but I also want to work with idols such as DBSK, Super Junior, Wonder Girls and etc. "

and went onto say " If I was part of the general public, I myself would want to listen to calm and simple music, not something that is too complicating. I don't think I would of chose those kind of music to listen to myself. When I write my music I always think about creating pieces that the public can easily listen and relate to as well as pieces that anyone can easily play themselves."

Yiruma who was once a hardcore fan of hiphop group "SOLID" (krn), composed dance music before becoming known as a 'New Age Pianist'

" When I moved back to Korea from England, I worked with music entertainment company, and one of my mates was thinking of trying to create a female artist, so I wrote dance music for him. At first I was thinking of becoming a Pop music composer, but back then I was too young, and didn't really have connections in the music industry. I thought that just with my confidence, I would be able to make it in the music industry, but it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be" he said with a smile.

Yiruma since then have worked with artists TEI, Kim Yeon Woo, " The Film " and " Square" albums. Created OSTs for dramas " Autumn in my Heart" , " Winter Sonata" , " Spring Walts" and for the animation movie hit " Dog Poop". Slowly also stepping in to become a composer as well in the ent industry. Recently Yiruma was recieved with a comission request by the city of Hanoi, Vietnam for the year 2010 capital event. He is working on a new music piece to play with his grand scale orchestra team for the event.

When the nation tour ends, Yiruma wants to put his solo pianist gig to the side and step into other fields. " For next year, I'm going to step into creating a grand scale orchestra team to create musical pieces for movies, dramas , and educational animation films."

Yiruma who started gaining immense popularity starting in 2006 created surprise amongst the public for giving up his British citizenship to go into the Korean National Naval Service. During his service, he married Son Tae Yeong's ( Kwon Sang Woo's wife) sister Son Hye Im and has a daughter now. Song Loanna is dedicated to his daughter.


[진향희 기자 / 사진 = 강영국 기자]

[본 기사는 매일경제 Citylife 제162호(09.01.19일자) 기사입니다.]

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

2009.01.09 17:12:57 입력

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Guest Toink3

Tohomobile - Stand By U Special + TSC Tour [JaeChunSu]









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Guest Sunar

I have a question.....

is anyone here going to the tokyo dome concert???

if you are would you be able to get things for me?

ill pay you!! i dont care how much and the shipping doesnt matter

there is this one thing i really really want ><

please pm me!!!

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Guest Sinyoung

Request for photos!

Hi, can someone post up pictures of individual member smiling, showing their teeth widely....


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Guest whisperpuppies

Hey guys, I have a huge favor to ask.

Do you have any dark pictures of DBSK? Like, the picture is mostly dark-colored, no really bright clothing or lights, darker colored clothes and background, etc... Because I always seem to have trouble finding those for subbing my videos so that the white subs show up. Thanks in advance!

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Guest WendiiE

[iNFO] AADBSK3 contents revealed!

Credits: DNBN + DBSKnights


WOW! $150? Well if it's like 9 hours long and has a lot of stuffs with it than I guess it's worth it.

Stand by U PV: The PV was ok, I really like the part when Jaejoong put his hands near the camera, it felt like he can touch us. LOL.

Moon Hee Jun Talks About Kim Jaejoong: Aww, Jaejoong is so cute.

LOL. I wouldn't be surprise if Jaejoong stood out in the crowd of fan girls. He's very easy to be spotted with his looks. :P

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