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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest asdfhjkl;

If they go back to Korea again, do you guys think they can sustain their popularity in Japan?

Sustaining shouldn't be a problem. If they go back to Korea, it'll probably be like Mirotic - going for a few months, and they'll probably release a single or something to make up for it. It won't be long enough to risk their rising popularity in Japan.

Do you guys think the popularity is at its peak or will it improve?

Without a doubt improve. This year is proof enough. Their dome dream has finally been acheived, their TSC sales have been higher than before. Things are just going to get a lot better for them. Lots more dreams will be fulfilled for them :)

Do you guys think that in 1 year of absence, THSK will have fans to look back to in Japan?

Definetely. The general public will probably lose interest, but Big East will be there. Maybe it's just me, but I couldn't ever imagine leaving this fandom.. I'm sure most fans feel the same. Although I don't think they would ever risk leaving for a whole year.

Will THSK have a long lasting effect in JPOP?

As the first foreign group to gain so much success, yes. I think they've opened up a road into the Jpop market, and it'll make it easier for foreign groups in the future to be more accepted.

How could you possibly handle the boy's career?

I have no idea. I like it how it is now. As long as they're around, I'm good :)

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Guest eunsook

[PIC] 090610 Yoochun Endorsing BSX


Source: [baidutvxq]

Shared by: iscreamshinki.net


Dont this ^ resembles this :


he managed to do the same hairstyle like last year's..how can he do that?xD

Korean fancafe ranking:

Oh! They conquer the top 5 position in Daum & General Ranking! WOW! Way to go to Cassiopeia!

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Guest im_may

Let's Spam Perez Hilton

lets do it..

but how about we discuss what we would give him

cause wouldnt it be more effective and better

if like he gets 10000+ emails from different people

but recommending the same song. pictures.videos


that would DEFINITELY get his attention = ]

i like the idea.. i will do it. after we think of songs. and stuff to email him

if you guys want to go through with it..

if not i will just email him myself..lol

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Guest Honey_KizZ

lets do it..

but how about we discuss what we would give him

cause wouldnt it be more effective and better

if like he gets 10000+ emails from different people

but recommending the same song. pictures.videos


that would DEFINITELY get his attention = ]

i like the idea.. i will do it. after we think of songs. and stuff to email him

if you guys want to go through with it..

if not i will just email him myself..lol

i think something that showcases their singing and dancing would be great to share.

maybe a live smp performance.

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Guest asdfhjkl;


If you want to email him, I think that Mirotic would be a really good video to show him. It's powerful and the dancing is good. I think it'll be easier for people who don't listen to kpop to accept.

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Guest calidreaming

Hi guys! Thanks for your responses :)

Perhaps we could create a "form e-mail" where fans can just copy and paste into their e-mail and click send?

It's hard trying to figure out what are the best pics or vids to "feature" or suggest to someone else so they get the best first impression.

There definitely needs to be live performances that show of their great vocals (i'm not sure their latest J-pop songs ie Survivor/Share the World are for everyone, esp the typical US audience, so I wouldn't suggest it...No offense I promise!!!! XD)

I've already sent a few random e-mails with different catchy subjects to try to catch his eye lol.

I think songs that are the most appealing to a typical US music lover would be:

My Destiny, Wrong Number, Love in the Ice, etc.

Edit: I'm currently uploading vids on a youtube channel: PerezlovesTVXQ so if anyone wants to e-mail him vids they can use the same links.....

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Guest fattie8701

funny enough today i was just thinking about how suju and 2ne1 got featured but DONG BANG SHIN KI werent...nywho my opinion is this...if you send in a dance energetic song as great as it sounds...the boys might be dissed, if youve read the comments they have left for some of the k-pop videos already posted then you would understand what i mean). We need to show them that DBSK is far from your average boyband coming out of korea...thier vocals and harmonizing is beautiful to say in the least...so i suggest you send them something that showcases their (DBSK) vocal talent....am quite new to DBSK and k-pop culture myself..soo i would suck at giving a proper list..but i would say

1) love in the ice - it just moves u..and the vocals...WOW

2) Bolero- thier vocals and the orchestral arrangement is beautiful


this maybe irrelevant BUT i am suggesting that when the e-mail is sent in and IF perez does feature DBSK on his site...then fans should be very prepared to read possible comments that are not in favour of these boys....

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Guest Toink3

THSK -TSC tour - Junsu


















Night View In Osaka@TSC Tour






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Guest alexkziel

Was this when they were filming hi ya ya?

Let's Spam Perez Hilton

(and if you don't like this idea, don't diss it, just don't do it.)

All the ideas are good, I think that we should ask for them in our local radio stations or video shows in our countries.

Perez is ok (i can't stand him however) but do you know if it was good for WG, SNSD, etc?

Do they have more fans because of him?

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Guest lyphta

Taepoon's puppies

omo! those are the cutest little things everrrr!

their blue eyes are mesmerizing!

i bet Yunho is a proud grandpa to his new family of grandkids LOL

Junsu buying a house

Junsu is seriously sooo sweet!

and the house he gave his parents is huge!

also its so technologically advanced O_O!

i would love to have a house like that.

he is just so sweetest kid you could ask for XD

Sparkling CF

I like it!

So the leave blowing was for the English one! WOO!

I really thought it was cute~ though you could really tell Junsu was holding onto the tree branch pretty hard cause of his injury.

and i love the Japanese version! lol Yunho got stickied! and i love how he shifts causing the rest of them to be like wth? XD

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Guest jaejoong.ro02

for me... i think i want them to be active on both korea and japan !!

because maybe cassies are tried of waiting for them and they want to back out....and maybe they think that tvxq only focuses on bigeast...

and i want them to be more recognizable like super junior

I think that dbsk is more known than suju in any asian country.

honestly, i satisfied with AVEX management rather than SM...u can see that AVEX is really doing the promotion to the boys..giving the boys A-class treatment such as many staffs who handle different stuffs (they even provide a person who help them massage, i remember once saw the backstage of O's concert, codi nuna was the one who helped junsu and yunho massage), CEO blog that give us the update news of our boys, and many more..i just feel like they boys got better treatment from their management in Japan rather than in Korea..

look at AVEX, it has more artists than SM..they can even do the same promotion in the same month..what they need to afraid for? different group has different fans..

I also prefer AVEX' management for some reason coz it's confident enough to compete its artistes without being biased to who's more popular. Unlike other agency in Japan, they are like SM who give way to another but honestly that doesn't make a difference at all. Every artistes have different supporters. It's good if we support everyone but it's just that there's someone who stands out the most for you.

4. Yes they will, you know why cause I can see myself listening to their music even after 5 years for now... (heck, I still put all song from HMS on my playlist even after 4 year) They will always be remember as the first foreign group that win oricon chart. They are the first group in Japan that able to sing while dancing well.. (and as bonus, they are hot and handsome...!!!)

OMGG.. I just can't resist HM&S. T & HM&S are my favorite albums of THSK. <333

Haha, for me, if I got a chance to handle their career, I'll try to make them appear as a main role on a drama. I'll put them on different dramas so each of them will get their own spotlight :D And if it's possible, I want them to starring on J dorama as well XD

For some reason, I would like them to have a jdorama too. :D I love jdoramas!

-imo it hasnt reach its peak yet. Sure they conquered the charts and sales are rising but they are not there yet. Soon they will be though.i want them to win awards in japan and have like a million in album sales.


-drama probably?

Yeah. My biggest dream for THSK is to sell millions too and be recognized by the public as a whole. I'm really excited with THSK's career and what's in store for them.

could you possibly handle the boy's career?]

Stay in Japan, go to Korea every year and increase their presence in another countries.

And I'am not talking about Asian countries only.

Let the boys be more participative and have their own projects here and there.

Definitely. I would like them to have a WORLD TOUR. It's not necessary for them to have a glamorous stage as long as there is a live band, I'm already satisfied with that. WORLD TOUR! WORLD TOUR! Believe me, if it's DBSK, everyone will go even if they don't like the boys. :lol: Is it just me whose brain works like that?



I hope you guys will succeed! :D I'm not into that since I don't visit his site. The boys don't need that kind of exposure IMO. Let's not push our DBSK to him. It's his lost. :lol:


if they go back to Korea again, do you guys think they can sustain their popularity in Japan?- as long as they constantly release a single, i think it will work.

Do you guys think the popularity is at its peak or will it improve?- it will improve definitely and the biggest proof is their album sales. it increses every year. unlike other artists in japan, their sales are decresing.

Do you guys think that in 1 year of absence, THSK will have fans to look back to in Japan?- idk but i really do believe in bigeast. i know how much they love the boys like i do.

Will THSK have a long lasting effect in JPOP?- of course because they made a history in japan.

How could you possibly handle the boy's career? (takes the role of the manager & management company)

- 1st half in japan, 2nd half in korea, constant single release, CFs, WORLD TOUR, i won't be strict on the boys' personal life, jdorama...

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Guest afterglow.

it's actually nice to enter the thread and read other ppl's thoughts and discussion instead of seeing a million daily pic spams. i welcome this change.

If they go back to Korea again, do you guys think they can sustain their popularity in Japan?

like what dingshuyiing said, if they go back to korea, they probably won't stay there long. their popularity in japan won't be threatened (much) by a korean comeback.

Do you guys think the popularity is at its peak or will it improve?

it will improve. their popularity has undoubtedly skyrocketed dramatically this year but it has yet to reach its peak. i believe the best is yet to come.

Do you guys think that in 1 year of absence, THSK will have fans to look back to in Japan?

IF they decide to leave japan for a year, it's inevitable that some fans will leave; ppl are fickle creatures, they will lose interest even if an artist is active. but for the most part, the boys will still have the support of many bigeast. tohoshinki were/are the underdogs who're finally experiencing success and making great progress in japan. bigeast have much to be proud of. i don't think they'll give up on a group like thsk so easily.

How could you possibly handle the boy's career?

I have no idea. I like it how it is now. As long as they're around, I'm good :)

you and me both.

nywho my opinion is this...if you send in a dance energetic song as great as it sounds...the boys might be dissed, if youve read the comments they have left for some of the k-pop videos already posted then you would understand what i mean).

lol it's perezhilton. it doesn't matter what kind of songs he posts. anything and anyone that gets posted on there will get dissed.

so yeah, do what you want but prepare yourselves for the harsh comments that will inevitably come.

both songs you suggested are good, but judging from those other clips perez posted up, i don't think he'd be interested in ballads.

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Guest dreammssxx

Definitely. I would like them to have a WORLD TOUR. It's not necessary for them to have a glamorous stage as long as there is a live band, I'm already satisfied with that. WORLD TOUR! WORLD TOUR! Believe me, if it's DBSK, everyone will go even if they don't like the boys. :lol: Is it just me whose brain works like that?

sorry for cutting ur post..

but yes! world tour! definitely!

i'll drag my friends along even if they dont like them. lol

as for perez hilton:

i suggest a SMP song. anything that is catchy is fine.

ballads probably wont work for him..but it does showcase their vocals.

so might as well send in both. a catchy song + ballad.

something to share~

[HD] H,M,&S @ TSC Tour Fukuoka 090530-31[fancam]

i love them in white..they look like angels =)

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Guest Kittykitt129

Though I'm not a new fan...

If they go back to Korea again, do you guys think they can sustain their popularity in Japan?

Korea loves them first. Japan loves them now. Int'l fans only see them once a year at the most and still loves them. Yeah, I think they've got Japanese popularity on lock.

Do you guys think the popularity is at its peak or will it improve?

Hmm...I think it will improve. As I once used to say on LJ, WURLD DOHMIINAYSHIYON~!! :D They've got the skills to have it like Beyonce or Justin Timberlake or Miyavi.

Do you guys think that in 1 year of absence, THSK will have fans to look back to in Japan?


Will THSK have a long lasting effect in JPOP?

I think so ^^

How could you possibly handle the boy's career? (takes the role of the manager & management company)

Yeah...no. As them, yes. But as a manager, I suck, because I flail. "OMG WHAT TO DO~?!" They'd be doing whatever, with no success in Japan, never have gone to Paris, and probably dating very publicly.

That said, if I was manager, they'd quickly sink.

That means, even in the event of merely changing something..."*flail* OMG WHAT TO DO~?! THEY'RE FALLING IN THE CHARTS!! *runs in a circle; faints*"

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Guest blackelement_ice

Let's Spam Perez Hilton

tanx for the idea, it is indeed one of the way to make DBSK known by more music listener,

but being on that show, naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah,

i've watched a few times, and all the featured artist are~~~~ hahahahahahaaaa...

i'm not crazy bout the idea,

but still, if you people really wanna do it, go ahead, good luck,

i'll be supportive :)

Dont this ^ resembles this 2b865526.pnge7da5bf0.jpg

he managed to do the same hairstyle like last year's..how can he do that?

i always love that pic, as a matter of fact i once used as my phone wallie

aaaaaaaah..chun long hair is seductive~~~~

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Guest shar_

Does anyone know what show is this?

I think i remembered watching it halfway and i couldn't find it anymore.

Thanks in advance! :D

Its MBC Happy Day..here the link

Dont this ^ resembles this :

he managed to do the same hairstyle like last year's..how can he do that?xD

u are here too XD..bcoz those pics taken last year

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Guest jgal16

i disagree with asking perez...

i really don't think dbsk needs perez

Agreed. Most of the comments will just turn out racist.....

I dont get what so special about being in his website anyway..

I dont really consider it an accomplishment either and it makes dbsk fans look desperate if you spam his email.

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Guest loveprincemax

Was this when they were filming hi ya ya?

Let's Spam Perez Hilton

(and if you don't like this idea, don't diss it, just don't do it.)

um...ㅠㅠWho is that person Perez Hilton??...I never heardㅠㅠI am not from America..please anyone help to me~ㅋㅋㅋ;;

oh...top of the pageㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠwait please어머나...ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

BeeMoolog photo~ㅋㅋ

He is awfully sweet here!!>ㅇ<하악~~


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