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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest Honey_KizZ

090618 TSC Nagoya Fanaccount!

She wrote her fanaccount into three parts so, i will share it as accordingly alright.

Part 1

Because I’m exhausted, in pain and so hungry, I can eat a Vick D:

-Jaejoong’s hair floppiness can be enjoyed even from the topmost floor of Nagoya Gaishi Hall. I bow to the hair.

-Jaejoong was too energetic for the first 3/4 of the concert and ended up begging off of the free-for-all Summer Dream dance. Tsk.

-I am still unable to watch anyone other than Jaejoong, live. Dammit.

-Jaejoong teared up after his awesome, awesome solo ending for Bolero and Junsu nearly cried too. Babies. ILU. I don’t need to mention that emoboy was emoing too right? :D

Saner, more detailed fanreport when I have been rescucitated.

PS: this is Kelly, in case you didn’t realise from the extreme Jae-bias :D DDD

PPS: I ended up buying the damn gaufrettes too. Why am I such a sucker?

Part 2

Today’s seats were:


1st Floor

D3 Block


→ First and foremost, Yunho sounds so much friggin better live. He isn’t as nasally as he is in the TSC CD and he sounded really good in most songs.

→ I have a fat yunho bias. but i’ll make this as unbiased as possible. :D

→ Yoochun’s and Jaejoong’s mics went dead in the middle of Secret Game right when Jaejoong was supposed to do his rocker scream :| It came back up afterwards, but guuhh.

→ lmao. I think it was during Beautiful You/Stand Up that the camera men focused on everyone’s richard simmons. LOL. Yunho sounded great here ;___;

→ During Take Your Hands, the camera men focused on the guy’s crotches a lot. especially yunho’s. XD

→ During the first talk segment, they made Junsu say Kiss the Baby Skkkkyyyyyyyy with a rasp. LOL. then he got all flustered and was like, “…lol that sounded dirty :| “

→ They did the otsukare-yama gag. Changmin said it all cute and everyone aww’d at him :3 Then Yoochun told junsu to say it in a sexy version and then Junsu stared at the camera for the longest time before going, “Otsukare-yama. /licks lips.” Cue all the japanese housewives dying all over the place.

→ LOL. During 9095, whenever anyone did a hip thrust, the audience just screamed.

→ While wearing the white vest/white pants combo, Jaejoong got really really sweaty. Yoochun said, “You looked like you just took a shower :) ” then Jaejoong got all flustered while Yoochun continued with a, “Sexyyyyy :9″

- The version of “O” Sei. Han. Go. that they did was really good. Nice little rock edge.

→ Box in the ship’s little.. cheering break was cute. The group started out with Oh-e-oh-e-oh TOHOSHINKI♫. Then the audience replied with Oh-e-oh-e-oh TOHOSHINKI♫.

After that, Yunho did Oh-e-oh-e-oh TEBASAKI♫. Then cue audience.

Changmin did Oh-e-oh-e-oh NAGOYA♫. cue audience.

Jaejoong did Oh-e-oh-e-oh DOU IU KOTO?♫ cue audience. id

Yoochun messed up during his part LOL. He was like, Oh-e-oh-e-oh … mou ikkai mou ikkai XD then did his usual Oh-e-oh-e-oh MINNA OKAY?♫ afterwards.

I didn’t catch the first part of Junsu’s, but then he changed his part to Oh-e-oh-e-oh DOUmini cooperEKIMIWOSUKININATTESHIMATTANDAROU♫. lmao. cue audience failing to follow :)

→ There was a talk segment towards the end that they were all talking about Nagoya and the foods it’s famous for, which ended up being a talk about how much junsu loved hitsumabushi. which then degenerated to a talk about how eating eel is good for a man. you know. in the sexual way. LOL.

→ i noticed that yunho and jaejoong tended to hang around each other more during this concert. Idk? Changmin and Yunho tended to be in each other’s places and Yunho would be making blowfish faces while Jaejoong was talking, etc. lol.

→ STAND BY U. okay. that song is a song that needs to be heard live, i think, for someone’s mind to get changed. I’ve heard the previews/song for a few weeks now and I never really got into it until tonight. Hearing it live was definitely a good thing.

→ Bolero was loud. Like someone forgot to turn down the music system. But despite that, everyone performed really solidly, i thought. Jaejoong teared up toward the end/near his last note. You could see his eyes water and just his expression. mmmmmm.

Part 3

Kelly here. I had an awesomely long, detailed account but lj ate it. Damn you, lj. Here it is again, less spazzy but still kinda long, lol. Lucky you? :D

The guys started rehearsals around 2pm, we waited to buy goods for almost an hour, and waited to take our places for 2+ hours. YAY. But first of all, I will never make fun (I hope) again of synchronised light stick waving. WHen everyone moved theirs in sync to the beat of Secret Game, in the dark, it was like a giant red heart beating out a tattoo. Fantastic. And Jae’s hair was awesomely floppy. I love it.

01 Secret Game 02 Share The World 03 どうして君を好きになってしまったんだろう?

SG got things off to a good start but it would have been even more awesome if Yoochun’s and Jae’s mics actually worked D: We totally missed Jae’s rocker scream, dammit. There were these 5 freestanding screens on stage and before Yunho’s turn, I can see him from my angle dancing behind his screen :D STW…I’m a little ambiguous about this song. Doumini coopere was done almost pitch perfect except their mics’ volumes were wonky again and Jae’s ”もうどうして。。。” was almost spoiled because of it D:

04 Take Your Hands 05 Stand Up!06 Beautiful You

TYH is perfect for a live show, and Min’s slow-tempo bridge calmed you down before pumping it back up again. SU’s chorus is done like so: at “kanjite communication…” wave your light stick from side to side. At “tanoshin na sensation…” wave it around in a circle. At “na na na na na feel so right…” pump it up and down! For BY, Su’s reworked solo was as perfect as his Liti’s in a completely different vibe; the boy can do R&B for me, if he works at it ♥

07 9095 08 My Destiny 09 FORCE

As Jae-biased as I am, I admit that Chun does the pole-dance the best. Dancing with their mirror images gave the whole thing a rather dark, narcissistic vibe. Someone, write a fic about this please, kthx. MD, a classic. There was a ment before Force, which shows the guys appearing in a desert one by one and each had a ‘power/force’. Su brought his hands together in a triangle, and got purple fire. Chun went kamehameha and got an orange fireball. Jae’s hand was wreathed in green flames, Min in a silvery pinkish/red aura and Yunho, an electrical blue sword. Release your powers into the dark, roiling sky boys and that’s the intro for Force!

10 Purple Line 11 呪文-MIROTIC 12 Heart,Mind and Soul

PL is so much effing love done with a live band. And the extended dance break? I find it freaking awesome they didn’t just focus on the two best dancers (HoSu) and instead also gave everyone a chance to shine. For Mirotic’s dance break, they again danced with their doppelgangers and I could see a dancer behind Yunho’s screen handing him the white hat for him to dance with :D And when they disappeared behind the screen to change into the white outfits before Min’s scream, I could see Yunho dropping below the stage to change while their doppelgangers fooled us, lol. HMS, oh, HMS…Yunho’s voice, in this concert, deserves a kudos.

13 忘れないで 14 Begin 15 Nobody Knows

忘れないで …JJ’s ending ”ここにいるよ。。。忘れないで~” broke my heart. Begin is my ultimate THSK song and instead of Jae ending the song by himself, Su joined him and they make such beautiful music together ;__; NK; golden mic stands and golden canes :D

16 TAXI 17 Forever Love 18 Box in the ship

Powerful, moving ballads and then you get the lols that is BitS :D DD For the loltastic cheering, read Steph’s account.

19 “O”-正・反・合 20 Choosey lover

O, the molesting dance XD ’nuff said. It had a rockier arrangement which is awesome. CL is when they changed to the JE-inspired outfits and okay, Su’s “Choose me baby uh~” so did not work with that purple…rainbow-puked outfit he had on D: Pink suspenders? PINK suspenders?! Jae’s was salvaged because he was smart enough to get decent colors – black and white with splashes of yellow or pink I think and his “sexy lady uh~” was changed. Instead of touching himself, he turned his back to the audience, slid his coat down his shoulders, and smirked. Tease.

21 Sky 22 Somebody To Love 23 Summer Dream

Sky/STL; awesome crowd-hyping songs :D I was thinking that Jae was a bit too hyper since the beginning of the concert, and he did end up paying for it when he sort of folded over when they went into the instrumental break for SD, lol. During the free-for-all that Yunho led, he didn’t join, just knelt on stage, did his ad-libs and made apologetic motions at Yunho when leader caught him :D

Can I just add here that YunJae used every chance they got to high-five each other? XD

24 Survivor 25 The Way U Are 26 Break up the Shell

Great dance songs that got a bit spoiled by those ridiculous JE outfits. Just…no.

27 Stand By U 28 Kiss The Baby Sky 29 Bolero

They changed to white TSC tees, jeans and checkered shirts tied around their waists (Jae’s influence? :D ). SBU is so wonderful, live, and I love the PV. Simple and beautiful. Nothing fancy but a little different than their standard Japanese ballad PVs. KTBS really is a great sing-along song and can I just say here that Yoochun totally did not overdo it with his gravelly voice throughout the whole concert like he did in T? His voice was wonderfully low and smooth and he only roughened it up at some parts :D I swear, I think the guy had cut down on his smoking because it was only around this point that he started to look a little dead, lol.

And Bolero…everyone’s mics were way louder than the music but they were almost pitch-perfect, and Jae’s ending…he actually did it twice. Once with the music and to end it, the screens went dark except his, the music soft, and his voice…if he broke my heart earlier with 忘れないで, he tore it to shreds this time. He almost cried, tears smeared underneath his eyes and Junsu almost cried too, breath hitching a little. Just…. ♥

And to think, I get to do this again XDDD

PS: Never underestimate the strength of a Japanese obaasan/ahjumma. THEY CAN MOW YOU DOWN.

PPS: For the ments, read Steph’s because her Japanese is better than mine XD All I can say is, now I really want to eat hitsumabushi, lol.

credit: sevenkai@lj

shared by: sharingyoochun@wordpress

Airport Fanaccount

Here’s another cute fanaccount from sevenkai, previously we shared her concert fanaccount but now, we have and airport fanaccount, which is i must say, pretty rare indeed. She’s pretty lucky indeed even though they had to wait for baggage. Read and you’ll know why ^__^

In Nagoya

Asiana airlines/ANA lost our baggage. So we were stuck at the baggage claims for some quite time.





→ Cameras aren’t really allowed at the baggage claims. That’s why my shots are pretty crappy. ;\

→ I was pretty much 5 feet or less feet away from Jaejoong, junsu, and yoochun when i saw them.

→ yoochun doesn’t really meet anyone’s eyes. he’s gorgeous, though. He was wandering by himself and i saw junsu in the hallway of the men’s bathroom.

→ junsu looks better in real life.

→ jaejoong is frigging gorgeous, no lie. and skinny. and tall.

→ yunho and changmin were too far away from me ): but idk. i made eye contact with leader-sshi and he smiled, anyways. :)


→ the airport staff were amused with me, because i squealed. and then one of the girls was like, 「なに?」 and then i was like.. 「東方神起のメンバーがここにいます!」 then she was like, “lol. /smile”

(her: what?; me: THSK’s here!; her: lol XD)

credit: sevenkai@lj

shared by: sharingyoochun@wordpress

lucky fan...T_T

she gets to meet them at the airport and go to their concert.

i hope this is ok to post here...

credit: uploader

so cute just like his brother.

EverySing - Wrong Number making of (Jaejoong)

credit: uploader


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Guest Toink3

TV Guide Magazine - Tohoshinki @TPF





TohoMobile -The Secret Code






TohoMobile JaeChun


weee weee..I Love This Pics Soo Much..but Stiill CANT BEat YooSu MoMent..XP




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Guest nakojunsu

090613 YTN - DBSK Argentinian Fans

YTN korean channel conducted an interview of Dong Bang Shin Ki fans in Argentina. The Korean Cultural Center in Argentina called reporters YTN housed in Argentina and they collected information and sent to the channel in Korea.

We are very happy because for the first time our fanclub appears on a Korean channel, which is a great feat given the distance of the countries.

keep fighting!!

Special thanks: YTN channel & Korean Cultural Center in Argentina

Credit: YTN channel

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Guest XiahxTiffany

wow when i saw the boys like rip off their shirt it reminded me of their awards and etc

the one laurassjj showed the last gift

that was probably one of their best perfs in the world :)

i still remember it and always will !!!

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yesterday I searched BVLGARI's website and I see this.






this is ring its Joonsu buy for Yoochun?


and This collection is for BRIDAL...um um..and size of Yoochun's fingers???

Ha Ha Ha YOOSU is Real!!!!

Haha! Really, it's Bridal collection!? ah~

I had a feeling it was lmao~

Anyways, yeah I'm with you on this one.

YooSu...i'd say it's pretty

official. ;)

{but I'm sure Junsu doesn't quite appreciate the recent affection between his lovely Bride-to-Be and JaeJae (thinks of the mobile pic keke)}


laurassjj87~ waaaah!! I love the couple gifs haha~ Especially 2U doing THE SALSA TOGETHER!! Spicy hot :blush:


Thanks Toink3 for those mobile pics! They're so handsome~~

and for heaven sakes Yoochun! You just got engaged and here you are letting Jae feel you up :P


Honey_KizZ~ LOVE love love the fanaccount! ThaNKS for sharing!

heh..what's with all the dirty discussions all of a sudden!?

Boys will be boys I guess..

(don't even want to know about the eel thing..eheh..)


nakojunsu ~How wonderful! Thanks for sharing this with us all~

I have to give big props to all you South American Cassi's~ You all really do such a great job of making your support for the boys public!!

heh~ I wish us fans here in the States could take it a bit further sometimes..

Anyways, good job to you all and keep supporting the boys!

You know they appreciate it all : )

<3 manda

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Guest tvxqlovesme

Here are the lyrics kanghee

너와 함께라면 날 수 있어

my life 너에게 맡길 수 있어

나의 사랑 나의 모든 것

마음속에 또 다른 마음 감춰 왔죠

이제부터 다 솔직하게 꺼내 볼래요

우리 둘이 아무 사이도 아닐때에도

이런 날이 올 수있도록 준비했어요

하얀 날개 펼치고 높은 언덕 넘어

그대 가슴에 오랫도록 song for you

이젠 바람이 높게 부는 계절에

꽃향기가 가득하는 날

비바람이 몰아치는 하늘 속에도

너와 함께라면 날 수 있어

my life 너에게 맡길 수 있어

나의 사랑 나의 모든 것

그대에게 가는 길들이 너무 멀어

나의 날개에 아파오는 그런 날에는

그대 내 마음속에 있는 상상을 해요

우리 둘이서 함꼐라면 Dreams come ture

너무 힘들어 날 수 없을 때

for you 어두운 밤하늘 아래

별 하나도 보이지가 않을 때에도

your smile 그대의 미소가 되길

so shine 등불이 되어줄래요

그대곁에 I love you for you

이젠 바람이 높게 부는 계절에

꽃향기가 가득하는 날

비바람이 몰아치는 하늘 속에도

너와 함께라면 날 수 있어

my life 너에게 맡길 수 있어

나의 사랑 나의 모든 것

Credit. http://blog.naver.com/tjenffj00

thx for the hangeul..

here the romanji


neowa hamkkeramyeon nal su isseo

my life noege makil su isseo

naui sarang naui modeun got

maeumsoge ddodareum maeum gamchwo watjyo

ije boddeoda suljighage kkeonae boreayo

uri duri amu saido aneolttae-edo

ireon nariul suidorok junbihaessoyo

hayan nalgae pyolchigo nobeun eondeog neomeo

geudae gaseume oraedorok song for you

ijen barami nobkke buneun gejeore

ggochyanggiga ganeukhaneun nal

bibarami morachineun haneul sogaedo

neowa hamkkeramyeon nal su isseo

my life noege makil su isseo

naui sarang naeu modeun got

geudae ege ganeun gildeuri neomumeoro

naui nalgae apaoneun geureon narae eneun

geudaenae maeumsogae ineun sangsangeulhaeyo

uri duriseo hamkkeramyeon dreams come true

neomu himdeuro nal suobseuldae

for you eodu-un bamhaneul arae

byeolhanado boijiga aneul ddae-edo

your smile geudaeui misuga dwigil

so shine deungburi dwieojulaeyo

geudaegyeote i love you for you

ijen barami nopgebuneun gyejoreo

ggochyanggiga gadeukhaneun nal

bibarami morachineun haneul sogaedo

neowa hamkkeramyeon nal su isseo

my life naege makil su isseo

naui sarang naeui modeun got


Romanji by: echonkz@sweetfig.blogspot.com

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Guest Honey_KizZ

090615 Yunho & his friend at coffee shop - Talk & Smile

Credit: uploader

yunnie picture spam! just cuz i'm bored.




credit: tag + yunho picture thread@soompi

Tokyo Park Friends Fic

The challenge for the day!


And here are the contestants… everyone looks pretty confident don’t they


The confidence did them good and Yunho, Changmin, Junsu and Yoochun did pretty good i must say…


There’s only one member left and will he achieve the same score as the rest of the members?!?!


AHHHHH! He missed! Yunho got quite shock too… what is he to do?!


Well, sacrifice his gift i guess… Poor Yunho!

This is what you get if you don’t want to upset Jaejoong!!


credit: ysgame + baidu

shared by: sharingyoochun@wordpress

i cant wait to see tokyo park friends!

anyone know when it's going to air?

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Guest snow_angel9

if i rmbr clearly, didnt jae give chun a ring before as well? or was it some other kind of accessory? I rmbr yoochun showing it at the end of one of their offshots.

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Guest charan

Tokyo Park Friends Fic

credit: ysgame + baidu

shared by: sharingyoochun@wordpress

i cant wait to see tokyo park friends!

anyone know when it's going to air?

HaHaHa :lol: Poor Yunho

Jaejoong-ah you just practice this game more

I wait to see this programme too it's look funny and Japanese poeple to see the otherside of our boys

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Guest toomuchsmiling

finally caught up here. it's like the guys are doing multiple activities, well they are.

in japan, it's the Moolog thing, than Tokyo Dome, and supposedly this CM/CF thing there.

then in korea..well, what were they doing there anyway? :huh:

i just saw them actually enjoying themselves. Yunho with friends/family and shopping, Junsu and Yoochun

at a restaurant, Changmin disappeared, and Jaejoong driving Yoochun's car.

maybe they finally got time for themselves, like a vacation back home?

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Guest Senorita_

[090618] Tohomobile - Thank you mail (SOULMATE/JAECHUN)

Soulmate couple <3 That picture is soo cute =D I haven't seen Soulmate interaction for a long time ^^

[Photo] Stalking Yunho

Aw~ So nice he is spending some quality time with his family <3 And yeah, his family is tall, and Ji Hye looks very different now ^_^

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Guest fly_micky



jaejoong driving his own car not yuchun's car. he bought the same car like yuchun. I'm glad they got time for themselves. probably they miss their home. home is always the best place to rest your mind. thank you everyone for updates. I've nothing to share. Have e good day

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[FAN] 090617 Having Lunch "With" Xiah Junsu

This guy so lucky to have bumped into Junsu.If i ever see them accidentally,i will so get their siggy,politely of course ^^

I love seeing them dress up ready to concert and do whatever they need to do in order to give their best. So far I remember seeing

Changmin-standing alone looking for a fresh air

Sorry for cutting your post...They do have their own way to prep for the concert :)

Anyone has the pic of Changmin?I cant rmember seeing it,thanks!

Jaejoong has the same Car as Yoochun

JJ has the silver one (number 11)

Chun the black one

I do rmember reading he bought a new car,just didn't know its same as Chun.Thanks for the info.

Picture request

1. JaeJoong or any member with the spiderman toy ^^, if I'm not mistaken it was taken before their MTV White Day Live at the USJ

2. Tohoshinki pendant with the member's initial in it. I think it was official, because I saw the member wearing it for its endorsement.

1.I only have the group pic ^^


2.This one?

th_image_01-big.jpg th_image_02-big.jpg th_image_03-big.jpg th_image_04-big.jpg th_image_05-big.jpg

Each necklace is is a difference letter and it comes with a diamond pendant and ”TOHOSHINKI” letters stamped on back.

Each necklace costs

With diamond pendant: ¥25,000/ US$281/ AUD$431/ €216/ SGD$422/

Without diamond pendant (only lettering): ¥7000/ USD$78/ AUD$120/ €60/ SGD$118


Welcome to the thread xCuTeY_SaRax & alas!

V Saw this,HHJ also wearing smiley :)


Credits: DBSKnights + TVXQbaidu

V Thanks a bunch loveprincemax ~

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Guest afterglow.

^ here's another one with just jaejoong.


Tokyo Park Friends Fic

i cant wait to see tokyo park friends!

anyone know when it's going to air?

lol that's cute. apparently those are the actual prizes for that episode, except the pic is missing a camcorder.

this episode will air next week on june 25th.

i think the japanese cm is still a rumor, but the boys have been drinking out of oronamin c water bottles on their tour recently so.... XD hopefully it's true. them scoring a japanese cm is a big deal. i was thinking what they should aim for next after achieving tokyo dome and a japanese ad came to mind.

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Guest jeffblurian

Hi, I'm quite new to DBSK/THSK and recently stalked soompi. Nice to know you all here.

I'm having a request that hope if some of you know, you can help me :)

I'm looking for a youtube video. It's a short one. It's filmed during their time in Japan (I believe it's for a-nation event or similar to that - but I'm not too sure). In that video, they talked about tokoyaki (a japanese dish). It's like each of them cooked tokoyaki according to their style, and then they would ask random fans to test to see whose tokoyaki is the best. The video shows their cooking process too. And in the end, Jaejoong's tokoyaki got the most votes.

In this video, they would stay in a room and the cameraman would directly film their fans's answers/reactions (it's like live report).

I also remember that this video was happening right before the concert's openning.

I saw this one on youtube with eng sub. But I regret that I didn't save that link.

So if you know it, can you help me to locate that video?

Many many thanks ^_^

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Guest Fairily_Spark

Hi, I'm quite new to DBSK/THSK and recently stalked soompi. Nice to know you all here.

I'm having a request that hope if some of you know, you can help me :)

I'm looking for a youtube video. It's a short one. It's filmed during their time in Japan (I believe it's for a-nation event or similar to that - but I'm not too sure). In that video, they talked about tokoyaki (a japanese dish). It's like each of them cooked tokoyaki according to their style, and then they would ask random fans to test to see whose tokoyaki is the best. The video shows their cooking process too. And in the end, Jaejoong's tokoyaki got the most votes.

In this video, they would stay in a room and the cameraman would directly film their fans's answers/reactions (it's like live report).

I also remember that this video was happening right before the concert's openning.

I saw this one on youtube with eng sub. But I regret that I didn't save that link.

So if you know it, can you help me to locate that video?

Many many thanks ^_^

You mean Takoyaki? (octopus balls)

Here's the video

This doesn't have eng sub

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