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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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this is my second post since i have been visiting this forum a year ago.

I read some comments about the girls while I was having fun watching the girls on National Geographic Channel on youtube .  so I wrote my comment in reply to those comments I have read.  Now i want to share it with people on this forum,   here below is my comment,

some people still don't get it.

some people are against their decisions to give up domestic market in Korea and to take the US journey, reversely some people support it. who is right and who is wrong? this US album will tell us all. EVERYONE. As I said, JYP and the girls knew all the risk they are taking and are still proceeding with their goals. It is because if they succeed in (not necessarily a superstar status) the US, they will have the rest of the world automatically. (one of the reasons why they completely ignore the Japan market). worse comes to worst, they know they can always come back to Korea and the rest of Asia markets if the worst happens to their US journey. they will still restore their superstar status in most Asian regions including their homeland (Korea). that is why they gave up their domestic market (Korea) and not to try the Japan market like others.

they are trying to make themselves a truly international girl group in the maintstream music in most countries instead of staying back in their homeland and Asia making more money. the former they will become a global star and have more fame and fortune, the latter they will continue to have more fame and fortune but only in Asia. the outcome will be seen very soon, if you are wonderful or korean, you should wish them a success in the US, and if you are not wonderful or being anti/hater, you can bash on even it doen't do you any good. it's your own will.

Just a thought.

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Guest qoxie

wonderstruck -- Re: Album v2.0. LOL Succinctly put. That's the gist I was getting at.

But I doubt the various US producers are involved again. Each was given his WG track(s) to produce &, upon completion, would move on to their next collaborations. Their services are in hot demand anyway.

JYP is the executive producer, but he had already tweeted earlier this year that his role was the most laid-back with WG. He was also in Korea, filming Dream High.

Rainstone PD is JYP USA's point man, but it doesn't appear he was at Claude Kelly's session. (He might have been at Fredro's.)

EDIT: If WG is supposed to go to Indonesia this month, I wonder if they are giving up the trip in order to resume studio recordings....

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lomahtw -- Well said. But going global also entails juggling the English-, Korean- & Chinese-speaking markets.

There is a core WF fanbase who follow WG throughout. But unfortunately, there are more casual fans who lost interest (due to the language barrier or whatever) whenever WG focused on one language market, eg. their China trips last year.

For me, it's accompanying the journey itself that is the fan fulfillment.

In that sense, those who jumped ship (or who thought they could take time off) have already missed out on a lot.

Don't fixate too much on regaining their "throne". Happy if it can happen.

But if you really mean to infer regaining fan braggadocio instead, the backlash against JYP will only get more vicious if the US stint doesn't work out.

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Let's have something lighter.

Slow news days, but Mexican WFs got Yeeun to retweet this.

It's an appreciation certificate recognizing their voluntary participation in a Korea Association-organized event.


Cr: EsenciaWonder @ twitter

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Guest *bluebutterfly*

This is a funny comic strip.


Credit: Sunmi Jjang


Sorry about the size. I dont know how to fix it .... >.<

Picture link is here. 2ueju5k.jpg

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Guest qoxie

선예 간증 - 원더걸스 리더 - 토론토 주사랑 교회

Translates as "Sunye's testimony - Wonder Girls Leader - Toronto Joosarang Church"

Newly uploaded clip but I checked back: the event was in early February 2010 (circa the H Mart fanmeet period before Sunmi withdrew). The 2nd half seems more recently filmed, likely this year.

22 minutes long. The audio is in Korean.


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Guest V.Wonderful_Mike

How many songs in the upcoming EP album? 6 or 8?I remember that a JYPE's staff-Moonworker tweeted that Wonder Girls have 3 songs was inspected. Then he deleted it. Why? JYP don't want any info about WGs's new album out? 

And so, our girls have to record 3-5 more songs. Too hard to release it in June, better believe it. They also take some photoshoot, film MV,... And JYP don't want Wonder Girls lose (just saying) in US market because the carefullessness, when many K- big stars and K- rookies are flying to US to debut like 2NE1, JQT, Rania, UKiss... The competition will be more harshfeudal. 

OK, Wonderfuls, our girls need our patience. We waited for 1 years, why not 1-2 months more?

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Guest qoxie


Mark June 15, or whenever 2PM's new MV comes out.

If it is in 3-D -- or displays evidence that Samsung Electronics is involved -- I think odds are good that WG's will be the same.

In other words, the production process would have begun long ago, but in the hands of animation artists.

Unlike a traditional filmshoot, both idol groups need not be in attendance (which in turn would have probably been leaked to the press).

Then again, maybe Samsung is saving the 3-D projects more for the concert arena.

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Knowing about a group of 3 songs doesn't give us but a partial count.

The total amount of songs ready, the ones in the works (or re-works) and how many of those are meant for the EP or other projects is unknown. Can't describe this better as in "practically, we're clueless" ^^

Still I believe that there is no directive about keeping us barred from info, as the staff tweets are abundant and include interesting details sometimes (one example, staff meetings with Stevie Wonder & others).

If I were in the production shoes I would avoid to create too much expectations until I'm sure that I can live up to them -- when a launch date is finalized, I bet we will get enough info to get us hyped, plus teasers with bells & whistles :)


Coincident, wonderr23 as sent an inquisitive tweet to the man itself, and it's been retweeted already 7 times. I did it -- if others want to add up, check

https://twitter.com/#!/wonderr23 about 3 hours ago. May be we can shake the tree a bit :P


@qoxie My Claude Kelly hint was due to a May 28th short and cryptic tweet by @moonworker to @claudekelly, still visible in the former's timeline. Hard to figure out, it just gave me the impression they're in contact.

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Guest *bluebutterfly*

Sunye left two messages at fantastics today.

SUN : 14 minutes ago

one by one, step by step, every single moment, I put my value with all my heart.. give Thanks…!

SUN : 16 minutes ago

we are all going to Apollo Theatre to cheer for G-soul tonight. such an amazing gifted artist! proud of him Blessings*

For those who have not come across this, I would suggest you to read this. It made me tear up while reading it.

Credits to mrsmaknae @ tumblr for writing this piece. <3

I'm proud to be a Wonderful

This is such a beautiful and caring fandom. We’re loyal to our girls forever. No matter what country they’re in, we won’t forget, and we won’t give up. Chasing your dreams requires sacrifice, something our girls have learned well. But they’ve already conquered Korea, it was time for something more. After becoming the most famous girls in Korea, they became nobodies in the jungle of New York. It was a lesson in humility for the most humble girls on the planet.

And their hard work has paid off. They became the first Korean artists to break into the top 100 chart. They opened for the Jonas Brothers, who whether you like them or not, are insanely popular. And then they were able to headline their own tour. These girls have worked so hard. Imagine being taken away from your country where you are loved and adored, and popped into a country where barely anyone knows who you are, and the music scene is notoriously hard to break into?

The Wonder Girls are so incredibly down to earth. They are just normal Korean girls, working hard to make people happy. They are not vain, they are not selfish. They don’t think they’re deserving of your love, but they want to earn it. They don’t see how truly wonderful they are. But they realize that together they are one. As Sunye once said, “We may not be the prettiest or the most talented, but when we’re together, that’s when we shine the brightest.”

And that is just one of the many reasons we love our girls. They have the most beautiful personalities. It’s an amazing thing for a Wonderful when someone begins to love our queens. When they realize that Sunye is the most humble, caring person ever. It’s when they understand why she’s Goddess Min. All of her charity work, her devotion to her group, her amazing job as a leader. It’s when someone realizes the pure talent that Yenny possesses. When they realize that she may be the appa of the group, but she’s sweet and loving. It’s when someone realizes that Yoobin isn’t just the rapper, she’s a goofball. It’s when they realize her singing is just as beautiful as everyone else’s. It’s when they realize that whatever she tries, she excels at. It’s when someone realizes that Sunmi is more than just a pretty face. It’s when they realize she has an amazing voice, and an amazing personality. It’s that moment when they understand why she’s our 4D princess. It’s when someone realizes Sohee is not arrogant, and she’s not untalented. It’s when they realize that she’s merely confident. It’s that moment of realization they have when they understand that the beauty of her voice doesn’t like in the strength, but the pure sweetness of it. And it’s when they realize that Lim is NOT a replacement, she’s an addition. When they realize that behind the sugar and sweet, Lim is fierce. It’s when they see the kindness in her heart. It’s when someone sees how much Wonder Girls need Wonderfuls, and how much Wonderfuls need Wonder Girls.

Wonderfuls are one of the most peaceful fandoms ever. There is a reason our motto is “wonderful = mannerful”. We don’t engage in fanwars. When Sunye was attacked by two different fandoms over dating rumours, we didn’t fight them. While they tried to trend #RIPMinSunye, we simply tried to trend #ProtectSunye. We are not the type to engage in the name calling. I have never seen a Wonderful be vicious and mean. That is why I love this fandom. We are fiercely loyal to our girls, and we want to keep the Wonderful name clean.

That doesn’t mean we are perfect. No one is perfect, no fan club is perfect. We have been through the pain of member changes twice. It was honestly easier with Hyuna because it was very shortly after their debut, and now we can see her with 4Minute. Even if she is no long with the Wonder Girls, she is a Wonder Girl forever, and we support her just as we support the others. It was much more difficult with Sunmi. After 3 years, and so much work, it was like a chunk of our heart being ripped out. Especially as we wouldn’t be able to see Sunmi all the time like we see Hyuna. But we accepted it, for Sunmi. Because being a Wonderful means supporting the girls in whatever makes them happy, and for Sunmi, that meant going home to Korea and going to school. Even now it is still hard, and we miss her terribly. We all wait anxiously for the day when she comes back.

But here’s where our mistake comes in. I will not generalize my fandom, not all of us were like this, many of us embraced this change with open arms, but there are those that didn’t. We gained a new member. Lim joined the Wonder Girls 3 years after their debut. Everyone was shocked. It was a very difficult transition. It’s like having a stable family for years, and suddenly there’s a new baby sister. It takes some getting used to. And unfortunately it was a big of a struggle for some Wonderfuls to accept Lim. They saw her as a replacement for Sunmi, though it’s long been cleared up that she is an addition, not a replacement. When you are a Wonder Girl, you are one for life. It was difficult even for the girls. Sohee and Yoobin have both admitted (and apologized) that they were not kind enough to Lim after she joined.

But now here were are a year later, and it is easy to see that they are truly a family. They love each other, they’re there for each other. As long as Wonder Girls and Wonderful together, they will always be our most beautiful Queens.

Wonder Girls are the 7 Wonders of the earth. And as a Wonderful, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

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Guest qoxie

wonderstruck --

Nope, don't think so. I've been monitoring moonworker for hints of studio activities myself.

He & Min Lee (aka collapsedone) are about the only US staff active on Twitter on this, since JYP has been quiet, Rainstone doesn't have an account, Tommy Park is M.I.A. (since March) while Jane Kim, David Hyun & Kim Wooje aren't involved with the music side.

I think Moon Ho Yoon & Claude Kelly are following each other. The latter had tweeted to ask who's watching the European Cup final, & received a "guys at JYP" reply.

Moon did tweet an enigmatic "한달만..." ("A month...") on June 3 but then seemed to switch topics in his other tweet that day.

Check out collapsedone's timeline instead, which might offer a bigger clue: http://twitter.com/collapsedone

Min Lee had contacted Fredro Odesjo on June 1, possibly to share his own music since he's a composer-cum-producer.

Or possibly to share the WG track(s) Odesjo had worked on, since I don't think the latter is producing for 2PM or missA.

Here is their exchange (in reverse order):

Collapsedone: @fredro awesome! glad u like it man. hows bali treating u? i'll send out few more tracks before u come back- 7:43 PM Jun 1st via Twitter for iPhone in reply to fredro

Fredro: @collapsedone yes i did dude , sounds good! 7:25 PM Jun 1st via web in reply to collapsedone

Collapsedone: @fredro did u get the track i sent couple days ago? 6:29 AM Jun 1st via Twitter for iPhone

Min Lee & Moon also tweeted each other in mid-May, except it appears they were working more on missA's (or MIN's) music.

Collapsedone: @Moonworker haha i know. cant wait to record that bass tomorrow morning :) 1:51 PM May 13th via web in reply to Moonworker

Moonworker: @collapsedone Not done yet!!! :) 1:41 PM May 13th via TwitBird in reply to collapsedone

Collapsedone: @Moonworker Thanks hyung! Track sounds amazing :) 1:28 PM May 13th via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Moonworker

Moonworker: Mixing Min's Smash Rock track right now! 12:03 PM May 13th via TwitBird

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Guest qoxie

LIM's father's new Facebook profile pic.

I'm getting the feeling he is missing her terribly.

His FB is almost like a shrine to her. :P


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*bluebutterfly* -- Thanks for the updates.

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Guest V.Wonderful_Mike


The Wonder Girls haven't released their official US debut album, but they are still taking over American magazines. After being featured in People, Paper Magazine, V, and many others, the five wonderful ladies have taken time for "Nylon". What did their recent tweet and official site state about their appearance? Check out the information below for all the details:

"The Wonder Girls On Nylon Magazine

The Wonder Girls were recently featured on the July 2011 issue of Nylon Magazine.  The writer mentions how K-pop (Korean Pop Music) has already taken over Asia and is now headed towards the American market! And who is in the middle of all this? The Wonder Girls! Members Sunye and Yubin both believe that no matter where you are from and how different you may be, you can still “truly enjoy the same thing.”


Will you be picking up your copy of "Nylon", now that you know the Wonder Girls are featured?

Credit: @followWG and The Wonder Girls Official Website


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Guest xjjjLOVE

Let's not stress ourselves out Wonderfuls...I know we are impatient, lord knows I am but let's not jump onto any conclusions or assumptions,

the only plausible ones we can make right now for sure is that whatever this album comes out to be, it's going to be 100% of the girls tears, sweat, and overall grit.

They put everything on the line to try and show the world what they have, we should commend them for that, be proud of them, enthusiastically support them.

A lot of people say they're making mistakes, that they threw everything away but names like Wonder Girls, DBSK, BoA can be away for even a decade sometimes and make a gigantic wave in the kpop scene as they please. It's not all about continuous promotion, the girls are already on the map, no matter where they go, no matter for how long, if they put their all into a comeback like they have been for this album, there will be no failure.

As to the genre of the album...I could quite honestly care less as long as it's GOOD. What I'm more worried about is having their English polished to perfection, Americans have a wide taste in music, what they are much more judging of is accent.

So Wonderfuls, we've waited for so long, and we are close...so close..but let's continue to wait, let's continue to stay strong

This album is going to be something big, if not to the world, then at the very least, it will be to us.

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Guest jcsmark

@qoxie I'm thinking WG's album release in August in more probable too. Maybe even Sept but I don't mind the wait.

WG did an interview way back on Jan. 8th, (Las Vegas). I did some google searches and the clip appeared to be taken off youtube not too long after it was posted, but I did see a few wonderfuls tweet the link. Any wonderfuls here able to see the clip before it was removed? Thanks :)


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Guest vietboi_tuan

At first when the album continues to be push back, I was really angry but we have waited this long. Might as well continue to wait for a well developed album. JYPE and the girls was this album to go BIG! Because they have invested so much into this debut that it has to go perfect. The best we as Wonderfuls can do is wait patiently.

Also see this opportunity as a time for the girls to enjoy their time. SunYe got to do numerous charity work which she loves and enjoy doing. YeEun parties and have fun (like any girl her age should be doing). Lim, YooBin and SoHee are seen walking in the park and doing stuff they enjoy as teenage girls. I'm glad they got the time off. Not like any other group have a chance to do what our girls get to do. Let them enjoy this time because the album release.

We all know they will be working really hard when the album come out. Promoting in the States, Korea, China, possibly all over the world. The girls can't adjust to the time difference which will only be harder on their health.

Wonder Girls fighting! Wonderfuls fighting!

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Guest qoxie

WG was mentioned in a Kpop feature by Argentine teen mag Luna Teen again.

The publication had surveyed the most popular K-idols online in April (link) & then published the results in their May issue.

Dunno how many pages there were, but I found this.


Source: http://www.dongponew...tml?idxno=19012

WG in the same mag last year (May 2010 issue).


Source: http://www.21bangs.c...e-issue-of-may/

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About G-Soul: I got the feeling he may be JYP's next project this year (after WG's album).

Always wondered he had chosen to remain in the US for academic reasons, & I think his recent tweets confirmed as such (he was stressed out by exams).

If he is indeed completing his studies soon, there's gonna be a career choice to make.

Yet with J-Lim's successful return to Korea, as well as G.Na's strong debut, it is evidence that there is a market for poppier Korean R&B again (as per pre-2008 before the idol craze exploded).

If so, I think his & WG's professional paths could well intersect in the future, since they (as well as J-LIM & missA's MIN) formed the "older", RAIN-influenced JYPE proteges who were seasoned during the pre-bubblegum era.

G-Soul has been on the radar so long, it's hard to believe he's only as old as Yoobin & the oldest 2PM boys. (San E, G.Na, Changmin, Seulong are all older.)

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Guest r1988

To be honest I'm not upset from the fact that they are taking so long in recording and preparing for their English album( which sometimes makes me wonder is it maybe b/c they are also still recording for their Korean album? maybe)

but what makes me upset is the fact that they keep saying we will release the album in this month and they get u so excited and u feel like u cant wait for this month to come then suddenly they push the album again to another month …

I mean no matter how big of fan u are ,u still cant help yourself to not be upset or angry and this is what Im feeling rite now

since the girls are still recording for the album it means the album will not be released in June or anytime soon lol surprise surprise why I'm not shocked ..

like I said before if they are not done with recording and they are not exactly sure when they will finish preparing for the album then it would be for the best to not give us false date of their album release and announce their comeback month when they are officially done with everything

I know some might not like what I just said but Im being honest

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Guest wonderr23

i know we all are eager for Wondergirls to come back but we must be patient! Just think of what our girls are feeling right now! They are feeling burdened too... Like JY said they might not be the most beautiful and talented girls in the field but their work ethic and their perseverance is second to none. They are professionals! What we're feeling right now...believe me it doesn't compare to what they're feeling at the moment. They miss their fans too! (Take YeBin for example who occasionally tweets sad cryptic words) It's not only us who are sad and longing. :( We can wait for them right Wonderfuls? ^_^

Sorry i dont have anything to share XD *runs away*

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