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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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^-- he's an entertainment blogger. I think his blog used to be one of the most visited blogs. *shrugs*

i disagree with asking perez...

i really don't think dbsk needs perez

I second that. i'm not gonna discourage you guys though. but personally, I dont think Perez has the same kind of responses as before. altho, gotta admit i rarely visited his site in the earlier days. but... I dont think his blog is as relevant as before.

and like someone said, if the boys are indeed featured, just be prepared from harsher comments. it goes along with it. from my standpoint, i'd rather not see them featured and be butchered. but that's just my opinion.


anyway, that JaeSu pic literally made me smile from ear to ear. ah, can't believe the rare JaeSu is now so frequent lately. ah, for many JaeSu fans like me, this is the moment we've all been waiting for. heehee.

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Guest yayamin

hey all ;D

i have one extra ticket for Thailand concert on 27th, AL - standing area ;D

selling at 4500THB ;D

here's the map ^^


if u're interested please kindly email me at milk_shockz@yahoo.com or sexinghispants@gmail.com

thanks ^^

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Guest Senorita_

don't know it already been shared or not..

TVXQ CF's Infinitely Your. Seoul

The ads were really cute, but I wished for longer versions! SM does work the boys hard with filming the CF that last for hours, and yet the final CF, they only appear in it about 5 seconds >< But anyways, the boys looked great in them :)

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Guest jaejoong.ro02


10 **1,709 *83,701 3rd LIVE TOUR 2008~T~ 東方神起 08/08/06

13 **1,380 *37,869 2nd LIVE TOUR 2007 ~Five in the Black~ 東方神起 07/9/26

19 ***,872 *17,634 1st LIVE TOUR 2006 ~Heart, Mind and Soul~ 東方神起 06/10/4

20 ***,844 *38,856 HISTORY in JAPAN Vol.3 東方神起 08/3/12

24 ***,718 *13,814 All About 東方神起東方神起 06/6/21

27 ***,619 *18,092 All About 東方神起 Season 2 東方神起 07/11/21


Their DVDs are coming back in the charts! Nice!!!

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Guest haruno_xiah

Was this when they were filming hi ya ya?

Let's Spam Perez Hilton

okay ... i think its quite good.

but i agree with other member who said in here..

perez also made them like Wonder girls been famous

is it right ??

i want to do it. but .. let's ask other.

THSK -TSC tour - Junsu

omygod. sure i love those pics so muchh (:

ahh ~ he's great !!

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Guest Fairily_Spark

Let's Spam Perez Hilton

Bad idea

Why force him to do something he doesn't want to? I'm sure he's heard of TVXQ.

okay ... i think its quite good.

but i agree with other member who said in here..

perez also made them like Wonder girls been famous

is it right ??

i want to do it. but .. let's ask other.

No he didn't, the wonder girls were already popular.

It seems to me that he doesn't like the type of music TVXQ makes and thus never featured them.

But seriously, spamming just sounds desperate to me now, getting a feature on his blog isn't all that amazing.

And there will be many harsh comments posted about the boys, some may have a point but most are just plain idiotic.

Rather than doing much good, it will just make TVXQ another artist to make fun at.

But I doubt he will feature them anyway.

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Guest LeaYuri

But seriously, spamming just sounds desperate to me now, getting a feature on his blog isn't all that amazing.

And there will be many harsh comments posted about the boys, some may have a point but most are just plain idiotic.

Rather than doing much good, it will just make TVXQ another artist to make fun at.

But I doubt he will feature them anyway.

I wholeheartedly agree with you especially the word "desperate".They can gain their popularity without Perez Hilton! B)

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Guest YOOSU<3

Let's Spam Perez Hilton

I'm tired of him featuring other artists (especially the brand new ones!!!) and missing out on such a great thing!!!

I dont really think this is a good idea.

If he've heard of them ( most prob, I mean come'on, its dbsk! xD ),

He would have already posted bout them in his blog.

And I dont think its really nice of you to say that he's featuring other artists

Other artistes have their good points too, not only dbsk is good.

So I dont think why spamming Perez would be a good idea after all.

Who knows if he may get pissed with all this spamming and decided to bash them instead.

Why not just let nature takes its course. If Perez really thinks that dbsk deserve a post in his blog,

He would definitely do it without hesitation and persuasion from other people

oh damn, I messed up the quoting part ==

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Guest haruno_xiah

Bad idea

Why force him to do something he doesn't want to? I'm sure he's heard of TVXQ.

No he didn't, the wonder girls were already popular.

It seems to me that he doesn't like the type of music TVXQ makes and thus never featured them.

But seriously, spamming just sounds desperate to me now, getting a feature on his blog isn't all that amazing.

And there will be many harsh comments posted about the boys, some may have a point but most are just plain idiotic.

Rather than doing much good, it will just make TVXQ another artist to make fun at.

But I doubt he will feature them anyway.

ahhh okay.. but .. actually. i dont know. who is perez actually ??

do anyone wanna showing me his pic ?? lol

yeah... i agree with it.

i think ~ TVXQ also get famous without any help from him.



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^Perez is a famous celebrity gossip blogger in the US. It's said anyone who's featured in his blog will get more famous?? :/ You can visit his blog at perezhilton.com.

I personally don't like his blog. I don't like the idea of spamming him to feature our boys as well. Like someone said before, it seems like we're desperate. -_-

090611 Hosu – Mu mo magazine



credit: xiahyu-ri

shared by: sharingyoochun@wordpress

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Guest JJ.biased

Please don;t quote images ><

I really like this picture! Thanks for sharing ^^.

& Perez hilton is just a famous guy in america, who has a blog and he usually updates it with new korean music e,g 2NE1, wondergirls etc.

I love their commercials ! Even though it is so short... they are in most of the cf for that collection anyways ^^ DBSK Power.

ANDDDDDDD NO. I do not want us to FORCE Perez to upload dbsk stuff. Isn't it more meaningful when he actually uploads it with his own will? Knowing he actually love their music to upload it. DBSK doesn't need their videos uploaded on his blog to be famous anyways. DBSK is already famous and their are fans everywher ^^. I also don't want to see anymore racist comments from people in America ><"

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Guest fattie8701

First off, to those who do not know who perez Hilton is…quite personally I do not like him but putting that aside, the man works wonders!!! For some reason that I do not understand people listen to what he says, his website gets an average of over 5 million views per day!!! And to anyone who thinks this number is dwindling go check your facts because his popularity keeps increasing…

AND to the people who want to spam his website to get DBSK noticed…that is totally fine, it is your choice to do it… but the only thing I will say to you is be careful what you wish for, I said it in an earlier post, if your not ready to deal with criticism regarding the boys be it good or bad I suggest you don’t spam perez at all!!!!!

On the other hand to those against Spamming, I have read some of the reasons and I understand where you are coming from but I just wanted to say something regarding some of the reasons I saw…

1) People are sure he has heard of TVXQ : I dunno how to even put this… true he may have heard of them and also true that he quite possibly has not. Quite honestly most people in the west are VERY oblivious to what goes on outside of their territory. You have to remember that yes DBSK are very very HUGE in Asia, outside of asia…not so much and its unfortunate because they are talented but it is the truth.

2) Spamming sounds desperate: I do not see how this is different from clicking on a poll one million and one times to get the boys to win something, isn’t that also another form of desperation? The boys DON’T need perez true, but it also helps to have them on a website that the public loves and to have them on a website run by a man that is paid to DISCOVER artists for Warner Music group, go google them to understand how big they are and how much of a big deal they are within the music industry; so yes whether we like it or not..this man has a HUGE influence and sending him mail to feature DBSK is not an act of desperation, if it is then about 85% of what all fans do must be an act of desperation in my opinion.

With this being said, I am truly neither for nor against spamming. If perez gets spammed and he doesn’t feature them then that his loss, if he does feature them then yay; and for those afraid people might diss DBSK, that is just inevitable…it doesn’t matter if he featured whose music he features on that website…some one will always not like it, but among that crowd one person will like it…so there are positives and negatives to everything.

With that being said…sorry for the long post…and If I offended anyone then my apologies, I hope you all do understand though …DBSK FIGHTING ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!

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Guest Heaven2100

Please don;t quote images ><

I really like this picture! Thanks for sharing ^^.

& Perez hilton is just a famous guy in america, who has a blog and he usually updates it with new korean music e,g 2NE1, wondergirls etc.

I love their commercials ! Even though it is so short... they are in most of the cf for that collection anyways ^^ DBSK Power.

ANDDDDDDD NO. I do not want us to FORCE Perez to upload dbsk stuff. Isn't it more meaningful when he actually uploads it with his own will? Knowing he actually love their music to upload it. DBSK doesn't need their videos uploaded on his blog to be famous anyways. DBSK is already famous and their are fans everywher ^^. I also don't want to see anymore racist comments from people in America ><"

I agree with you... they are famous enough believe me...(a girl from israel knows about them.. :D:D :D) Come on.... We don't need him....

Thanks for all the news....

About the popularity in japan situation... They are really famous... But you can always do better... and the boys will do better.... but i want them to be in both places not only in Japan.... if the fans are true fans so they will always love our boys....

And I really think that first of all they need some rest.... and time to write their own songs(because yoochun is a genius in that.. and jaejoong too..) and then go to WORLD TOUR show to the whole world whoo they are... because they deserve it i think.... don't you agree?

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Guest prang_89

this is a duck noodle shop located in the front of the school and the owner of this shop also like TVXfQ very much.









owner of she's shop ^^


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Guest shyheart

Toho Secret Quiz

Whose voice recorder is this?


the answer is…..



credit: xiahyu-ri

trans + shared by: sharingyoochun@wordpress

090611 The Secret Code Concert Staffs’ Report‏

2009/06/11 (Thu) 15:28

Osaka the second day!


The second day in Osaka, it’s sunny.. completely different from yesterday!

Currently at fanclub booth is holding members reception.

Before the live starts, please come so that we’ll get busy!

Fan club booth is at the back, passes through (something) ☆

2009/06/11 (Thu) 15:32

During the rehearsal


Members arrived at the venue and are doing reheasal!

YUCHON saw cushions which are placed at the premium seats.

“I want this.” he said in demand to the staffs (^ o ^;

2009/06/11 (Thu) 16:20

Which one should I get?


The lunch period is a bit slow

JEJUNG got trouble in choosing the food!

You should not eat the whole thing!

2009/06/11(Thu) 17:03

4 years!


Toho Dancer SONNY

It is an uplift stage from former times!

“Coming through the 4th year by all power HWAITING! Thank you for your constantly warm support!”

Hope for a nice stage today, thanks (^ ^)

2009/06/11(Thu) 17:14

In the spare time…


Yoochun who receives his guitar lesson!

The next challenge for him after playing piano is now playing guitar ☆

2009/06/11(Thu) 18:19



It’s delicious, and JUNSU asked for more eel!

Dazzled JUNSU commented as if a food critic, “This eel is delicious!”

Now with more power, the live is getting started!

2009/06/11(Thu) 18:37

2nd Day!


Stage, STARTS!

Today will also be powering up!

source: TSC staff report

trans: sharingyoochun@wordpress

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Guest hopeiswaking

Let's spam Perez Hilton!

I wholeheartedly agree with this idea! Of course there will be snarky comments made (I think some ppl make it a full time job just to wait to say "FIRST!!!1!" on some of his posts and be "witty", but this isn't about popularity as much as exposure.

I can almost guarantee that he hasn't heard of TVXQ, and if he has, he hasn't heard their music. The US is VERY isolated to music from even England, another English speaking country lol.

All I want for them is to get some kind of recognition. All it took was one wrong link to their "Last Angel" vid 2 years ago and I was hooked! I had NEVER listened to K-Pop/J-Pop before (had only listened to US Country, Alt. Rock, and Hip-Hop/Rap) but they were so refreshing I couldn't help but get hooked! I just want to open that opportunity for other people to take notice!!!

And "spam" might seem harsh, but I think she just meant for fans to send individual e-mails to his tip e-mail. There's nothing wrong with that! This can't even be compared to how other fans "flood" polls.

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Guest Fairily_Spark

^those twitter accounts are fake

About their popularity in Japan.

THSK is not a household name yet but they are getting pretty big. I don't think they've reached their peak in popularity yet, at least I hope not.

To further their career, they need to be provided with better, more memorable songs to capture the public's attention. Although this isn't always possible.

Loyal fans will always wait for their return, especially with the internet these days, its pretty easy to be updated on their activities even if they're not in your country. The international fans should know this :D

1) People are sure he has heard of TVXQ : I dunno how to even put this… true he may have heard of them and also true that he quite possibly has not. Quite honestly most people in the west are VERY oblivious to what goes on outside of their territory. You have to remember that yes DBSK are very very HUGE in Asia, outside of asia…not so much and its unfortunate because they are talented but it is the truth.

2) Spamming sounds desperate: I do not see how this is different from clicking on a poll one million and one times to get the boys to win something, isn’t that also another form of desperation? The boys DON’T need perez true, but it also helps to have them on a website that the public loves and to have them on a website run by a man that is paid to DISCOVER artists for Warner Music group, go google them to understand how big they are and how much of a big deal they are within the music industry; so yes whether we like it or not..this man has a HUGE influence and sending him mail to feature DBSK is not an act of desperation, if it is then about 85% of what all fans do must be an act of desperation in my opinion.

From your first point, I see there's some sort of misunderstanding. Most people are saying Perez himself (not the general public) probably will have heard of TVXQ considering how big they are within the Kpop industry and him being a fan of Kpop and all. But anyhow, of course not many people will know TVXQ outside of Asia, the whole asian entertainment industry is pretty much cocooned inside Asia. And to be honest, I doubt they will ever be well known outside of Asia, there are too many differences to people's tastes (I'm pretty sure I'm the only one in my college of 3000 people who knows about TVXQ) and I for one do not want them to venture or be famous outside of Asia.

2. Well, I wouldn't say clicking on the poll thing was desperate, but I would say it was pretty foolish. I can make a poll right now and make fangirls vote like crazy. But the constant "begging" that appeared on nearly every page of this thread asking people to click was desperate and I agree with you. So yeah, both acts seem pretty desperate to me.

Also, what does getting featured on his blog have to do with Warner Music? It's not like he will recommend TVXQ to that music company. And Warner does have a massive share in the world music industry, but they have many small artists who aren't all that famous. So I don't get the point you're trying to put across here. And lets be logical here, being featured on his blog won't bring any 'huge influence'. It's his blog for pete sakes, let him post whatever he likes without forcing him.

Again just posting to say that there really is no need to Spam him, I don't get the purpose at all. It's not like it will advance TVXQ's career or anything. Again the boys are doing fine without him. :)

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