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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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Guest tiffanydawn

Credit : wfws

awww thanks for sharing :)

seriously, how did Yoobin and Sohee become that hot? they're super duper gorgeous.

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Guest l33mimi

Update: Wonder Girls Recoding For "Mr. Con & Ms. Csi"

omg can't wait to watch that episode. that is one of taiwan's most popular show. great promotions for the girls.

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Guest squarebubbl.ex

Wow, this place is so organized :P All the posts about one group are in one forum post, lol, on other forums everything's just scattered everywhere. Anyway, I LOVE THE WONDER GIRLS :D

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Guest onedaymaniac

-i read an article bout one of the show that wg recorded yesterday.so basically i think one of the mc asked them bout 'first sexual experience'(what?!) n they kinda hesitate to answer it but the mc does not give up i think.also in the article the girls are enjoying their first night in taiwan with driving till late night.i think they went to the night market too.my mandarin is kinda rusty so there's some part of the article that i'm not really understand.here's the link.hope someone can translate it especially the sexual exp question.http://showbiz.chinatimes.com/2009Cti/Chan...2200007,00.html.thnks in advance...

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Guest vietboi_tuan

The girls all look so beautiful. Usually one is dressed better than the other,

but the stylist really did an awesome job this time with all of the girls.

All their hair look so nice as well. This is the best the girls have looked

in awhile. I'm just wow by how great they all look!

WHAT?!?! why would the MC ask those kind of questions? They do know

two of the girls are underage. That is just unprofessional and disturbing.

I hope the girls weren't shocked and awkward. That is just wrong.

The girls at their press-conference


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Guest WGkeon

Well xiao S is known for this type of questioning and stuff.

Even though i dont really watch that show, but xiao S is actually abit...hmm, blunt? i guess. Thats her personality.

She treats every guest the same way as what she did to the girls.

And she even questioned yeeun why did she have such thick makeup lol

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Guest llborderline


sohee is a bond girl~ dang shes perfection O_O


oh gosh look at yubin's outfit! its so lousy now!

she lost lots of weight eh!


ma girls!!! they look gorgeous as evahhhh!!!!

i love their korean hairstylists, make up artists, stylists are like so jjang!

rude mc..... >.<

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Guest qoxie


Source: http://showbiz.chinatimes.com/2009Cti/Chan...2200007,00.html

WONDERGIRLS: Dee Hsu (Little S) brazenly asks about first night sex

2010-04-22 Lee Yu-Xun, Wang Yu-Qing, Zhang Ya-Wen / Roundup

Korean girl-group WONDERGIRLS came to Taiwan for album problems, [& ended up] enduring Dee Hsu brazenly asking about "first sexual experience" baptisms. Their popularity level even caused TV news anchor Georgina Fang's sons to visit the set in idol pursuit. The 'Nobody' cyclone is blowing wildly across the variety shows.

They had filmed a CV into the wee hours yesterday, then took the morning flight to Taiwan to promote the 'Special Edition' album. Nearly 30 fans [sic] met them, which eliminated the 5 girls' fatigue & even prompted them to chuckle: "Good morning to all!" [They were] merry enough to sign autographs for the fans.

Hurrying to 5 "show notifications" 通告

The contingent ate a simple meal & hurried to 5 show notifications that lasted till very late at night. Rather than feel tired, they wanted to experience Taiwan's night markets enough to beg their record label to arrange a joyride to see the Taipei nightscape! On April 23, they will be at CPcity Living Mall's basement 3 Gravity Stadium for a public performance-cum-fan gathering to express their gratitude. The fans were urged to come enjoy it together: "[We are] very excited to meet with everybody in Taiwan, please look forward to our performance."

They arrived at 'TVBS Hot News', where the station's TV anchor Georgina Fang's 4-year-old & 12-year-old sons were conspicuously present in idol pursuit. 拉娃谷幸's (another TV anchor) 2-year-old daughter similarly came down & even danced along. Show host Smile Tzymann further cooperated with their album concept by going retro & by referring to herself as the 6th Wonder Girl.

Kevin Tsai helped mitigate

Immediately on CTi's "Mr Con & Ms Csi", show host Dee Hsu was unrepentant in brazenly asking aloud: "When were the 5 of you's first time (sexual experience)?" The group members reacted with awkward looks, causing co-host Kevin Tsai to quickly mitigate, "They are our guests! Let's give them preferential treatment. They don't have to answer." Without obtaining any reply, Dee Hsu mockingly scolded Kevin Tsai, "You are playing the good cop again."

Dee Hsi was also curious whether a bad performance would induce corporal punishment by the teachers. Yeeun said no, but that tardiness would be penalized by protracted kneeling with raised arms. Up to now, any group member who can't get along? Yoobin said, "We like to eat different things, & so only argue when ordering the dishes." Dee Hsu identified Yeeun to have the heaviest makeup, & when told her skin is the best within the group, blurted out: "Why let yourself end up like this?" Yeeun quickly explained, "It wasn't me who put on the makeup."

During the show, WONDERGIRLS performed 'Nobody," 'So Hot.' During rehearsals, the planned live vocals was not up to mark due to bad acoustics, delaying the TV recording by 2 hours. The producers ultimately decided, "The girls are very particular about the music. But it is taking up too much time to carry on [like this]. No choice but to lip-sync." They also canceled ad-hoc the next TV recording on their itinerary.

Never mind Dee Hsu (Little S). She's precisely popular cuz of that personality, but is essentially goodhearted & good-humored (whenever the jokes/jibes rebounded back on her).

Co-host Kevin Tsai (who's openly gay BTW) is usually there to rein her in & play peacemaker too.

Catch up later ....

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Guest vietboi_tuan

The girls at the press conference. Once again I love what they are wearing.

Lim hair make her look a lot older. YeEun's hair is my favorite at the press conference.

And their shoes are so damn fierce lately.



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Guest llborderline

you guys you gotta watch this!!!

BTS of WG tour with JB!


JYP: shes so glad to see me *points at sunmi* she cant even turn around

beause shes so happy to see me thats why! hi mimi! *mimi waves without lookin*

ROFLMAO sunmi ah~ my gosh!

you gotta see the unnies! leader wore this cowboy boots and..... LMAO

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Guest XxSwt Lilo LuverxX

i don't think its right to call the MC's rude & whatnot.

if they're known for being blunt then it shouldn't be something you guys get worked up over cos its not like they only asked the wg's but other people on their shows too..

just take it as an experience the girls will have with interacting with different mc personalities. =]

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Guest littlechocolate

I am so happy to see this thread moving up so fast. So many updates on wonder girls!! cant wait for their comeback already!!

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Guest *bluebutterfly*

The girls are looking great. =)

So many different outfits lol.

YooBin looks amazing. She's lost a lot of weight.

Thanks for the pics everyone and news =)

I wouldn't think too much about the MCs.

It's normal. If they're known for being blunt, like XxSwt Lilo Luver said, then we shouldn't worry because it's not like they're doing it on purpose for this one time to the girls. It's something thats normal to the show? I haven't watched it before so I not sure on that. but it's like Kim Gura. He used to say some really horrible things on TV to stars.

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Guest WGkeon

This i got to say... the pic above above ^^

HIGHLY recommend everyone to watch!!! that video to witness their beauty.

Everyone looked damn great in there especially ye eun, sohee and yubin.

Yeeun looked so stunning in simple shirt and shorts

and the way Yubin tied her hair and the hair colour is omg...... nothing fancy, a girl next door look but with maturity.

Finally sohee.. wow she is incredible in that dress, front view ,side view, back view is PERFECT! The way she dress is going to kill every living male in taiwan! Her figure is 짱!!! Ahh our maknae is growing up to a fine lady...

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wow so many new pics !!~

love outfits at MTV .... all them look good

yoobin lose lots of weight now ... that's hot !!!

and yeeun in press conference so beautiful ,

i love her hair like that..and the rest are in black but only she in red ....hahaah

i think lim no bang is better ... she looks good in curly hair too .... anyway from MTV pic .. she looks good

sunye at press conference .. look like doll ~ eeieiie and leader with short ... love it

and sohee ^^ always look good...hahah i'm bias

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Guest qoxie

For those in SG & has Starhub cable: WG is on "TVBS Hot News" (TVBS-Asia, channel 54, 11pm-12am) now!

They just went to the first commercial break, hence I'm typing this.

UPDATE: The segment is over.

It was rather short, around 20 minutes. The conversation was also mostly small talk, nothing revealing.

'Mr Con & Ms Csi' & 'The Largest Political Party' will air back-to-back a few hours from now (4am to 6am).

Those shows are comedy-oriented, which should make for better viewing if WG does appear in both.

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<Newsflash> WONDERGIRLS's press conference, fans' frenzied star-chasing

Update: 2010/4/22 15:23

WONDERGIRLS made their first public appearance in Taiwan. This trip is considerably busy &, besides today's open press conference, they have arranged only a fan meet-&-greet session for tomorrow. As a result, many fans were hurrying impromptu to wait outside their hotel, hoping to meet their idols.

Korean girl-group WONDERGIRLS are in town for a 4-day, 3-night visit. The itinerary is considerably packed, with no free time to go out & roam around. Today was their only media conference, & the organizers arranged specially for snacks & refreshments to let the WONDERGIRLS members enjoy Taiwanese delicacies.

WONDERGIRLS came to Taiwan to promote their new album which will be released in May. They were very impressed with the local fans' enthusiastic welcome. Some fans even prepared a culinary tour map, hoping they can find time to properly feast on Taiwan's scenery.

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<Exclusive> Studying abroad in Korea due to WONDERGIRLS, signature song tops 20 million

TVBS update: 2010/04/22 19:39 Lin Xin Jie

Korean idol group WONDERGIRLS's Taiwan trip is setting off a cyclone. Their signature song 'Nobody' alone has surpassed 20 million pageviews. [They experience] frenzied star-chasing. There is even one fan who studied abroad in Korea because of them. With their Taiwan trip, she also did not relinquish it. At every appearance, her attendance is spotted. Over the 2 days, just the transport costs must be nearing 10,000 yuan. It is quite crazy.

Whether at the airport, or waiting at the TV station, Huang Yu-jie [yells]: "WONDERGIRLS, I love you!"

Even at the press conference, one can see her holding a distinctive black board, shouting encouragingly "WONDERGIRLS". She is Huang Yu-jie. Her crazy star-chasing journey is not just in Taiwan. She has also crossed the East China Sea, pursuing to South Korea to study there.

Huang Yu-jie: "I was studying Korean in Taiwan, & got to know them. Then I went to Korea to study there. After learning that they are coming to Taiwan, I also immediately hurried back."

During WONDERGIRLS's 4 days in Taiwan, Huang Yu-jie is bent on attending every event. The transport costs alone is over 10,000 yuan. WONDERFULS must have felt the Taiwan fans' enthusiasm.

WONDERGIRLS: "(The fans prepared) a Taiwan recommended-eatery book. For example, which eatery is worth a crack at in the night markets. Also the must-try stalls. So if [we] have the time, [we] shall go take a look."

The 4-day trip has a packed schedule, with no time to taste the local delicacies. They can only express their cravings during the press conference, while gulping down bubble tea & sampling Taiwanese kimchi. The 5 girls relied on one song 'Nobody' & wholly online pageviews, yet surpassing 20 million times & getting the superstar treatment for their Taiwan trip.

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you guys you gotta watch this!!!

BTS of WG tour with JB!


JYP: shes so glad to see me *points at sunmi* she cant even turn around

beause shes so happy to see me thats why! hi mimi! *mimi waves without lookin*

ROFLMAO sunmi ah~ my gosh!

you gotta see the unnies! leader wore this cowboy boots and..... LMAO

That video is epic! I didn't laugh so hard in ages!!! :lol:

It's a definite must see!

*clicks repeat* *ROFL*

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