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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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Guest chanounette

Hello everybody!!

I've been silent for few days because of my exams grrr. First, I'm so happy for Sunye. She deserves to be happy- lol omg I have tears just thinking about all the things she went trough her life. I hope he's a good guy or he'll have tons of people who will hate him. Anyway, perhaps he's reading our posts??? Congrats?! lol

If Sunye is happy, I'm happy.

Also, I've read the previous posts. My fellow WFs I think you said what we had in our hearts regarding charts etc...

Actually, I felt a little guilty since I've mentionned others groups , of course not to bash them. I think I've been very stressed by their comeback because I wanted them to make a huge impact. I was a little bit disappointed because the albums sales weren't that high but I forgot that the market changed - it's really hard these days. But our girls are still loved by the public and they're so happy to be back in Korea; So I'm happy.and the album is DAEBAK. lol

In the future, I'll try to only focus on WG.

@Yoobyn: thank you for the link

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I am so happy for Sunye ! I think she deserves someone Special in her life more than anyone else in the world :) I just hope he's good enough for her hehe. 

But somehow I feel bad for speculating and wanting to figure out who it is.

I think that what she told us so far is all she wants us to know.

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I'm gonna cry, waaa of happyness, i'm really happy for her, our leader is an angel and of course she need's another kind of love so if she's happy wich we all know after her speaking we must support her and not even try to know who is the guy, cus is her private life and we all need to understand it. Let's be happy for her , dear fellow wonderfuls! :wub:

sorry for my bad english. i'm peruvian

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Guest valentino_rossi46

I have just watched Strong Heart and there are some main points. I dont understand Korean so here is my guess

- SY admitted her relationship and stated that JYP support her

- Lim said she is chingu- friend wt Sun Mi and clarified that she is Korean not Chinese> She speak a long English sentence to clarify her Korean nationality but only 1 short sentence " Im Korean" in Korea and Chinese :P. Her Korean is still weaker than her English :P

- Boom comment something about So Hee's hair during Tell Me days

- Ye Eun shared a story about JYP

- So Hee said about her part in Hands Up, then Ye Eun shared that she wrote GNO because of her clubbing experience with So Hee

- Ye Eun sang Smile and played guitar

Yubin didnt say anything today, preview for next week seems dont have much scenes of her too ><

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Guest ahhlynnx

While everyone is celebrating the news on Sunye being in a relationship(not for me because I'm a Sunhae :( But still, happy for her), don't forget to stream! Wonder Girls are currently #2 on Mnet, behind, crycry. Pray hard they'll win the trophy this week!!

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I am really happy for Sunye. Truly am. But a part of me feels like there's something about to happen, I don't know, call me pessimistic but I don't think Sunye is the kind of person to outrightly say this to the media. We all know how protective she is about the private life. If she has publicly announced this, doesn't that mean Sunye's relationship with the guy is on a serious level? I mean, they're going to debut in US next year, it would be quite hard to maintain a relationship with so much promotions going on I think. I'm hoping praying that everything is well and no news of WG disbanding is coming our way T_T (lol so drama queen of me, but I think we Wonderfuls have dealt with so much things already lol I just want the best for our girls.)

You have a point there. I hope this does not affect the music part of the wonder girls. Sunye seems like the serious type so I can see her getting married early.

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I don't understand the concern dating and being part of WG are not mutually exclusive.

Why can't she be in a relationship & still carry out promotions as part of WG? Besides in the US the promotion system is not like in Korea since they are relatively unknown they won't have a packed schedule in terms of tv appearances and such.

Besides the person she is dating is in the US?

don't be concerned about it too much, Sunye is a very responsible person and her i'm sure as the flawless leader that she is her number 1 priority is still WOnder Girls and nothing else.


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did u know if their album is selling well ? coz i read that they are only good at digital,too unfair to them why Korean audience is too mean to them.

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Once again,the news about Sun Ye's being in a relationship made me really happy for our leader girl.As every human she is entitled to have her share of happiness,i don't think it's the bad thing that she revealed it,i think she didn't want to deceive Wonderfuls and was probably thrilled to tell the world that she fell in love.I couldn't be more happy for her! Love you Sun! Now,who's next? Ye Eun,Yubin?

And I was watching SH and thought of translating Sun Ye's segment :


On Strong Heart: Translations of Sun Ye's Story.

Sun Ye : "To be honest,i thought about it a lot and the  members and i had a thorough conversation about whether i should reveal  it or not,and after our talk,i made the decision,that's why i wanted to reveal something,here.."

Lee Seung Gi : "Oh,wait,wait a second,we didn't even ask you any question yet."

Sun Ye : "I did violate the red light a bit."

The whole studio goes mad,EMERGENCY.TOTAL PANIC.

Sun Ye : "I wanted to share the good news with my loved ones and the people who care about me,and  i have been wanting to be congratulated."

Lee Seung Gi : "Wait.Are you getting married?"

Sun Ye : "No.A few months ago,i met someone."

Guests : "REALLY?!!!"

Lee Seung Gi : "STRONG HEART!You get it!"

Translations credits : wondergirlsoul @tumblr

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Guest eidolon

Took a break to make time for school and I come back to this awesome news. I am happy for Sunye but a part of me is also sad (secretly shipped SunHae, keke). I always pictured her with somebody older. I'm glad she was comfortable enough to let the fans know. I'm just hoping that there won't be any backlash from overzealous fans. She deserves to be happy and it seems like this man makes her happy. That's all that matters. There is nothing wrong with Sunye juggling her music career and a serious relationship. A lot of women do this. Just because things are getting serious doesn't mean it's going to be the end of her career. Women still work after they get married. You guys have nothing to worry about. She and the rest of the Wonder Girls have been working hard to get this far, do you guys really think she'll give that all up?

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Guest jagerbomb

im so happy for sunye! honestly i'm glad she was brave enough to come out with it and I'm super glad her bf isn't a celebrity (as much as I would like it to happen) but this way she doesn't have to deal with fangirls or whatever.

now I wonder if the other girls have bf's too :) hehe

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Guest Shjsgnd

WOW! What a BIG news early in the morning!

I have to applaud Sunye for bravely coming out and clarifying. I see it positively, and she has always been wanting fans to focus on what she  has to offer as a singer rather than on other things. It is sooner or  later that this type of news broke out and it is better to have her  admit it than to keep it under wraps and later found out by the media. I  think she herself felt better after saying it, now that she can live  with herself and not having to have to lie. The interview questions  thrown to WG will always include questions their love life and I think  Sunye did not want to have to lie.

Wonderfuls should be proud that our leader is one of the few female  idols at the peak of their career to speak out bravely about her  relationship (she might even be the first?). She handled herself  professionally, explaining her status clearly so fans do not have to  speculate further. She said she has discussed with the other members,  which shows her responsibility towards the group, and the other members  must have agreed. I am sure if other members have a boyfriend, they too  would want to be able to freely say it and not having to hide it, which  is why Yeeun has been openly talking about wanting to fall in love. They  might keep the guy's identity a secret, but they want to be known that  they are in a relationship and not having to hide it and worry about  media finding out.

I too agree with Rita86, dating and being in WG is not mutually  exclusive. Sunye has shown she can handle any difficulties that come her  way and she is someone who can keep a distinction between her personal  life and her career e.g. after the passing of her dad she bounced back  so fast to continue with the tour.

This episode has also brought up an interesting issue regarding JYP's  stand. It seems he truly care for the welfare of his idols, because he  knows that his idols are just like any human beings, and they cannot be  devoid of emotional feelings. I read that he told her to 'go ahead and  not to worry about popularity. you have my support', which is very  heartening to know. Some of the girls already missed out on a normal  teenage life, a normal schooling life, and if they were to be devoid of a  normal love relationship then their personal well-being is at a  compromise.

True, there will be some fans (fanboys especially) who will stop being  WG/Sunye's fans, but it is only a matter of time. Sunye really deserves a  guy to care for her, knowing what has been through all these while and  all fans should try to support her decision and wish her all the best.

Wonderfuls should be proud of our girls. They are always the trend-setters! They are as truthful as possible to their fans! Even male idols are shocked by Sunye's brave confession!

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Guest Stephy18

OMG I was so shocked when I saw the news. BUT I'M SOOOO HAPPY FOR SUNYE!!! :D

I've always felt that Sunye would be the first one to have a boyfriend.

Also felt that she would definitely be the type to date a non celebrity.

Within the group I feel like Sohee or Yubin might be the ones to date a celebrity

Anyways so happy that the girl can be so open about everything :D

now 4 more to go hehe.....but I'm sure the other unnies want to get a bf before the magnaes lol

Man I really want to know who this guy is that got Sunye's heart...

BUT I know this is her private life and I shouldn't get too nosy lol

haha I just saw on twitter Se7en asking Sunye to follow him lol.

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wow, watching this made me tear up tears.gif it's always amazing seeing how long they've been together and how much they've been through. so, seeing the older pictures of the Wonder Girls always gets me. i have so much respect for how hard they work. yenny is so talented! i really hope that JYP lets her release a digital single at least (like what YG has big bang do) or something more, a song that she composes & writes herself. i think that'd be so awesome happy.gif hope more people will realize how talented she really is!

i also wanted to congratulate SunYe! when i first heard the news, i was so surprised that she confessed. i'm so happy for her though and it makes me extremely happy to know that all the girls and JYP are so supportive. i hope she's truly happy and best of luck to her and her boyfriend biggrin.gif i love that she had the courage to confess too, hopefully this will be the start of the delusional fans realizing that their biases do fall in love and it's best to just be happy for them. SunYe is loved by everyone and she's such an angel. she really deserves the best so whoever it is that stole her heart.... YOU BETTER TAKE GREAT CARE OF HER sweatingbullets.gif congrats again! 

i'm sad that WG's still not confirmed for MAMAs. their performances were what made it so epic and worthwhile last year (other than GTOP's & Taeyang's perfs). i really hope they'll attend & perform. are the girls reallly ending promos after a month? time flies so quickly so i hope they stay to promote a little longer. i want a WonderBang reunion so badly lol. 

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Guest Zenzen01

First , I am sooo Happy for our leader ! ^^ When she said he wasn't a celebrity i was thinking she met an handsome American <3 

The guy is deffinately luck! Sunye has a golden heart & 1 in a million! 

Second, i've been streaming like crazy ! But i just read that our girls are 2nd in Mnet. I tried to stream in that site, but i think their asking me to log in.. & i can't read korean so i won't be able to sign up.....  

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