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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest TVXQ<3

According to their 3rd Live Tour DVD "T"

JunSu: 178 cm

YooChun: 180 cm

JaeJoong: 180 cm

ChangMin: 186 cm

YunHo: 184 cm

But it depends on which statistic you believe in XD, sometimes some magazine or website stated different height for the boys, hehehe.

i saw a news somewhere*but i have forgotten. <_<




yooho.186cm and


i am not so sure about this. it's base on what i rmb. :D

I think this is the real height of dong bang.

Jaejoong - 178

Junsu - 180

Yoochun - 180

Yunho - 182

Changmin - 184

I believe that Jae is the shortest.

In inches:

Jae - 5'10

Su - 5'11

Chun - 5'11

Ho - 6'

Changmin - 6'1

Their height is okay.

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Guest Kaesoo16

Yay! Welcome to TVXQ's thread ^^

I think maybe you might be talking about TVXQ's performance on Sbs Gayo DaeJun 2008 (:

OMG! Thanks so much. :3 I like the fact that they're really great live, and how they dance so good even when they're out of breath. ^^

more of Changmin being nice...

Changmin's UFO Replies again...

What site is that? :o

Wow, more reason to love baby Changmin!~

Is that recent?

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Guest devillusion



JAE you made me turned into some PERV.... eheheh well it's really rare to see Japanese staff give those 'Sexy' outfit to them and NOW WOOWOWO ^^

JUNSU in sandal! this is my first time seeing Junsu in that. Almost every time i saw him only wore shoes , sinkers and so on.... btw, that black flower @ Rose now his trend@ style eh? --> switch to gentleman style ^^

OHH yeah... what i call them hmmm.... in my mind.

Yunho - Elegant Man

Jae Joong - Sexy Man

Yoochun - Dandy Man

Junsu - Gentlemen Man

Chang Min - Ra..Men? hahahahaha LoL he keeps thinking about food same to me!

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Guest JJ.biased

HAHAH the photoshoot was mad hot! But i cracked up.. something Junsu with those sandals were hilarious~

ohs yehs, my friend linked to allkpop saying something about jessica (snsd) and joongie dating? /hmm what do yo guys think??

A group of very lunatic observant netizens are once again trying to prove that SNSD's Jessica and DBSK's Jaejoong are dating in real life.

They managed to get their hands on some pictures of Jaejoong and Jessica in different places, on several occasions wearing what appears to be the same ring...hell, who am I kidding? It IS the same ring--and on the same finger!

The poor, deluded fans who probably actually still think they have a chance with the sexy statue hottie Jaejoong, are hoping that the ring was give to him by his fans or is just apart of his costumes...hello, if it was, would he be wearing it when he's not perfoming? Yeah, I didn't think so.

Whether they're dating or not, I'll let you be the judge...but my question is, if you really loved your idols, wouldn't you want them to be happy?

credit: allkpop

But then its kinda not out business? and I guess if this rumour was true I be happy ~ jessica isnt a bad girl?

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Guest meimei__KOUSEKI


the first thought that came into my mind was:

"jaejoong and yunho have couple rings! and jaejoong gave yoochun a ring for his birthday! does that mean jae's dating them too??" XD so yeah.... just said that for the lulz.


credit : as tagged + DNBN

omg this is the mag where they were like

"it's cold! no it's not cold! not cold!" right?

okay so actually the first thought that came into my mind when i saw these was

aasdsdjlasdlshflsf JAEJOONG's CHEST OMFG *massive nosebleed* -cue dying sounds-

that bone thingy, on his chest.... is so freakin' sexy...like i don't even know why..it's.just.sexy.period

jaejoong + flower, yoochun + hoops? i want to LOL so bad but i can't coz it's sexy as hell @_@

What site is that? ohmy.gif

Wow, more reason to love baby Changmin!~

Is that recent?

hi there :D welcome to the thread btw ^^

and yeah, it's dated March 17th :D

it's from ufotown.com.

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gosh! thanks for sharing this! the photoshoot is sooo... O_O

they looks HOT! specially Joongie! lol~ I'm gonna get that magazine! ^^

and elune, thanks for sharing the ufo replies again! so funny! I love reading all those UFO replies!


and yes! Changmin should really be a model! ^^ he have all the criteria! lol~

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Guest Sayuri JaeJoong

Yukarii Changmin♥ !!!!! Thank UUUU sooOoOoO Much for

Posted Homme Magazine♥ Pics!!!! :w00t: !!!!

Thank U ,Thank UU!!!!!

I´m just posting more Tvxq´s♥ Pics ok???

I think that the first id from Homme Magazine too, but

I´m not right about that!




And Please everybody :excl:

I invite You to Visit Ours Blogs :w00t: !!!

My JaeJoong♥´s BlogBe welcome all!!!


Prince Shim ♥´s Blog Be Welcome all!!!


And TVXQ♥ Blog!!!Be Welcome to all!!!


Thank U so much!

Ussually I´m a silent Reader but

I´d like to post more here :rolleyes:

Kisses for all!

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Guest Duke_Cow

Erh, those pictures are so greatt. I like the one with SuJaeChun.

I think they make those pics with the source of inspiration from conjurer and circus XD

JunSu's so handsome. Aa~~

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credit: MIINjae

shared by:sharingyoochun

I'll add some more pics from TVぴあ☆ (TV PIA) Magazine






credit: as tagged + 郑氏の小熊 @baidu

shared by: sharingyoochun@wordpress

Changmin's UFO Replies again...

Thanks for sharing elune! Changmin is being nice at his replies lately <333


i love this photoshoot,HOT PICTURES!They all look good & Jae has a flower again :D

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^Anni, thanks for sharing! Sounds good and funky!


Dong bang is all about magic! Absolutely love this photoshoot! I find it kind of funny how Yunho seems to be juggling with a serious face.. :D It's just interesting. ^^

It also reminds me of the S mag when they had the "magic theme" photoshoot.

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Guest Senorita_

more of Changmin being nice...

Changmin's UFO Replies again...

Lol! What's up with Changmin being nice all of a sudden? Though I find it very sweet though ^_^ The 'I Love You' part was cute.


credit : as tagged + DNBN

OMG! 0.0 Such hot pictures!! The boys look dazzling in them :) I don't know if it's just me, but it seems like their japanese stylists love dressing the boys in black this year :P

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Guest iheartdbsj


Yoochun's hair!.... why???? *crying* i think he's going for the einstein look again... not want!!!... I miss his beautiful, soft-looking hair not the electrocuted version of it... T_T but at least Jaejoong chest makes up for it... ^^ and it is weird to see them on sandals... hehehe... ^^

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Guest wajee1405

Tohoshinki- TAXI (3.52 min) Fanvid

Credits to:maxclap0218@youtube..

I just feel like sharing this fanvid. And, am I the only who doesn't know that the full version has come out??LOL!

Or maybe I've heard the full version few days ago but I forgot?

Okay, anyway~ Enjoy!!!


EDIT: Okay, maybe not a full version..Longer preview? XD

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Guest charan


credit : as tagged + DNBN

Thank You For Share

They Look Good

I Love Yunjae,YooSuJae,ChunMin &Group Pic

JJ So sexy Man B)

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Guest niocz

this is crazy stupid but...

Home mag..

Changmin and Junsu wearing sandals...

Yunho JJ and Micky wearing shoes =]]

sapporo team vs hiroshima team =]]

_ _ _ _

and on JJ dating Jessica..

i dont want him to date Jessica.. =[[

but hopefully its just a rumour...and i dont want things to get lik the way they did w/Junsu and Taeyeon...

>_< but i dont want him to date jessica

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