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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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Guest Artemis

I was organizing some of my art and I found this and I thought to share it with you guys.

Wonpires Girls






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Guest valentino_rossi46


^Sorry but it's look ... ><

Yubin twitter translation from Yubdot . Seems JYPnation will have cooking competition for real befor JYPNation Japan lol

main course is sushi and appetizer is croquette~ どんぶり(japanese style bowl of rice served with toppings) Japanese-style noodle curry そば(japanese buckwheat noodle) breads .... can u follow me??!! binge club?!! RT @2AMCHANGMIN: @WGyubin 완전콜!!!!ㅋㅋ 스시에 고로케로 에피타이져 하고 ~ 돈부리 우동 카레 소바 도라야끼 메론빵est... 따라올수 있겠어??!! 폭식클럽?!!

hahaha right~~ can we get together in japan? haha RT @WGyubin: @2AMCHANGMIN ㅎㅎㅎ 맞져~ 아 우리 일본에서 뭉치까요~ ㅎㅎ

i have a good night for a long time RT @WGyubin: 오랜만에 잠을 정말 푹~ 잘 잤다

i would like to sleep well!! T.T i think the sun rise again! RT @jungeo1004: @WGyubin 언니도 푹 잘자고 싶다!! ㅠㅠ 또 해뜨겠어! ㅠ

hul~ unnie, u will become ill~ RT @WGyubin: @jungeo1004 헐~ 언니 몸상해요~

unnie.. i woke up in the middle of the night...hul T,T RT @JOOJYPE: @jungeo1004 @wgyubin 언니..저두 자다 깼어요....헐 ㅠㅠ

U too? these days, everyone cant sleep well @WGyubin: @JOOJYPE 너도냐~ 다들 요즘 잠을 못자는구만

can't i sleep well because i miss unnie ? kk come in quickly.... RT @JOOJYPE: @WGyubin 크힝 언니가 보고싶어서 잠을 못자는거 아닐까? ㅋㅋ 언넝 와...

hhhh right?? ah.......oops... everone can't sleep well cause of me RT @WGyubin: @JOOJYPE ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 그런거였어? 아... 이런... 다들 나때문에 못자는거였구만~ ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ

i ate it~ my love phat thai~ RT @WGyubin: @JANEyjK 난 어제먹었지롱~ 내사랑 팟타이

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Guest wonderful ♡

2PM's Taecyeon mentioned Yoobin in one of his tweets ^^


I'm not exactly sure what's going on but  monson001 is apparently a Taecyeon fan. Reading the other tweets from her, she mentioned something about 4 October and Taec replied to that with "Wonder Girls Yoobinnie's birthday ke" lol SO CUTE.

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Guest Yoyo

I love all the JYP family interactions and the article about who the girls would date in the group hehe. I found it adorable how Yeeun chose Sunye, Sunye chose Sohee, and Sohee choosing Yeeun.

please excuse my rant,

Sigh, so I was just browsing in the "★♥ Favorite Members From Each Kpop Group? ♥★" and while scrolling down I saw a bunch of posts where the Wonder Girls were taken out, or the answer would be "--" or "n/a". It really breaks my heart to see this... especially when the girls were crowned the female artist of the year in 08 and had accomplished so much.

I hope they'll be back soon and I hope the wonderfuls who left would gain back their love for the girls as well.

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^ I agree with you except that I don't want the Wonderfuls who left to comeback. It's too easy. I mean, they left WonderGirls when WonderGirls need them the most. They don't support WonderGirls anymore. Even some of them dislike WonderGirls now. I don't see why they should comeback in the fandom. They couldn't even support WonderGirls just because WonderGirls wasn't active. That's not being a fan... They can stay with their new favorite group =) It's all right like this! Of course I'm not against new fans joining our fandom =) They are welcome! As long as we Wonderful stay loyal to WonderGirls and stay Mannerful, everything is all right! The number doesn't mean anything =)

Oh and I saw this thread (on AKP right?) and yes a lot of people skip WonderGirls or ignore them. I guess it's because WonderGirls aren't active... All I wish is that WonderGirls can surprise them when they'll comeback. I don't like it when people ignore WonderGirls =)

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Guest *bluebutterfly*

Lim was chat at fantastics earlier but left after a while. Benny said the girls have a meeting. Not sure what it's about though.

And also he said Lim and Sohee have been on today. I managed to spot Lim's post because I was on at the same time but I didn't know that Sohee went on until Benny menioned it.

And to sunlights, be on the look out over at fantastics. Benny said Sunye might go on later today or tomorrow. :)

I'm not entirely sure whether it can be shared, its my own screenshot and I guess if Benny can say it in chat, I guess there's harm letting a few more Wonderfuls know about a meeting and Sunye going on fantastic. Thats something to look forward to. xD


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Guest Yoyo

I found this picture so cute, ahahs, look at the two maknaes! It's so nice to see the two maknaes hanging out with each other <3


Time square with Sohee and Lim! 귀여운 막내들 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Sohee and Lim at time square!


Sohee and Lim! We were walking and took some pictures! LOL

credits: followWG and JANEyjK@twitter

. . .

Mana.Smile -

I understand where you're coming from, but if you think about it... People make mistakes. I don't mind if fans come back, I mean, we're a welcoming family, because we're all Wonderfuls who stand behind the Wonder Girls. I agree, I dislike it a lot when people ignore our girls, some people doesn't even know who they are which breaks my heart. Sigh, they'll see when the girls come back <3

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Guest qoxie

No sign of Yeeun's diary update yet, but then it's only a few hours past midnight in NYC time.

- - - - - - - - - -

2AM apparently referenced WG during their ongoing Taiwan visit, according to the media there.

Before coming to Taiwan, 2AM's fellow disciples WONDERGIRLS had repeatedly told them how delicious the local steamed dumplings are. Band member Changmin said: "I also heard the 'bakkwa' (BBQ pork jerky) is very tasty. Gotta buy some to take home." Told by a staff that it would not make it past airport security, he laughed: "Then I will stuff it all into my belly."

Excerpt translated from source: http://tw.news.yahoo...03/4/2snxj.html

- - - - - - - - -

Sunye's latest tweets about Haiti was picked up by the Korean press.

원더걸스 선예, 아이티를 위한 기도 부탁 “마음도 예뻐”

[2011-06-03 08:51:43]

원더걸스 선예, 아이티를 위한 기도 부탁 “마음도 예뻐”

[뉴스엔 허설희 기자]

원더걸스 선예가 팬들에게 아이티를 위한 기도를 부탁했다.

선예는 6월 3일 새벽 자신의 트위터에 “아이티를 위한 기도제목을 함께 나누고 싶습니다”로 시작하는 글을 게재했다.

선예는 “현재 아이티는 3월 말경부터 시작한 우기로 인해 곳곳에 물이 불어서 콜레라 환자들이 급증하고 있는 실태입니다”라며 “그러나 정작 많은 단체들이 부족한 운영비로 인해 운영하던 클리닉을 닫은 상태입니다”라고 아이티의 어려운 상황을 전했다.

이어 선예는 제2콜레라 치료센터로 콜레라에 걸린 아이가 온 것에 대한 안타까운 마음을 전했다. 선예는 “시골지역에서는 많은 사람들이 치료를 못 받아서 죽어가고 있는 상태입니다”라고 안타까워 했다.

또 이어진 글에서 선예는 지속적인 관심과 기도가 필요하다며 “무엇보다 치료받지 못하고 죽어가는 환자들을 위해서 그리고 현장에 있는 모든 스태프들을 위해서도 기도 부탁드립니다. 축복합니다”고 마무리했다.

선예의 진심 어린 글을 접한 네티즌들은 “선예는 진짜 착한 것 같다. 봉사활동에 힘쓰는 모습이 아름답다” “이렇게 간절하게 기도하는 선예가 예쁘다” “얼굴도 마음도 예쁜 진정한 천사다” 등 의견을 보이며 선예를 극찬했다.

또 선예의 진심 어린 기도를 함께 하는 네티즌들도 많았다. 네티즌들은 “선예와 함께 아이티를 위해 기도하겠다” “선예 글을 보니 내가 부끄러웠다. 나도 더 관심을 가질 것이다” “함께 기도하면 모두 살기 좋은 세상이 올거라 믿는다” 등 의견을 나타냈다.

한편 선예는 최근 봉사활동 하는 모습이 온라인 커뮤니티 게시판에 게재되며 이목을 집중시켰다.

허설희 husul@newsen.com

Source: http://www.newsen.co...106030833471001

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Guest qoxie

→ Day 40/365

Wow, day 40…time passes by quickly :P anyway, the start of my summer break has been extremely uneventful and I don’t know what to post as a pic for today, so I’ll just post some pics that were on my comp from the 2PM/ Wonder Girls concert from last summer…sighhh I’d love to see those sexy boys again~ <333

On second thought, most of these pics are blurry and u can’t seem them x.x So here’s some..of the Wonder Girls (All the 2pm pics were bad…aigo stupid me x.x)






Source: http://justadreamingrealist.tumblr.com/

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Rain Starts Fashion Line, Wonder Girls Release Cosmetics

Posted by Spell Bounder on 12:39 in Fashion


Koreans adore their celebrities and some ardent ones constantly try to get their hands on anything stars adorn, including clothes, cosmetics and even medical products. Smart stars not only share, but now offer their own brands.

Singer and actor Rain recently announced that he will launch his clothing line, Six to Five, next year, while pop group Wonder Girls and even comedian Park Myung-soo have come out with a cosmetic line and a hair product business, respectively.

Fashion brand Six to Five was created by Jtune Creative, an affiliate of Rain’s agency, Jtune Entertainment. Some of the company’s pieces were already presented to the public when Rain wore them at his comeback performance last month. Under the concept “intelligent vintage,” Six to Five will bring a trendier wardrobe for fans and fashion lovers.

“With an elegant and formal burgundy velvet jacket, baggy denim and long military boots, we believe Rain’s outfit portrayed our concept to the fullest. Simple and classic, but with a hint of vintage,” Lee Jong-mi from the Jtune Creative design team said.

Six to Five will officially launch its line next year with a spring and summer collection

Park Jin-young, the CEO of JYP Entertainment that once nested Rain, brought the five-member Wonder Girls to fans last year and now the girls have something to offer in return.

With the help of cosmetic line CLIO, the girls have launched a cosmetic line, Peripera Wonderline. The brand offers six different cosmetic products ― Wonder Ever Pact, Wonder BB Cream, Flash Wonder Base Wonder of Lips, Wonder Shot Blusher and Wonder Duo Mascara and Liner ― each of which the members themselves chose and designed.

“The girls participated in the whole process, from packaging designs, the products and even advertisements, despite their busy schedule,” JYP Entertainment said.

The agency added that the products are targeting young girls who want to try make-up but are cautious in using cosmetic lines that are either too expensive or too heavy to wear everyday.

Fans can find Peripera Wonderline through its Web site, www.periperashop.com .

Meanwhile, Park Myung-soo, the star comedian from the popular entertainment program “Infinity Challenge,” launched his own shopping Web site selling none other than heukchae, a powder product bald people tend to use instead of wigs. Park became the talk of the town with it, leading him to create an Internet shopping mall for men and women who are also worried about their hair lines.

The Web site www.geosungmall.com not only offers products certified by Park’s experience, but also a counseling corner where users can share their problems with a doctor and other information boards that will come in handy.

Stars jumping into their own businesses and appearing in advertisements are nothing new, but some worry about downfalls.

Kang Seung-koo, a professor of the department of media arts and sciences at Korea National Open University, said that “association” is what brings success and also failure.

“There is a gap between a certain product and the image of a celebrity. The customers think about the image of the star and then try to connect it with the product. If this is not properly done, the product is bound to fail to win the hearts of customers,” Kang told The Korea Times.

The professor also mentioned specialty and professionalism, which are key factors in starting or maintaining a business. Attracting fans with popular stars is one thing, while purchasing and using the product is another.

“In the case of Christian Dior or Benetton, the heads were already famous and talented designers and businessmen, which made their brands reliable. But if you hire a celebrity who has no knowledge or expertise in that certain area, it might bring some attention first, but some customers will start to question the quality,” he said.

The worries should help customers think again before plunging into celebrity products, and also work as a reminder for stars who are considering expanding their stardom into various areas.

src: http://www.expressnews247.co.cc/2011/06/rain-starts-fashion-line-wonder-girls.html?utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed


v lol yea, just noticed that. WG's cosmetic name is not peripera anymore, it's WG by Wondergirls now.

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Guest UncleSam

Rain Starts Fashion Line, Wonder Girls Release Cosmetics

Posted by Spell Bounder on 12:39 in Fashion

This is a really old information(probably 3 years or more so). Rain's clothing line- Jtune Creative exists no more. Rain got sued about the Jtune Creative and the court case was closed long ago. Jtune was acually changed to JYP Entertainment-publicly traded in Kosdaq and became a subsidiary of JYPE-[privately held company). JYPE is the parent company and the biggest shareholder of JYP Entertainment, now. Wondergirls costmetic line from Clio is no longer promoted by Clio.

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Guest Ly0209

Both Rania and Block B was on the radio show Shimshimtapa who are host by Suju Shingdong and KARA Gyuri and Wonder Girls was mentioned a couple of times! They played a couple game and they had to guess which song and which group who sing it and Wonder Girls So Hot appeard. Ranias' Joy who is from Thailand is a big fan of Wonder Girls and Block B started to dance to So Hot!

It started in 03:05 


Sohee was mentioned at 13:47

[Credit: 7ontheblock@youtube]

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^ Everybody misses them <3

just come back already.

Btw Sorry for that -1 on your post I meant to hit +1 but I'm typing from my IPod it's easy to make a mistake. Really sorry :o.

Hopefully everyone else will hit +1

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@heartmiso - Is it a new pic of Sunye? She looks so cute and pretty *o* It's funny because last week there was a video about Sunye and Suzy being look a like, and I thought "yeah maybe just a little" but now I see these pics of Sunye, and the 2nd one (on the right) she looks exactly like Suzy O__O So pretty =D I love her hair too.

and also the video about Rania and Block B. I love Joy =) Xia and Joy are my fav of their group. It's cool that both of them sing So Hot, and that Joy is a fan *^^* I noticed that everytime there's a new group, there's always 1) they mention WonderGirls or 2) they do a cover of one of WonderGirls' songs or 3) they dance to one of WonderGirls' songs. and it's true! No exception!! I'm not trying to say WonderGirls are the best (but you know they are haha) but really I don't know any other group that so many rookies mention. I'm a PROUD Wonderful. and to all the people saying WonderGirls are over in Korea... think again =D

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Guest Marilori

Lim, Sohee, Sunye look soo cute in their latest pics. I thought Sunye was Hyunah for a second because of the hairstyle.

I'm always trying to run into the girls in the city, I'll probably just camp out in front of the JYP building lol

Thanks for sharing guys!

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Guest ah_mui

Unseen Sunye selcas? she looks so cute like a kid in the one where she's showing off her ring, and then so elegant in the bottom pic. :D


cr: baidu

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