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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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myNameIs-rAin: Hey, thanks for saying that. Thing is, we all know that trolls lurk everywhere, in all shapes and sizes, and the thing about antis who seemingly anti just one member out of an entire group is that they do so by trying to prove that they "love" the other members. But we know that that's not true at all. Honestly, I think this topic has been more than exhausted and we, as fans, have matured to a point where things like this shouldn't phase us, because I know ( though we may not be personally acquainted) some of the Lights who post all this amazing stuff up on this thread and keep this thread running and going forward (excuse me while I don't name names, but you all know who you are and I am very thankful to you, and love you guys for it <3) , and I know that you guys do that because, while you (we) all obviously have a member we are biased about, we still love the entire group too, seeing as we know how vital each and every member is to the entire band! 

So basically my point is that if you let these low-lifes get to you with their vulgar and base words, then you're letting them take the upper hand. Our girls are mature women who understand the hardships of the game. They know that with great love, comes great hate and jealousy as well. They are mentally strong women who don't let the words of a sad few mar the love and respect they receive from the rest of the hundreds of thousands!!! So lets try to emulate them, in this mindset, and not let people with hatred in their hearts get to us, k guys? All for one and one for all, ain't it??? And also, while I'm on a role here with the cliched verses, here's another one: "Sticks and stones may break my bones/ But words will never hurt me!" 

God I keep sounding like such a mother preaching!!! I'm not that old yet!!!

Anywho, cheers guys!!


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Guest finesse.

@myNameIs-rAin: I understand you very well. It's unfair to the part of SUNlights to be generalized in such befouling manner, but maybe we (i'm a light too ^^) are just misinterpreted by the way we show our love to Sunye. 

We are not selfish and rude, it's just that circumstances vary. For example, we can't participate in one event to another Wonder Girl, because there was an emergency, it's not your fault, it's not anybody's fault. 

Don't cry :(, I know that it hurts to be deemed in a way you're not really are, but don't let this get into you. That hater is not a true WonderFul, he/she just wants to create a conflict among us. I'll help in spreading the word to report that person, so his/her account will be taken down soon.

The good thing here, is that you're not afraid to voice out your side of the issue. It's really nice that you are able to lay out your point of view and sentiments on the matter, so you won't harbor any ill feelings towards the other WFs with other biases. 

Communication is one good way to solve a problem so I think that it's alright to vent out your emotions :).

I hope you will not be sad anymore . Smile, dear^_^.. let's just vote for the Wonder Girls here =]

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Guest glamorousCHIC

@myNameIs-rAin: Jinhee, dear. My sweet little dongsaeng, I understand you very much because we are in the same page. Thank you for letting that stuff off your chest. I hope you're feeling better now. Deziree pmed me and said she's guilty for bringing up that "Sunye's going solo or taking flight.."  topic at the WGSpec Min Sunye thread. And I told her not to feel guilty because it was just for pure entertainment. Those below the belt tweets were really below the belt but as what finesse. said, you shouldn't let it get into you. I know that you're young, but I also know that you're rational, so let's just ignore that troll. We've been friends for months now and I am glad that you are not keeping anything from us.

We are your family ! :) So stay strong and happy dongsaeng. Wonderfuls will always be the same. We will always be one. ♥


With much love,

Phoebe Unnie♥

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Sohee featured on Marie Claire October issue wub.gif "BEAUTY INTERVIEW" (Extension of Vision of Beauty for Lancome)



한결 여성스럽고 성숙한 느낌이에요. 화보 촬영, 어땠나요?

뷰티가 주제인 화보는 처음이라 걱정이 많이 되고 긴장도 되더라고요. 하지만 과도한 메이크업이나 헤어로 변신한 것이 아니라라, 가장 나다운 모습, 현재의 내 모습을 그대로 보여줄 수 있어 오히려 더 특별했어요.

어릴 때 데뷔한 만큼, 피부 관리에 신경이 많이 쓰였을 것 같아요. 물론 시행착오도 있었을 것 같고요. 스무 살이 된 소희의 뷰티 케어는 어떻게 달라졌나요?

피 부가 나쁜 편은 아니었지만, 어릴 때부터 짙은 화장을 자주 해서인지 피부가 예민해지는 경우가 있어요. 그래서 화장품에 민감하게 굴 때가 많았어요. 하지만 이제는 화장품 탓을 하며 신경을 곤두세이지 않아요. 마음을 편하게 먹고, 일에 몰두하다 보면, 어느새 피부 밸런스가 회복되는 것 같거든요.

화장품을 고르는 기준도 조금 달라졌겠어요.

예 전에는 패키지나 컨셉트를 중요하게 생각했어요. 하지만 요즘에는 화장품도 자연스러운 것이 좋아요. 향도 가볍고 바르고 나서도 부담 없는 제품들이요. 그리고 화장품을 바르는 습관도 달라졌어요. 빠르게 많이 바르기보다는 하나를 바르더라도 시간을 두고 여유롭게 바르죠. 피부를 지그시 눌러가면서 서서히 흡수되기를 기다렸다 다음 제품을 바르면, 메이크업도 더 잘 받거든요.

메이크업하기 전에 살짝 봤는데, 피부가 그야말로 아기 피부 같아요. 머릿결도 참 좋고요. '소희 스타일 따라잡기'라는 말이 나올 만하네요.

제 외모 얘기가 나올때면 창피하기도 하고, 또 신기하기도 하고 그래요. 다른 가수나 배우들에 비해 아직 모자라는 부분이 너무 많은데…. 최근에는 피부 좋다는 말을 많이 들어서인지, 나도 모르게 더욱 관리를 하게 되나봐요(웃음).

한국과 뉴욕을 오가면서 활동하다 보면, 특별히 관리받을 시간도 부족할 텐데, 자신만의 비결이 있나요?

스 트레칭과 안무 연습, 그리고 반신욕! 모두 특별히 시간을 할애할 필요가 없는 방법이죠. 특히 안무 연습은 멤버들과 즐거운 시간을 보내면서 자연스럽게 운동도 하게 되니까요. 땀을 흘리는 것이 피부를 더욱 탱탱하게 해주는 것 같아요. 스트레스도 사라지고요. 그래서 누군가 이런 질문을 하면 저는 주저 없이 운동과 반신욕을 추천해요.

지금 파우치 속에는 어떤 뷰티 제품이 있나요?

수시로 뿌리는 미스트와 립밤 제품들. 그리고 미용 티슈 정도요.

평소 즐기는 메이크업 스타일은요?

입자가 고운 파우더를 선택해서 아주 소량만 발라요. 그리고 립글로스만 가볍게 발라 최대한 내추럴한 메이크업을 해요.

최근에 많이 쓰는 제품을 소개해주세요.

향초와 티트리 샴푸, 순하고 밀키한 클렌징 제품들이요. 그리고 최근에 알게 된 랑콤의 비지오네르 에센스.

Requesting kind @wonderr23 to translate this 


cr : 

박늑대민여우 @ Wondercuty



Hehehe... thanks for the translation!! I missed out the last answer from Sohee.... so now u can add her last answer too ^^

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Guest wonderr23


The photoshoot seems to have a feminine and matured feel. How was it?

-I felt nervous and worried since it's my first time doing a beauty-themed photoshoot. But since the make-up and hair is not exaggerated, it felt rather unique to me since i was able to show my real features.

You must've taken good care of your skin since you debuted at such a young. I'm sure there are many trial and errors in that process. But how does 20 year old Sohee maintain her beauty now?

-I didn't have any bad skin problems in the past but there were times when my skin felt sensitive to heavy make-up. But recently i don't worry about it too much. Just feed yourself well so in that way you will be able to gain your skin balance in no time.

Did your standard in selecting cosmetics changed at all?

-I used to buy package concept cosmetics in the past. But these days i really like the natural ones. Naturals cosmetics are light and they don't burden your skin at all. My methods and habits for applying make-up changed as well. Rather than applying it in haste, do it gradually and let the product absorb in your skin. Press it onto your skin gently until it gets absorbed, then after that the process of applying the actual make-up gets better.

I saw a glimpse of you before the make-up, you do have a baby-like skin. Your hair was nice too. So i guess that's what they call 'Sohee's eyecatching style'.

-Whenever someone tells me i have a baby-like skin i feel embarrassed and at the same time amazed. I still lack a lot on that criteria actually compared to other singers and actors...Recently there are a lot who have good skin, i think i'm gonna have to manage mine more(laughs)

It must've been hectic since you travel back and forth between Korea and New York, is there a secret on how you mantain yourself?

-Stretching and practicing choreography, and half-baths! These methods are beneficial for busy people like us. Me and the members gets exercised naturally by practising our choreography. Letting your skin sweat is good and stress disappears too. So whoever asks me this question, i would not even hesitate of recommending exercise and half-bathing.

What kind of beauty products are in your pouch right now?

-I often have mist and lip balm with me. And beauty care tissue.

What kind of make-up style do you usually prefer?

-Fine powder but apply it lightly. Same as the lip gloss. I prefer to make it more natural as much as possible.

Please introduce the latest products that you use now.

-Incense candle and tea tree shampoo, gentle milky cleansing product. And the recent product i know is Lancome Vision Essence.

Source: 박늑대민여우@Wondercuty

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^ wonderr23 hehe, thanks for translating the questions!


Omg! Those pictures are so pretty, Sohee finally has a pictorial where she has the natural innocent chic look of a twenty year old we've always known her as. I really hope someone is able to translate her interview questions/or the magazine. I really hope we'll be able to find HD quality scans of those pictures! It's definitely not the kinds where we should just pass on <33333 Thank you so much for sharing!


Hey, it's nice to see that you're trying to state your point of view with everyone else. My ultimate bias is Sohee by the way and I'm not going to lie to everyone but sometimes when I do watch videos of all five of our girls performing and read comments below I'd sometimes see words like, "Why is Sohee taking some of Yubins rap lines?" "Why do they even give Sohee lines?" "Why doesn't Sunye just sing for Sohee?" or words that hurts even more, "Why doesn't Sohee just become the Wonder Girls back dancer?" and I'm not trying to aim or shoot at you guys but I do notice that those are fans of other girls like Yubin, Yeeun's or Sunye's.

Although those are fans of the other girls, I don't particularly aim everything at Lights, Yubinians, or YeParkies because I know that real fans are fans that accepts every single person despite their flaws and would know that all six of our girls were placed in a group with one another is because they fill in eachothers flaws. I mean, our girls could all go solo, but like what Sunye said herself, "We shine the most when we're all together." Which is why they're all together in Wonder Girls. Real Mandufuls, Lights, LIMiters, Yubinians, YeParkies, and SUNMIjjangers wouldn't shoot daggers at other fan clubs, especially among the Wonder Girls, because not only would it hurt other "Wonderfuls" it would eventually get to their favorite member and hurt them as well. I mean,

Just because your ultimate is Sunye, why do you hate on Sohee?

Just because your ultimate is Sunmi, why do you hate on Lim?

Your ultimate is Yeeun, why are you bashing on Sunye's vocals?

Do you know what I mean? Like, even if someones a particular "Lights" having that their ultimate bias is Sunye I honestly believe that if a person likes ONE member among our Wonder Girls and bashes the other members........ They're not particularly a fan of that member because as they bash the other girls, they are also hurting people that their ultimate bias loves.

So, I hope you just know, my dear, that all of us Wonderfuls (Mandufuls, Yubinians, Lights, YeParkies, SUNMIjjangers, and LIMiters) know that those are not real fans and they are just people that has low lives, enough to always bash hurtful comments at our girls and trying to hurt them/us. If it doesn't get to our girls and hurt them, then it definitely shouldn't hurt us.

I hope you feel a lot better after getting everything off your chest and always know that all fans of our girls support eachother, because we are one, and the ones who loves the Wonder Girls the most.

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Sohee looks so pretty!! I love these pics, I wish to have HQ version =D She looks so good especially the 1st pic in blue outfit~ and thanks wonderr23 for the translation, so fast~ I can always expect to see all the news and very fast translation in this thread... Awesome~

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Guest savoir vivre

Guys, I'm grateful for those heartwarming things you told me.

I am feeling much better now, thanks to your very kind words.

Honestly,  I was feeling nervous at first, thinking that you'll probably ignore me :(.

But you didn't ^_^... Gaahh.. I am so touched right now. I'll try my best not to let those trolls get into me.

난 널 사랑해!, 함께 우리는 영원히 서! ♥

@glamorousCHIC: Phoebe unnie, I voted for them already. We can vote in multiples, right? Thanks for your kind words.

@heartmiso: Are the staff of Marie Claire going to release HQ pictures of those? ^.^ I'd like to add in my Wg stock pictures.. :D

@Yoyo: Thank you.  ♥ i understand your stand on the matter now ^^

@Patience: Thanks, err..Patience? Do I have to call u unnie? lol xD. I'm feeling so much better now ^^

@finesse. : Hey, Jessica.. Thanks for saying those kind words, :) Do  I have to call you unnie too? or are we at the same age? =]

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More Soheechul!

Thanks to all who visited KATC offical blog, 'Hoon Nam Story'. It has been already three weeks since Super Junior Kim Hee-Chul joined KATC... We're going to introduce 'Super Junior, Kim Hee-Chul talks about Korean Army Training Center', which will show you how Hee-Chul spent 4 weeks of training at KATC. We're in the process of editing video clips, and the final cut (including video and photos) will be uploaded on next Monday. Contents of final cut are highly influenced and reflected by Super Junior fans' comments on this blog. Also, from the last video clips about Kim Hee-Chul enjoying Choo-Seok, truth of Hee-Chul having photos of So-Hee from Wonder girls will be revealed. You won't be disappointed.

Please come visit, and enjoy! Thanks!

Credit http://blog.daum.net/katc/560

I saw this on weibo. Looks like Heechul purposely put the picture of Sohee behind him during his Chuseok video message.



Credit as tagged

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Krystal M. Harris, the casting director of "Wonder Girls at the Apollo" booked two more casts for the movie.

Alex Taylor - Hotel Doorman




Credit http://www.kabookit.com/2011/09/booking-untitled-teen-nick-movie-envy.html


Vanessa Suarez - Robin (choreographer)




Credit http://www.kabookit.com/2011/09/booking-untitled-teen-nick-movie-envy_23.html

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i dont know what happened but Mr. Mark-PD tweeted these.. and he is so right~ im so touched by him~ i know He knew everything~ if only people will realize..


wondergirl was the first, so show them respect

19 hours ago


wondergirls have started this, and I was there all the way,they have started this idol movement in korea, hope you all know this...respect

19 hours ago Favorite Undo Retweet Reply

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lexp: It is his response to the anti @WGkpop on twitter. Mark PD jjang! Some fans tweeted Mark PD to tell him about that anti @WGkpop insulting WG and Sunye so I think he said they should respect the girls.

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Here's another upload of Wonder Girls' performance at JYP Nation in Japan (the one before was removed on youtube)

110922 Wonder Girls-I Wanna+Nobody@JYP NATION in JAPAN


Lim got a twitter reply from BoA. Lim's a huge fan of BoA, she auditioned for JYPE in HK with one of BoA's songs. If I remember correctly, it was one of Lim's friend that wanted to audition and so she agreed to go along to support her friend. Then Lim decided last minute to audition as well and chose a song by BoA.


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@SUNlight: Can you explain me "half-baths!" - what does it mean? ("-Stretching and practicing choreography, and half-baths!"). I dont understand T_T

Anw, Thanks for translation! :)

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Guest mrsheedragon


i was wondering what is half baths too~ LoL i love that picture of yeeun and her family~ i wish mine can do that someday.

We should all thank MarkPD for standing up for the girls~ That anti is really too much.

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Guest wonderr23

@SUNlight: Can you explain me "half-baths!" - what does it mean? ("-Stretching and practicing choreography, and half-baths!"). I dont understand T_T

Anw, Thanks for translation! :)

@TrangPi and @mrsheedragon

half-baths as in the half-body bathing? lol They consider that as a type of diet or something they do in order to have a good healthy skin. They fill the tub with hot water usually up to the belly button so the body sweats a lot. And the 'Stretching and practicing choreography' means these are the exercises Sohee get when she's busy :) You know body stretching right? kkk The exercise where you stretch your body :ph34r:

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