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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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Guest liiindda

I am seriously crying right now!! I have been waiting for sooooooo long. I don't even know how long anymore???? I waited for January, then March, then June, then September, and now THIS??? JYP!! What are you doing? You promised us Wonderfuls and especially Korean Wonderfuls!!! I really want to protest right now. I wish i can somehow let's JYP know all of this, and how everyone is feeling!!! Wonder Girls needs to comeback! We missed them dearly to the point where I am going crazy hearing this news. I was so disappointed with the article and allkpop, I was crying and defending WG against the Haters and everything AND even got hate on for defending our girls. JYP I really don't know anymore. When is the wait going to end??? I'm was very very patient but I'm going CRAZY right now!! Seeing all other fandom cheering for their idol and supporting them by buying album I wish to do the same, but they'e no where to bee seen!!!

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Guest ♪ LeeNa ♪

well ,, i think it's ok for me to wait until 2012 i mean it's not a long time ;D

don't say next year guys just say after 4 months ;)

and i'm sure it's worth waiting :)


with you until the end :wub:

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Guest sweetsnow_91

after hearing about the news, i was soooooo disappointed! i mean, we've all been waiting for an EXTREMELY LOOOOONG time just for that moment when they would release their album. i could sit here and rant all day but i know that it wouldn't help anything. all that us wonderfuls can do now is just wait and hope. i know that a lot of you guys are either mad/disappointed/sad about this issue, as so am i. i think that at a critical time like this, let's all stay strong and optimistic! even when others are saying how our girls shouldn't have gone to the US or how they should come back to Korea, i think we all know that the girls & jyp made the right choice. they were at the top of their game and had nothing else to conquer back in Korea. right now they are obviously taking their time and being cautious about this whole process. i miss the girls dearly and i guess we just created A LOT of hype due to those rumors. i hope that JYPE answers the questions that ALL wonderfuls have about the girls. they need to clear up all of the confusion that we all have.

to my fellow lovely wonderfuls,

i hope that we all stay strong for ourselves and for the girls, as they are in the position of entering a new playing field. all that we can do now is sit and wait. we just need to be patient for a little longer. i know that it is said easier than done but let's all stay together and as a fandom be the strongest that we have ever been before. our girls are starting to lose fans as each day rolls day and they need us the most right now. to be honest, i really do not care if the girls succeed in the US market or not because i know that they are doing what they love. they are spreading their music and are leading a Hallyu wave across the whole world. now i don't know anything about how they are planning to debut or if they are going to have a comeback in Korea, but all i know is that i am going to be right there with them 110% of the way & i know that you all will be there with me too. so yes wonderfuls, let's spread the love of the 6Wonders and let the whole world know about them! let's not let all of their hard work and strength go to waste! so, go and spread the WONDER! <3

/// BUT on the plus side, if the girls do make a comeback in 2012, they will at least have they chance of promoting around the same time as BIG BANG! WONDERBANG FTW ;)

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Guest beceshawtti3

OMG, can you guys chill? Seriously, my god. I feel all of you Wonderfuls have no life except to wait for WG. Okay, I am a Wonderful myself but think realistically and calmly. THEY ARE COMING BACK ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. They're not dying or anything. And you won't die if they don't come back this year. Don't you guys think after waiting so long, it's mentally draining? For me, yes but like I said, they're coming back. Stay busy and you'll hear news. Waiting like this will just make it worse for you all.

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Guest qsslave

seems like some of u disappointed with the news from allkpop...

chill out people...jyp knew what he is doing...he knows a lot of entertainment business than we do..he is not just a some random young man who just talk big and do nothing..dont u think he will not consider all the risk that he is taking?he knows what he is doing...

for me,be it 2011,2012,2013 or 2020...i think i still can wait for the wonder girls..

whether their us album will success or not,it depends on us...we are responsible to make them successfull...

dont u proud with what wonder girls doing and their advancement to us?dont u realize the wonder girls is now on a different level?

if they are still at korea;

1.they cannot experience the hardship/obstacles that they need to face at us.(maturity)

2.they will not get opportunities to attend any fashion show at us.(marketing)

3.they cannot enhance their english language skill.yeah,they become more fluent as they need to talk in english a lot at us.

4.their bond will not be as tight as when they are in us.

5.they will not appear on us show.

6.they will not appear on billboard mashup.

7.they will not get the opportunities to perform at athens.

im so proud with them and what they are doing...they are way mature than me..eventho im older than them..in the mean time,why dont u people enjoys other groups,watching movies,kdramas for waiting the girls' comeback..it is worth waiting..bye..peace!!!

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Guest VenusValentine

lol it's look like some of us really richard simmons off after excited news about magazine and JYP nation :lol:

My personal though is that if JYP can get someone really big feature in our girls next album, it's will worth the wait, time, money and effort the girls spend in last 3 years B) The chance of that person appear in our girls US debut album is really high. However, let's just wait and see, should we all ? ^^

Moreover, the article said US debut album, they didn't say Korea come back, but it's allkpop article which (well) not really reliable B)

let's just wait for the 31st and we will see any update and news, and i'm curious for JYPE response in K-WFs question ^^

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Guest wonder-ful

It's normal for some of us to feel disappointed and sad. We've waited for so long. They were supposed to make their comeback during summer or at least in september but now we have to wait until the first quarter of 2012.

I am and will always be a wonderful but I really can't understand why we have to wait until 2012!! Did they finish recording their new songs? If yes, why do we have to wait until 2012? Do they really have to release their album in timing with the movie? What will they do until the end of this year then? Will they be active in Korea?

Since 2009 all we've been doing is waiting and hoping for something new from the girls, we don't know anything about their plans and their schedules! It's so unfair... I'm proud of their great achievements and I'll support them no matter what but I feel like we have the right to complain and ask for some answers from JYPE. They need to communicate more with us.

I really really hope they will at least make a comeback in Korea this year and I can't wait for JYPE to respond to the questions made by K-wonderfuls!!!

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Guest Mickyluloveskpop

More waiting ?? OMFG ! Sorry i love them and everything but this is killing me ! Just wish the have and earlier korean comeback and then a Us debut ! Miss them on tv so much!

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Guest omgitscrystal

Oh Wonderfuls,

I know we've been waiting for months for their 2nd album! And naturally we'll be disappointed and upset at the same time.

I totally agree with qsslave! If they hadn't gone to USA, they wouldn't have gained so much experience on and off stage! And since JYP is experienced, we need to trust him! We need to believe that what he is doing is the best for our girls.

And, no matter how long we have to wait, we need to not lose faith and be patient! We need to continue supporting them and giving them encouragements instead of complaining and worse, leaving the fandom. Wonder Girls WILL come back. And I know we won't be disappointed! I'm sure the 2nd Album will be worth the wait! ;)

Stay positive, WONDERFULS ^_^

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This is not the reality i wanted to wake up to.

Everyone has pretty much said everything i feel.

I'm so so so mad not really because we'll have to wait more but because on top of waiting we practically get nothing absolutly nothing like real wonder girls video???

Sometimes we go months without seeing them and that for me is the hardest part.

And i disagree with the JYP knows best sentiment i think he's honestly taking wonderfuls for granted.

OMG, can you guys chill? Seriously, my god. I feel all of you Wonderfuls have no life except to wait for WG. Okay, I am a Wonderful myself but think realistically and calmly. THEY ARE COMING BACK ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. They're not dying or anything. And you won't die if they don't come back this year. Don't you guys think after waiting so long, it's mentally draining? For me, yes but like I said, they're coming back. Stay busy and you'll hear news. Waiting like this will just make it worse for you all.

Also i don't think it's fair of you to say that some of us don't have a life. People are entitled to feel the way they want. Some people are just more passionate than others...

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Guest BobaMilkTea

As happy as I am on the recent news about Wonder Girls' album and new TV show, I believe it's right for some Wonderfuls like me to get disappointed on the lack of effort from the company for not keeping their own words like how they did when they announced the previous dates for the album.

I as a Wonderful, support whatever Wonder Girls are doing! I been with them ever since their debut. I can wait as long as forever, however, I just can't tolerate anybody who do not follow their words. Their company should realize that when they keep changing Wonder Girls' new album dates, they are affecting us Wonderfuls by making us confused and lose our hopes to know what to expect.

After they change the dates so much, it has numbed me to the point where I kinda doubt the album will ever be release, even now with the new released date they gave us, I still don't think they will ever release it. You can say that the company have lost my trust, not all but most of my trust. I really hope the company can fix this issue or else they will appear dense to other people.

If they are going to give a date, stick to it. I hear them announcing Wonder Girls' album date for over five times, yet they failed on keeping up with their words by showing no sign of the album.

I also want other Wonderfuls, who oppose us for showing feelings of disappointment to the company, to understand why we feel this way. We know that as a WONDERFUL we should not feel this way and continue waiting like what we have been doing for so long, but try to understand the position where the company put us into, okay? We are not stupid, we do not need little babies to tell us what to do and what not to do, or act a certain way. So the most you can give us is to understand us.

BTW, it's pretty offensive by calling some of us no lifes, maybe not intentionally but it's still has the same negative effect. Look here smart mouth (not gonna name who), we have a life, yes we do, if that amazes you, and we are not called a WONDERFUL for no reason. We support our idol group and to your amazement, our idol group are part of our life too. To me, Wonder Girls are an inspirational figure that has made me overcome some difficulties, maybe to you they may seem like just an 'idol' group but realize that it's different for others. I am not going to further my explanation for it will be too complicated for someone like you who lacks common sense.

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Guest *bluebutterfly*

I'm so confused right now! I've read comments on omona before visiting this thread, so i'm feeling a upset right now. >.< I really can not wait until JYPE answer Kwdfs' questions because I really want to know what they are planning. We have been told the album has been delayed so many times and have been waiting forever. I believed that their comeback was really close, considering Yeeun dyed her hair yesterday and how articles have been reporting that there's going to be wonsoka comeback in september. =/ I'm still hoping that this is going to happen because they do have a little time before it's October. But if not then I'm going to accept it and wait. But I do agree with YoYo, I guess we've kind of created a hype for ourselves. =

Like others have mentioned, Kwdfs must be having it bad. And like liiindda mentioned, reading comments from those who are not wonderfuls' is difficult and makes me more upset. It is going to be a little tiring to carry on defending the girls when others may be laughing at us because the album has been pushed back numerous times or about the fanbase decreasing, but I guess this has been mentioned a lot of times already so we can continue with the way we were dealing with it, and we know popularity is not something Wonder Girls miss or are too worried about. They have bigger things to worry about and concentrate on.

I am not angry but upset. I don't mean to make it sound like life as a wonderful is really difficult and tiring but I'm just saying that it can get to you, especially when there's news just released and you're feeling a little disappointed or upset about it. If I do have to wait until 2012, then I will wait and will continue being a Wonderful, even if it does get a little difficult and I hope we will still get to see our girls regularly. I will be a Wonderful forever!

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Guest sibilance

I'm not angry by this delay just frustrated a little. But I can't say that I'm surprised about this delay it happened time and time again. We as fans just need to wait and stay united. Hey at least we get a film out of all this right? Double dose of the WG. 

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Guest diraaina

wonderfuls , please do not loose hope of our beloved wg or even jyp himself . i know how frustrating it is to wait and wait but theres still no nothing . we need to stick together and still support our girls . i myself was VERY frustrated and sad once i heard the news but then i thought about our girls and the flying birds and i don't want them loosing anymore fans . we just need to suck it up and pull together because WONDERFULS ARE STRONG . please don't let this issue be some sort of argument among us . i'm just scared that this thing will break us wonderfuls . besides , like some of you guys said . this news is from allkpop , and well ... they're not a really reliable source . so ... just cross our fingers that jyp himself will step up and talk about wg US album and korean comeback soon . till then , stay strong beloved wonderfuls !

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I checked korean sites and the news is true.... .first they said January then March then April then June and now they are telling us we have to wait for next year ...let just hope the girls will have a korean comeback that will be longer than 2 weeks

원더걸스, 미국 청소년채널 TV영화 주인공 캐스팅ta_1313901121_1906131806_0.jpg

그룹 원더걸스가 미국 청소년 TV채널이 제작하는 영화에 주인공으로 캐스팅됐다. 21일 소속사 JYP엔터테인먼트는 원더걸스를 주인공으로 한 TV 영화 < Wondergirls at the Apollo >가 내년 초 미국 인기 TV 채널인 ‘틴 닉’(Teen Nick)에서 방영된다고 밝혔다. JYP엔터테인먼트와 공동 제작자인 닉 캐넌의 회사 엔크레더블은 지난주 세계 4대 미디어 회사 중 하나인 비아컴/MTV네트웍스의 청소년 TV 채널 틴 닉과 < Wondergirls at Apollo >의 방영 계약서를 체결했다. 틴 닉은 미국 전 지역에서 7000만 이상의 가구가 시청하고 있는 채널로 인기 힙합 뮤지션 드레이크를 비롯해 미란다 코스그로브, 키키 파머, 빅토리아 저스티스 등의 스타를 배출한 바 있다.

영화 촬영은 10월에 시작되며 내년 1/4분기 중 첫 방송된 이후 총 6회 이상 방영될 예정이다. 제작자인 닉 캐넌은 팝스타 머라이어 캐리의 남편으로 유명하며 틴 닉 방송국의 회장이자 인기 MC다. JYP엔터테인먼트는 “닉 캐넌이 원더걸스의 미국 내 성장가능성을 높이 평가해 이 영화의 제작을 맡았다”며 “아시아 가수가 주연배우로 나오는 일은 미국 TV역사상 전례가 없는 일이라 미국 내 많은 업계 관계자들이 관심 있게 이번 프로젝트를 지켜보고 있다”고 밝혔다. 원더걸스의 미국 데뷔 앨범은 이 영화의 OST 형태로 영화 방영에 맞춰 발매될 예정이다.

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Guest soheeWG

The first quarter of 2012? Really? <_< We don't even get an exact date. We really need an official statement from JYP or the girls.

I don't think we've created a hype for ourselves, the girls said on many interviews that they were coming back this year for sure. What's happening? I will wait and support WG but it's getting harder when we don't even know what they're doing.

I wish for a korean comeback now.

:angry: I don't appreciate some people telling us that we have no life except to wait for WG. They changed the release date so many times it's so frustating. It's been a year since we heard anything new from the WGs, isn't it okay for some of us to be disappointed ? We've been waiting for 3 years for their US album so we know how to keep ourselves busy don't worry. So keep your advices to yourself please. We just really want to hear new songs from WG and we are waiting for their comeback because they are definitely worth it.

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enlighten the mood...

[HopeTreeCampaign] Sunye's itinerary today: pick up the kids, lunch, played games, mini performance, phototaking. Throughout the 5hour-event, Sunye was constantly surrounded by the kids and having to accede to the kids' numerous requests. Before she even stepped out of the toilet cubicle, the kids wanted to rush in to request for a photo!

Before Sunye performed, she asked the kids if they have any questions. Qns by kids: Do you have a boyfriend? What's your mobile number? How old are you? It was real hard work but Sunye was very nice and polite to everyone. The Naver team was there to film the entire event. The kids love her. The kids were very hyper, kept 'pestering' her and taking every opportunity to take photos of her. She was visibly tired at the end of the day.

cr. sunyebaidu@twitter

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