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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest SleepiiDreamer

R e q u e s t


does anyone have a HQ & a LOT larger version of this picture? preferrably without watermarks? it would be very appreciated ^^

thanks a lot in advance (:

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Guest KY5354


Awwww! So cute! Wanna pinch his cheeks! I want that hat! :P

JJ's New Tattoo [??]

Mmmm it does look like he's got some new markings. Whatever it is, I'm sure it's deep and meaningful like his other tattoos. It's entirely up to him of course, but I swear he's getting addicted. I hope he doesn't end up like like David Beckham who started off with really nice tattoos and then it got totally out of hand, his body is just... :huh: ...now.

Stand By You PV

Tomorrow?! Looking forward to it!

And the artwork for the single looks nice! Jae is doll-like. ^_^

Stores in China named after Junsu

Wow...nice. But legal? :vicx:

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Guest alexkziel

Edit again: Jae has a new tattoo accordin to AlwaysJJ (dont know how true this is so dont quote me lol)

OMG Thank you, I love tattoos!

Jae looks so good with them.

Now to wait what it is. :lol:

I want one for Yoonho too :ph34r:

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Guest inatlum

Can anyone make a high quality gif of junsu trying to make a heart but is confused, but then finally makes a heart from the new cf. He is just too cute. :blush:

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Guest Serenity89

Yes! I'm looking forward to the new PV tomorrow.

Wow, Jaejoong has a really nice back. I wonder what kind of tattoo he wants this time. I still can't believe that someone with such a handsome face would have tattoos and so many piercings. Jaejoong is really full of surprises.

To KY5354: Yeah I agree that he is getting addicted, haha. But I also hope that if he does get a new tattoo it won't be something extreme - like the tattoos with different kinds of colors filled in. The current one he has is nice and let it be that way.

The baby look-alike picture is so cute I just had to save it.

Junsu is really gaining a lot of fans in China for them to open a store in his name - that's pretty cool.

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Guest xU♥Vcass♥OneTVXQ

More Yunho CF Filming Stalker Pic





Credit : Eyecontact + xU♥Vcass@OneTVXQ

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Guest afterglow.

^ i keep seeing those pics being posted, but does anyone know what cf they were filming for? i think there was also a fancam of them filming in a restaurant? exactly how many cfs did they film in korea? i'm so confused.

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Guest Redwarrior




Iit's Triangle theme..but you can request for other theme too!..=)

sorry I cut your post.

But I just checked out the themes for other Korean artists (there's WG, SJ, SS501, BOA, and SHINee) And other artists in general........I think DBSK has the worst??? (sorry maybe I think that way b/c I didn't like the triangle theme but I think the theme could be better. It says that if it's ranked high for requests, they'll make more (I'm not sure if they'll make new ones for DBSK though). I was thinking maybe we can all just request themes for them. I requested:


TVXQ-Secret Code

TVXQ-Stand By U

you don't have to request those, but i was thinking that maybe we can change the theme for it (that is if you want a different theme, if you like it, then you can use it :D)

anyways.......I CAN"T WAIT FOR STAND BY U MV!!! :D It is shown today right?? :D YAY!!!

Seolleim making OMG! Jae is HYPER!!!! Someone had too much sugar!! :P LOL Chun-phail!!! he couldn't get up the ledge :D SO CUTE!!! I love them! :D Thanks for the subs :D

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Guest dbsgdec

OMG... OMG.. *speechless* Do you know the addresses?? Where can I get the address? The first store is in China. Where the second store located? Korea? Other? Fans are amazing!

I think both the stores are in China, since the credits are to baidu as well.

But I dont have the address for em, sorry ^^;;. I would love to have it too.

The shop owners are probably fans. I dont know if its legal or not tho xDDD

They'd probably would get in trouble if its not.. so maybe thats why we dont have their addresses? bwahaha.

Still, that was pretty cool, neh?


Gyaaa... JaeJaeee... why nother tattoo? OMo.. There's so much already xD He's already so beautiful wthout the tattoos..

Its like messing with a piece of precious art (yes, i think jaejoongie is an art xD)

*trying not to think of old-man version of jaejae with tattoo XDDD*

Jae, we love you any other way!

Instruments the members know to use

I think all of the members are quite good in piano and guitar.

Jae, Su, Chun and Ho plays piano, but I dunno bout Min.

I know Su and Min plays guitar, but I'm sure the others play just as well.

Yunho and Junsu plays drums.

Junsu once said that during his puberty years when he cant sing, he practice with many instruments.

He cannot play violin tho, cuz he said thats too hard.

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Guest eternalmerkamoon

i got suspended again TT-TT youtube is such a pain, i should be used to it but ... all my hardwork is gone! TT-TT

i just reuploaded the dbsk rehearsal+ backstage from MKMF 08 DVD eng subs

here's part 1 and part 2~ if you previously subscribed, add me again?~

[Eng Sub] DBSK Rehearsal & Backstage MKMF08_DVD Part (1/2)

[Eng Sub] DBSK Rehearsal & Backstage MKMF08_DVD Part (2/2)

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Guest ohhlalakelly

^ i keep seeing those pics being posted, but does anyone know what cf they were filming for? i think there was also a fancam of them filming in a restaurant? exactly how many cfs did they film in korea? i'm so confused.

yeah, same here. maybe they are actually filming something for AADBSK3/doing a photoshoot for it. :unsure:

Jae and a new tattoo? hrmm.... if it's true. i can't wait to see it.

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Guest Honey_KizZ

can someone tell me what video is this from ??

that's from the korean fanmeeting last year.

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Guest meimei__KOUSEKI

Do you mean if the Wrong Number PV/Performance version got released on a album?

OK! So after calmin down alittle.. I think the photo posted by Teukieca are new.. I think Jae went back so they can take a photo of his tattoo again since they didnt have a pic of his 'wings'... But still what the heck are those two circle things on this back :tears:

those two circles at the bottom (plus the faint marking below it) looks strangely familiar to me...

that or i've been too much symbolism books lately...

it's his body, so i don't really mind what he does..as long as it's not something he overdoes...

i hope we'll know the meaning of it soon...

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Guest akiie

that's from the korean fanmeeting last year.

thanks. But could you please send me the link of the video ? i cant seem to find it... :mellow:

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Guest toomuchsmiling

Wow. Ok, I haven't been to the thread in a whole week and I haven't posted here for like a week and a half. xD i caught up though~

That doesn't bother anyone but me but still school is ALMOST ending and then there'll be summer vacation.

So I've been trying to focus on the last week of school and then all summer I'll focus on this! xP

ANYWAY, Mirai Souzo-something or other...that show was TOO cute. Sure, they showed food (again)

but it was different b/c they talked about anime/manga. xD they like these really old kinds that i've never even heard of. :P

I was half hoping they'd play the Sailor Moon song. xD this show was supersupersupersuper cute!!!!! :wub:

and that Seoulim behind the scenes was cute too. I was LOLing when Junsu tried putting the thing underneath his arm and then

he tried to raise that same arm to make a heart. Obviously that doesn't work. :D so cute. They all were. <3

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Guest Toink3

090528 TohoMobile - Promoting 28th Single「Stand by U 」


JaeJoong & Buddy??


Yunho In Single Magazine


*Hurm has anyone seen This Pic Before..I tHink i havent seen This Before..*..aww He's Hot

TSC Stuff+Toho Truck+Stand By U Shooting Scene+Lotte Building
















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Guest Sunar

someone responded to my post last time and i forgot to save the site -.-

but my question was

where will i be able to get secret code goodies??

because i want to buy some of them ><

anyone know??

Thank You in advance^^

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Guest srisin

DBSK playing soccer in winter

can someone tell me where this clip is from?


>< dont have anything to share

It's 20060221-Onryu#48-soccer.

There are 53 clips in all ^^

You can check them out at http://community.livejournal.com/goe_ss/tag/onryu


Sorry, nothing much to share at the moment.

Anyway, I've been collecting butter's artworks,

you can see them here >> http://srisin.livejournal.com/4781.html



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