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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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Guest i.said.goodbye

Lim looks so cute and so young in those recent pictures she posted on her twitter!

Thanks for all the fancams and pics of the girls at pivotcom.

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But what do the groups in the bracket mean? So excited, got my ticket two weeks ago. :D

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 This is my opinion. First of all, Im sorry for this random & maybe inaapropriate opinion. Is it just me or did anyone notice that movement for 2DT (at the very beginning of the dance) when they come out, in the very first, the movements just like kindergarten kids on the graduation performance? I have a bad feeling that US professional choreographer will just laugh it off. May be im wrong.  BUT Every time they take to the US stage with 2DT, I skipped myself  from watching the first line I feel guilty i can't bear the thought that I think the US audiences will laugh silently.  Actually I really liked the choreography...to be honest think it was them (not to sound mean) at beginning it was a bit (okay... very) childish. I think they need to change it, coz the song quite good, Yenny;s vocal at the beginning is PERFECT. I mean theyre good singers and amazing dancers but that choreography at the beginning of the song just wasnt there. It just, not suitable for audiences in the US. Can anyone tell me who choreographed 2DT dance? JYP? 

Yet, I never deny that "Ebabo,So Hot and Nobody" was one of JYP's best pieces. Choreography that definitely was sheer magic!

Good luck for Wonder Girls, my ONLY Kpop favorite group. 


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Guest *bluebutterfly*

I'm nice to hear that there were wonderfuls at the pivot conference as it was supposed to be for professionals, right? lol xD

And Wonder Girls are having a concert in Hong Kong as well this year!?

Oh man, why did I go to Hong Kong in February!? I really wish I could. That's so cool!

Lim gets to visit Hong Kong soon! And she gets to visit it with the other members like she said she wanted on 'Mnet Made in Wonder Girls.' ^^

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Guest chikusho1

 This is my opinion. First of all, Im sorry for this random & maybe inaapropriate opinion. Is it just me or did anyone notice that movement for 2DT (at the very beginning of the dance) when they come out, in the very first, the movements just like kindergarten kids on the graduation performance? I have a bad feeling that US professional choreographer will just laugh it off. May be im wrong.  BUT Every time they take to the US stage with 2DT, I skipped myself  from watching the first line I feel guilty i can't bear the thought that I think the US audiences will laugh silently.  Actually I really liked the choreography...to be honest think it was them (not to sound mean) at beginning it was a bit (okay... very) childish. I think they need to change it, coz the song quite good, Yenny;s vocal at the beginning is PERFECT. I mean theyre good singers and amazing dancers but that choreography at the beginning of the song just wasnt there. It just, not suitable for audiences in the US. Can anyone tell me who choreographed 2DT dance? JYP? 

Yet, I never deny that "Ebabo,So Hot and Nobody" was one of JYP's best pieces. Choreography that definitely was sheer magic!

Good luck for Wonder Girls, my ONLY Kpop favorite group. 


Lim's part?

maybe so since i skip it myself lol thats what irks me the most...

their choreographer is hwayoung

in my opinion they need more different choreographers not just one...

ahhhh chikusho >.<!! i cant wait for their new album!!

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Lim's part?

maybe so since i skip it myself lol thats what irks me the most...

their choreographer is hwayoung

in my opinion they need more different choreographers not just one...

ahhhh chikusho >.<!! i cant wait for their new album!!

Me too! I can't wait for their new abum! it's been a long time....

Since "NOBODY" still the best song ever, it must be hard for them to come with new album and new song. People tend to have very very very high expectation for them. Even if they come with super good song. For example, 2DT is a good song, if ordinary girl group to perform that song, it can be a hit song coz people didn't have high expectation. But for WONDER GIRLS, they are legend. Super songs are needed for Wonder Girls. The greatest song Nobody still haunting! The new songs must greater than Nobody. Hmmm.. May be, there a reason why JYP takes SOOO long to release WG new album.  Still can't find a replacement for NOBODY! 

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Guest valentino_rossi46

No they will not go Singapore :(

In wondergirlsworld.com, they announced only MissA, 2PM will go to Singapore, however 17-12 WGs will have solo concert in Hongkong, 19-12 solo concert in Guangzhou

All Malay, Hongkong and Guangzhou was held by Mnet, so i think they will release Made in WGs very soon ^^, follow our girls footage in Taiwan, France, Malay, Hongkong and Guangzhou

Lim must be very happy when she back Hongkong, i think the girls will have some day off after Malaysia concert to travel around Hongkong wt Lim

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No they will not go Singapore :(

In wondergirlsworld.com, they announced only MissA, 2PM will go to Singapore

Ah, well that sucks. :(

Was really hoping to flood my laptop with pictures of Sunye. Ha ha.

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Guest valentino_rossi46

No they will not go Singapore :(

In wondergirlsworld.com, they announced only MissA, 2PM will go to Singapore, however 17-12 WGs will have solo concert in Hongkong, 19-12 solo concert in Guangzhou

All Malay, Hongkong and Guangzhou was held by Mnet, so i think they will release Made in WGs very soon ^^, follow our girls footage in Taiwan, France, Malay, Hongkong and Guangzhou

Lim must be very happy when she back Hongkong, i think the girls will have some day off after Malaysia concert to travel around Hongkong wt Lim

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No they will not go Singapore :(

In wondergirlsworld.com, they announced only MissA, 2PM will go to Singapore, however 17-12 WGs will have solo concert in Hongkong, 19-12 solo concert in Guangzhou

Still doesn't sound right.

1stly, why include SG in the announcement then?

2ndly, 2AM isn't mentioned either. Have they withdrawn?

I will check out Korean sources, to see if WGW had merely did a casual cut-&-paste job from somewhere.

If still inconclusive, I will call up Sistec to confirm.

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JYP, WG television series coming soon, new album to feature tracks written by Britney Spears & Miley Cyrus’s Song Writers

On 18th October, at the Pivot Conference, Crowne Plaza Times Square, JY-Park gave a speech on his brand story of the JYP Entertainment and gave some tidbits on what Wonder Girls fans can expect in the coming year.

Under his speech on “Qualities of a Global Star”, JY-Park mentioned that the Wonder Girls is currently shooting the first episode of a Wonder Girls Television Series, about 5 talented Asian pop stars crossing over to the United States and getting lost, targeted at teens which will be due to be broadcast around the world.

Another point to look out for is that JY-Park also mentioned that the upcoming Wonder Girls album will feature tracks not only composed by JYP, but also composers of famous pop stars like Miley Cyrus & Britney Spears.

Here are some key issues that JY-Park covered in his talk at the Pivot Conference 2010:

* JY Park, who has 13 number 1 artists in Asia under his belt, disclosed his tips on creating a global star. His perspective was interesting To him, the world is divided by taste, no longer region.

* In order for America to reach this under-utilized global market there are 2 important qualities: we must learn to be multi-lingual and multi-cultural.

* The Wonder Girls trained for 6 years, Rain trained for 4. This is just training. American artists are no longer investing the time to become multi-talented and versatile artists.

[source: Pivot]

[Video: Pikeyenny4@Youtube]

[Credit: Wonderfuls World]

JYP video on Pivotcon




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Here are the WG pics from PIVOTCON's Flickr Photostream.

It is split roughly into 2 groups, titled 'Backstage With Wonder Girls/Backstage Jitters' (1st 3 pics) & 'The Wonder Girls' (the rest).

I am also posting all of them, including audience shots, plus a JYP pic from earlier in the day.

One can tell that the photographers (as well as the video cameraman who filmed the showcase) didn't know who to focus their lenses on.

Still, the resulting images have their charm.













Cr: Pivotcon @ Flickr

Source: http://www.flickr.co...otos/pivotconf/

- - - - - - - - -

This photographer got into the Production Control Room(!)




Cr: Rob Lee @ Flickr

Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/roblee/

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Found a very classy photoessay of the WG/JYP PIVOTCON events at Cyworld.

The text is in Korean & the webpage is also encrypted, so gimme some time to transfer everything over.

Here we go. It's Google Translate-able now.

뉴욕에서 만난 원더걸스 & 박진영(JYP) 직찍/직캠 @ PIVOT 마케팅 컨퍼런스 + 디너파티

VGirl 2010-10-19 13:31:55

차세대 브랜드 마케팅을 주제로 열린 Pivot 세미나~

그곳에 한국 그리고 아시아를 대표하는 원더걸스 & JYP가 떴다!

@ Crowne Plaze Hotel 10.18.2010.

- 1부, Brand Story : the Wonder Girls -

아시는분을 통해 약 $2000가량의 세미나 티켓을 겟!한 VGirl과 친구들~럭키v

우리의 자랑스런 국민동생들, 원걸을 가까이 볼 수 있는 기회, 놓칠수 없죠ㅋ

우선, 공연에 앞서 원더걸스의 성공스토리를 주제로 열린 JYP의 연설을 들으러 ㄱㄱㅅ!!


JYP말고도 페이스북이나 트위터, 야후 등 소셜미디어 서비스를 하는 회사의

주요 중역들이 와서 젊은 세대를 대상으로 하는 마케팅에 대해 열띤 강연을 들려주셨답니다.

이 강연들은 실시간으로 인터넷에 중계된다는거~ 그만큼 전세계의 이목이 집중되겠죠?


3시 2분, 이제 JYP가 등장할 시간~ 3분여의 동영상이 나오고

그동안 그가 키워낸 수많은 스타들이 나오는데...비/2PM/2AM/원더걸스...많기도 하네요

광고, 드라마, 쇼프로, 영화까지...진짜 거대 엔터테인먼트 반열에 올라선듯!


짜잔~ 오늘의 게스트 스피커, JYP 등장입니다~

뉴욕에서 보니깐 훨씬 더 반가운 박진영씨ㅋ 역시나~ 실물이 더 멋져요

예전 대학축제 때 한 번 봤었는데...그 때보다 더 젊어보이시네요ㅋ


처음엔 조금 떨려하시다가 나중엔 술술~ 자신의 성공스토리를 얘기해주셨어요

아시아 및 전세계 엔터테인먼트 마켓을 대상으로 마케팅 전략을 풀어나가는데...

문화별로 차별화된 전략철저한 트레이닝을 거친 친구들이 바로 JYP식 성공방정식~




20여분의 짧은 강연이 끝나고 Q&A시간, 하나하나 질문에 귀기울이는 JYP

제 앞에서 바로 짤리고 노바디 뮤비가 나오는 바람에 살짝ㅡ.ㅡ 서운했어요

 그래도 나름의 철학을 갖고 성공신화를 일궈가는 당당한 그 모습이 정말 멋졌답니다

- 2부: Dinner with the Wonder Girls -




자~ 드디어 개봉박두ㅋ 여기가 원걸이 공연한 컨퍼런스 룸이에요~

아까 세미나때랑은 분위기가 사뭇 달라졌네요


야후 측에서 마련한 럭셜 와인뷔페, 진짜 인기 많아서 순식간에 동났다는;;;

오른쪽은 리허설 중인 원더걸스 몰카ㅋ 평상복인듯 한데....올 블랙으로 맞췄네요


 참석자의 대부분은 비아시안들~ 그만큼 원걸의 인기가 뉴욕에서도 뜨겁다는 걸 보여주고 있죠ㅋ

나이가 21살 이상인 파티라서 분위기는 좀 차분했어요ㅋ 콘서트라기 보단 디너갈라쪽이랄까...

(우리나라면 이런 분위기는 절대 불가능 했을텐데;) 덕분에 원걸의 노래를 가까이서 여유롭게 들었다는거~


분위기가 슬슬 달아오르고~ 무대 앞은 이미 만석!

다들 손에 카메라 하나씩 들고~ 원걸이 나오기만을 기다려요ㅋ


그리고~ 드디어 공연시간ㅋ 첫곡은 Two Different Tears

최근에 나온 노래라는데...전 처음 들었어요ㅋ 느낌 좋네요~


(누가 너희한테 살쪘다고 하니;; 딱 이쁘더라~ 빼지마!

타지에서 고생하는 자랑스런 동생들인데ㅠ 언니한테 델구와ㅋ 혼내줄께!)


 여전히 귀염포스 작렬ㅋ


인사시간~ 선예가 주로 분위기를 이끄는데 잘하네요~ 영어도 잘하고 얼굴도 이쁘고~


가운데가 혜림양? 새로 들어온 분 맞죠? 통통하니 넘 귀여워요ㅋ


시크소희...ㅋ 역시나 넌 눈빛으로 모든걸 말하는구나~

이제부턴 한 사람씩 편애모드~



VGirl의 Favorite 예은~ 카리스마 폭발하심



핀업걸 스타일의 유빈, 효리언니 같기도 하고~ 립스틱 색깔 이쁘다~


혜림양; 이쪽을 보아요, 난 당신 찍고 싶었다우ㅋ



국민여동생 소희ㅋ 오늘밤에도 인기 NO.1~


 정말 열심히 하는 선예~ 노래하는 내내 애절함이 묻어나서 참 맘이 짠했다는ㅠ


*노바디(English Ver.)직캠ㅋ


이젠 춤만 봐도 아는 노바디ㅋ 뉴욕에선 텔미보다 노바디가 더 많이 알려져있어요~


카리스마 작렬하시는 중~ (예은아~ 니가 최고다ㅠ)


너무너무 잘춘다는...호흡도 딱딱맞고...평균 6년 연습했다는데 정말 대단!


이 포즈는 소녀시대가 생각나네요ㅋ 둘 다 넘 귀여워요~


올만에 듣는 텔미~ 텔미텔미~ 아! 역시 텔미가 짱이야ㅋㅋ


27살 아가씨를 18살 소녀로 만들어주는 마법의 곡ㅋ

Two Different Tears, So Hot, Tell Me, Nobody 4곡을 불렀는데

물론 한국이나 다른 아시아국가들의 열렬한 반응에 비할바는 못하지만

디너파티에 있던 사람들 모두가 다들 흥겹게 노래를 듣고 끝날 땐 너무 아쉬워했답니다~

파티가 끝나고 회장을 나오는데 원더걸스 너무 귀엽다, 사랑스럽다

다음 싱글 언제나오냐ㅋ 등등 이렇게 좋은 커멘트들이 많이 들려서 뿌듯했어요~

정말 이제는 한국에서 세계로 뻗어나가는 원더걸스가 참 자랑스럽더라구요

그래도 한 가지 맘이 짠했던건....제가 이제 나이가 들어서 그런가...

나이 어린 친구들이 먼 곳까지 와서 너무 고생하는 것 같다는 느낌이 드네요

그 화려한 모습 뒤에 얼마나 피나는 노력을 했을지 생각하니...복잡미묘했답니다ㅠ

박진영씨가 물론 성공한 프로듀서로서 잘 아이들을 트레이닝 하시겠지만,

그래도 타지에서 덜 외롭고...덜 힘들게....인성적으로도 많은 서포트가 되면 좋겠어요

우리 원더걸스 너무너무 이뻐요 (너희가 최고다!) 앞으로도 화이팅 <3

VGirl from. New York



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Guest yubin4ever

Hey Guys. Can anyone help me out?

Im looking for the performances from the Pivot Conference but cant find them. Only saw 2dt and Nobody so far. Looking for So Hot and Tell Me.

Thanks Alot ^_^

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