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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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Guest <3goesDOKIDOKI

i really like some of sohee's numero photoshoot.

and i also really dislike some of the pictures from the photoshoot.... =X

when are we going to be voting for the new wondergirls thread title?

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Which personality of the girls can you relate or have in common with?

SunYe - Confident yet sensual

YeEun - Straight forward yet intelligent

YooBin - Cool yet shy

SunMi - Weird yet so cute

SoHee - Cold yet loving

YeEun is seriously the coolest girl ever. Shes so...normal!

Shes not like a celebrity that acts like theyre so hot or mysterious or anything.

She acts like a normal girl her age which is sooo tight haha.

Plus shes pretty outgoing and i have friends that are like her.

EDIT: I know theres subbed cuts of Sun Ye on YSMM but i cant seem to find it on youtube.

Does anyone know if its streaming anywhere else or if theres a place i can download it from?

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Guest XiahxTiffany

wow the girls look gorgeous

and they arent that bad at english either 0_0

and the pictures of wonder girl's dorm .... that is a biit too stalkerish lol

but i noe my cousin lives near that place if i do noe where that is

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Guest vic_taebin

Some of sohee's pictures are sure weird, but i guess that's how numero mag's photoshoots are, huh? Nevertheless, she pulled it off.

And i realized that after seeing Sohee's pictures, i think Sunmi has as much potential in the modeling industry also. Seriously, if numero had to do another photoshoot they should call in Sunmi. Sunmi's got all the criteria to be a successful model (ie height, pretty face, the ability to do many expressions...). Also, from some of the pictures i've seen in the past, sunmi can protrude lots of confidence in a picture (even tho she lacks some in reality since she's at that stage of being a teenager). She's got the assets, just want to see a more mature side just like Sohee.

I don't know why i'm coming up with this now, but I just wanted to voice my request for more photos of Sunmi's modeling and plus, sometimes, i get tired of the cutesy image once in a while.

Some pictures (i think) exhibiting her chances for a possible modeling career aside from being a Wonder GIRL =)

-I have to comment about this picture. This was the first photo of her that somewhat blurred the cute and innocent image i had of Sunmi. Her sexiness just dazed me for days.





I love the fact that her height and length are accentuated, makes me wish i had long legs like Sunmi.

And a little bonus just because she's too freakin cute!


credit: as tagged + TBJ + Wonder Girls Wonderland

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Guest vietboi_tuan

I think the photo shoot for Numero is unique,

but it made SoHee look too mature. Either

way she still look cool. Hope the other

four have a chance to be in magazine as well.

Question of the Day:

Rank from most favorite to least favorite outfit(s) during Irony?



1. Sunmi

2. SoHee

3. SunYe

4. YeEun

5. Hyuna/ YooBin

I really like Sunmi's shirt/dress thing, it made

her look young and cute.

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^ More outfit pictures. :)


Question of the Day:

Rank from most favorite to least favorite outfit(s) during Irony?

1. Hyuna - The overalls! <3

2. Sohee

3. Sunmi

4. Sunye

5. Yeeun - I didn't like the capri pants as much.

vic_taebin, I agree. Hopefully Sunmi gets more chances in the future to do her own solo modeling. She has huge potential and I think she can model just as well as Sohee given the chance. :)

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I agree that SunMi does have modeling chops =D SOOOO SKINNY X___X

Rank from most favorite to least favorite outfit(s) during Irony?

1. SunYe

2. SoHee

3. SunMi

4. YeEun

5. HyunA

SunYe just looked super fly with her outfit <3


Please credit me if you're going to use <3

And no hotlinking, please =D







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Guest jchowder

Wow mandoo looks great in the majority of her photos...she definitely has the potential to be a model. However a few of the pictures are >_<.

Just curious, what were your first impressions of the girls when you first found out about them? For me...

Wondergirls as a whole- I didn't find out about them until maybe a few months before HyunA left but i honestly thought they were just some ordinary girl group and nothing really special about them. Appearance wise, they were just average (that totally changed cause i think they're gorgeous now...inside and out haha). I never even considered thinking that they would make it big anytime in the future. So basically, i didn't care about them until i saw this one interview on arirang and they played a bit of their 'Irony' performance. The song sounded like something i would listen to go i decided to look more into the group and finally to this day, i have been a fan for over 1 year already.

SunYe- She didn't really catch my attention at first in the interview i saw. I looked up some information about the girls and realized that she was the leader of the group but she really didn't seem like one to me, based on appearance. I dunno, i think it was because i thought she looked younger than what i thought. But of course that completely changed when i actually saw their 'Irony' performance. She was oozing with energy and charisma and i was just 'WOWed' by her.

YeEun- Honestly speaking, i did not notice her AT ALL. Lol...i feel so guilty now. I guess she just didn't stand out very much. I thought she was a good singer and i remember her being labeled as the 'powerhouse' of the group but i can't remember what i thought about her exactly. However, she is definitely one of my favorites now. I absolutely love her singing and personality especially. And she stands out way more now than when they first came out.

YooBin- I was crushed when i found out HyunA was leaving the group since she was so hyper all the time and so funny. When YooBin was first reveal as the new member all i remember thinking was "Doesn't she look too old to be a part of this group?" Everyone looked so cute and bubbly and when it got to her picture, she wasn't smiling and sort of giving a death glare lol. But her rapping skills completely reversed my opinions. I have never seen any female rapper rap better than her before so i was quite impressed

SunMi- I think i noticed her first cause i thought she was the prettiest plus, she was the one who talked the most in that interview. But when i first watched MTV Wondergirls Season 1, i thought she was really bland. It's like she was just THERE. Good thing i liked her deep voice cause otherwise i would not have been interested. Now however, she is the one that makes me laugh everytime i see her. She does the weirdest things ever and i can see why she's the energizer bunny of the whole group. She is also my favorite but of course i love ALL of them almost equally. I just so happen to like her a teeny tiny bit more haha

SoHee- I'm sure most people have thought when they first heard her that she's not a very good singer. I was not much different. She lacked the vocal ability yet she was so popular which i did not get. I really wondered why JYP would debut her in this group but i do know why now. Like what someone said in an earlier post, these girls fill in each others gap. What one girls lack in, there is someone else who has that ability and that's what makes this group so great. Sohee is a great dancer and also a great model and i think she deserves every right to be in this group.

O geez...i'm sorry for practically writing an entire essay on this lol. But i'm curious to see what you guys thought about them too...

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Guest miss_tinkerbell

hello everyone! :)

I'm a newbie here in soompi.. :)

and.. I would really like to know lots of updates of wondergirls!

I love their songs! They're soo pretty and sexy! :D

I hope i'm wlecome here.. :)

oohh.. and yeah.. I also want to gain more friends.. B)

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Guest littlesharkdude

anyone know anyway a fan can contact the WG ><? (that doesn't involve needing to know Korean)


I'M skipping school just to fly to LA from GA to watch it during school o_O

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Wow she must have felt so embarrassed!! my baby ye eun... I officialy hate this guy cos he obviously saw her and ignored her!! that is so mean! But You dont need him Yeeunnie Ill even cut my hand and send it by plane for you to high five it lol


Question of the Day:

Rank from most favorite to least favorite outfit(s) during Irony?

1. Sunmi!! love everything about her on irony days from hair to shoes!

2. Sohee

3. Sunmi

4. Sunye

5. Yeeun

Kisses Wonderfuls!!


Edit gosh this is too funny!!


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Guest miss_tinkerbell

Edit gosh this is too funny!!


oh my.. this is soo funny.. and cute too! :lol:

she must've been really tired! where was this taken? ;)

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Guest rice_baby

Awww... poor Ye Eun. Totally embarrassing and when he passed her by she turns around to (I think) So Hee for the Hi Five but she isn't looking her way.

It's ok. We still love you.

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Guest love-yun

Which personality of the girls can you relate or have in common with?

SunYe - Confident yet sensual

YeEun - Straight forward yet intelligent

YooBin - Cool yet shy

SunMi - Weird yet so cute

SoHee - Cold yet loving

i don't think sohee's cold; she's just introverted. but i guess she exudes that kind of vibe...

anyone know anyway a fan can contact the WG ><? (that doesn't involve needing to know Korean)

the only way i could think of right now is their youtube channel

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miss_tinkerbell, quoting pictures is a no no in soompi world...

ooopss, YeEun thing was so funny and embarassing .. lol

Mandoo pics are soo gahhhh....i've been looking at them for 5 minutes

now...so pretty...the androgynous pics are a bit errr, but the rest look

flawless...our precious model

Another day, and another survey to top

Gallup Korea’s Official website

Wonder Girls is ranked #1 with 22.2% of the votes for “2008’s Best 10 Singers”. Wonder Girls’s ‘Nobody’ is ranked #1 on the “2008 Best 10 Albums” & their single,’So Hot’ is ranked #3. Lastly, Wonder Girls is ranked #1 for the “Best 5 Average of Gender & Age” as Wonder Girls accumulated the highest percentage of both male & female votes added together for the category.


translation and chart credit: to the wonderful sunmijjang.wordpress.com

some of the data seems weird for the second chart...if you look well, it looks as if Sohot

is actually number two...lol

they really are popular amongst all the ages and genders... witnessing the wonder <333

mags thanks for the icons... i shall use em...more binnie ones please!! lol

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Guest Wickerman

Who was that guy ignoring YeEun? :huh:

That photo of their apt just isn't right. I don't know the name but there was

this one segment where some video guy followed them around, pretty much stalked

them, asked fans where they lived, followed them ruthlessly during day to day stuff

It was creepy and walked that grey area. <_<

hi! (:

I'm kind of new to the Wonder Girls fandom and I wondering if anyone could direct me to youtube videos and such of Sunye singing? (solo)? (:


I've uploaded a couple (use high quality)

SunYe - Song of Sun & Moon


SunYe - Behind Your Back (half of the song w/ JYP)


and because she can do it all...

brand new, better upload now:

SunYe's acting debut (April '07)


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