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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest badstar

090521 Yunho forget handbag

Chinese Fan Account with Junsu

I LOL-ed so hard at Yunho!!

How could he forget his bag??

That is so cute!!!

Once again, I read another Fan Account. (I rarely do it! LMFAO!)

That is so sweet of Junsu!

I hope when I see them, he does the same thing to me as well. ^^

♥Tohoshinki´s Corner♥

This is their work space?

Well! I can see the desktop picture and it's them!!

To those PM-ing and asking me if GOE;SS will release our own version of the recently released DVDs: Yes, we are releasing it very soon.

We value the accuracy and quality of our subs so we want to release the best English Subbed Videos for our fellow DBSK fans ^^



Clubbox | Website | LJ Community | FansubWiki | Staff Forum | "Heaven's Postman" | Twitter

Available at the GOE;SS Clubbox


{GOE-SS} [DVD] TVXQ! The 2nd Asia Tour Concert O Disc 2.1 [English Subbed].avi

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Aw too bad for Yunho he can't stay home :(

1st Good of 3 Bigeast Anniversary Goods Series


To commemorate the third anniversary of Bigeast, Bigeast produced 3 kind of anniversary goods, and the first anniversary good is already available!

A vertical transparent box with Junsu comment written on behalf of all boys and all 5 members’ signatures.

It can be used as photo frame.

We will also attach one postcard as benefit.

[Release Date] Wednesday, May 27, 2009.

[Price] 2,000 yen (including tax, plus shipping)

source: http://fc.avex.jp/toho/shop/officialshop/005/index.html

shared by + trans: sharingyoochun@wordpress

^^Only Bigeast members can buy it coz u need a Bigeast ID to log in to mu-mo shop to buy the goods >.< Again,lucky bigeast! :sweatingbullets:

Unseen Pics @ Mirai Souzoudo



Credits: DBSKnights + HeyJJ

Tohoshinki Breads





XD using Toho for advertisement~

I have no idea if these are Official, But something to share, for everyone~ *cough* so famous *cough*

Credits: DBSKnights + Only5Tohoshinki

^^ LOL Is that a HAHAHA pic?Looks like someone's using them to sell breads

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Guest mandasoh

^ MAN! This is AGAIN one of those times I wish I was a Bigeast member <_<

This week's BARKS ranking for 2009.5.18 ~ 2009.5.24


Source: [Tagged + heyjj.cc]

Shared by: iscreamshinki.net

[TRANS] 090527 May 2009 - TVXQ Is The Most Searched Artiste

(T/N: I only listed the Top 3)

Usually, the popularity of artistes in Korea are measured by the number of members in the fan cafes.

Cafes like daum and naver actually require the security IDs of members, and members have to pay to join as well.

Only when you add together the member count from both cafes, can you tell the true popularity of the artiste.

#1 TVXQ (Without a doubt, the holder of first place, having achieved the Guinness World Record for the largest fanclub in 2008)

809,987 http://cafe.daum.net/soul48

208,436 http://cafe.daum.net/sinki1004

91,072 http://cafe.naver.com/dbsk

48,082 http://cafe.daum.net/tvfxqoutlet

(T/N: Total member count - 1,157,577)

#2 Bigbang

370,832 http://cafe.daum.net/YGBIGBANG

274,266 http://cafe.naver.com/bigbang2me

62,020 http://cafe.naver.com/gdragonthebest

59,524 http://cafe.daum.net/newYG6

28,219 http://cafe.daum.net/runtobigbang

24,901 http://cafe.daum.net/inthebigbang

13,513 http://cafe.daum.net/aeolian

13,011 http://cafe.naver.com/ygbaby88

13,102 http://cafe.naver.com/bigbang0

10,208 http://cafe.daum.net/258654

9,388 http://cafe.daum.net/18unni

(T/N: Total member count - 878,984)

#3 SS501

289,316 http://cafe.daum.net/music77

127,453 http://cafe.daum.net/theseus1

72,615 http://cafe.naver.com/wowowowowow

63,540 http://cafe.daum.net/yung19

29,608 http://cafe.naver.com/ss501

(T/N: Total member count - 582,532)

Source: [神之初起 + heyjj.cc]

Translation credits: mandasoh@iscreamshinki.net

Please do not remove without full credits.

Surbaibor is still in the Top 10 searched and watched videos.

Coolbeans ^^

I'm glad to see the boys have maintained their popularity in Korea, and are in fact, still gaining fans :)

<3 amanda


[TRANS] 090527 Fangirls Flood The Box Office As TVXQ Makes Guest Appearance

Japanese movie「Dance, Subaru!」, in which South Korean idol group 「TVXQ」made a guest appearance, will be screening in Taiwan, and the Taiwanese fans are coming forth and as a show of support, booking entire movie theatres, even if their idols are only appearing for 10 seconds. (T/N: The term 'idol' does not have any negative connotation whatsoever when used in Taiwanese entertainment news.)

The main lead for 「Dance, Subaru!」 is new up-and-coming actress Meisa Kuroki, and in order to emulate the role of a ballet dancer, she underwent harsh training for 3 months. Also, with the main theme song sung by 「TVXQ」as well as their guest appearance as a popular group, it makes the whole production even more worth your while.

「TVXQ」's fans will be booking the theatre on the afternoon of the 30th. If interested in participating, please go to 「TVXQ Taiwan Fanclub」(http://www.wretch.cc/blog/tvxqtwsites).

T/N: FYI, for Singaporean fans,「Dance, Subaru!」will be out tomorrow, 28th May. It will be screening in Cathay - AMK Hub only. Omigosh, thanks for the info Siwonlove! Cineleisure wasn't offered when I booked the tickets this afternoon. T_T Dang!

Source: [自由電子報 + heyjj.cc]

Translation credits: mandasoh@iscreamshinki.net

Please do not remove without full credits.

[iNFO] 090526 Get 5 Ringtones Free - Tohoshinki, Ryu Si Won And Others

Mobile Site 「Unlimited Korean Entertainment」 released 5 free songs on the 26th.

26 May 2009

The 5 newly released songs are Uhm Tae Woong 「Please Don't Love Me (Musical Arrangement)」(until 14 June), Ryu Si Won 「Cafe Wonderland」(until 14 June), Tohoshinki 「Share The World」(until 26 June), Song Seung Hun「As Time Goes By」(until 26 June), Rain 「Love Story」(until 26th June).

According to the staff from「Unlimited Korean Entertainment」, these 5 songs can be downloaded for free (❖All other communication fees are charged separately). The site will not make any charges, so even if you are unfamiliar with the use of mobile phones, you can download with a piece of mind.

The i-mode version for access: 「Menu List」→ 「Entertainment/Celebrity/Comedian」→ from「Overseas Artistes」, EZweb 「Category (Menu List)」→ 「Music・Movies・Entertainment」→ from 「Overseas Entertainment」, Softbank version 「Menu List」→ 「Entertainment・Movies・Music」→ 「Hallyu・Overseas Entertainment」.

[T/N: 1) Did not translate the paragraph which promotes the company. 2) Sad that they are classified under Hallyu. 3) BUT, Chosun is an online Japanese news site which covers Korean news, which might explain the categorization.]

Source: [chosunonline.com]

Translation credits: mandasoh@iscreamshinki.net

Please do not remove without full credits.

HUH. Categorized under Hallyu huh? <_<

The songs provided aren't even Korean songs?

Also, Iono what to think, must be a slow news day. LOL.

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Question about DBSK dog

Does anyone know for sure the gender of DBSK dogs? Which one if female and which one is male?

I don't know why, but I suddenly curious about this, I mean some of their name is a bit ambiguous, like JaeJoong's Vick and JunSu's Xiahki. It can be male, but I won't rule out the possibility of the name being used for a female dog too.

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Guest sheilapiglet

this was fun to watch=P

Sapporo - Take Your Hands (YH fancam)


[iNFO] Fan Account - Sapporo TSC Concert


I got there at 5pm and there were a lot of fans going from Makomanai station to the Ice Arena, which kind of surprised me. I thought everyone would have gone there really early to queue for goods. There were more younger fans as compared to T concert last year, which is cool cause Tohoshinki is appealing to a wider range of age group.

I got there and spotted the dbsk trucks. :D:D I only managed to capture yunho, changmin and jaejoong ones though. The rest were blocked by bushes. >.<

Then my cousin and I went to queue a total of 8 times to buy the concert goods so that we could get all 5 different receipts. :P I only finally got Junsu for the 8th receipt! :D:D jaejung, yunho, changmin, yoochun and junsu.

I got the vanity pouch, shirt in black, towel in grey, phamplet, lightstick and keychain in silver. I kind of regret the towel and keychain now. I wished I got them in gold instead. Anyone wants mine instead? I'm thinking of getting the other colour at Fukuoka. Oh yes, and the boys looked really good in the phamplet though, as you might have seen from the scans. :D

Apart from the goods being sold, there was also the promotion of bigeast membership and toho mastercard there. and fans took the chance to take pictures with the board there heh. ^^

Oh yes, and it was drizzling the entire time but everyone was still very game about the concert, queuing in the rain with umbrella and caps. (:


I went in at about 6pm I think but I can't remember what time the concert started. I was shifted from my original seat(cause I was confused about where my ticket was to be) to somewhere a lot closer to stage and that just made me extremely nervous and giddly happy. :P

When the first video introducing the band started playing, the fans lit up the red light sticks and it was truly a beautiful sight! <33 I think fans have gotten a lot more enthusiastic as compared to the previous year. Perhaps it's due to them having younger fans too. ^^

So secret game started with the members appearing on stage one by one and then finally JUNSU APPEARED, ALL READY TO DANCE. :D I was so happy to see him up there I might have scared fans around me with my scream. <33 He was really made to perform, you can't even tell he hasn't been dancing for the past 2 weeks or so. Junsu and Yunho had a solo dance segment each and the crowd just went wild with that. ^^ The atmosphere was so hyped up from the beginning.

Stand up was super fun cause we pumped our hands into the air together with the boys as they they sang. XD Everyone would twirl the lightsticks and then when the chorus came we'd pump our hands up. XD Jae's smile was precious. XD XD

I really liked the stage effects for this concert as there was this rectangular stage which would slide forward while the boys were dancing on it. I think it happened for Force. They were dressed in navy suits/uniforms. The tops were kind of short and it kept showing their backs/stomach. :P I was too far to see if any calvin klein were revealed heh. I caught changmin pulling up his pants while dancing I think. Anyway, I thought they looked really cute in it, though it was supposed to be cool. And they had on these white shoes which looked rubbery? I notice the weirdest things. >.< Oh yes, and they were already prespiring like crazy in this second outfit heh. Our boys sure work hard. ^^

Purple line was also mind blowing and the dancing was so splendid and changmin's scream was just spot on! You can tell the fans really love this song cause everyone sort of cheered the moment the musical part started. :D They performed a remix of it that just left me giddy with oohs and ahhhs.

Mirotic was a truly brilliant performance!! I loved all the special effects. There was one screen for each of the boys dressed in white suits and then through the dance the boys managed to go behind the screens and when they appeared again they were in the white suit instead of the original blue one. :D The dance on the screen was really cool though and I just really enjoyed cheering with all the other fans.

I really liked how Heart Mind and Soul sounded. It really came from their hearts and when yuho first started out it was so quiet and nice just listening to him. then the members appeared one after another across the stage. I'm positive the performance would be even more polished by tokyo dome. ;)

The ment started wth talking about Junsu injury and how he was finally having his comeback, I gathered from my limited Japanese. And Junsu said some oyagi gags which has jaejoong kneeling on the floor in laughter/embarrassment/out of apology. And Junsu was talking about the songs the members wrote and he said asurenaide instead of wasurenaide which had everyone poking fun on him again. He really shone that night I think he's just overjoyed about finally being back on stage. <33 Chun and Jae got to talk about their feelings of writing the songs.I think Chun related the song to his members. Jae babbled on about nothing in particular and eventually stopped. :P There was some minsu during the ment as well, but I didn't understand any of it. haha. I think Min told Su to study more something??

Moving on, Begin was also one of my favourite ballads of the concerts and the piano was a definite plus. I liked how the members stood around and sang to each other and to their audience. <33 The kind of emotions they put into their singing is something that has to be felt live really. <33

Nobody knows was hot with the mike stands and all and I just loved starring at Jae throughout it. haha. He was so into it and swishing the handstand about! His short hair was flapping together and he just looked super cute. He should really take more care with the handstand though, it really looked like it was gonna hit someone. :P

Box in the ship was so so much fun! :D:D They had the audience to chant "oeoeoh, box in the ship." Then Jaejoong was MC-ing and silly-ly blurted out "dong bang shin gi" instead of tohoshinki at first and the audience were like ??. haha. He laughed it off though. <33 He's adorable really. Then i think ho/chun said "oeoeoh, genghis kan" and changmin suggested "oeoeoh, kani kani" (genghis kan is some food in sapporo and kani is just crab.) changmin and his never ending crab obsession is hillarious.) Anyway, in true junsu fashion, Junsu went "oeoeoh, takatukaruatakatu" or some sort of gibberish and then the audience repeated "oeoeoh, ???" Jae made him do it again but he just said more giberish! lol.

The colourful outfit was..weird either way. >.< Jae's one looked the best but well, I don't think they should have performed Choosey Lover in it. It lost the sexy appeal. :P Sky was a lot of fun though.

Somebody to love was brilliant for me. It's like the perfect song to work up the crowd! I sat on stage left and they took turns to come over and interact with the audience. Yunho was a darling, he sang lines looking straight at the fans and I think the auntie sitting a couple of seat away from me just died from joy. :P

Jae looked very much in his own world as he always does, bobbing and all. You can totally tell how much he just loves being on stage. XD He turned and smiled at the fans. I just wished he had looked straight me. XD He did make the effort to scan through the fans though.

Changmin was a bit awkward, I had the feeling he was half getting the fans to wave along and half listening for his turn to sing. :P OH YES, I also noticed he has put on a bit of muscles. :P:P

Yoochun on the other hand is as skinny as ever. He's got such a sweet smile really and he's so fair too. (: He was all smiley but when it was his turn to sing he jsut got really into the song and it was amzing to watch.

Junsu was very professional, he came by when it was time to get the fans jumping. So he signalled to the staff to throw him the towel and the next moment he was up jumping and I just felt so thankful and happy for him that he's recovered. He belongs on stage like that. And he looks like a little boy jumping there too. :P :P

Summer dream was cute. XD Junsu led the dancing part with some seducing and touching of the butts here and there. Yunho and Yoochun were most game in following the actions. :P Jae and min were...patronising lol.

Stand by you is going to be such a hit! They showed the MV during the singing and it's like a typical japanese MV of them I guess, close ups of them singing and all. The song was really well sung though! I think I just love their ballads in general. <33 Even though it was the first time I heard it, I really felt touched.

Kiss the baby sky was a pretty song. I've always thought it was kinda high but the boys did well! They had the fans sing along together and then there was one part where it was just the fans singing alone and being there just really made me felt like we are one or something. <33

The night ended with Bolero and I think that was the best Ballad for the night? They all hit their notes and sang with so much emotions. Jaejoong ended the song beautifully and everyone looked so into it, with sad expressions and all. The screen was split into 5 showing all of them and I just really wish I could watch it one more time.


Doumini coopere is one of my favourite songs ever but it sounded average compared to the entire night's performance. So did wasurenaide. The more notable ballads would be Taxi and Stand by you I think. Forever Love was really good too esp Jaesu but more Su than Jae. That boy really shone that night. ^^

There as something really wrong with the sound system and it just felt too loud at times and the boys even sounded piercing :(( There was also echoing while they sang, which annoyed me to no end.

Well, so it was close to 3hours of Tohoshinki but I still felt it was too short! lol. I'm still suffering from post concert blues heh.I hope they have a longer ment and to everyone who will be going for future concerts, have fun! :D:D


Sharedby: sharingyoochun + DBSKnights

again with the sound system...wish that they would fix that since it really affects the overall outcome of a concert...but other than that, sounds like an awesome experience!=D

[iNFO] Tohoshinki makes a cameo; aims for top sales

"Dance Subaru", the Japanese movie in which superstar Korean group, Dong Bang Shin Ki made a small cameo in, is going to show in cinemas in Taiwan soon. Taiwanese fans have made plans to show their support by booking cinemas by the halls, even though the cameo made is only about ten seconds or more.

Meisa Kuroki plays the female lead in , a exceptionally gifted ballet genius, and in order to perfect the role, she practiced ballet non-stop for three months. And DBSK, who sang the theme song for the movie, also cameos as a well-known group, making the movie even more enticing for moviegoers.

Taiwanese Cassiopeians will be booking the cinema halls on the 30th of May, supporting their idols in the most concise action ever.

Credits: DBSKnights+Asian Entertainment News

nice support from fans even tho the guys only show up for like 10 seconds..lol...whoever decided for them to do that is a smart advertiser=p

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Guest siwonlove

[TRANS] 090527 Fangirls Flood The Box Office As TVXQ Makes Guest Appearance

Japanese movie「Dance, Subaru!」, in which South Korean idol group 「TVXQ」made a guest appearance, will be screening in Taiwan, and the Taiwanese fans are coming forth and as a show of support, booking entire movie theatres, even if their idols are only appearing for 10 seconds. (T/N: The term 'idol' does not have any negative connotation whatsoever when used in Taiwanese entertainment news.)

The main lead for 「Dance, Subaru!」 is new up-and-coming actress Meisa Kuroki, and in order to emulate the role of a ballet dancer, she underwent harsh training for 3 months. Also, with the main theme song sung by 「TVXQ」as well as their guest appearance as a popular group, it makes the whole production even more worth your while.

「TVXQ」's fans will be booking the theatre on the afternoon of the 30th. If interested in participating, please go to 「TVXQ Taiwan Fanclub」(http://www.wretch.cc/blog/tvxqtwsites).

T/N: FYI, for Singaporean fans,「Dance, Subaru!」will be out tomorrow, 28th May. It will be screening in Cathay - AMK Hub only.

I've checked the net, and it's not only AMK Hub that's showing. According to Cathay, Orchard Cineleisure is going to show too! I'm going over to Orchard to watch it tomorrow. And if you're lucky, AMK Hub plays the MV on the big screen once in awhile. I've manage to see it once! It was really nice to see them on the screen ! :D

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Guest TVXQ<3

QUESTION hi guys just wonderin what is this for?


other threads are posting this up.

Just an ordinary poll I think but of course nobody wants to lose. :D


They are voting like crazy. C'mon... DBSK doesn't need this to prove their worth but I think this is about, "The Best FanClub?"

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Guest mandasoh


6/1 (Mon) 12:00 - [mu-mo MAGAZINE], a new monthly music mobile magazine will be launched, and will cover Tohoshinki in a special feature article.

[mu-mo MAGAZINE] is read using a mobile phone, in Flash, and will be limited to members only!!

Besides that, the exclusive and honest interview for the new single「Stand By U」will be released in the Q&A!!

Get [mu-mo MAGAZINE] now ♪

The monthly music mobile magazine [mu-mo MAGAZINE] will be published on the 1st of every month, 12:00.

※This will not be sold at a book store. This is a music magazine that is read through mobile phones only.

Source: [toho-jp.net]

Translation credits: mandasoh@iscreamshinki.net

Please do not remove without full credits.

Wowww. This looks interesting.

I wonder if it's like, text+images in Flash, or like, video snippets in Flash? HUMM.

Time will tell I guess. Lol.


Although we had postponed the sales of「TOHOSHINKI OFFICIAL PHOTO SELECT SHOP」, the photos were sold at the Live on 23 and 24 May. We were able to take photos at the Makomanai Ice Arena, so we will have the privilege of starting the sale of photos of the Live performances on 30 May (Sat) at Fukuoka's Marine Messe.

(❖5/30 (Sat) → 14:30~, 5/31 (Sun)→ 12:00~ Expected start of sales)

For the purchasing of "Live" photos from mumo-shop, they are expected to go on sale on 2009.6.22 (Mon) 16:00~

Source: [toho-jp.net]

Translation credits: mandasoh@iscreamshinki.net

Please do not remove without full credits.

My post above was getting long, so, new post for ease of reading.

As always, BIGEAST = Lucky.

Haha. Maybe they will sell pics of Jaejoong half-nakey. XD

<3 amanda

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Guest sweetfig

[Photo] Tohoshinki in Music Mobile Magazine(Mu-Mo) June Issue


credits: xiahyu-ri+sweetfig.blogspot+tvxqbaidu

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So I was looking on HMV and I noticed that they had a cover for Stand By U!

I'm not sure how legit it is...but it's still something to look at. ^^


BTW. That clicking game can be fun if you feel like clicking nonstop.

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Guest koreamom

B) just want to thank you guys for the wonderful pictures of the guys with their dogs!

thanks to aar80 for the adorable ones of jj and vick and to yukariichangmin and her sister suyurijaejoong for the ones of yunho and typhoon and changemin with mangdoongi! i love your blogspot of prince max! i will have to look for more of your artwork cause the one i saw by the pictures of mangdoongi was really beautiful to me. :)

i bet jj was so scared when vick jumped out the window!!! he must have got a shock from that! who would have thought that such a big dog would try to get out of a small space! :rolleyes:

junsu seems to be the hardest to find pictures of with shaki. maybe i can put separate pictures of him and shaki together somehow hehehe. <_<

yes, i am really getting excited now for the concert-i don't think there will be any cancelling or they would have announced it by now. miss_h i will give the best account i can of it. i love reading others' accounts which have been so detailed and exciting. hope i can do the same for everyone!

thanks again so much for everyones help with these pictures! its great to be a part of such a neat group of fans. :D

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Guest 8200901

here another picture i found on HMV

this for the CD version but i"m no sure it's official or not


credit :HMV japan

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Guest Serenity89

The latest Tour Concert looks amazing. I'm so happy that Junsu can dance again, the group is finally complete now. I can't wait to see the AABDSK 3 with their dogs. The picture for the "cover" of Stand By You looks nice. I haven't heard the single yet but I'm anticipating for the full and clear version of it. I just finished watching their latest TV appearance and it surprises me how much they are so into anime/manga shows. I've heard how much they like it but I've never seen their reactions. Wow! They are true kids at heart, haha.

Lol, The fan girls who watched the Saburu movie because of DBSK made me think of the time I watched Fast and Furious just to hear DBSK's 10 second song of "Rising Sun." The fan accounts were interesting to read and its nice to know that DBSK are very nice to their fans. I hope to meet them one day and be able to capture the same experience.

Well, thanks everyone for posting up pictures and videos - they are amazing!

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Guest syera

huhh..i bet Junsu is definitely in his greatest mood at this moment!

Barca is leading 1-0 against ManU.

Hahaha! I dunno why..but I have this feeling that they're watching EUFA Final right now.

The girl that shared her experience with Junsu is surely make me feel soooooooooo Jealous! haha

But anyway,i'm so touched of his kindness!!

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Guest sheilapiglet

090527 DBSK - BeeTV MooLog Part 4 {4th Album prmotions Yoosumin Fukuoka, Yunjae Nagoya + Osaka}

the Yoosumin part was halarious=P

Jaesu ^0^ Junsu teaching JaeJae how to act cute xD

aww..i've always thot that Jaesu's Balloon outfits were the cutest=P

[Trans] 090527 May 2009 – TVXQ Is The Most Searched Artiste‏

090527 May 2009 – TVXQ Is The Most Searched Artiste

Note’s from the translator

(T/N: I only listed the Top 3)

Usually, the popularity of artistes in Korea are measured by the number of members in the fan cafes.

Cafes like daum and naver actually require the security IDs of members, and members have to pay to join as well.

Only when you add together the member count from both cafes, can you tell the true popularity of the artiste.

#1 TVXQ (Without a doubt, the holder of first place, having achieved the Guinness World Record for the largest fanclub in 2008)

809,987 http://cafe.daum.net/soul48

208,436 http://cafe.daum.net/sinki1004

91,072 http://cafe.naver.com/dbsk

48,082 http://cafe.daum.net/tvfxqoutlet

(T/N: Total member count – 1,157,577)

#2 Bigbang

370,832 http://cafe.daum.net/YGBIGBANG

274,266 http://cafe.naver.com/bigbang2me

62,020 http://cafe.naver.com/gdragonthebest

59,524 http://cafe.daum.net/newYG6

28,219 http://cafe.daum.net/runtobigbang

24,901 http://cafe.daum.net/inthebigbang

13,513 http://cafe.daum.net/aeolian

13,011 http://cafe.naver.com/ygbaby88

13,102 http://cafe.naver.com/bigbang0

10,208 http://cafe.daum.net/258654

9,388 http://cafe.daum.net/18unni

(T/N: Total member count – 878,984)

#3 SS501

289,316 http://cafe.daum.net/music77

127,453 http://cafe.daum.net/theseus1

72,615 http://cafe.naver.com/wowowowowow

63,540 http://cafe.daum.net/yung19

29,608 http://cafe.naver.com/ss501

(T/N: Total member count – 582,532)

Source: 神之初起 + heyjj.cc

Translation credits: mandasoh@iscreamshinki.net

shared by: sharingyoochun@wordpress

Please do not remove without full credits.

awesome!..and to think that this is only from Naver and Daum...if all fans were put together from all over the world, then wow!=D

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Guest Kamoku-Ai

Question about DBSK dog

Typhoon (Yunho's dog) is a boy

Vick (Jaejoong's) is a boy

Harang (Yoochun's) is a boy

Xiahki (Junsu's) is a boy

Mangdoongie (Changmin's) is a girl

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Guest YukariiChangmin

whoa! the collection of little mangdunggie. so adorable!!!

=^.^= You´re welcome

If you need something about Prince Shim you can

request me

Ahhhhh :w00t: I Topped the Page!! I Love to top the Page

Coz I always have something to share Weeeeee


3rd Bigeast Fanclub Event Photo Book









Credits: as tagged+ourchangmin

shared by: www.princeshimchangmin.blogspot.com

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