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12/20/08 [original] edited.
Seems like I've been posting a lot towards the end of the year.

I don't know if that's a good or bad thing- you tell me.

I wrote two verses, and covered them, but I'm still missing a chorus.

If you want to hop on, just give me a PM or msg me if you have my information.

I rerecorded the second verse with a different attitude, and attempted my first.

{The lyrics are weird. To be honest, I hate the first verse. }

I'm still messing with the flow, so I'm also altering lyrics as I go.

It may seem awkward at places, but if you guys point it out that would be great.

It's not finalized, unless I feel lazy about it and don't feel like rerecording.

Behind the scene:

I was sort of upset with my parents about college stuff so that's why I wrote this.

Afterward, I felt like it sounded weird to "rap" about college.

So, I changed it up so it seemed like "college" was a person. (Hence the last four lines of verse 2)

I really didn't like that part, but I just threw anything in.

And... I should stop talking now.

Happy Listening~

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i love your tone here! and the lyrics are so nice ~ <3333

it sounds sorta messy though >___<;;

which i guess is because you're not enunciating?

or like... dragging some words?


GIMME :ph34r: ~

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i love ittt~

all your huge words & long sentences

cheesyy too hahaha

feel better love <3

im here

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andsharonx; ty- lol not anymore :X

jzsun; yeah, i was messing with the echo and the layering. i edited my first post and clip :] not as innocent. and i'm still working on it cause i'm not satisfied yet.

__Nae; pshhh! quit hating, all you did was "fly-y-y-y-y-y-y" while I was writing this. USELESS. Just kidding<3

edited first post :]

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lol keeding<3. its nice. as always, GG! your rapping skills are faaabuloso.

you sound girlier here. hahah :D no G mode this time. & aw what did your parents do to you?!

its your dad isnt it xO lol.

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Guest SweetsLove

Wooo wendy this is awesome. You sound really goood x] Hurry up and finish it so I can hear the rest!! I wish I could rap P: teach me!!

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i like the beat and the whole thing.

but yeah...you could work on the lyrics a bit more.

do i sound mean??

cuz i don't mean to be.

good luck with this song! i hope you finish it. cuz if you do, i will definitely come back and listen to the full version!

hwaiting!! :D .

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wendyyy. man, been too long <3 =)

where's the instrumental from, it's very pretty, and...sobre. WHOA the beat just slams in thats so awesome xD

Your rapping has improved so much since the last time i listened to you. The attitude is awesome. You trip over your words a bit though which makes you lose your flow, just keep shooting the words out, so its more definite. Okay, I'm making no sense xDD Love the whisper part in the second verse.

I like this a lot. I think a little adjustment to the lyrics so it fits better would be good, but otherwise <3 duuuuuuuuuude. you rawk ahahaah

Could I hop on? =o Doing the chorus =x

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Guest EHNerJI

whaaa i'm envious XDD i can't write lyrics for my life XD

they come out sounding overly corny or emo ._.;

so you rock <333 i like it (:

i'd offer to do chorus but.. -fails- XDD

keep writing ;3

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O: cause it IS fly-y-y-y-y-y.

(hahaha they blocked out the word. i'll just say it to you personally via msn)


aww, did i ever hear this? lol

i like this oneeeeeee


cant compete with your essay-verses. haha




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Guest double_love123



&♥ JJ - 「14」'You wannabe Kore... Wait, you ARE Korean' ILY <3님의 말:


&♥ JJ - 「14」'You wannabe Kore... Wait, you ARE Korean' ILY <3님의 말:


&♥ JJ - 「14」'You wannabe Kore... Wait, you ARE Korean' ILY <3님의 말:


This explains pretty much everything :)

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Ohh~ i love how it's going so far.

The instrumental is lovely.

But yeah i know you're not finished with it and editing it and all that stuff,

but as you are rapping..u are tripping a lot of words and they do sound a little awkward here and there,

can't really pin point out which parts.

When u edit your song...I think you should just take out some unnecessary words in there...

it will definitely help so that there won't be any fumbling with the lyrics..

REMEMBER! Song Lyrics are like Poetry...

See how poetry is written and use that type of technique with your song lyrics.

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JaeMinluvr85; yeah... i gotta re-record and re-mix everything :[ thanks<3

kAPEESH; lol WHAT?! ;o you wanna die. i'm never in the 'g' mode. you know me too well. XDD

SweetsLove; i'm lazy :[ if you teach me not to be lazy, then we can talk about teaching you how to rap. ;] but then again, i'm not that good. much improvement needed.

bivue; you're so silly, you dont sound mean at all! i'm still altering the lyrics at the moment, just kind of lazy to re-record and fix up everything. thanks for the support!<3

Rai-Rai; yeah, i need to fix the lyrics :[ gee wendy stinks T_T but yeah, we talked about the stuff on msn xD

mizzxangie; please! angela = epic win! the lyrics are pretty corny, i hate a few a lot of the lines, but yeah like i said to the few people above, i'm still working on it.

xxzone2zonexx; thanks! can't do it now, maybe later x]

__Nae; o.o huh? i probably didn't know wat you were talking about. you confuse me. "essay-verses." i like that :P i just can't do your one word phrases. gotta make it longer, y'know?

double_love123; ♥ you

wigglelin; thanks for the tip. i realize i am tripping but that's either because the lyrics are weird, or im still finding my flow. i can say the lyrics in my head but when it comes down to actually rapping and recording it, i stumble. in this song, i'm mainly focused on the point, as well as using words that rhyme from the transition of one line to the next. maybe that's why it's all BLAHHH

Thanks for the comments (=

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Guest bands182

i love the instrumental <3

i wish i could play the piano bit at the start

ive not heard you sound so girly before!!! youre a rising rapper ^^ such potential <3

sorry i cant give you much critique...im a bAAAAAAAD rapper...as youll soon find out xD hahaha ;p

wooooooo wendy <33

ohmgosh i love the bit where you whisper "cant seem to find!"" wahh that was awesome :)

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