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♥ Joondi aka MinSun Couple ♥ ★ Lee Min Ho & Goo Hye Sun ☺Official Thread


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Guest Yvonne

Wow, thanks for sharing the latest clip of MH & HS on King's Brunch!

I :wub: this interview...because HS seemed to be much more relax around MH now...

Did I hear wrong? Or did HS really call out MH's name in the beginning when she saw him @ Namsan Tower?!

They are just adorable together!!! Can't wait to see more pics of them in the upcoming Sept Japan trip!

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tbs translation from susAMERICA @ GHS thread

Thanks for the link to the TBS special to snowy22, webby and jandi_girl. I will add to what Webby started already above.

@1:20 MC introduces herself.

@2:05 MC and GHS meet at Namsan and GHS looks very pretty.

@2:38 GHS: It is an honor to meet the Japanese audience this way. I hope that you all enjoy watching it.

@2:49 The MC asks the onlookers if they like BOF and they all answer yes. She asks them what they liked about it.One says she liked everything,,the bitter and sweet love, the swing scene where Joonpyo and Jandi kiss was so charming...

They show the spots around Namsan where they filmed.

@3:37 MC sits where JP sat waiting for JD in the cold.

@3:43 GHS: That day all I remember is how cold it was. It was so cold that we had to share a portable heater during filming and try to overcome the difficulty of the cold weather of that winter.

@4:01 MC: Was the filming long that day?

GHS: Yes, we had to work throughout the whole night until the next morning.

@4:15 They meet up with LMH. GHS calls out LMH and MC calls him with ssi at the end of his name out of respect.

GHS jokingly says to MH, were you pretending that you did not see us.

@4:43 MC Has it been a long time since you each other?

GHS: We saw each other about three weeks ago.

MC: Three weeks ago, for reason did you see each other?

LMH: She is so multi-talented that she had a gallery opening that day so I went to support and to see her.

@5:43 MC asks where they sat for the filming of the cable cart scene and both show how they sat trying not to touch each other. GHS comments that, that day, MH had a runny nose that "trickle, trickle down". Then MH says that HS has a runny nose that "flow, flow down". They are just making fun of each other as they alwasy have done even on the set in a joking way. (They were describing how their nose ran--MH is saying if my nose trickled down, HS' nose flowed down.)

@5:45 MC: Was there any memorable event that day in the cable cart?

LMH: I really fell asleep on her shoulder---

MC: Because you were so tired? MH says Yes.

@6:18 MC Did you know about the original work of BOF before being casted?

LMH: It is such a famous original work that I knew about it. But after I was casted, I saw the original dramas already made.

MC: Once casted, how did you feel?

LMH: I felt so lucky for have been casted for such a wonderful role. It felt like I won a lottery.

(they visit the Teddy Bear museum and look around. I think JP and JaeKyung went on a date there. GHS was saying these bears are good as gifts.)

@8:05 MC: In the BOF drama, both JP and JD had many scenes where theyreally could not be very honest about feelings for each other. If you are dating somebody, would you be any different or same to the person that you are intersted in?

GHS: I tend to be honest about those things and express my feelings.

MC: Even before the other person confess his feelings?

GHS: Yes, because I have no patience to wait. I have a personality that cannot wait.

LMH: For me, I think I would be more careful. If I like somebody, I will take a long time to just observe that person and see.

MC: Did you ever receive any special, romantic event or gift from a boyfriend before?

GHS: Yes, there was a time that I did receive such. However, I prefer to give than to get.

MC: like what?

GHS: I have not done this yet, but I would like to get a licence to operate a plane and take my boyfriend on a plane ride.

LMH: The person riding besides you would be scared to death! (Laughter breaks out.)

Both LMH first and GHS say their good byes with asking the audience to watch and enjoy BOF and to take care of their health in hot weather

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Guest flower pot

That interview just made my day... :wub:

I love how more natural they are now towards each other and Minho reacting to Hyesun saying she'd love to fly a plane with the one she loves beside her is making me grin like a loony...

The reaction that he gave was so natural, as if he was the one expected to sit beside her... wahahaha!

It's also so cute how he revealed that he really fell asleep on her shoulders... that's so sweet...

I just noticed the awkwardness when they were talking about how they would confess their feelings to a person they like... they don't look at each other... hehehe! I wonder why?

But at least now i understand why Minho always stares at Hyesun so and why he finds everything she does cute and adorable... so he's the type who observes and at this point, i think he's observed her enough... hahaha!

As for their last meeting, i wonder why Kim Bum said in an interview that they met for his birthday on the 21st and why Hyesun and Minho didn't say that they saw each other there? Notice how she gave a pause as if thinking when it is that they saw each other last when it was not so long ago? just wondering...

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Thanks webby for sharing the video...There're so cute together.

Wow, thanks for sharing the latest clip of MH & HS on King's Brunch!

I :wub: this interview...because HS seemed to be much more relax around MH now...

Did I hear wrong? Or did HS really call out MH's name in the beginning when she saw him @ Namsan Tower?!

They are just adorable together!!! Can't wait to see more pics of them in the upcoming Sept Japan trip!

Yvonne, I agree with you. In this vid HS seemed to be more relax around MH. I think we can see the same "ambience" during Taiwan interviews, especially the indoor/ closed interviews inside a room. I think HS is a type of girl who is more comfortable in a small group of people. And I think she's more comfortable and open with foreign reporters for foreign broadcastings.

And yes, she did call "Min ho!". She sounded so excited to see MH. And look at how MH greeted HS. He didn't greet her like that during HS's art exhibition (maybe he did, but wasn't captured). But, if we compare the way Kim Joon hugged HS to greet her with the way MH greeted HS, they are SO different. My opinion is: MH had to greet HS to show the viewer in Japan that they're good friends. But at the same time, he didn't know how to hug HS as a friend anymore :P .

And the way he said "Who wants to ride with you? He'd feel afraid to death and just can't ride the plane", sounded like he's speaking for himself...hahaha.

One more thing, when they're asked to pick teddy bears (I think to be given to lucky viewers), MH picked a "girl" teddy bear wearing a hanbok (korean traditional costume). And HS chosed a keychain with a "girl" teddy bear wearing a hanbok as well. Do they HAVE to pick the similar one? :rolleyes:

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I loveeee the newest vid. It totally made my day!!

I agree with whoever said Hye Sun called out Min Ho's name. This is the 1st time I've heard his name from her mouth (cos I don't know Korean so never caught it before). It sounds so sweet! Arghh these two drive me crazy with are they aren't they dating.

Thanks Minjee for the GIFs. Am so rightclick saving the half hug GIF. :D

I love the fact that they look very comfortable and the playful banters are still there, but at the same time, IDK if it's just me, since I don't understand a word, I focus on their body language and the way they hugged seemed very awkward? And there's this part at the cafe, I think around, 8:00 mark, where Hye Sun seemed awkward. Maybe I'm reading too much into this. Heck IDK. LOL.

But, if we compare the way Kim Joon hugged HS to greet her with the way MH greeted HS, they are SO different.

Exactly Jujol. ITA with you. MinSun hug does NOT seem natural. Why does it seem that way if they have NOTHING to hide and are JUST friends? ;)

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Guest flower pot

So allow me to spazz my heart out and post the things that i love in the video... Am i reading too much into their actions? Maybe... but what can i do? I'm shipping them very, very hard and i'm just pointing out things that are very obvious according to my observations so it's up to you guys to decide if you'd want to agree or not...

Capping my most favorite scenes

1. The part where they saw each other - I love how sweetly Hyesun called out his name... There was an obvious softness and tenderness to hyesun's voice... but most of all I love how Minho hesitated at first if he should go hug her then went forward as if to throw caution to the wind and just plain hug her... wahahaha!

I also love how Hyesun instinctively puts her hands on his back and how she leaned towards him... there was no awkwardness at all... though it was short, i get the feeling of comfort... as if they're so used to doing this already...


2. In the part where the host asked them when they met last... notice how Minho was looking intently at Hyesun and how he didn't even butt in to answer or second her answers.. He waited for her to answer the question, as if he'd also want to know what she'd say...

Hyesun tilted her head as if to think about it and when she answered, look at the little smile that was playing about Minho's lips as if they are sharing a secret...

(He's probably waiting if she'd let it slip that they met for Bummie's birthday as per Bummie's interview)


3. I also love how seriously proud Minho is of Hyesun's achievements when he was explaining about her exhibition... Like a proud partner, he was just carrying on telling everyone about how good she is while Hyesun stood behind him laughing shyly and looking flatterred...


4. I spazzed at the way Minho reenacted how he fell asleep on Hyesun's shoulders for real... So sweet how he leaned towards her...


5. "When i got the part of Goo Junpyo, i felt as if i won the lotto..."

(Minho nods, pause, gives Hyesun a lingering stare meaningfully as if she was a part of the prize for winning the lotto...) Me= DIES... wahahaha!


6. GHS: I have not done this yet, but I would like to get a licence to operate a plane and take my boyfriend on a plane ride.

LMH: The person riding besides you would be scared to death!

(As if he knows that person who's going to be riding beside her very well to say that! hahaha! He's probably talking about himself... hehehe! I also wonder why Minho had to bow down and hide his face afterwards... Afraid that he might give too much away? hmmm... hehehe!)


7. The lingering touch once the interview wrapped up which Hyesun did so naturally... I LOVE IT! She's probably thinking that the cameras would have stopped rolling already because they said their thanks hence, she became much more comfortable... Her hand lingered until the video ran out and can i say it LOOKS PERFECT on Minho's arms...



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Guest jennyalfeche

FP you could replace Jack Bauer of 24...

you are insanely observant!

freaking clever fp!

1. The part where they saw each other - I love how sweetly Hyesun called out his name... There was an obvious softness and tenderness to hyesun's voice... but most of all I love how Minho hesitated at first if he should go hug her then went forward as if to throw caution to the wind and just plain hug her... wahahaha!

I also love how Hyesun instinctively puts her hands on his back and how she leaned towards him... there was no awkwardness at all... though it was short, i get the feeling of comfort... as if they're so used to doing this already...


opening scenes give me so much riddles fp... their touch and their stares for each other...

5. "When i got the part of Goo Junpyo, i felt as if i won the lotto..."

(Minho nods, pause, gives Hyesun a lingering stare meaningfully as if she was a part of the prize for winning the lotto...) Me= DIES... wahahaha!


Aha! so that's what he was saying behind those meaningful stares!

tsk! tsk! tsk! they just can't help themselves not to spill a drop of their relationship.

your observation is highly sensitive fp and it's much more developed because of these two people...

in total, I more than agree to your interpretation of their actions.

P.S.~ I'm just a silent stalker in this thread and this is just my second post in this thread, I think, if i'm not mistaken..

Thank you for feeding my addiction to this couple!

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Guest flower pot

Just want to say also that Minho just updated his Cyworld song list and there's only one song entitled...MATTER OF TIME by a French band called Tahiti 80...

All in all, the lyrics speaks about how this boy's life is very chaotic right now and how he knows that he's not been making enough time for a person obviously special to him... however he's asking for the girls patience to stay by his side and to give him a try despite these circumstances because in the end, he knows that despite these difficulties, everything will fall into place and things would be alright and better for them, it's just a matter of time...

He's also saying how he does not know everything and he also doesnt know if things would end up perfectly but he just wants her trust and confidence and things would be better as time passes by...


My life is a mess

just like everybody elses

I guess

not enough time

and too much stress

i'm neglecting you

I'm not saying

I don't worry at all

There are times and moments

to cure my soul

sit back and relax

it's gonna be alright

I know we can

sort this out

It's just a matter of time

baby can't you see

the look on my face

won't you give me a try

I know we can

work it out

It's just a matter of time

baby won't you say

you'll stay and

kiss me one more time

Life is a test

it can be tough but

i'm doing my best

it takes some time

and alot of stress

but i'm finding my way

I'm not saying

you learn all along

There is always someone

to tell you it's wrong

but i'm talking too much

get back to real life

I know we can

sort this out

It's just a matter of time

baby can't you see

the look on my face

won't you give me a try

I know we can

work it out

It's just a matter of time

baby won't you say

you'll stay and

kiss me one more time

Say the word

and i'll be there

(so don't you worry now)

just say the word

and i'll be there

(so don't you worry now) x3

I'm not saying

I don't worry at all

There are times and moments

to cure my soul

just sit back and relax

it's gonna be alright

I know we can

sort this out

It's just a matter of time

baby can't you see

the look on my face

won't you give me a try

I know we can

work it out

It's just a matter of time

baby won't you say

you'll stay and

kiss me one more time

just say the word woo

and i'll be there

(so don't you worry now) x4

I don't know why but i can only think of one person that he might be dedicating this song to... *coughHYESUNcough*


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thanks FP,... your analizations just sealed my saturday w/ happy smiles..i agree with you 100%! :P

well about the song again after analyzing the lyrics, I first thought of a boy just reassuring the other person about his love, and asking to just stay by him..yes minho sshi it's a "matter of time" for you to admit to the public about your "everything" haha :D

but im sulking bout the possibility of GHS not going to JAPAN along w/ the boys...i read at GHS thread well nina posted way back about her scheds and it included japan trip on sept 6...well im hoping for the best. :)

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Hyesun tilted her head as if to think about it and when she answered, look at the little smile that was playing about Minho's lips as if they are sharing a secret...

Exactly!!!! And I also noticed that at the end of the answer, HS looked at MH with a mysterious look - "please just agree with whatever I just said and don't dare to tell otherwise" - kind of look.

5. "When i got the part of Goo Junpyo, i felt as if i won the lotto..."

(Minho nods, pause, gives Hyesun a lingering stare meaningfully as if she was a part of the prize for winning the lotto...)


One more thing I want to add, at 4:15 HS saw MH. The reporter still talking to her but since HS laid her eyes on MH, she seemed to lost in her own world and totally forgot about the reporter who's still talking to her. HS didn't even look or talk to the reporter anymore. She was looking straight to MH and ignored the reporter from 4:15 until 4:18.

I'm feel so happy when I see these two persons happy :)

Just want to say also that Minho just updated his Cyworld song list and there's only one song entitled...MATTER OF TIME by a French band called Tahiti 80...

Thanks FP for sharing this info, complete with the lyrics. And the song is just PERFECT for MH.

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Guest webby

i love how at the teddy bear museum, minho was holding the two bears and making them kiss repeatedly while mimicking the sounds with his mouth.. lol.. can't help smiling when i saw that. and once again, both of them chose the bears in hanbok. reminds me of the taiwan trip when hyesun's answers are similar to minho's answers.

I too love how hyesun called minho's name when they met in the clip: leeminooooooo.... it's as if she's a high school student calling the classmate she has a crush on...lol.

you also notice how the japanese reports age their way, so hyesun is 24 and mino 22, just 2 years apart :)

FP, do u have bummie's interview clip?

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Guest flower pot

Ok you guys...

So our MinSun Sisters nat, lan and i were chatting and we talked about this mystery of Hyesun and Minho's answer of not seeing each other for three weeks prior to the Namsan interview...

I know that it was mentioned in Baidu and Bummie's thread that Kim Bum specifically said that they met for his birthday and we were wondering why they didn't mention that...

So like any rabid MinSun shipper, i googled my way to finding the answer to this question and yes... Old interviews and articles do not lie and we learnt that Hyesun and Minho purposefully left out the fact that they met for Bummie's birthday probably on the 3rd week of July and said that they just met on the 1st week for Hyesun's art gallery exhibit...

Here are the evidences:

Exhibit A

Bummie was interviewed for 10Asia which is a very reliable and bankable publication in Korea (remember the wonderful black and white photos of Minho and the whole F3 from the same publication plus a similar interview?) This is where Bummie mentioned that he met with the F4 and Goo Hyesun to celebrate his birthday... and i quote...

Q: Your recognition started to go up after 'East of Eden' and 'Boys Over Flowers'. Do you feel like there is anything different now?

Honestly, I've been so absorbed in my dramas that I haven't noticed, but I'm thankful for the love and support from our Japanese and other Asian fans for the 'Boys Over Flowers' drama. Our Korean fans are also very active, and they are another source of support for me as well. I learned a lot of things from working with the senior actors in 'East of Eden', and even now, I would call Kim Jin Man director or the filming director if I have a question about acting. Also, I have grown close to my F4 hyungs and Goo Hye Sun from 'Boys Over Flowers', and we met up a while back on my birthday, as luckily my film shoot for the day had ended early. It was a pity that (Kim) Joonie hyung couldn't make it though, because he had activities in Japan.

Q: How did F4 react to your new character change in ‘Dream’?

Truthfully, I didn’t notice it, but when we met on my birthday, they said that I seem to have become colder since ‘Boys Over Flowers’. I guess its somewhat good that I’m that immersed in my character. Still, to hear them say that I’ve become colder… (laughs)

Read here for full interview


Now as for the date, we dug deeper and it can't be the date itself of Kim Bum's birthday which is July 7th since he spent it with Ilwoo...

Ilwoo and Kim Bum spent birthday together


So we have to check when Kim Joon was in Japan and he was there on the 23rd for the promotion of his new single Jun Be Ok... so it will be around this week when Bummie and Hyesun and F2 met up...

Kim Joon promotes Jun Be ok

Now the question is, why didn't Hyesun and Minho mention about this outing? So, so busted!

Did they perhaps intended to leave out their private outings and decided to only speak about when they meet publicly? Makes me wonder how many private outings they've had already that they have not disclosed to the public? hehehe!


Now i know what that little smile of Minho means when Hyesun said they last met three weeks ago... it was the smile of a cover up... wahahaha! :wub:

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Thanks, webby , for the link to their interview....Thanks, too, for Minjee, susamerica, flower pot, and everyone who've contributed their pics, vids, and links...They are truly gifts to someone like me who is technically impaired. All of these just makes my heart soar..I looooveeee these two....To hear GHS call for he LMH - she said it so sweetly and it did seem like there were just the two of them at that moment :P . I'm glad to see their usual banter and ribbing...more natural behavior than the very stiff manner LMH exhibited at the concert (probably from nerves). The music in his Cyworld really speaks volumes! For a guy his age - I expect a lighter choice, nothing as serious and reflective as this. Yes, there is only one person I can think of...that person who's been attached to his name all this time since BOF :D .Looking at these two always makes me smile. I don't want to let go of the possibility that they aren't together...so, to all Joondi shippers...Fighting!! XoXo

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Guest faye1979

Hi everyone!

I've never ever posted anything on this thread before but I have been following everyone's posts since the SS501 concert and what can I say but the recent events have made my silly little heart quite happy and very very hopefully for these two.

Not mention everyone's keen observations and FP's investigative journalism and ability to dissect every last word/gesture spoken or unspoken...makes me want to ship them even more. I don't think I've ever wanted two people I don't have any connection with to hook up so badly and of course for their relationship to culminate into something more permanent.

That being said I agree with whoever said that they are testing waters coz both their personalities seemed to have undergone 180 degree changes.

In the months that followed BOF's ending Hyesun seemed very withdrawn and shy and uncertain. It could have been the stress of the projects she's taken on like her film...art exhibit...book release etc though not really. To me it just seemed that a piece of her is missing and that is why she's so sad. But now she seems so effervescent and happiness just resonates on her face when she's with Minho. More like she's sure of something now. Like nothingelse matters to her. She's let her guard down. Her calling out to Meenhoo was the sweetest ever.

Minho on the other hand seems a little tense maybe like his priorities have changed and he needs to get his act together. Like he's protecting something. But every now and then his feelings just pour out in the way he looks at her and of course his cheeky one-liners. He can't help but rib her and she enjoys it. Those are his sweet-nothings to her in public.

Of course the stolen glances and looking to the other person for an unspoken response or approval is very much a couple thing.

I can only rely on subtitles to get the gist of what they are saying. But no matter the body language their eyes and smiles tell a whole other story.

So there I just added my two cents. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for the two of them.

Sorry for the long post. And I thoroughly enjoy reading every short and long analysis you guys write...so thank you

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Guest epique.

Attention :

Please don't divert the subject in this thread from being JOONDI to MINSUN.

Do you guys really want this thread closed?

Ever since like January till like April, I've been spazzing here, making polls for the Official FanClub name: Star Joonpyo & Moon Jandi... and also nearly every week updating the front page, I gave up after like April or something because of my interest for JOONDI & BOF vanished.

Forgive me.

I'm no longer a BOF fan (disappointed after the 10th episode because everything went downhill, IMO) and no longer a JOONDI fan either. I'm still happy though that this thread had reached more than 100 pages... I remember the days it was like 40 something...

If I have time, (thats a if) I'll try and update the first page, the original poster of this thread : TheSnowQueen (xiaoshen) I think left and now replaced with ♥Yoo-Bin♥ (lena) so... I'll try and update the first post and go through the pages I haven't gone through.

I'll do it, when I'm like MEGA MEGA bored. ;D

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Guest anto99

Hello I am new in the forum

I am from Chile :D

I am charmed with Lee min Ho and Goo Hye sun his chemistry is grand

i hope they'll be together soon :wub:

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Guest webby

after watching SBS's brilliant legacy special showing all the takes they had for a specific kiss scene (esp they show each and every take and the clock running at how long the takes were), i'm really regretful that BOF did not show such a special for junpyo and jandi's kiss scenes. ah... if u watch BL's special, u'll know what i mean. It would have been a great special.


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Guest pixie_eve

what could i say JOONDI sisters!!! (for the sake of keeping the thread JoonDi :) i'll use JD JP,,can i? ) First, I want to give u all a big big applause for all the keen observations, the investigative probings on interviews and the ever observant eyes that keep my JoonDi (aka MINSUN) heart floating,,,THANK YOU!! u have all said wat i wanted to say haha...from the moment their eyes MET, where THEY both seemed to have forgotten the MC and went straight into each other's arms :lol: It was soo sweet the way JD called JP "lee minhoo" ....awwww :wub: JP might have been lost too coz he forgot to greet the MC and went straight to JD hahaha

I also the way they embraced--it's so sweet and affectionate (beyond sisterly) even if it's a mere second ;) I also love the way JD chided JP saying "are u pretending u didn't see us?" hehe acting like a GF nagging her bf for not paying her any attention eh?? ;) and when they told the audience wen they last saw each other...huh! u can tell by looking at JD's eyes -- the way she widened her eyes when she looked at JP as she answered the last time they saw each other kekeke...u can see she's giving JP a "warning" look ;) and THANKS to FP, LAN and NAT for giving us a rundown and an investigation on the "last seen each other" issue keke...clearly, they want to make people know that they only see each other whenever they are seen on-cam--nothing more...hmmm..

Of course who could miss the stolen glances and the GLOW in their eyes whenever they look at each other? gahhhh...it's all mushy and stuff hahaha i'm so envious of them. JP is so transparent dun u think? You can tell from his eyes when it's JD that he's looking at, his eyes just emits a certain look it shifts from polite (when he talks to the MC) to a gooey look when he turns his eyes on JD. Our JoonDi sisters have captured all these glances in the SC's :wub:

Then at the end just when we thought the interview is through, JD touched JP sooo lightly and so sweetly when JP spoke in Japanese..u can tell she is now more comfortable being touchy and can i say "expressive"? The same goes for JP too..They seemed more at ease and affectionate, maybe it's because the audience is non-korean, just like when they were in Taiwan :). They are more comfortable expressing themselves and acting more candid with non-korean audience dun u think?? (see d difference here and how they were at SS501's concert where they know all eyes and flashes of cameras were all over ) hmmm...wat could be the reason behind this? keke....

And lastly, Minhoo's candid reaction when HS answered that she wants to take a BF on an airplane ride! :lol: whoa! JP just had to react does he??? hehehe... and i dunno if he was caught off guard coz he glanced somewhere (maybe his manager??) and seemed to realize what he just gave away,, and then bowed his head as if in embarrassment over his own reaction. Ohhh i really enjoy watching these two... i luv luving them :wub:

sorry for the long post though keke

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Guest pixie_eve

That being said I agree with whoever said that they are testing waters coz both their personalities seemed to have undergone 180 degree changes.

In the months that followed BOF's ending Hyesun seemed very withdrawn and shy and uncertain. It could have been the stress of the projects she's taken on like her film...art exhibit...book release etc though not really. To me it just seemed that a piece of her is missing and that is why she's so sad. But now she seems so effervescent and happiness just resonates on her face when she's with Minho. More like she's sure of something now. Like nothingelse matters to her. She's let her guard down. Her calling out to Meenhoo was the sweetest ever.

Minho on the other hand seems a little tense maybe like his priorities have changed and he needs to get his act together. Like he's protecting something. But every now and then his feelings just pour out in the way he looks at her and of course his cheeky one-liners. He can't help but rib her and she enjoys it. Those are his sweet-nothings to her in public.

Of course the stolen glances and looking to the other person for an unspoken response or approval is very much a couple thing.

I can only rely on subtitles to get the gist of what they are saying. But no matter the body language their eyes and smiles tell a whole other story.

Hi FAYE...i like ur observation.keep posting them :) I agree with the "testing the water" theory if its "acceptance" that we're talking about. By acceptance, i meant as a couple (reel and real). They know that people liked them as a reel couple in BOF but maybe now, wat they're testing is how koreans will view/react to their "frequent" outings together :) In all F4 and HyeSun outings, we see that HS and MH is constantly there, the F2 companion may change from Joon, to Bummie to KHJ (for MNET) but Min Sun is always there, present...so they maybe looking at people's reaction to seeing them together OFTEN. A very good tactic though, if i may say so..very very good!! :)

I also like ur take on JP and JD.. NOw it's JD who is more unguarded whereas after BOF, in their appearances together like Japan and TAiwan, HS is reserved and shy with MH's flirtations and MH is more forward with HS. But now, we can sense HS is letting her guard down and it's now MH who's a bit wary and guarded at times. Maybe he is starting to feel d pressure of his popularity and the want and need to protect "something" or "someone" ? But we get to see MH put his guard down whenever he smiles and looks at HS...that's undeniable. He may be put on a wall in front of the camera or the press but when his eyes lays on HS, we see an affection that cannot be denied.

hi ANTO99 ...welcome keep posting

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