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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest Sayuri JaeJoong

Hi For Everyone !!!

I´d like to Thank U as Always for

All Great Posts here with

Great pics,vids and News too !!!


Ahhhh!!! I made a special post for Us today !!!

Happy Halloween for everyone here my Darls♥ :lol: !!!

I hope We can laugh so much in Future ne ???

So I Made a little surprise for Us here !!!

Who said ur Boys cannot be EVIL huh ???

LOL !!!

For Sayuri JaeJoong♥ there´s no impossible things !!!


Yes they Can be EVIL in halloween `,,,´ !!!

Let´s Check it ???

Doubt ??? No doubt please u.U"

JaeJoong♥ Vampire The Most Perfect Vampire !!!


Yunho♥ Vampire Leader LOL !!!


Changmin♥ Vampire elegant !!!


Junsu♥ Vampire the Fierce Face LOL !!!


Yoochun♥ Vampire the Charming Vampire !!!


And I Made one Video too for Halloween v !!!

Please Watch I made for Us ok ???

I Know eveybody Knows this song ;) !!!

There´s no Halloween´s Party without this song ne ???

And What do U think about our boys as Zoombies ???

LOL !!! I really hope U enjoy !!!

Happy Halloween !!!




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Guest YukariiChangmin

EDIT LOL Sayuri JaeJoong My so beloved sis

We had similar ideas huhuhu!ghost2.gif


For Those Who celebrates this funny date

I prepared some FANARTS with Theme


Hope you all Like it (´・ω・`)

I´m Sharing this in Thumbs to respect those who do NOT

prize this kind of Art ok ?

Then If you like it Please I ask You to Click To enlarge


Once again Thanks for all INFO you´ve been posting here ladies♥


東方神起 as VAMPIRES

Vampire_Su_By_YukariiChangmin1.jpg Vampire_Jae_by_YukariiChangmin.jpg Vampire_Min_By_YukariiChangmin2.jpg VampireChun_by_YukariiChangmin2.jpg Vampire_Yunho_By_YukariiChangmin1.jpg


Vampire_Min_By_YukariiChangmin4.jpg VampireChun_by_YukariiChangmin.jpg Vampire_Su_By_YukariiChangmin2.jpgVampire_Min_By_YukariiChangmin3.jpg

Credits: www.tvxqpowerfullgods.blogspot.com



You´re Free To re-Post I Just ask you Kindly

to keep the Credits intact. Thank You♥◄


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Guest lil' zen

Given a chance I'd not have joined SM...It's outrageous to not pay them anything, they might have well not work!!

They put so much effort into doing everything; performances, TV shows, Albums...and not a SINGLE cent?!?

Why would anyone wants to blame them for signing the contract? They were kids back them chasing their dreams...

kids wouldn't even understand a contract fully and just sees everything as sensible, because they trust that crook of a person...They were only MINORS!! Reading back on their past, makes me wanna cry especially JJ's. Thinking back, they could have been in the position of those Hollywood stars if SM did not swallow up their money, considering the gazillion sales they had over the DVDs, Photobooks, Albums, little merchandises etc. etc. They even have to pay their Manager, Coordi, their air tickets, expenses and SM <_< Employees pay other employees...WOW!! What a good scheme!! NOT...

I just wish the Courts would hurry up with the decisions, bring Changmin n Yunho into the case and get it settled. Isn't it obvious that the contract is unfair?? Can't they just finish up with the whole thing already and have DBSK get back their rightful Human Rights? I can't believe that they can put a up a smile under all those pressure and pain...Imagine not having paid for you hard work and pressured to work even more...I'm glad that the Courts allowed them to reject any work given to them as for now...I'm glad that they are also leaving for Japan for the year end shows, it was like that last year too wasn't it? Go AVEX!!! They seem much cheerful in Japan to me, much more opened up than in Korea...as for now FIGHTING!!! Come back to Korea in January though...I'll be there!!^^

I'm a lil curious about this person tho...what about BoA? Does she have the same treatment?

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People are still blaming DBSK for signing the contract? Yes, they did sign it, but that doesn't mean they should put up with unfair treatment.

Seriously. Even the court and the judges have moved on and have given their initial decision to partially grant the boys request, and people here are still arguing on that matter and can't move past that. And people are complaining about the court being slow, but if some of us are the jury or the judge to this, i wonder when this will be over.

Even after knowing the terms of the contract, would it really have been better for the boys to just keep silent and resign themselves to a long-term slavery? There's a lot of things that they could have known over the years being in the business for six years and working with other artists and realized the unfairness of their contract, but then, this is just another assumption and there's still a lot of "could have, would have, should have" theories and statements that we could throw out there.

We're questioning their actions and frustrated with what's happening, but imagine their sacrifice too - they gambled their future careers by pursuing this lawsuit, knowing that they're battling with a giant (SM) and knowing that it will create a stir among fans and colleagues. Asking them not to complain and just live with it is like asking them to just continue dancing and singing for us even if they're not happy, telling them that "you signed up up for it, live with it and don't complain" - sounds like slavery to me.

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No one has reached the level of H.O.T's success & power in Korea yet. I'm not a fan of H.O.T but hearing all the stories from old kpop fans, I think H.O.T was pretty huge in Korea back then. Shinhwa is still popular in Korea but not in soompi. Sometimes we base the popularity of a kpop artist in Korea through international sites but it's not a basis AT ALL. We, international fans have the least idea of how popular an artist is in Korea. Yes a lot of idol groups are rising with fame in Korea right now, SNSD, SuJu, SHINee, BigBang, 2ne1, 2pm, beast, mblaq, etc... They gain a lot of attention right now, they top the download sites, their songs are constantly being played in radios, but in terms of power and influence, no one can pay the names of BoA, SHINHWA, of course DBSK, Seo Taiji and a lot of senior artists.

Sorry for cutting your post ^^ but I just want say I totally agree with everything you said. (:

About signing the contract I just got an example for it and sorry if it's off topic.

In my country there are always walkouts of thousand of peoples because they want better work conditions or a raise in their salaries. Because they can't get to an agreement with their company (actually it's not their company but to make it easy i said it because in fact they get paid from them) they start to strike. The fact is they were old enough when they signed the contract (18-40) but after a certain time you want a raise/better work condition because you know your work is more worth than what you get at that time. Doesn't this happen in every country and occupation? I think you can (no matter who) litigate your own signed contract just for the sake you know you are more worth or your rights ain't applying anymore because of overwork or underpay. I don't see a difference if it's just a 'normal' worker or an artist.

Sorry for this but I had to state it here. I get a bit sick of all those arguments about WHY. -__-

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People are still blaming DBSK for signing the contract? Yes, they did sign it, but that doesn't mean they should put up with unfair treatment. Besides, it's not like any of you would have done differently in their shoes. It's ridiculous to accuse them. SM alone is to blame; they have been taking advantage of teenagers' desperation to finally make something of their lives. Can you say in all seriousness that after making so many sacrifices, even starving yourself to save up for training etc., working odd jobs, enduring all kinds of hardships just to become a singer..you would turn back just because of a contract? YOU WOULD HAVE SIGNED IT TOO, believe me!

Even now there are thousands of...I don't know what kinds of teens, who are auditioning for SM this year. That's right! Even with all they know, they deny it and say that those who have anything bad to say about SM contracts are just "haters". Haven't you seen these people around? I don't know if some people think that even though DBSK, SM's number one money-making group was so badly treated, somehow SM will treat them better. But yes, people are desperate to become famous singers. So there are people who will STILL join the SM family this year, by choice. Not because they've sacrificed everything, not because they need to get off the streets, not because they have a family to support. They just want to, anyway.

So of course such people will sign contracts just like DBSK's, and worse! There are many who don't even mind working under a slave contract. That doesn't make it right. Finally someone has had the courage to stand up for what is right. And what DBSK members have done is most likely going to result in better contracts for future SM artists...if SM is able to maintain its reputation and avoid collapsing that is. Which I doubt. Their newest group and newest songs from established SM artists are very telling signs that the company is slipping.

I have to agree with you. The majority of us kids would think even if the company is exploiting us, it is still worth it for the fame.

I apologize for bumping the thread. I really can't formulate an opinion on this issue right now, there so much going on, so many rumours circulating, and there are so many fans who are more articulate on this forum than I am. Whatever happens, I'll be faithful and pray that DBSK will at least change, if not completely make the contract situation better for the next generation's kids.

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Guest unruffledchua

Hmm...all the negative "why did they" and "what ifs" I see here is really strange. Shouldn't we be reliefed and happy that JaeChunSu's contract with SM is temporarily / partially suspended and sort of partially settled. They can now do whatever they want now and develope to their musical talents freely!! That is such a happy thing, right?!! The five can get back and start performing again!!! YEAH!!! ChuKaea...shouldn't we be jumping for joy about the result after the long months of uncertainty we had to endure?? Neh??!! ^^ :lol::lol:

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They were kids back them chasing their dreams...

kids wouldn't even understand a contract fully and just sees everything as sensible, because they trust that crook of a person...They were only MINORS!!

Employees pay other employees...WOW!! What a good scheme!! NOT...

sorry to cut your post, but if they're only minors then what were their parents doing at the time. surley they would of read it or atleast got someone to read it over.

actually the manager works for dbsk not for sme. celebs in america pay for the manager so why shouldnt dbsk

with that in mine i actually think sme gets the manager for dbsk so they prob have some agreement. again i dnt really know having know personal knowledge of sme.

im not aginst dbsk, this is just my true feelings. dnt judge me because im a fan with a opinion

but i feel they're kind of being selfish. its only right that they want to change their contract to earn more money, but its a little to late isnt it? i feel they only did this because of they're popularity. like sme have to change they're contract because they're so powerful.

its baffles me at how they have expensive designer clothes and cars and yet they still want more? if they wanted to be smart with their money shouldnt they stop spending it and invest.

tbh theyre contract is just a basic contract for all boy/girl groups. its in know way a slave contract. a slave works without getting paid dbsk get paid right? how insulting to a real slave who has been through so much is now getting compared to dbsk who are probably the biggest boy group in asia

and to people who say that SME are just greedy people who just want money. well they are a business, they're a crap business if they dnt want to make money. SME didnt sign them to make friends with them and become close. they signed them so they could use them as a product and sell them to make money.

as sneaky as SME is i have to say they're pretty smart. all business's are like this.

but to be completely honnest. i dnt know what to think about this matter. im like on the fence. i dnt really know the facts thats why im so iffy about the issue. i just want all this to end. its dragging on forever


is anyone feeling that if they start changing they're style and writing they're own music they wont like them anymore?

its one thing to say youd support them and its another to say you actually their music.

if we're honnest we all started liking dbsk because of what sme created. but idk maybe they're ready to just sit back and do their own thing. hmm who knows

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Asking them not to complain and just live with it is like asking them to just continue dancing and singing for us even if they're not happy, telling them that "you signed up up for it, live with it and don't complain" - sounds like slavery to me.

I couldn't agree more with what you said here! I think this is the same mentality those SM contract drafters have when they present their slavery template to new artists. Maybe that's how they can sleep at night.

I'm usually a lurker here, so a big hello to everyone!

The main reason that pulled me out of my lurking days is the fact that the same argument of "they signed a contract, it's their fault" is still ongoing. I can't say I'm a hardcore fan, but I love the boys to bits and this is the only fandom I follow. Even with my obssession with them, I can still objectively say that only those who had never seen/sign a non mutually drafted contract will believe in this. Either that or you are extremely lucky. Illegal contracts exists everywhere and are signed all the time, they're usually littered with technical jargons, long winded clauses and other factors that make them confusing. That's why every society with a legal system have a contract law division to protect parties who signed voidable contracts.

Personally I admire their courage in bringing this matter to the public arena. Instead of suffering silently they dared to go against the very company they are currently employed under. Some would say that's being ungrateful, but to me it's having a clear view of your rights and responsibility and willing to fight for it. If everyone who signed such ridiculous contracts think "oh well its my fault, nothing I can do about it" then no change would ever occur. And so the same vicious cycle is allowed to repeat itself on a new victim because being taken advantage off is an acceptable norm. Is that what you want? I'm sure most of us here, even though we bear the bias of being their fans, do know when they are doing something worth supporting. We don't expect the world to be all rainbows and butterflies, but there's nothing wrong with wanting it to be better right?

Legal issues are always long winding and emotionally as well as monetarily draining. I just want the court to deliver their final verdict so our favorite five can continue down which ever path they may choose. And of course they'll do so together, not as a unit of 2 or 3, because they've said it so many times. And that's the only reassurance I need :D

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Guest sakura_dubai

woooow~~ finally !! DBSG T_T

The Court has granted the injunction filed by the members of TVXQ against SM Entertainment omggggg i'm sooooooooooooo happy.. i feel like crying T^T


OMG~ I can't imagine that they didn't receive anything from DVDs or CDs .. I've bought many T_T if i knew that was the case, I wouldn't bought any.. I only buy to support them and make them certain that there are fans for them everywhere.

FIGHTING~ Please do your best ~ Go for your rights~ and Get your Money Back.

We will be happy if it's were you all who get our money not SM !!!

I'm soooooooooooooooooo happy~ Finally the truth is out. SM is just sooooooooo bad. I wish I can have my own entertainment company and let the boys have everything and do everything as they wish. I'm sure they will be the most popular band for the next 20 upcoming years !

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Guest beibe87

I'm pretty sure the boys will be invited to kouhaku. They were very popular this year. I wonder what song they will sing. I hope it's Bolero. Bolero really displays their voices better than Stand By You.

They will probably meet Ayumi again at Kouhaku. I hope to see them interact with one another. I still wonder who is Ayumi's favorite member from Tohoshinki. I have a feeling it's Jae since he's so popular with the ladies.

I'm glad Avex is resuming the boys' activities. I don't want them to be out of the spotlight for long or else fans will forget about them. Their next single seems to be far in the future in January. I wished they released it at the end of this year instead.

I also hope after the lawsuit that there will be a 5th Korean comeback. Can you imagine how big that will be? This time around, I hope they sell 600,000 cds. They have millions of fans around the world. If their fanbase is as strong as everyone has been saying then hopefully they can sell that much.

i wish they get chance to sing both of bolero and stand by u..bolero can display their vocal's skill to the fullest, and stand by u has nice melody that can catches non-bigest's attention..

i dunno, i have feeling that Yunho is her fav member..it's not because my bias..but, i have feeling that ayu like the bad-boy type that can be found in yunho.. :P he has the strong charisma and bad boy's vibe on him that can attract many females' attention..haha

i love Avex more than before..i love Max even more..we all know that Avex and Max have been supporting our boys since they debuted..and as a CEO, Max show his care and support more than LSM..he has nothing more than a predator who continuesly craving for money..shame on u LSM! <_<

agree! thingking about their comeback make me goes wild! it's so exciting to just thingking about that..usually, as tohoshinki, they will release an album on the begining of the year, so if that really happen this time, i wish Avex can come up with an exciting comeback! something epic like they have during MIROTIC album! started with treasers, great photo concept, and full make over in their style..that will cause stir among people..and SM will realize that without him, TVXQ will still BIG!

anyway, glad to hear about the court's decision, though it does make me nervous, especially when Jae, Micky, and Junsu mentioned voiding their contract. If they void their contract, and HoMin don 't join them....what will happen to DBSK? I cry just thinking about a possible break up! But I will continue to pray for the best and that DBSK will continue to stay together as ONE....ETERNALLY! I kind of feel for Yunho and Changmin. I mean, with their dramas, if they got involved in the lawsuit now, it would have drastically affected their drama debut. I have a feeling they want to join the lawsuit but the timing for them is just not right. Anyway, I guess we have to wait it out...

that's why i wait for yunho's drama finish. coz, i wanna know what he gonna do next? since, he has no something that he has to be responsible for (drama),so, basicly he's free afterwards..and also because he's the leader, so i really cant wait to see him taking an action..

[TRANS] 091030 Bigeast Fanmail + Tohomobile

i cant wait to see their interaction..i hardly seen any interaction between homin and jaechunsu in shanghai concert..it was quite sad for me..and me me anxious in the same time...so, the fan event will ensure me that they are okay.. :)

just somequestions here, whoever can enlighten me, please do so. since when the boys were all minors when they signed the contract, weren't they represented by an attorney or by their parents that time? were they not told/advised how this contract will affect them? did they sign their contract in haste without a thought of their future, were they not confident they'll make it big at that time? I would think everything were explained to them at that time but how can they still be so willing to sign it? I read somewhere Yunho's father is a prosecutor, surely he read the contract himself, how can he let SM enslave his son like that? is that one reason why he didn't join the other 3 in this lawsuit? please don't get me wrong, i am an huge/avid DBSK fan, and i will surely hurt a lot if i see suffer.

as far as i know, they were accompanied by their parents..im pretty much sure bout it coz i watched an episode where heechul of suju said that his parent just sign the contract and doesn't mind anything inside the contract while for other parents said their dissatisfied over things on the contract..so, it's means that their parents were there to sogn the contract..

so, i assume that maybe during that time, their parents may have some dissatisfied over things on the contract, but SM may ensure them that they may change it as time goes by..

and jaechunsu perhaps have been contact SM to renew their contracts and make some changes in their contract after debuted, but SM had ignored them..so, i guess thats why they decided to go to the court..just my two cents tho..

Personally, I don't like this lawyer at all. Because of what he said, HoMin are considered traitors if they refuse or JaeYooJun considered greedy when the group break up for sure. They may be friends again in future but not on same stage anymore. And in the dismay of fans, HoMin will be blame for it. Minnie definitely can not participate in lawsuit since his drama filming about to begin now.

i thought, i just the only one who think like that..

[iNFO] 091029 SM-TVXQ Contract w/r/t/ Income Distribution

if it's really true! then LSM and anyone who made this shall go to the hell..they are not human, have no feeling at all..all the things that they care are just money, money, and money...shame of u! grrrrr...

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People are still blaming DBSK for signing the contract? Yes, they did sign it, but that doesn't mean they should put up with unfair treatment. Besides, it's not like any of you would have done differently in their shoes. It's ridiculous to accuse them. SM alone is to blame; they have been taking advantage of teenagers' desperation to finally make something of their lives. Can you say in all seriousness that after making so many sacrifices, even starving yourself to save up for training etc., working odd jobs, enduring all kinds of hardships just to become a singer..you would turn back just because of a contract? YOU WOULD HAVE SIGNED IT TOO, believe me!

Totally agree with this. Did people forget what they had to go through to get into SM? Yunho was homeless and was living under a train station and sprinkled sand on the snow to make a little money. Jaejoong donated blood for money and sold gum to pay for his rent, and there were a lot of days when they didn't have enough food. They were so desperate to become a singer that they were willing to leave their hometowns and move to a big city all by themselves. After they've been through all that and they were finally offered a contract, do you think they would have refused?

Yoochun also had a hard time in America too. With his parent divorced and his mom having a hard time taking care of him and his brother, he had to do something about it. He probably thought becoming a singer was the best way, and he cared about his family so much that he didn't care about the contract he signed. Right now, his family are probably living better lives. They're all toghether now living in a nice house Yoochun bought, and it must have been worth it for Yoochun.

Seems like Changmin and Junsu had normal childhoods, but Junsu had to train for 6 years. If Junsu didn't sign the contract, all those years would have been for waste and then what? He was probably grateful that SM kept him for so long and didn't drop him.

Now they know better and that's why they're fighting to fix their contract. How can people say that they should just suck it up? -_- People with normal jobs are constantly trying to improve their working conditions. They join unions and want vacations, sick days, shortened hours, and all kinds of compensation. They signed a contract for their job too. It shouldn't be any different for DBSK just because they are celebrities, and they have the right to change their contract if they want to.


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Guest Kasumi08

People are still blaming DBSK for signing the contract? Yes, they did sign it, but that doesn't mean they should put up with unfair treatment. Besides, it's not like any of you would have done differently in their shoes. It's ridiculous to accuse them. SM alone is to blame; they have been taking advantage of teenagers' desperation to finally make something of their lives. Can you say in all seriousness that after making so many sacrifices, even starving yourself to save up for training etc., working odd jobs, enduring all kinds of hardships just to become a singer..you would turn back just because of a contract? YOU WOULD HAVE SIGNED IT TOO, believe me!

Even now there are thousands of...I don't know what kinds of teens, who are auditioning for SM this year. That's right! Even with all they know, they deny it and say that those who have anything bad to say about SM contracts are just "haters". Haven't you seen these people around? I don't know if some people think that even though DBSK, SM's number one money-making group was so badly treated, somehow SM will treat them better. But yes, people are desperate to become famous singers. So there are people who will STILL join the SM family this year, by choice. Not because they've sacrificed everything, not because they need to get off the streets, not because they have a family to support. They just want to, anyway.

So of course such people will sign contracts just like DBSK's, and worse! There are many who don't even mind working under a slave contract. That doesn't make it right. Finally someone has had the courage to stand up for what is right. And what DBSK members have done is most likely going to result in better contracts for future SM artists...if SM is able to maintain its reputation and avoid collapsing that is. Which I doubt. Their newest group and newest songs from established SM artists are very telling signs that the company is slipping.

I agree with every single thing you've said.

Just because they've sign a contract doesn't mean they have to follow it until the end if it goes against the laws of ethics. That's what the verdict was all about.

I really can't understand why people see them as selfish. What were they supposed to do? Suck it up, shut up and work like robots for the next 7 years just to keep us happy? Even though it's unethical and many teenagers will have to go through this if they want to become famous? Just because it's the basis of contracts in entertainment business doesn't make it right and it should be changed. It's like working 60 hours per week for a job and it only pays you for 40 hours. You have money, you will be able to feed yourself but is it fair?

There is a price for fame but fame usually means money. You shouldn't whine about you're life when you have the money, I agree. But what's the point of being called Asia's top idols, being followed by fans, not being able to lead a normal life, being poisoned, working 355 days a year if you don't get any money for it or if you don't get anything from all that hard work? They're not poor and yes they might make more than some idols but I'm sure that less popular groups make more then them when they're supposed to be "Asias's top Idols".

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Guest andy_b09

hi, im a lurker who discovered DBSK just 3 months ago (through Boys over Flowers, We Got Married, Yunho at Xman, finally to DBSK).

Just my opinion, but the debate on whether they should've signed the contract or not, is already answered. No less by the courts. The documents that SM submitted do not lie. The documents itself stated that first they dont have basic human freedom, and now the second batch of decision tells us that they were not paid humanely.

Even construction workers KNOW the breakdown of their salaries. Is it such an ARROGANT demand for DBSK to know how they are being paid?

I'm just happy that they are making progress, and i wish victory until the end. And i hope at the end of this, we get to hear the music that they wanted to do. Music coming from Artistes that are free and happy.

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Guest annaitch

Alright, a lot of people already answered why DBSk signed the contract. Just wanna comment a bit on that as well.

What people said :

1. Soompi is a place where everyone would like to talk only good stuff about DBSK, even when DBSK did something 'wrong' like signing a contract.

2. Did DBSK not heard about H.O.T. and Shinhwa? How could they sign on with SM Ent?

3. DBSK should not crap on the plate they eat (or whatever) <--- I assume you are saying they made a mistake and has to pay for the consequences and be grateful to SM for giving them opportunities.

My comments :

1. A lot of threads are bashing DBSK, a lot of forums, a lot of sites and we cannot deny DBSK has A WHOLE LOT OF ANTI FANS. Why should we let DBSK threads in soompi bash DBSK as well? are we not supposed to stick by them, regardless of their decision? we may disagree, we may complaint, we may felt insecure... but in the end, it is their decision and it will affect them more than us... can't we wait and see and stand by them?

2. let's backtrack a bit. DBSK debut in 2003 (almost 2004), before that they did some performances while training. Junsu trained for 6 years, yunho and jaejoong for about 4 years? and yoochun was from US, flew back to Korea. H.O.T disbanded in 2001, therefore junsu was in the middle of training and jaejoong and yunho as well i think, or they just entered. Would they know of SM evilness? Shinhwa signed contract with another mgt company in 2003 as well, so DBSK was still new; Sm evilness was not known. Some might even blame H.O.T. and Shinhwa for not sticking with SM, as people are blaming JaeChunSu. Even now, we got shocked when we found out the details of the contract. Everything is hush-hush with SM.

3. I do feel thankful for SM for gathering such talents together under one group. I do feel grateful for SM training them and letting them debut. But that doesn't mean SM can do anything. What is wrong is wrong. DBSK did make a mistake but is it wrong for them to correct it? Is it considered as ungrateful? People get married everyday. Assuming DBSK and Sm relationship is like married couple, after training for 2-6 years and having an idol lifespan of 10 years (altho DBSk has proved they are more than just a Korean idol and I believe will stay on more than mere 10 years), that's like being married at 35. You might hate the guy who propose to you but at that time, you just wanna get married (LOL, sorry for my irrelevant example). Then you realised you made a mistake, you want a divorce. But you have children (in this case, fans) to think about. So you stick for a while longer, hoping things can work out. you tried to discuss with your hubby but he still won't move from his position. Should you stick in that marriage? Is it wrong to divorce? Is it considered as ungrateful since he has been so nice to marry you, a spinster of 35? (this is just an example / joke, take it as it is. please don't feel offended)

Everyday since the beginning of this year, I feel thankful to God for letting me know DBSK. I feel a bit sad I didn;t know them sooner. Even when they have a hard time, i still feel happy listening to their songs. They suffered for us. in the end, we're just outsiders who can give comments here and pray for them. Can't we at least make the comments nice?

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Guest jaejoong.ro02

My comments :

1. A lot of threads are bashing DBSK, a lot of forums, a lot of sites and we cannot deny DBSK has A WHOLE LOT OF ANTI FANS. Why should we let DBSK threads in soompi bash DBSK as well? are we not supposed to stick by them, regardless of their decision? we may disagree, we may complaint, we may felt insecure... but in the end, it is their decision and it will affect them more than us... can't we wait and see and stand by them?

I agree. Why would we let somebody bash dbsk in their own thread? Yes we're open with discussion but some insisting their thoughts without considering our previous posts is completely unnecessary here. We are fans here, what would you expect from this thread? Try to read and backtrack.


I guess people are still interested in the group whether they like it or not, whether they think the boys are wrong or right, whether they really feel sorry or not

I completely agree.

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Guest dramaprincessxox

sorry to cut your post, but if they're only minors then what were their parents doing at the time. surley they would of read it or atleast got someone to read it over.

actually the manager works for dbsk not for sme. celebs in america pay for the manager so why shouldnt dbsk

with that in mine i actually think sme gets the manager for dbsk so they prob have some agreement. again i dnt really know having know personal knowledge of sme.

I had to cut your post...

I guess some people will never get it. Forget about the manager. The fact that you can call them selfish means that not only do you not yet understand what benefits DBSK's actions will bring to other singers from now on. But it's also a very unintelligent way to look at the situation. Let's suppose DBSK had been paid "well." Let's pretend that they earned 1 billion US dollars per year, right? And they were given only 1% of that money per year. I'm sure you would say "oh well they got $10,000,000 US per year, why are they complaining."

The actual amount is immaterial. THEY WERE CHEATED. It's their money and they deserve to get a GOOD percentage of it! One percent is not good! Neither is three or five percent! Where is all that other money going when more of it should be in the artists' pockets? Why is it paying for a damn swimming pool inside of SM's swanky apartment? This attitude that people with "enough" money should be content with that, even if they were cheated, is the wrong way to think. If they earned it, they must be paid fairly in full! As the artists, the ones who do the actual work to rake in the cash, they deserve a healthy percentage of that money, at least fifteen percent if you ask me! Even more appalling is the fact that there are many things they were not paid for at all! That is slavery too. When people work for you, they MUST be fairly paid!

Your comment about it being "insulting to a real slave" is probably the worst part. A slave doesn't have to be in rags and starving. Once you are being forced to work for someone under conditions where they have almost absolute control over your actions and they deny you your rights/free will, you are a slave. Rich or poor, you're a slave. Designer bags, hot cars mean NOTHING, you're still a slave if you don't have your rights and your freedom. So DBSK should accept to be treated inhumanely just because there are "real slaves" out there who suffer more? How does keeping your mouth shut about slavery help the others who are experiencing the same thing? What about protests? What about revolts, and standing up against the oppressors? Not everyone in the world will accept to be a slave just because they have nice "things". I was proud to realise that these DBSK members were willing to risk everything to have their freedom back.

About people not liking DBSK if they change their style and their songs. They will use whatever style and whatever music they feel comfortable with. They are talented men who have good taste in style, they are creative, they know how to compose good music (we ALL know that by now) and they know what the fans like. When they decide to come back, they will return totally as themselves and will enjoy everything they are doing. That's the biggest and best comeback we can ask for. Their happiness comes first; no one should even wonder about if we'll like their new concepts or not. If they are happy and they like it, I can guarantee you that we will like it as well. Music is not just the catchy beat and the bass. It's a form of self-expression. Even if only autotune is popular in Kpop when they return, they could sing a ballad and top the charts.

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Guest Sayuri JaeJoong

Hi For everyone again !!!

I´m hppy again Our JaeJoong♥ Appear !!!



And I´m posting too Super HQ Heaven´s Postman Pics ♥!!!

Oh God I´m really counting days for Heaven´s Postman♥ release!!!

He´s simply Magnific in this pics !!!

They´re sOoOoOo beautifull together !!!

Oh My darls I´m watching U´re very worried about

Our Boys and their future ne ??? :(

Can I just talk one positive thing for U ???

Just Let´s Trust Them♥ ...

If they´re leave SME or not it´s doesn´t matter

Coz who is King Always Will be King ne ???

They´ ll SHINE in everywhere !!!

Please let´s do our Thead more happy with Our smiles ;) !!!

Kissu for Everyone !!!

Credits:songix2 + Dnbn.

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I'm even more surprised that in the 21st century, there are contracts of this magnitude, especially in a country like South Korea, the truth is that they aren´t different at all from North Korea, at least in this item...Sometimes I´m disappointed to have fallen into this K-fandom...Why I do this to me T_T...There are artists who comitted suicides, there are antifans, netizens complaining about everything, kpop music with catchy songs ( I like in the beggining, but now its getting boring and empty), others songs with so many autotune, others copying American songs and claiming originality...And one of the worst THIS slave contracts...I admit that I enjoy K-fandom, but now is really stressful, especially with DBSK´s lawsuit.. I still will support you guys.

For those who say Jaechunsu signed that contract so they shouldn´t complain ... YOU ARE VERY SELFISH...Yes, they made a mistake by signing it, I will not put an apology even when they have their reasons. BUT we are talking about HUMAN LIVES, 13 years in this condition is a lifetime in the medium artistic, and makes everything worse to be silent, to remain silent is the worst thing someone can do in this deplorable situation. I´m glad Jaechunsu spoke out, they gained my respect for this...I hope Korea´s Government do something and put regulation in the medium artistic.

SM is very proud, unwilling to accept that what they do is wrong, even YG and JYP companies are making arrangements for contracts for their artists, But SM nothing. They prefer that everything continues as before. Times are changing and companies must adapt to them, they need government support, and people like Jaechunsu wanting or not wanting they showed the public the reality of an artist kpop...The reality is cruel T_T...It´s time to make changes

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Guest clarachan

I think that now is not the time to discuss why DBSK chooses SM Entertainment in the first place.


I just wanna say, if DBSK didn't choose SM in the first place, there wont be the 5 of them today. I mean SM is the one who arranged yunho, junsu, jaejoong, changmin and yoochun to be in a group together before their debut.

I am not standing on SM side though. I super hate SM for their slave contract.

Oh well, my main wish for 2009 is to hope that dbsk will win the lawsuit and sm will eventually edit their contract and make it a better one~

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