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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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Guest qoxie

Not exactly WG news (they got only a mention, & it was about their past US deficit), but I think this is significant enough to share here.

If correct, Asia Economic Daily just reported that JYPE achieved a spectacular business turnaround last year.

Not only that, the J.Tune investment is apparently a winner too, given the currently strong stock market.

They even posted a grinning photo of him & commented how he must be "smirking" (Google-Translated).

Can someone translate? This is great news!

박진영, '겹경사 났네'

최종수정 2011.03.09 14:39기사입력 2011.03.09 11:03

제이와이피 흑자전환·제이튠엔터 주가 강세

[아시아경제 백종민 기자] 가수 겸 기획자 박진영이 연이은 호재에 함박웃음을 짓고 있다. 자신이 최대주주인 기획사 제이와이피엔터가 지난해 매출 급증과 함께 흑자로 전환했고 재결합한 '비'와의 협업도 척척 진행되고 있다. 그가 투자한 제이튠엔터의 주가도 강세여서 재산가치도 높아지고 있다.

9일 증권업계에 따르면 제이와이피엔터의 지난해 실적은 매출액 204억원, 당기순이익 3억8280만원이다. 2009년 101억원의 매출과 46억원의 손실을 기록한 것에 비하면 매출은 배가 늘었고 흑자로 전환했다.

최 근 박진영과 제이와이피의 행보는 천당과 지옥을 오고갔다. 제이와이피는 지난 2005년 처음 매출 100억원을 돌파한 이후  2006년 163억원으로 정점을 찍었다. 2007년에는 상장도 추진했다. 하지만 2008년부터 매출이 감소하며 적자를 냈다.

소 속가수 원더걸스의 해외 진출 성과가 신통치 않은데다 2PM의 분전에도 불구하고 재범의 탈퇴 등 내홍을 겪은 결과는 참담했다.  제이와이피는 2009년 외환환산손실만 2억8000여만원, 해외 자회사 손실 33억원을 반영해야했다. 2년 연속 적자였다.

하지만 지난해 변화는 드라마틱하다. '2AM'의 급성장과 신예 '미스에이'의 등장은 매출을 키웠다. 번번이 발목을 잡았던 해외법인 손실 상각도 끝나 정상적인 이익 창출이 가능해졌다.

제이와이피의 실적 호조는 자연스럽게 박진영과 제이와이피가 최대주주인 코스닥 상장사인 제이튠엔터의 가치 상승으로 이어지고 있다.

제이튠엔터는 사명을 제이와이피로 변경하고 '뉴 제이와이피'로 거듭날 예정이다. 이미 주총 승인도 마쳤다. 기존 소속가수인 비외에 제이와이피로부터 소속 연예인들을 넘겨 받을 예정이다. 박진영과 미스에이는 제이튠으로 소속을 바꿨다.

제 이튠의 소속가수인 '비'도 한 몫하고 있다. 비는 지난 8일 중국 상해한성문화전파 유한공사와 중국 여성 기초화장품 브랜드  'JVJQ'의 광고모델 출연 계약을 13억6200만원에 체결했다. 지난해 이 회사 매출의 13.4%에 해당하는 거액이다.

호 재가 겹치며 제이튠의 주가도 둥실거리고 있다. 지난해말 박진영의 지분 참여로 급등했던 제이튠의 주가는 최근 조정을 받았지만 다시  상승세다. 박진영이 참여하기 직전 주가는 1500원대였지만 9일 오전 9시20분 현재는 3290원으로 올랐다. 전고점은  3500원. 17억원을 투자한 박진영의 자산가치는 3개월도 안돼 44억원으로 불어났다.

백종민 기자 cinqange@

<ⓒ세계를 보는 창 경제를 보는 눈, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

Source: http://www.asiae.co.kr/news/view.htm?idxno=2011030910583852387

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Guest wonderr23

qoxie i tweeted you the rough translations of that article. But i can't post it here since i don't post articles till they're 100% perfect so...^^ I need to get it checked by a k-wonderful first.lol But you'll have an idea of what the article is all about in my tweet.

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Hi Wonderfuls !!! I think someone already talked about this but I just want to ask you all to vote for WonderGirls :


1) Click on "vote" at the top of the page (on the right).

2) There's the page to vote, click on WG's picture.

Then you can vote as much as you want !

You just have to do the same thing again =)

WG are the #2 girl group right now, with +100000 votes.

The #1 girl group has +610000 votes... LOL.

But WG can go higher than 100000 ^^

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Guest bammie92

third famous in Thailand!

go Mandoo! the Sohee effect is spreading. haha.

our Sunmi also on the list <3

MISO love!!!

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Guest qoxie

Thanks wonderr23! What a super-long tweet in your response! LOL

It was a great read! I will let you post it publicly.

- - - - - - - - -

Sharing a photo album from the past: media pics that were rarely shared, even in Chinese cyberspace.

They feature WG arriving in Shanghai on Nov 29, 2009 for their 'The First Wonder' concert (Dec 1).

To refresh memories, it was the occasion when Sunmi appeared unexpectedly wearing a leg cast & causing a sensation.

She would gamely hung in there to perform ('Umbrella' was especially memorable for me) but, in hindsight, serve her quit notice soon after.

How young & different WG looked back then: Yoobin & Sohee still had cherubic cheeks despite the arduous US activities; Sunye was at her motherly best in aiding Sunmi; Yeeun deferring her (USA) leadership role with WG back in Asia (& yet to 'walk point' in airports as she would do in 2010).

Many WFs have flown the coop since then too....































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Guest beceshawtti3

*quoted image*

Chart about the most number 1 song amongst Girlgroups! Wondergirls managed to grab the number 2 spot with only 4 albums!!

credit: naver, rashelo

Wonder Girls are the best! Always have been and people said Gee was a bigger hit than Tell ME. Hmmph, what a joke.

guys, wonder girls  in mnet wide news-big bang comeback's video... they appeared around 8.27-8.30 only with their tell me music video..  it's not subbed though but maybe they compared tell me with big bang's lies...i don't know.

here's the link; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmiw5sbrZdc&feature=player_embedded

Hmmm, something about over passing Wonder Girls being number one for 7 weeks for Tell me.

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Please vote for Wonder Girls at MBC concert in Thailand.

WG are number 2 girl group now, with more than 104,000 votes.

1. Please go to http://variety.mcot.net/mbc/index.php

2. Click on "Vote" on the top right hand corner

3. Click on Wonder Girls' pic.

4. You can vote many times so to vote again, repeat step 1 to 3. Please everyone ..show to our girls how powerful they are and how we love them...

congratulation for the second thread of the wonder girls smile.gif

may the wonder continue to shine....

Please vote for Wonder Girls at MBC concert in Thailand.

WG are number 2 girl group now, with more than 104,000 votes.

1. Please go to http://variety.mcot.net/mbc/index.php

2. Click on "Vote" on the top right hand corner

3. Click on Wonder Girls' pic.

4. You can vote many times so to vote again, repeat step 1 to 3. Please everyone ..show to our girls how powerful they are and how we love them...

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Guest xxxjarjarbinxxx

does anyone have the entry password for wgcn??

i wanted to join but missed sunmi day

i'll have to wait for next month

but someone who goes on wonder girls official chinese fanclub

PLEASE post how the girls need our votes!!!!!!!!!!


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Guest jcsmark

Just went to vote for the girls :)

Found this on YT and thought to share it here. Malaysian guy thought 4minute were Wonder Girls. He heard "Korean singers" and immediately thought of Wonder Girls


Heard the song F*in Perfect by Pink, everytime I hear the rap part I always think it's Yubin rapping lol! Anyone else thinks it's similar to Yubin?

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Guest i.said.goodbye


that looks so awesome!

Thai Wonderfuls are always so supportive of the girls :)

thanks for sharing.

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Guest imokay

Thai Wonderful waiting for Wonder Girls *quoted image*

so excited !!!!!!!!!!

"We will be The Same"

*quoted image*

credit : TH-Wonderfuls @twitter

yeah! THWonderfuls! wooooo

@MallyJung (one of THWonderfuls) tweeted this pic to Jane nim and she replied


arhhh I can't wait to see the girls here in Thailand! ><

p.s. sry if I do anything wrong,I'm new here :D

credit: MallyJung ,JANEyjk @Twitter

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Guest wonderr23

i'm so excited as well!! I can't wait to see what they'll wear at the press con!!

Aion which is an online game that WG are currently endorsing topped the charts for online games. It's number 1.


Source: gamenote and dcwg

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Guest r1988

MBLAQ’s Thunder wants to star on “We Got Married” with Wonder Girls’ Sohee


During a recent interview with Newsen, MBLAQ’s Thunder revealed his hopes of starring in MBC’s “We Got Married” with Wonder Girls member Sohee.

He expressed, “I think it’d be extremely fun being on ‘We Got Married.’ I’ve always thought about wanting to go on it every time I watched it.”

When asked to choose his ideal partner, he chose Sohee. He continued, “Although I haven’t been able to meet her often, I really would like to go on the program with her.”

The other MBLAQ members also added that they were impressed with the realness of the Jo Kwon and Ga-In couple, and claimed themselves to be fans of the show.

Since it’s impossible to lead a normal life as an idol, they hope to at least experience marriage through a broadcast program instead.

Source: Newsen via Nate



lol I know two people who will not be so happy with this news

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Guest wonderr23

Please vote for Wondergirls at MBC Mcot poll!

  1. Go to this link.
  2. and then click the vote icon which you will see at the upper right of the screen!
  3. and then scroll down and you will see Wondergirls icon! Please click that!

I asked some ThaiWFs about the deadline. They said it was not mentioned in the website! So please vote as much as you can!! It is unlimited!

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Guest qoxie


Yay, the Thai banner paraphrased from the refrain from "This Time".

You know, .... My all, I will be the same ~

- - - - - - -

FYI Need 24 hrs to rebuild my WG bookmarks (my online manager went out of business), so I won't be tracking WG's Bangkok arrival tonight.

Hopefully someone else can pick up the slack on the updates.

Before I go, here are scans of COOL轻音乐 article about Sohee from Feb 2008.

Her movie 'I Like It Hot' had just came out, so the content was written from that context.

Musically, it was during 'Eebabo' & a few months before the 'So Hot' comeback.

Very long article & also a lot of topical references, so it may take a while to translate.





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Guest Misakoloves

Heyyou know i read the article on allkpop abt thunder choosing sohee for the WGM and i read alot comments and i realize that most people know that there's another  'someone' who has a crush on our sohee. One person commented 'HEECHUL AND "SOMEONE" PARTICULAR CAN'T SIT PROPERLY RITE NOW...

THEY HAVE A RIVAL. i know that heechul can talk about her freely...butfor "SOMEONE" PARTICULAR can't....hahahahahaaaa it's gonna be HIT if he talk about her ...' I WONDER ANYONE KBNOW WHO IS THE SOMEONE. CAN YOU GUYS TELME ?

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