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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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Guest qsslave

Today's Strong Heart is interesting!

1) Sohee will reveal about a Kpop idol who kept staring at her when she is in the gym (I think). And how she pretended not to see Yeeun falling down and continue to dance.

2) Lim talking about how she had thought she will be joining Miss A

3) Sunye and her suicidal thoughts during trainee days. One article also said that she was the one who first confess her love to her boyfriend.

what!!!!! :crazy:

a kpop idol always stare at sohee at the gym????

why there is no article about it yet?

mua!!!! :o

PS:skip and ignore..be cool... B)

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Heads up. As a lead poster, I've decided to help re-take ownership of this thread on everyone's behalf.

Gimme a grace period. Currently in talks BTS, so bear with the heckling for now.

- - - - - -

SBS tweeted the link to this Strong Heart preview page just now.


Source: http://wizard2.sbs.co.kr/w3/template/tpl_iframetype.jsp?vVodId=V0000340268&vProgId=1000557&vMenuId=1011440&no=10000233478

Credit: SBSNOW @ twitter

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Guest leialeigh

I thought we were going to ignore these posts. I don't think including that 'Note' in every post is a good idea. I think we all get the idea. Moderators already know about this user but are not going to be do anything about it, so I'd say just leave them alone. Whenever you see something you don't like, skip it. If this continues, we would be lucky to see our thread still open. 

.... Back onto topic of our girls. 

Yeeun is so cute here! 

*quoted image*

credit takeonmyheart @ tumblr

*quoted image*

credit wuyong @ tumblr

GEEZ LOVE JYP NATION'S conversation they are so cute and so dorky hahahaha love it and omo yenny is cute there too and love the boys (im such a hottest ) hahahaha

go JYP nation!!!!!

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Guest Mia_Mia

I don't know about you guys but this change in Sunye, how she is become so open and is sharing stories about her life has really surprised me. She who was voted the most secretive by her own members is now choosing to share such personal information. This must be because of the love and security that her boyfriend has provided her. For that reason alone I hope the few wonderfuls who were upset and hurt with her relationship story will try and understand her more.

Wonderfuls always with Wonder Girls.

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Guest gossipLight911

I don't understand why watch the thread closely when I haven't made on single post insulting a member or the group? lol

It's just so silly that some mods give into fans crying. Trust me if I wanted to bash them I wouldn't stick around or care what the mods said/did about it. I'd just bash them, spam, and leave. lol

It's amazing how many here have replied to me with personal insults, threats, and what has turned into borderline harassment yet I haven't reported it, and if you guys were 'watching the thread' wouldn't some of those constantly insulting post be against the rules?

But then again having a mod remove post and then admit that nothing breaking the rules was in those post.......lol....:lol:

Guess what to all those spamming the mods?

1. You spamming them sadly isn't going to make WG sound any better live, it's not going to make their sales less amusing, and it's not going to make them any more popular than other groups in Korea. lol So you might as well get over it. :)

2. You simply are not going to *make* me bash Wonder girls or personally insult anyone here because like SunYe I believe in God and know better than to stoop to such a level to get a point across. =)

What's amusing if I would be so much more pleasant in my replies if they were met with responses that actually make you guys appear as if you know how to debate something you disagree with, rather than argue.

But then again this is the same thread with people that the mods ALLOWED to RUN OFF and ATTACK with insults because they didn't like SunYe's hair in one picture, I mean WOW. Insane. lol

Anyhow seeing as you've guys have proved to me that you don't know how to accept others opinions even when presented in a polite, objective manner, and would rather attack people including fellow fans (over a hairstyle lol) I think I've made my original point.

I'll just not post here anymore, instead when I see any other groups name brought up here in an insulting manner, I will just report them to certain mods personally, the ones that will actually do something about it.

Take care and GOD BLESS many of you~ you need it.

Honestly, it's freaking okay if you post here all your freaking opinions, whether it be positive or not. Most of us could actually accept it. The thing is, the way you present your opinion is not in the same way you think you presented it.

"polite, objective manner" ? you say?

Objective, maybe yes.

But polite?puhleazzeee...

Last time I checked, being polite means, "showing good manners toward others, as in behavior,speech, etc.; courteous; " & not stressing negativity and trying to create a conflict among the users here or overusing the use of emoticons that just shows your apparent hypocrisy.

And wow, if you think this is some sort of an asylum for insane people why don't u just get out? Maybe you're the insane one coz u keep on going to a place where you're not obviously needed nor wanted. :lol:

Yeah, I think you've made your original point, that you're just somebody who thinks so highly of him/herself that you just can't accept the fact that you're not as gifted as you think.

Aww.. that can't be healthy.:(

You're okay, right? Do you need some psychological help? ^_^

Go to the doctor and present there your so called 'objective and polite' opinions.. `kay:)

GOD BLESS, i think it's you who needs this..

(And please don't use the name of God in vain, ^_^ .that was on your number 2 post..)

i hope you're intelligent enough to understand wht I said, if you can't, then feel free to pm me.

I may not be that intellectual as u think u are, but at least, I could understand some things that don't need INTELLIGENCE but COMMON SENSE...

if you only have manners...tsk..tsk.tsk..tsk..^_^

@the moderator: Thank you for keeping an eye to this person and to this thread, he/she certainly needs someone to take care of him/her. :)

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Guest loveeeWG

just finished watching mama live on my tv. no WG... i am still sad over that. AND seeing other group taking the awards make me a bit nostalgia.. i want WG to win. no matter what, i still want WG to win.. music show awards.. anything. And sometimes i feel that they are not credited enough.





I want this..

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Guest savoir vivre

Yeah, I'd love to WG attending award shows and receiving awards again T^T.

those pictures make me want to go back to 2008, hehehe, (my wonderbang was there lol xD)

Thanks for sharing!

@gossipLight911: very well said! <3 ahahahabiggrin.gif that honey could suck all them roses.. ^-^ Hey, no offense to you, okay :) hehehe lol.

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Guest Nataly91

Watching MAMA 2011 make me miss 2008 a lot. Really. Actually, i just enjoy some nice per from Beast, 2ne1....The rest seems to be a game make fun for listener. 

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Guest freakloverxx

at first i am a bit sad that there is no Wonder Girls at MAMA.plus no BB and DBSK too and that makes me feel all nostalgic and it is like there is something missing from those award shows'

but after seeing all the dramas between kpop fandoms i think it is better if the girls are not involved.since kpop is at peak now, i guess dramas are unavoidable.

btw..BE MY BABY mv has reached 11 million views in just 3 weeks..

with MAMA = WG are awesome,w/o MAMA = WG are still awesome.wub.gif

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Seriously, watching MAMA '11 makes me miss the girls even more... which is funny, because they are back promoting in the domestic market lol. Watching the award show without WG just doesn't feel complete to me. It's the selfish WonderFul in me speaking; I want to see them conquering the stage again.They always had great stages for these award shows and it would have been great to see them tonight. Oh well.

Sunye had suicidal thoughts? That is very surprising. She always had that strong front and it unsettled me to read that. Sunye (and Yeeun, Yubin, Sohee, Lim, Sun Mi!), know that we love you girls very very much<3.

Wow these once very reserved girls have really opened up since going to NY, huh? Sunye's recent string of shocking confessions and Sohee saying another idol was staring at her when she was at the gym. Who would have thought Mandoo would say that? I'm really happy that the girls are opening up and sharing more personal things with us.

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It seems like the story Sohee was talking about turned out to be about Lee Seung Gi which was adorable hahas, she seemed so shy when she was talking about it and while Seung Gi was defending himself. Then there was a segment of Sohee, Yeeun, Yubin, and Lim vs Sunye; I might not understand fully about what Sohee, Yeeun, Lim, and Yubin was saying but from what it looks like, the girls were telling the story about the their plane flight being canceled for their New York concert and they had to buy make up and put it on themselves. They also continued on with the story of Yeeun falling on stage during Nobody and everyone helped her get up except for Sohee who continued to dance because she didn't know at all. LOL, it was so cute. The girls were also embarrassed by Eunhyuk, Leeteuk, Boom, and Shindong.

Yubin is talking a lot more in this episode, along with Lim and Yeeun. Sunye's was talking but I don't have any clue what it was about. Lim had an Act Cool mini perf. At the end, lol, the four girls had air blown in their faces and Sunye won!

P.S - During MAMA, did any of you guys notice when they were announcing Song Of The Year they had a small video showing clips of artist who won since 2007. Lol, and when I saw the girls faces during the 2008 part, it seriously made me feel proud of the girls.

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Guest emjaybahaya

this years MAMA is boring because the real hallyu stars arent there..cough WG..cough..BB..cough..DBSK...

it would have been the best if our girls participated there, good thing wondergirls labelmate MISS A were there to bring class on the stage. :)

anyway im enjoying strong heart now while having breakfast. WG plus BREAKFAST = good COMBO!

you can watch STRONG HEART HERE <3


Mod Edit: Please consider your words when writing. When you state "Miss A were there to bring class on the stage", you are implying the rest of the artists do not have class and that can be considered a form of bashing.

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i was disappointed that the girls weren't at MAMA too, but hey i'm just happy to see them back. Watching all of the performances, i thought if they were there, they would've brought something new to the stage like always. I enjoyed some of the other performances as well but WG would've brought the house down if ya know what i'm saying haha

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^ totally the girls awards performance is alway the best and I love everyone of it. I'm sad they not there to perform oh well. Mayb they'll be there next year. I hope they perform on year end stage though. I miss seeing them do so, kekek by most importantly I just want them to do some special stage. ^O^

Oh man 08 mama was the best! Three of my favorte group ever in kpop win the top awards. The girls, big bang, n dbsk :) I remember waking up so early just to watch it live n seeing them winning best song was the proudest moment as a fan for me. One I'll hope to see my three favorite on the same stage again. One day lol

Wonderful stay postive :) Fighting!

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Guest Mia_Mia

"My biggest source of power in this comeback are the fans. I'm really sorry and thankful to them."

Sunye - SBS Strong Heart


(trans - wonderr23)

I missed the show, are there any youtube links?

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Guest purpleraine1988

didn't watch MAMA cos WG and BB is not there..hehe...i watched last year and it wasn't a disappoint. WGs performance last year is great...maybe next year~~

O.o Sunye confessed first...this girl really. didn't knew she had that in her...so she asked, "please be my baby..." hehe ^__^

can't wait for the subbed Strong Heart :D

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Hey fellow wonderfuls, I think soompi has a rule that says CREATING MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS IS BANNED?

Anyways, it's kinda sad that the girls didn't attend MAMA this year... (but my other fandom won, so happy me) kk...

Just be happy people...

an intelligent person does not need to talk much to show, he or she knows much.

let's just keep our faith in our girls. :)

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Guest m y s t i q u e

Can't wait to watch WG on Strong Heart with subs...this is the reason why I want the girls to go on shows...we get a little more

personal each time with them!!! LOL at Sohee just dancing away as others help Yeeun...I hope Yeeun got some comfort

from Sohee after the perf though! Remember that one Win Win episode that Yeeun said she's afraid of Sohee <3 LOL.

Anyway, I have a feeling this thread is going to be a lot more positive in the upcoming days! YAY...

but on that note...let's just wash our hands of this situation and not give that poster the last say

about our thread by being anything but unwelcoming and accusing. I'm not at all trying to preach

but now that the situation is on it's way to being resolved (hopefully)...I hope to not see this thread suspended

because we still have a lot of spazzing to do cause there's still awards and music festivals and etc. :]

Sunye...the Wondergirls would not the the WG without her or anything other member in the group

including Sunmi. I glad she's over that phase and never ever contemplates those thoughts again

because she has proven she's not only a beautiful singer but a beautiful human being as well and this

world definitely needs an abundance of beautiful human beings such as our leader!

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Guest Celangel


P.S - During MAMA, did any of you guys notice when they were announcing Song Of The Year they had a small video showing clips of artist who won since 2007. Lol, and when I saw the girls faces during the 2008 part, it seriously made me feel proud of the girls.

Yes... I was there watching live but I was the only one shouting when I saw our girls on the screen. I was sandwiched between snsd fanboys on my left and Suju fangirls on my right.. haha...but I still enjoyed the show and cheered for everyone. CL blew me away. She really rocked the stage. Ok, I better not bring names or someone may report me(even though I'm not bashing other groups).

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