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♥ Joondi aka MinSun Couple ♥ ★ Lee Min Ho & Goo Hye Sun ☺Official Thread


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Sisters, first of all Welcome to Minsun Both of You , the second to remind you that in Soompi, we should write in English, or their post will be deleted.
Our MINSUN  family have  5 years ... we are not a small group formed by a "drama X" ....
Even that our couple their relationship began in BOF,  we have a number of evidence supporting that this relationship is Real. So I invite you to not worry about that. Cuz we have uncalculate proofs. So Sisters, keep beleving and figthing!


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phamtonsnow said: I have a question . I've always been confused about the episode in BOF where JD took those pictures and then JP got mad and beat up that guy. Remember she told JD she wish She never even heard of F4 and the JD tells his BY to get the plane ready. Then we see him reminiscing about JD. Did he leave ? Cause F4 couldn't find him. Did he leave and then came back?

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Guest dianaharumi

GOOD MORNING ALL.........before i prefer TELENOVELA and i don't ever want to watch K drama,until one day my bestfriend talking about BOF,at first i wasn't interested,but everytime we hang out the topic always BOF,i'm not tired of hearingit,but curious about what does BOF was.....than i decide to watch BOF,i watch once i fall in love and didn't want to stop until the final episode,i forgot to sleep ,evev eat while watching :D:D,because they SUPER DUPER CHEMISTRY and INTERESTING STORY,after that i started search about LMH and GHS,and i get more fall in love with this couple :x :x,i am happy to find all the BLOGS about this couple, ^:)^ ^:)^,by looking at the EVIDENCE,INVESTIGATION,FACT AUTHENTIC,NOT UNWARRANTED DELUTION,and finally after 4 years ,i was on the ship....i am proud to be part of this family,MINSUN SHIPPER,because i belive MINSUN REAL!! [-O< :x :x

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So Beautiful!!
Our Minsun made me giddy when I saw GHS tweet. The first thing I thought of was LMH's hair because he recently changed the colour. Their hair now sport exactly the same reddish brown shade. Another coincidence? No way. I wouldn't even be surprised if they share the same stylist.


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1. http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=590173411
Interview with TVB when they were in Taiwan. Note the clothes they're wearing.

TVB: Would you choose each other in reality, like in BOF? [Note the qns: it asks if they would choose each other in real life]

MH: I would definitely choose Geum Jandi. I'm very much like my role Goo Junpyo in reality, I like my girlfriend to be like a friend whom I can feel comfortable with. Not too different from GJP.

HS: If it's like in the script, where there is parental objection, there'd be pressure. I would try but if it's too hard, I'd choose to give up. But my view toward love is still constantly changing, so I'm also not to definite.

original credit: Minsun Baidu
credit @shaz
This is LMH whenever he is acting in a drama he is too in with the character..If you read all his interviews after each drama from BOF he said his character is most like GJP..in CH he said too that his character is like LYS  and in HEIRS he said KT is LMH he is like KT too..
BUT when he was asked in his interviews if in real life he would choose his partner in that certain drama ..he never choose Nana or CES and those interviews were released after each dramas HE SAID NO.. we know very well the reason why HAHAHA he already choose JANDI in real life GHS..I believed his lovelife is GHS!
I was cracking up when i saw a collage of LMH'S pic with his partners from his dramas..i was impressed though GHS was the only one who didn't hold onto LMH HAHAHA they were really decided to hide their relationship even from the start..when they heard the rumor that they were dating immediately they denied it even when BOF was still airing in TV and at the height of their popularity not like with his other rumors in which the latest one was denied recently when according to them they already know it even before..with the other scandal LMH just cleared it that he never dated that girl..what i am pointing out is that nobody can beat GJP's and GJD's chemistry because their acting was coming from their heart as they were staring to like each other then..PURELY and INNOCENTLY! 
@myoblu..sorry for the late response..it's hard working the graveyard shift..sometimes im just like a zoombie hehehe

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李民浩答:有在韩国成为话题的Kiss镜头,那就是俊表在遭到母亲反对后发火,对丝草用了强烈的kiss镜头。导演说要演出强烈的感觉出来,我就照他说的做了,结果用力太大,被逆光处理了,结果就像漆黑的一片看不出来了(笑)。还出了很多NG,导演说‘用轻轻的kiss'拍,结果我稍微张开了嘴变得浓厚的 KISS了,又NG了。 

MH: In the scene that got everyone talking in Korea, Junpyo had wanted to prove something to his mother. The PD wanted something passionate so I did as he wanted. But it was too much (energy/passionate) so it was blacked out, cant see anything (laughs). There were many NGs. PD said softer but I opened my mouth and the kiss became too deep, then NG again. <<< ah!!! Spazz…!!

What preparations did you do before filming the kiss? Like brushing your teeth, eating something or practising it before the take?

MH: Haha, no one to practise on so didn’t rehearse. (laughs) Before the kiss scene, I joked with Hyesun we should drink something nutritious [sorry not too sure if it’s right here]. Finally we just brushed and rinsed our mouths. I think it’s a form of respect for each other. That’s all we did to prepare.

There were many kiss scenes. By and by, you guys should be used to it, so there should be no nervousness later?

MH: It of course got better as the series went by, as we got more comfortable. But because we had to maintain the feeling that we were each other’s first loves who went through alot, we could not look too used to kissing each other. Even if Hyesun’s head moved a little while I kiss her, it would look too “pro” (sorry I cant think of a better word). So we had to maintain the first love awkwardness even after so many kiss scenes. <<<< faints!

The playground kiss is very well-known and memorable. Can it be considered the best scene of the drama?

MH: there were many memorable scene. I can’t say which is best. I think the best scenes were near the ending, as the audience can see. Junpyo had to go to Macau to take over his father’s business, if it were me, I wouldn’t have gone. Then there would have been a happy ending with Jandi earlier. I would also have brought Jandi with me if there really was no choice. 

credit: Minsun Baidu, イミンホ
I was just thinking after they get married to each other and have beautiful and intelligent children how old will be their children for them to let them watch BOYS OVER FLOWERS:-/ ;))

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LMH looking so eager to kiss her…lol  He's almost craning his neck to land the kiss while GHS's made him work it…..lol

LMH:  @ 4:03: MH said "It's the 4th time, (you) should not feel shy anymore".HS once again asked "Is it really the 4th time?".
Men are not the type to remember special occasions or places like the restaurant where bf/gf had first date, anniversary as bf/gf, wife's birthday, wedding anniversary.  With LMH, I was surprised and highly amused when he remembered every kiss they had…..even GHS didn't keep track……lol  Every time he kissed GHS must have all been memorable to him.
As a woman, we have this instinct to know just by a man's glance or stare if he's more than interested.  I get the shivers when I see pictures of LMH gazing at GHS like the picture above.  His feelings show in his eyes.  
I never felt that way when he's with other actresses and I'm saying this not as a fan but as a woman.  His eyes are blank, like he's staring into space not at his co-star.

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Screen caps of BTS of "Mountain" kiss scene. Sorry i couldnt bring out screencaps with more clarity :( 
NG - 1

see Minho's face!! how embarassed he is :-* :-*



Hyesun patting Minho for his shy/ embarrassed feeling :x :xd4tm.jpg


NG - 2
looking at each other and trying to imagine as JP and JD!
trying to kiss!! :-* :-*

MH: I cant!! I cant!! I m too embarrassed yebbo!!  




:-* :x :\"> :x

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Hahaha Thanks @gayu312 for the screencaps for the cabin kiss NGs. LMH was so shy!
Here's the video of them. From 03.22 to 3.45.Notice the subtitles. They were scolded by the director for opening their mouths.The director lost his patience with them. Too many NGs maybe .Why so shy and nervous? They had already done the highway kiss and playground kiss! hahaha!

credit Pia Domingo-Aycocho
@prettywiz and @sheherizade3, thanks. I am enjoying your posts. Keep going! :)
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1. http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=590173411
Interview with TVB when they were in Taiwan. Note the clothes they're wearing.

TVB: Would you choose each other in reality, like in BOF? [Note the qns: it asks if they would choose each other in real life]

MH: I would definitely choose Geum Jandi. I'm very much like my role Goo Junpyo in reality, I like my girlfriend to be like a friend whom I can feel comfortable with. Not too different from GJP.

HS: If it's like in the script, where there is parental objection, there'd be pressure. I would try but if it's too hard, I'd choose to give up. But my view toward love is still constantly changing, so I'm also not to definite.

original credit: Minsun Baidu
credit @shaz
This is LMH whenever he is acting in a drama he is too in with the character..If you read all his interviews after each drama from BOF he said his character is most like GJP..in CH he said too that his character is like LYS  and in HEIRS he said KT is LMH he is like KT too..
BUT when he was asked in his interviews if in real life he would choose his partner in that certain drama ..he never choose Nana or CES and those interviews were released after each dramas HE SAID NO.. we know very well the reason why HAHAHA he already choose JANDI in real life GHS..I believed his lovelife is GHS!
I was cracking up when i saw a collage of LMH'S pic with his partners from his dramas..i was impressed though GHS was the only one who didn't hold onto LMH HAHAHA they were really decided to hide their relationship even from the start..when they heard the rumor that they were dating immediately they denied it even when BOF was still airing in TV and at the height of their popularity not like with his other rumors in which the latest one was denied recently when according to them they already know it even before..with the other scandal LMH just cleared it that he never dated that girl..what i am pointing out is that nobody can beat GJP's and GJD's chemistry because their acting was coming from their heart as they were staring to like each other then..PURELY and INNOCENTLY! 

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78308207.png76922880.pngMH: Let me put this on you. 
HS: What ? What is it?
MH: When you are tired and you put this on, you become more alert. It is an oil. (I guess it is an essential oil. I may have heard him say peppermint in the beginning.)
HS: (sniffing the oil with suspicion and a male voice that is not MH is asking her whether she likes it and whether it is making her alert) 
He is being a swindler. (She means MH)
@S_sun..WOW they even have this kind of BTS =)) =)) =))I wonder maybe it is a medicated oil that LMH would like to share with GHS and i guess she didn't like the smell:)) :))
This is what chemistry is reel and real:x

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Hahaha Thanks @gayu312 for the screencaps for the cabin kiss NGs. LMH was so shy!

Here's the video of them. From 03.22 to 3.45.Notice the subtitles. They were scolded by the director for opening their mouths.The director lost his patience with them. Too many NGs maybe .Why so shy and nervous? They had already done the highway kiss and playground kiss! hahaha!

credit Pia Domingo-Aycocho
@prettywiz and @sheherizade3, thanks. I am enjoying your posts. Keep going! :)

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WHOAAAHHH i found this ANALYSIS of CANCER and SCORPIO LOVE COMPATIBILITY which was published in 2009..OMG so MINSUN :x
When Cancer and Scorpio make a love match, the resulting relationship draws together the energies of two emotionally intense Signs. Signs such as these often combine well, each partner's strengths balancing the other's weaknesses. These Signs feel a strong sexual attraction, and when they are together the temperature in the room tends to rise! Cancer and Scorpio have a great deal in common, and much potential to keep their relationship passionate and going strong. 

Cancer and Scorpio enjoy buying things together and creating a comfortable living space: Cancer craves security and Scorpio strives for power. Both occupy their minds with thoughts of domestic goods and resources, including stocks, bonds and inheritances. Since they are both concerned with the home and have fierce loyalties to the family group, Cancer and Scorpio complement each other well. They both see life as a passionate and deeply emotionally exercise of human connection. 

The Moon (Emotion) rules Cancer, while Mars (Passion) and Pluto (Power) both rule Scorpio. Thanks to Pluto's powerful influence, this is an intense combination of Planets, but it's also a good balance of masculine and feminine energy. These two Signs coming together form the basic foundation of human relationships -- The Moon's nurturing love and Mars' ambition and passion. The Moon and Mars go well together; the Moon is about growth and rebirth, and Mars is about the passion of romance. Scorpio, influenced by that Martian energy, is smoldering and intense, and emotional Cancer is attracted to this intensity. In turn, Scorpio enjoys the adoration inherent to Moon-ruled, nurturing Cancer. 

Cancer and Scorpio are both Water Signs. Both are very deep Signs and, like the ocean, you can never really see to the bottom of these two. Scorpio and Cancer may draw further and further into themselves, then suddenly roar back with intimidating force. Loyalty is strong with this love match, thanks to their mutual desire for emotional security. But while Cancer fixes their emotional energy on the family and home, Scorpio focuses more on life's nuances and undertones, the secrets behind other's intentions, the power they can wield over other's emotions. Scorpio can take Cancer on a journey beyond the literal surface of things, and Cancer's expansive heart can open Scorpio up to their own emotions, teaching their Scorpio mate that feeling is nothing to fear. Additionally, Scorpio appreciates their Cancer mate's practicality, and Cancer really enjoys Scorpio's jealousy -- it proves that Scorpio really loves and cherishes them. 

Cancer is a Cardinal Sign, and Scorpio is a Fixed Sign. Once this couple have a common wish, it will come true. However, if their opinions clash, look out! Cancer will be the first to instigate an argument and Scorpio the last to finish it. Cancer may seem to act as the dominant partner and manage to get their way more often, but that isn't always the truth. Sometimes Scorpio won't even agree to disagree, they just might pretend to give in. Neither Cancer nor Scorpio are beyond using emotional manipulation to get revenge. Rather than letting disagreements and bad feelings boil over, these love partners must discuss what's truly important to them in order to reach an equitable compromise. Once Scorpio and Cancer learn to trust and believe in one another, they can achieve almost anything through sheer determination. This love relationship will only fail if the two partners truly cannot overcome their opinionated, stubborn sides. 

What's the best thing about the Cancer-Scorpio love match? Their powerful teamwork when they agree on their goals. When Cancer realizes that Scorpio is there for the long haul and that the partnership is emotionally productive, this relationship can blossom. Their mutual determination makes theirs a relationship of formidable strength :x :x :x

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