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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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Guest Mia_Mia


lol..yeah I know Sunye is there.. she's wearing her glasses as well.....she was hiding behind yeeun and yubin the entire time and wouldnt look up according to fans... wonder why...

yeeun looking gorgeous but also very different


im completely in love with yubin's new hair.. the girl is <3


credit katyhwang @ sunyebaidu

EDIT: fans are saying sunye fell down (maybe tripped ) ..... maybe she's not feeling that well which explains why she was so low profile...she apparently kept her head down and walked with the jype staff to avoid the cameras.... apparently yubin and yeeun looked towards sunye to ask her how to say "hello" in chinese and sunye replied them softly.

credit ricecakey @sunyethread for translations

edit edit: google translated what was written on baidu and turnds out some journalist bumped or banged into Sunye and she fell... wth...can they not watch where they're going...

again with her head down at the back


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some male staff was so eager that they went squeeze their way through just to take photos with the girls. one guy said its because they are too pretty. maybe thats how they pushed sunye.




cr. katyhwang @ sunyebaidu




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Guest Mia_Mia


you beat me to it..

article about the girls... apparently even the airport staff was crowding around them....rofl


(中央社记者卞金峰桃园机场21日电)以「Nobody」一曲红遍亚洲的韩国女子团体WONDER GIRLS,今天抵台,引发骚动,机场员工抢著拍照,媒体更是大阵仗采访。她们说,很高兴来台湾,最爱的是「珍珠奶茶」!

WONDER GIRLS团体5名成员,今天上午搭机抵达桃园机场,来台宣传多天,她们一下飞机就引起骚动,不少在机场工作人员,抢著前来目睹偶像风采,还有不少男员工,急著拿手机或相机挤上前去,想要留下合影画面,更有男员工说「真是太水(漂亮)了!」

WONDER GIRLS团体5名成员表示,很高兴来台湾,也很紧张,她们有空会去品尝台湾小吃,她们最爱的是「珍珠奶茶」!

WONDER GIRLS团体5名成员随后步入机场入境大厅,先亲切跟粉丝挥手致意,但由於媒体大阵仗采访,加上粉丝们的推挤,让她们消受不了,还一度寸步难行,最后在保全人员的护送下,她们才顺利搭车离开机场。990421

credit katyhwang @ sunyebaidu




credit sunloverz @sunye thread.

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wow ~ yoobin so sexy in airport pic ...hahaha

and sohee in black !! love it

yenny looks young in black hair i think

jealous taiwan fans ..... cant wait for the show in taiwan...

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Guest qoxie

Gosh, I hope Sunye is alright.

Thanks for the new pics! This is reliably the best place for WG updates; thanks to all for contributing.

I don't watch much TV, but I'm so gonna vie for the remote control for the next few days.

There's plenty of Taiwanese channels (news & entertainment) on cable TV here in SG.

Plus Hong Kong channels & a couple of Korea ones too!

Translation for the earlier news blurb:-

WONDERGIRLS arrives in Taiwan, loves bubble tea most

(Central News Agency reporter Pien Chin-Feng, Taoyuan Aiurport, April 21 cable)

Korean girl-group WONDERGIRLS of 'Nobody' fame in Asia arrived in Taiwan today, creating a pandemonium. Airport staff rushed up to take photographs. The media was in full force & fully-equipped to cover the news. They said they are very happy to be in Taiwan, & their favorite is "bubble tea"!

WONDERGIRLS caught a flight to Taoyuan Airport this morning for multi-day promotions. They deplaned & immediately created a pandemonium. Many airport staff rushed up to gawk at the svelte idols, with numerous male employees frantically crowding with their cellphones & cameras to take keepsake shots. One male staff even said, "They are really [slang] pretty!"

WONDERGIRLS said they are pleased to come to Taiwan, but are also very nervous. They hope to have time to go taste the local snacks. They loved "bubble tea" most!

WONDERGIRLS then stepped into the airport arrival hall, warmly waving to greet the fans. But the large media parade & the overflowing flock of fans were too much for them. It was difficult to inch forward. Finally, escorted by security personnel, they managed to reach their vehicle before departing the airport.

Link to the news source: http://www.cna.com.tw/SearchNews/doDetail....;q=wonder+girls & a screencap


- - - - - - - - - -

Earlier reporter by the same reporter.

I can't find the original source (it might have been updated on), so I copied from the Taiwanese WFs board.


WONDERGIRLS arrives in Taiwan, the media is in full force

Updated: 2010/04/21 13:29

Korean girl-group WONDERGIRLS of the lively 'Nobody' fame in Asia arrived in Taiwan by plane on April 21. They were enthusiastically welcomed by the fans. The media was in full force & fully-equipped to cover the news. WONDERGIRLS found it difficult to inch forward. Central News Agency reporter Pien Chin-Feng, Taoyuan Aiurport.

- - - - - - - - - -


Source: http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/100421/8/249sp.html

<Newsflash> WONDERGIRLS's arrival is warmly welcomed by fans

TVBS update: 2010/04/21 11:57

Korean girl-group WONDERGIRLS of 'Nobody' fame in Asia came to Taiwan today for promotions. A large number of fans clogged the airport, & the occasion was very exuberant.

Korean girl-group WONDERGIRLS came to Taiwan today. A large number of fans were waiting at the airport. Facing media questions, they even sprouted several Chinese phrases, then greeted the fans. They also admitted that before deplaning, they did not expect to be so popular in Taiwan.

For this trip, WONDERGIRLS is expected to carry out a 4-day, 3-night promotional tour. After leaving the airport, they will first rest at their hotel & then rehearse the familiar 'Nobody,' so as to present the best performance for all.

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Guest Mia_Mia

the pictures keep coming


ahn chic!!!!!



poor fanboy trying to take sunye's pic at the back ...but will she oblige?..lol



credit katyhwang @sunyebaidu

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Guest *bluebutterfly*

It looks like a lot of fans went to pick them up?

Wow. All them camera. =O

I hope they weren't fightened by them all. It looks scary. Hahaa

Sunye is sick?! oh no! I hope she feels better soon. I hope she will be able to enjoy her trip to Taiwan.

One of the girls always get sick before comeback or anything big, like their concert. It's like what YeEun said, on Welcome to Wonderland.

Thanks for sharing the pics.

And sorry qoxie. ^^

thanks for the seating plan. lol

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Guest littlechocolate

thank you for all the fancams. Yoobin looks so sexy at the airport and the other girls looks very good as well. its good to see lim speaking fluently in chinese. at least the girls can communicate better with the fans in taiwan.

i cant wait for wonder girls world domination!

I'm not sure if this has been posted or not.

The SonyEricssonAPAC channel on youtube has released a video of Wonder Girls

WG Dance Like the Divas Contest

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Guest vietboi_tuan

I am in love with YooBin's hair! It look like So Hot hair, but hotter with the red.

She look amazing. YeEun look younger for some reason. So BEAUTIFUL!

SoHee is so chic and cool. Lim look nice.

In picture MinLeader look a bit sad, but in the news clip she look happy

and smiling. I feel bad that she feel, hope she is OK. She look so tiny

next to the girls who are all wearing heels. She's already the shortest

member and without heels she look so small and cute.

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Guest Mia_Mia

something was definitely bothering the leader... lets just hope it wasnt something major.. she made an effort during the interview but otherwise she tried her best to avoid the shutterbugs...sigh

love how in that news clip @ the end you see all the girls around sunye listening to what she has to say..lol..sohee even turned her head around ...

ahn chic!... this girl could freeze ppl in her tracks without even trying!





credit katyhwang @sunyebaidu


someone on baidu said a taiwanese fan who went to the airport heard that sunye threw up on the plane. not sure how true this is... and sunye was so unlucky to be pushed by those reporters.

credit ricecakey for translations

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Guest SuperKyle

be careful guys ^^ not to make mountains out of anthills, the girls just arrived, so im sure therell be a plentiful amount of pictures that show off leader min more later, she is not sick, so please do be cautious and dont say things unless you are 100 percent sure :D ive always disliked that in this thread, ppl are quick to jump to conclusions without actual proof...

but anyways, YeBin look gorgeous in the airport shoot, and im glad that the stylists coordinated the girls airport outfits, and they gave Lim something nice to wear :3, she's looking kyupta!, i wanted to comment on the recent EXR shoot, YeEun did a splendid job, i really liked her facial expressions, they looked the most natural, anybody noticed that the girls all had their mouths open in almost every pose? i hope i dont see them reuse this pose too much...

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wonder girls in their casual wear is the best. they're all really stylish. and each one has their own style that shows off their individuality. love it. and i think they always wear one of a kind pieces. it's like always a fashion show when i see fancams of them in airports.

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Guest i.said.goodbye

All the girls look so gorgeous at the airport especially Yubin.

They have an aura around them just screams "super stars" but I think what's shocking is that they are far from that! They are still 5 humble girls who love one another and with their love for performing are dreaming big. They are doing amazing things for the KPOP world.

LOL the reaction they got at the airport reminded me of how paparazzi react when famous Americans are in the airport with people lining up to get pictures of them. Little by little they are conquering the world. Baby steps ;)

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Guest omgitscrystal

Whoa, all of them looked extremely gorgeous especially YooBin, SoHee & YeEun xP I'm getting to love YooBin's red hair moree xDD ooh, is she wearing a dress? I didn't look that carefully xP YeEun! Stilll looking as stunning as usual xD SoHee's fashion sense still maintained as good :D I think HyeLim dressed nicer when she was in S'pore. But I prefer her hair here! xDD Not much of SunYe uh? Or did I missed it? Hmm hmmm, I think she dressed nicer when she was in S'pore. OMG i love her specs :D forgot to mention that. she looks awesomely cute!

AHHH, wondergirls ssi, come to s'pore again!!!

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Guest i.said.goodbye

I'm worried about apparent plans to boycott wonder girls concerts because of the 2PM-Jae incident


There's an article about it in wonderspec.. also in 2oneday...

JYP Park Jinyoung to meet the Jaebum obstacle head on

JYPE's main stars, 2PM and the Wonder Girls, are being met with extreme difficulties overseas because of the 'Jaebum obstacle.'

Having recently released their new minialbum, 2PM has once again become swept into controversy with their connection to Jaebum, who is also starting his own activities in America. However, the dark cloud is also reaching the Wonder Girls who are currently preparing for their tour concert this June.

Ommitted new album summary.

The 2PM and Jaebum controversy is expected to affect Wonder Girls' American tour. Jaebum's Korean-American fans have declared a boycott stance after hearing of 2PM opening for the Wonder Girls' concert. The Korean-American fans are sending negative signals to JYPE for kicking out a third generation Korean and attempting to garner sympathy. Many of the press sites for Dallas, LA, and other cities where the concert will be opening in, are being met with an influx of posts that are stating, "Reject the concert."


I hope this doesn't effect our girls.


Update: Wonder Girls Recoding For "Mr. Con & Ms. Csi"


Cr:http:wgyubin.net and kwantawank@ Yubin thread

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