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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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Guest tikamicizia

omg this is so crazyyy!!!

so so craaazyyy, Imagine how much exposure they'll get!!!

omoo, our girls are indeed wonderful!!

the schedule is super tight! I hope they'll stay healthy


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Guest sgtkixuraz

so many dates~

from 13 to 44

just estimating here, but with the concerts usually having an average of around 15,000 in the audience, that's close to 700,000 people they'll be performing in front of :o

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Guest Ellyee

dfsjdf have so much to catch up on and it's only been two days!

Wow, I can't believe they'll be going on the entire tour, that is INSANE-ly awesomeee. You US fans/fan*tastics that are gonna attend are so lucky and also, thank you to the ones that have been sharing pictures/experiences/fancams, ilu guys.

I'm so so so happy and proud of WG. ;_; ♥

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I'm about to faint..... this is the best news ever!!

I heard the girls rocked it last night (best perf so far they say),

that must've gotten the Jobros management excited.

I just hope the girls stay in shape and rock it out.

On the road the whole time, that's a first for them...

Plus I heard that the opening acts only get the tour bus,

while Jobros fly everywhere( except for short distances, of course)

OH MAN!! I can't even stay still and composed!!!!

US tour?? is Canada included?? please tell me Canada

is included omg!!! Please confirm Canada!!

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Guest i.said.hi

^ yesterday 6/30 vancouver perf. fancam. i agree this was the best perf.

this has got to be the best fancam so far.

you see the girls teach the dance to nobody and ALOT OF PEOPLE RESPOND. WHOO. and i think this was the best stage yet.

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Guest LiveYourLife


I went to the concert yesterday but the meet and greet was canceled because the concert was delayed. So I had to go back today and show my love to the wonder girls :D Anyways, they performed Tell Me and Nobody and both of them were amazing. The wonder girls even pretty in real life than in pictures.

If you want to see the performance, I took a fan video of their performance:

Tell Me (English Version)

Nobody (English Version)


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Guest teriyaki

Wonder Girls in Vancouver June 30th.

Teriyaki’s Fan Account

I have to start off with mentioning another soompi’er was supposed to go with me but couldn’t and I feel pretty terribly she missed out on this amazing experience =(

Before the concert, I wasn’t the biggest WG fan. Wasn’t a crazy fanboy or anything. Wondergirls in Concert would change all that.

The show was slated to start at 7pm, but the previous show was delayed so we didn’t rush there or anything. Upon getting into view of GM Place, the place was totally packed outside with Jonas Brothers fans. I’m talking thousands of fans all over the place, it was insane. We made our way through the crowd and descended upon our amazing seats, on the floor!

It was incredibly how close we actually were to the stage. They were extremely strict about letting people onto the floor so its not advised to try to sneak onto the floor during the concert or something. Get the closest tickets you can guys, its totally worth it.

7pm on the dot and bam H.Tribe shows up on stage. They’re actually pretty good, far better than I expected from a band I never heard of before. Then after a tremendously long pause Jordin Sparks shows up. Shes incredible as well. Then, after an even Longer pause, Papa Jonas shows up onstage to introduce our Wonder Girls!!!

He tries desperately to talk over the crowd, introducing them as a huge sensation in South East Asia several times, and the girls take the stage (after the video of them performing in all sorts of countries is played on the giant screen).

They introduced themselves in english and then Yoobin asked the audience: Which jonas brother do you like best? Nick? Kevin? ME!? (I yelled out YES at this point in time), and then jumped into performing Tell Me. Then, they talked to the audience a bit and proceeded to teach the audience the Nobody Dance. I think this might be part of their routine now since the incident in Vancouver on the 29th. No Mic troubles tonight, they pulled off Nobody flawlessly. The crowd wasn’t as receptive to the song and dance as I’d have preferred but I saw quite a bit of people doing the dance along to the WG which is a pretty big feat in itself. A note to everyone planning to go, they were suddenly really strict about video recording when the Wonder Girls came on for some reason. Everyone was recording J.Sparks and H.Tribe, and not one security guard mentioned a peep, but they told everyone off when WG came on... special JYP orders perhaps!???

After they finished, I happened to be by a random exit talking to another friend and she points out “OMG THERE THEY ARE” and they were just walking out of the exit I was standing next to, quite literally just 2 metres away. I rushed over and managed to shake their hands as they exited the floor. *GUSH* I should also mention that when I got back to my seat another fan asked to touch my hand so she’d have indirectly touched the wonder girls, LOL. If you’re reading this, you know who you are, so HI again.


I left our seats behind about halfway through the JoBro performance to try to get a good spot in the line-up for the epic fansigning to come. We came across the T-shirt booth and to our dismay only found JoBro t-shirts…. But on the corner of my eye I spotted a WonderGirls shirt!!! It was $40 and only came in a size 4 times too small but that was ok. I went for it.

We found the table where they were setting up for the fan-signing, and I’m glad to say that the people that lined up to see the Wonder Girls outnumbered the ones for H.tribe.

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When the Concert wrapped up inside, the girls came out to the table!!! FANBOY MODE ON!!

They were freaking unbelievably pretty up-close in person. We’re talking mere feet away close. Among the screaming fans and dozens of cameras stuffed in their faces, they kept their smiles on for everyone. Then JYP walked in. This guy is one of a kind. He’s the only guy that will wear a blazer with capri’s and actually look good doing it.

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The line starts moving and the girls are passing out cards for their signatures. They didn’t rush the line or anything, this was so incredible. They said hi to each and every fan and let people take pictures of them up close and even gave hugs. They talked in English the whole time I could hear them, they’re getting pretty gosh darn good at it. My turn to go up.

Sohee was up first. A lot of people say shes stuck up and everything, and I kind of bought into that but all that was thrown out the window when I met her. She was so incredibly nice. After signing my overpriced and childrens sized t-shirt, she agreed to take a picture with me. MORE FANBOY MODEEEEEEE!!!

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Yoobin was next. I wasn’t a huge fan of her but I am now. Her English pronounciation is pretty spot-on. I don’t remember what words we exchanged I was pretty mesmerized by the moment. At this point, I already shifted to the left and realized I didn't get a picture with her =(.

YeEun was third. My favourite of the 5… gwaaaahhhh. Her hair was so pretty its almost perfect. She signed my t-shirt and I took a picture with her. FANBOY MODE ON MAX!!!

SunYe was fourth. She threw me off when she asked me a question in English, and not the other way around!! I didn’t even catch what she fully said. All I could do was nod… then I asked her back if she was tired from the performance. She said yea, but still with a huge smile on her face. So much respect for her now.

SunMi was last. Also incredibly nice, she was kind of shy. All of them were kind of shy, but she seemed to be more so than the others. SunMi hwaiittingggg!!! *wish I had said this but don’t recall doing it*. I also got a pic with her… she is soo cutee.

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Last but not least, actually was JYP. He is just so cool. The pinnacle of cool, like all the fans and all the noise was nothing to him, he just took it all in and just stood so relaxed. At first he wasn’t so receptive to the fans asking for pictures and autographs, but not soon after he was totally engrossed in it. Signing everyones shirt/cards and taking pictures with the fans! AWESSOOOMEEEE. I got his signature and got a picture with him.

I told him how I liked 2PM =D. Before we left, he asked if we used twitter, and I was brutally honest. I answered I don’t really, but I only follow one and it’s JYP’s. This guy is so classy.

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I couldn't get a picture of his epic capri's.

That was it. I couldn’t breathe properly for about an hour. If anyone is in any of the cities with upcoming concerts, GO GO GO GO GO. Theres definitely not enough support during their performance, lets do all we can to show the power of WG FANS!!! And the fan-signing if you can get into line early is a never to forget experience.

Teriyaki – Wondergirls brought out the true inner fanboy in me.

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Guest Liesje

I think they wanted to see the reaction of the JB fans first

and maybe then going fully on tour with them...

That means they recieved good responses!

I'm so proud...It's like seeing a baby trying it first steps

I hope our babies can run in the end ;)

The improvisation worked!

It was kinda awkward @ first

but they were adorable

& the crowd responses were good!

The Wonder Girls were featured in the online Portrait Magazine issue of July!


About Portrait:

Portrait is a website designed to look like and function as a teen magazine. Each month we launch a new issue full of cool articles, reviews and celebrity interviews, written by and for young adults. We have a fantastic team of High School and College students, each of whom is working toward being a professional journalist or graphic designer of tomorrow; in the mean time they put their talents and growing skills to good use working to make Portrait one of the coolest places online today!

So the online magazine is nothing official or anything!

But it's already there since 2005!


Go check the issue out!

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Guest dainty_love

If you want to see the performance, I took a fan video of their performance:

Tell Me (English Version)

Nobody (English Version)


sorry for cutting your post but those are one of the best fancams i've seen! :D

anyway,i have a quick question..if you're a FAN*TASTIC do you have to buy a ticket for the concert?

i know that was a stupid question but it's better to ask rather than not knowing anything,right? ROFL! :lol:

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Guest illuminate.


I went to the concert yesterday but the meet and greet was canceled because the concert was delayed. So I had to go back today and show my love to the wonder girls :D Anyways, they performed Tell Me and Nobody and both of them were amazing. The wonder girls even pretty in real life than in pictures.

If you want to see the performance, I took a fan video of their performance:

Tell Me (English Version)

Nobody (English Version)


you're so lucky to have met them ^_^

thanks for the fancam of tell me! but is it just me, or does it sound like they still sing part of it in korean...?

Wonder Girls in Vancouver June 30th.

Teriyaki’s Fan Account

Last but not least, actually was JYP. He is just so cool. The pinnacle of cool, like all the fans and all the noise was nothing to him, he just took it all in and just stood so relaxed. At first he wasn’t so receptive to the fans asking for pictures and autographs, but not soon after he was totally engrossed in it. Signing everyones shirt/cards and taking pictures with the fans! AWESSOOOMEEEE. I got his signature and got a picture with him.

I told him how I liked 2PM =D. Before we left, he asked if we used twitter, and I was brutally honest. I answered I don’t really, but I only follow one and it’s JYP’s. This guy is so classy.

Teriyaki – Wondergirls brought out the true inner fanboy in me.

(sorry for cutting your post :x)

hey guys i just got back from the 2nd vancouver concert! like most previous posters i also took pictures with and got their autographs! Sunye said personally to me" we're opening for the whole tour." Sunye saw my picture that i got her to sign the day before, it was their bbq chicken promotion picture, she laughed and said to ye eun" i hate this picture". probably thinks she looks bad in it or something. i took a picture with jyp and told him i also like 2am and 2 pm. i was waiting at the gate where the girls were gonna leave the building. the security guys tried to trick us and told us that the girls were not going to get out through that door. they wanted to shoo as much fans away as possible. but they can't fool this fanatic. a bunch of asian ppl starting coming out, managers, equipment ppl, etc and then wg came out!!! they waved but sunmi was totally 4d, she was busy, had her mouthful of food. my brother said goodnight to jyp and he turned back and made a gesture at us. my brother saw a 4d sunmi moment when she puoted her lips while taking a picture with a fan. The girls looked so gorgeous and flawless.

LOLLOL i hope he feels pressured into bringing 2PM to the states :P

random picture: this is really random, but it made me really happy <3 the girls seem to be sparking a lot of interest!


as expected, "nobody, nobody but you" must be getting stuck in peoples' heads :)

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Guest vt__hunnii

People thought I was like crazy


I was singing so loud and dancing ;p


I can't believe my camera actually picked up the sound well! :D

HQ is still processing i think

you can actually hear the lyrics for the first time!<3

Yeeun - who's your favourite? Nick? Joe?


Yeeun - NICK?!


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hey guys i just got back from the 2nd vancouver concert! like most previous posters i also took pictures with and got their autographs! Sunye said personally to me" we're opening for the whole tour." Sunye saw my picture that i got her to sign the day before, it was their bbq chicken promotion picture, she laughed and said to ye eun" i hate this picture". probably thinks she looks bad in it or something. i took a picture with jyp and told him i also like 2am and 2 pm. i was waiting at the gate where the girls were gonna leave the building. the security guys tried to trick us and told us that the girls were not going to get out through that door. they wanted to shoo as much fans away as possible. but they can't fool this fanatic. a bunch of asian ppl starting coming out, managers, equipment ppl, etc and then wg came out!!! they waved but sunmi was totally 4d, she was busy, had her mouthful of food. my brother said goodnight to jyp and he turned back and made a gesture at us. my brother saw a 4d sunmi moment when she puoted her lips while taking a picture with a fan. The girls looked so gorgeous and flawless.

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Guest shirlyn

I got nostalgic with all the news about their success and decided to make a trip down memory line i.e. the old thread...

i read from the very beginning...people were actually kinda ''umm..whatever'' and then ''they're not bad'' to ''OMG i love them''.

after that came hyunah's sickness...her absence from shows and such and then BAM she's leaving...

''omg i don't want her to leave'' ''nooo, it won't be WG anymore'' ''i'll hate the new girl''

then finally Kim Yoobin was presented to us ''she's pretty but she looks too serious in that pic'' (about the Tell me poster that was released) ''she doesn't fit WG'' ''she looks more like BVox or kara'' ''i hate her'' ''i want hyuna back''

Their first Tell me performance on Inkigayo ''hyunah's rap was better''

*edited because apparently even pers. opinion is considered artist bashing (this is exactly the problem we're facing against people who don't like WG, some of us are too sensitive and make big stuff out of small things)

''def. doesn't fit'' ''rap wasn't that nice''...how funny it is that it was only after yoobin came that WG sky rocketed and i'm not saying it was HER nor the song or the other girls but we have to give credit to her appeal to a wider audience.

so, we all get used to things with time, i mean, most of all were cautious with their music at first, and even we took out time to get used to the girls themselves esp. yoobin.

Let's give US audiences time. They'll fall sooner or later don't worry. Let's just keep promoting and ignoring haters i mean, what do they know? nothing. SO let keep cheering the girls on and wish them the best of wishes for their future...whatever it be. TAKE CARE!

edit 2: omg, lol. someone in the old thread was questioning whether yoobin was natural tan or sprayed!

"POOPINESS: Yes! She does, huh? Like a tanner version of Shinji. Is that a real tan or like a rub/spray tan?

i guess i can kinda seee that...yeah lol

i feel like it's fake for some reason O_O

she all the sudden got dark...really dark.

she should get it whitened LOL to match

the other members cause everytime i see

her, it feels like she should be singing and

dancing to some sexy song like suh in young.''


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Guest tikamicizia

so, we all get used to things with time, i mean, most of all were cautious with their music at first, and even we took out time to get used to the girls themselves esp. yoobin.

Let's give US audiences time. They'll fall sooner or later don't worry. Let's just keep promoting and ignoring haters i mean, what do they know? nothing. SO let keep cheering the girls on and wish them the best of wishes for their future...whatever it be. TAKE CARE!

I agree with you!! gotta stay positive & supports the girls all the way!!

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Guest will

I got nostalgic with all the news about their success and decided to make a trip down memory line i.e. the old thread...

i read from the very beginning...people were actually kinda ''umm..whatever'' and then ''they're not bad'' to ''OMG i love them''.

after that came hyunah's sickness...her absence from shows and such and then BAM she's leaving...

''omg i don't want her to leave'' ''nooo, it won't be WG anymore'' ''i'll hate the new girl''

then finally Kim Yoobin was presented to us ''she's pretty but she looks too serious in that pic'' (about the Tell me poster that was released) ''she doesn't fit WG'' ''she looks more like BVox or kara'' ''i hate her'' ''i want hyuna back''

Their first Tell me performance on Inkigayo ''hyunah's rap was better'' (i actually snorted at this, i don't hate hyunah, i became a wonderful much later after she left, but let's be truthful: her rapping sucked), ''def. doesn't fit'' ''rap wasn't that nice''...how funny it is that it was only after yoobin came that WG sky rocketed and i'm not saying it was HER nor the song or the other girls but we have to give credit to her appeal to a wider audience.

so, we all get used to things with time, i mean, most of all were cautious with their music at first, and even we took out time to get used to the girls themselves esp. yoobin.

Let's give US audiences time. They'll fall sooner or later don't worry. Let's just keep promoting and ignoring haters i mean, what do they know? nothing. SO let keep cheering the girls on and wish them the best of wishes for their future...whatever it be. TAKE CARE!

Definitely, let us give the US audience time to like the wonder girls.. I mean come on they just saw them once and they don't have any idea who they are..Well, I'm saying this base on my experience at first I'm a hater. I saw them for the very first time on Arirang and I was like "who are they? they are just like some kind of copy cat." Because before I was like a fan of an old girl group in korea and I'm kind a jealous because someone will take the thrown of being a KPOP Princess. But later on When I Saw their music video and accidentally download it on the net I start liking them. And I don't know what happen that right now I a totally addict to wonder girls and they become the first on my list which overpass the old girl group that i really like before.

So let us ignore all this haters. Let's be nice. UNDERDOGS ALWAYS WON THE HEART OF PEOPLE

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Guest dororo9090

Yeeun - who's your favourite? Nick? Joe?


Yeeun - NICK?!


sorry for cutting your post

did ye eun said that she likes nick the most in the concert?

haha,she should not say that :P

they really made us proud.

who say that the west will not like asian artists.

our girls will conquer the US Market!

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Guest Herbway

I'm so happy to know that WGs open for the entire US tour

So proud of them

It's prove that they SO HOT ^^

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Guest akajoe

Wow Does that mean they are coming to Washington DC as well???? Can some one tell me the dates for it and is anyone from VA/DC/MD area planning to go to the concert?????

yay i am so excited now


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