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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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Guest itsWonderTime

^i understand what you're saying, and i still see the same problems with it. wondersubbers and WGspec put the 50 post limit on there so that people contribute to get to the subbed videos. If you're having other people upload the videos on youtube, that cuts out alot. Technically, a person wouldn't even have to join WGspec let alone post and still be able to watch the videos. that's not fair to those that work so hard on them. and as far as crediting goes, yes, their logo is on the videos but they won't get the much needed "thank you" from those watching. who would watch a video, look at the watermark, and look up the subbing team and say "thank you" for the vid they just watched? no one, that's who. and if you work hard, it should be given ALL the credit that is DESERVED. it would be as if you were running a lemonade stand and you had a deal that said "$1.00 all you can drink lemonade". you would WANT and EXPECT people to go up and pay their dollar and drink up. but! what if one person paid that $1.00 and since it was all they could drink, they would get cup after cup and just hand it out to their friends. for that person, it would be a totally steal because it would give the same result as all of their friends paying $1.00 but it would be cheaper on them. As the person running the lemonade stand, wouldn't you be upset? wondersubbers love WG but still, they are doing more than the necessary fan duties by working hard to make subs, so they deserve better. other fandoms have no problem with these rules, so why must the ones actually contributing have to bend backwards for the ones that don't feel like doing as much work? this whole thing would be a weird idea to propose to most forums, but of course not for wonderfuls =___=;;;....

I'm not saying theres anything wrong with giving credit, I support that.  But you need to understand that this is the internet, there will be people who credit to the original source and there will always be people who don't.  Everybody is different.  Videos get re-uploaded through many people and the original source can get lost in that transaction, thats just how it is. And as for your lemonade stand example, it has no relevant to what I'm saying and I can still see you're missing the point.

I'm pretty sure most people are appreciative of WonderSubbers work, whether or not they display it.  Just because they don't display their appreciation, dont assume they don't appreciate all the hard work put into it.  Like i said before, concentrate on the ones who do give credit. 

If you want to talk more about this, lets PM each other and keep it off the thread, because us arguing here is not going to fix anything.

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Guest wonderr23

I'm really trying hard to ignore this argument but here we go. First of all itsWonderTime you do have a very stong point! And a good one actually! But i just want to ask you. Have you ever subbed a video before? Have you uploaded one with a 400 and above worth of MB files via Youtube? If you haven't then i suggest you do it for the sake of understanding. You will actually learn that it is not a very pleasant nor an easy task. I have in the past subbed videos and uploaded it on YT. (But my account was suspended due to copyright reasons.)I really didn't care about the credit because as long as i was making wonderfuls happy then i am satisfied! But you've got to also realize that it's no easy task. I kindah understand where wondersubbers are coming from since i've experience it. All they ask is for respect and also acknowledgement of their hardwork. Is it that hard to understand? You can't just enjoy the fruit of the labor without respecting and giving credit to it. ^_^

BTW i'm also guilty of this but like some of you, i don't participate in the wondersubbers team. I just like doing it my way. Just uploading at youtube whatever. And also it's not i am lazy about it. It's because i have a very busy life! If i am lucky i bring my hard drives with me at the office and do my subbing there whenever i have my spare time. I just wish sometimes i have a clone to do that.lol Too bad i don't!

And also it's really not fair to compare the other fandoms with us! They have 5 or more traslators while us? We are outnumbered!! So if there are delays on producing subbed videos then please let's just wait for it since some of us don't do much(including me) on helping with the team.

like itsWonderTime i think it's really good idea if we can upload videos on YT. So if there is any vacant position for that then i will be more than glad to apply for it. I'm also thinking of becoming a part-time translator. If that is if the wondersubbers team approves of it. But please as i was saying don't ignore the hardworking group of people who produce those goodies. Now please stop arguing about this already.

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Guest itsWonderTime

I'm really trying hard to ignore this argument but here we go. First of all itsWonderTime you do have a very stong point! And a good one actually! But i just want to ask you. Have you ever subbed a video before? Have you uploaded one with a 400 and above worth of MB files via Youtube? If you haven't then i suggest you do it for the sake of understanding. You will actually learn that it is not a very pleasant nor an easy task. I have in the past subbed videos and uploaded it on YT. (But my account was suspended due to copyright reasons.)I really didn't care about the credit because as long as i was making wonderfuls happy then i am satisfied! But you've got to also realize that it's no easy task. I kindah understand where wondersubbers are coming from since i've experience it. All they ask is for respect and also acknowledgement of their hardwork. Is it that hard to understand? You can't just enjoy the fruit of the labor without respecting and giving credit to it.  ^_^

BTW i'm also guilty of this but like some of you, i don't participate in the wondersubbers team. I just like doing it my way. Just uploading at youtube whatever. And also it's not i am lazy about it. It's because i have a very busy life! If i am lucky i bring my hard drives with me at the office and do my subbing there whenever i have my spare time. I just wish sometimes i have a clone to do that.lol Too bad i don't!

And also it's really not fair to compare the other fandoms with us! They have 5 or more traslators while us? We are outnumbered!! So if there are delays on producing subbed videos then please let's just wait for it since some of us don't do much(including me) on helping with the team.

like itsWonderTime i think it's really good idea if we can upload videos on YT. So if there is any vacant position for that then i will be more than glad to apply for it. I'm also thinking of becoming a part-time translator. If that is if the wondersubbers team approves of it. But please as i was saying don't ignore the hardworking group of people who produce those goodies. Now please stop arguing about this already.

Yes I've uploaded Wondersubbers videos before on youtube and gave credit, but my account was also suspended because i didn't hide the name of the show well enough.  After my upload i noticed some people who re-uploaded the video i uploaded and not giving credit, but thats something we shouldnt get upset at because the logo 'wondersubbers' is always displayed.  Its not like they blocked the logo and passed it off as their own, they're not even making money off it.  All these people want to do is share with other people their love for the wondergirls, is that a crime? 

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Guest wonderr23


no it's not a crime. But it is disrespectful to the people who worked hard for it.

Look...can we all just drop this? Bottom line is...don't complain unless you actually contribute something to it. Simple as that.

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Guest qoxie

Sorry to interrupt the conversation, but WG was featured in Shanghai TV Weekly 上海电视 magazine.

It's purported to be an interview (Q&A format) but looks somewhat suspicious to me.

The topics covered seem quite random (eg. Yoobin talked about her 'Beauty & the Beast' photo with JYP; Yeeun commented on an incident from the Jobros tour) yet written as if the girls could instantly recall & elaborate to the 'reporter.'

The byline also identifies the author as 'editor-translator' instead of reporter or interviewer, so the info might have been collected helter-skelter from outside sources.

Article title translates as "Starting everything from zero".

The various subheadings: "Mentor-friend Park Jin Young's role", "Twitter as an interactive tool with the fans", "Sinophiles who are also liked by Jay Chou & Wang Lee Hom". Can't make out the last one (right top).



Zoomed in:






Cr: ☆小鹿她老公° @ Baidu

- - - - - - - -

WGhyerim (I think he/she is Zac here at soompi) wants to share a YT-reloaded copy of the TVBS news segment.

Wonder Girls interview on TVBOXNOW


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Guest itsWonderTime

WonderBangers!!!haha thought you guys might want to read this.kkkk i can't stop smiling about this comment!


credit: allkpop

oh man.. I miss the wonderbang days... reminiscing...!! I wish they will collaborate this year and bring back the flare 2008 had!

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Guest qoxie

Rayli Model Agency 瑞丽专属 tweeted on their weibo a photo of YooMin with their model Yang Lu 杨璐 (the co-star of the Seoul tourism CFs).

I think the latter's identity was unrevealed for the longest time.

Some thought she was ex-Taiwanese VJ Janet Lee; a few had even suggested G.Na (pre-debut).

Now we know. She's very pretty.


Cr: as tagged

- - - - - - - - - -

The above photo is also part of the model agency's photoessay about her Korean work assignment.

It has other BTS snapshots of the Seoul tourism CFs, inc. another photo with WG.


Source: http://raylizone.ray...001_819330.html

- - - - - - - -

Poor (or flattered?) Yeeun was included in a cheeky photoessay about 'bosomy' Korean celebrities. LOL

Hyori, Sunny (SNSD), Seo In Young, Chae Yeon, et al. made the list too.


Source: http://bagua.ifensi.com/article-375790-7.html

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Guest freakloverxx

1st time posting here.I miss the girls..really.

have been a silent reader since last year.thanks everyone for those updates..

cant wait for their comeback..watching other fandom celebrating their groups' comebacks make me miss the girls more.

decided to stay away from kpop for a while till the girls comeback.blush.gif

WonderGirls,stay strong,Wonderfuls,stay faithful..:wub:

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Guest xxxjarjarbinxxx

^ indeed

thankyou all for the updates and your time

i really appreciate it

this thread for our girls really keeps me updated with them

and if i were only following alk (which has nothing on the girls)

my love for them would nowhere be near as strong as it is

im willing to wait for them!!!!

once again

thank you to those who translate, sub, update, etc

wondergirls, wonderfuls fighting!!

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Guest diraaina

hi guys !

i'm new in posting here, actually i've been lurking around this thread since 2009 ,but decided to just be a silent reader ,only now i feel like i wanna post something :P , i just wanna say that i really appreciate all the wonderfuls hard work and keep on continuing loving and spreading WG love ! WG hwaiting 3<! :D

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Guest misspinky

i saw this on 100 points out of 100 points but i don't know how to cut videos so i'm glad someone did. there is a section on the show where they sing songs in korean only so the english words in the songs were changed into korean words, even the group name. so hot sounds funny in only korean.

Soyeon - So Hot (Korean

(credits: TiaraIsA; T-ara thread)

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Guest floral93

for some reason sometimes soompi won't log me in so i constantly need to make a new account (annoying as that is, thats why i always think my account isn't worthy enough to start using because if i want to log in oneday, it won't and i can't fix it )

anyway i really really do appreciate everyones information and news from the girls! fighting wondergirls!! fighting wonderfuls!! lets all wait patiently for a little while longer and support the girls as we have for all these times!

oh also i knw this is old and sorry if its already been posted but some kind wonderful recently re-uploaded up intimate note on youtube with subs! which i personally been searching for link- sobin time ^^

cr.letsseewhatUgot (thank you!)

(please make sure not to write the shows name n the comments due to copyright reasons)

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Guest jcsmark

I stumbled across this on Twitter.....Wonder Girls to open for Taylor Swift's tour in the UK???


Credit ellftw@twitter

hmmm I don't think this rumor is true. I just went to check the dates and I doubt WGs will be the UK opening act which is during March (they are already confirmed to be in Thailand on March 12). Taylor's North American tour starts end of May, the opening act was announced today(?) and WGs were not listed. Although I'm not a huge fan of Taylor, being the opening act for over 50 of her concerts will give the girls massive exposure in America.

Edit: Just checked, it is a band called 'Wonderland' lol not WG.

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Guest mariam1990

^^ lol you had me SO excited for a second there I still hadn't read your 'Edit'

I hate the fact that, that new girl group's name is Wonderland x_x

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Guest qoxie


My heart skipped a beat too when I was reading jcsmark's post. LOL

FYI The KMF 2011 (April 30, Hollywood Bowl) organizer has announced its 1st batch of performers: Sul Woon Do, DJ Doc., Sistar.

They did it via their Facebook, not Twitter or the concert website.


JYP just tweeted from Beijing a photo of him hobnobbing with Jackie Chan: http://twitpic.com/469ozo

Looks like the latter is pitching some sort of collaboration to him.

It appears WG's album production is on the backburner, for now anyway.

I missed the Mnet Ultimate Thailand telecast last night. Did WG appear?

2PM got a few mentions on Twitter. Were they the highlighted artiste?

Modernine TV has a live webstream but they only archive their regular programs online.

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Guest wonderr23

@qoxie you tweeted me about that cyworld entry right? It's an entry by a volunteer who saw Sunye visiting that grandpa she helped back then. Here's the complete translations by ricecakey@sunyethread. chinese to english. Taken at Sunyebaidu.

title: i met Sunye today (T_T)

went as a volunteer to give out lunch boxes to the needy

after checking the route, i drove there

talked alot with the other volunteers

towards the end of the trip, i went to an old man's house

in the room was a lady and an ahjussi

i wasnt sure what was going on. the father?

looks like manager? said that she is WG's sunye

i told him that i dont watch TV

i gave the lunch box and asked if the old man needed anything else

after that i went back to the volunteer center and talked abt this incident

everyone was very interested and asked why did i not take photos or ask for autographs

ah, this sunye kid is really friendly. i heard the old man was on tv a few times

today sunye didnt put on any makeup. the manager (?) didnt bring any cameras along

she came because she was truly worried for this old man

i think she visited the old man with a sincere heart.

Original text:

오늘 도시락 자원봉사자가 새로 오셔서

길을 알려 드릴겸 내가 운전해서 나갔다.

자원 봉사자분이랑 이런저런 이야기를 하다가

이제 마지막 어르신댁에 들렀는데

방에 웬 아가씨랑 아저씨랑 있는것이다.

난 상황 파악 안되서 뭥미 하고 있었는데

아버지? 아님 매니저? 같은 분이

"아 원더걸스 선예 입니다" 이랬다.

그래서 난 "아예 전 티비 안봐서요" 하고

나왔다. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ (도시락 드리고 필요한거 어르신께 물어보고)

복지관에 와서 그 이야기를 하니

다들 이상한 놈 취급 왜 싸인이랑 사진을

안찍었냐는 ㅡㅡ;;

그리고 나서 느낀건

아 선예란 아이가 참 착하구나

그 마지막 대상자 어르신이 나름 방송을 타서

몇번 그런게 있다고는 들었는데

오늘 선예는 화장기 하나 없는 얼굴에

매니져? 한분 그리고 카메라도 없이

그 어르신이 걱정되서 온거 같았다.

머 성격이 별나서 거기서 내가 유난 안떨었지만

난 잘되었다고 생각든다.

정말 진심으로 온거 같은데

거서 내가 유난 떨어봐


credit: katyhwang@sunyebaidu, ricecakey@sunyethread, kenshin_kauru@sunyethread

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hi there, i was just wondering if anyone could give me the original picture of this sohee image.


much appreciated, thankssssss.

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