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Facts About Yourself You Would Never Admit In Real Life


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Guest Imboredthatsnotfun

I prefer to be alone. Just me. I am a very independent person and don't rely on others for approval or comfort.

I plan, plan everything. I plan things I am going to say. I plan things I am going to eat.

I plan things I am going to change about myself. I am very driven by self improvement.

Quote from MiizzHyukiie

Today, 05:22 AM

"I like to keep my friends outside of school seperate from my friends in school."

Same here.

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- I get jealous easily

- I bottle up my emotions

- I'm not as strong as I appear to be, I'm very sensitive

- I want to change everything about me sometimes.

- I can be very depressed

- Stupid people annoy me.(some exceptions though)

- I don't like being alone, being with a group of people makes me feel happy

- It annoys the hell out of me when people just don't GET me

- It's hard for me to trust people(I lie at times when people ask if I trust them)

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Guest mizgen17

- i'm confused about life

- i'm worried about my exams

- i work hard on other things and not just on my education

- i wish my parents understand me

- i wish i can my true self with other people not just my closest friends

- i wanna become a trainee

- i suffer from depression

- i attempted suicide twice

- many people expect so much from me which is making me stressed out

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Guest PhunGar

im soo "popular" everyone seems to think that

but i question how many "freinds" i have , quiet depressing

i go in and out of depression ever week or so and dont' know how to deal with it other than to smoke heaps

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Guest *frutti

1. I had/have a crush on my mom's friend's son (who became my friend) and he's part of the reason why I want to go to UCLA so bad.

2. I am a loner in my drawing/painting class because of all the stupid freshmen and those who aren't are...weird slacker/party animal/druggie people that I don't associate well with.

3. I am veryyy self-conscious about my hair. And tbh, I hate my hair.

4. I'm very arrogant on the inside. But at the same time, I have super low self-esteem.

5. I have a love-hate relationship with my parents.

6. I wish my brother didn't exist 95% of the time.

7. Sometimes I feel like I don't have any real friends.

8. I have a tumblr and xanga that no one knows about...and they reveal some shocking hidden truths about myself.

That would suck if my friends read this. Oh well.

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Guest chaumein

1. My image is really important to me: both my physical image and what people perceive me as.

2. I'm boring, no way around it. I can't hold a conversation for mini cooper.

3. I don't know what to do with my hands when I walk. I have to be holding something or have pockets to put my hands in.

4. I'm really awkward. I don't mind though, personally I think it's endearing. (Yeah, I'm conceited too)

5. Being single for so long has made me desperate. I'm pretty sure about 40% why I like my current crush is because he's there and he pays attention to me.

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Guest chaumein

- I care too much about what people think of me to the point that almost everything I do is to impress them

- Like others in this thread, 95% of my friends aren't real friends. Which leads me to the next one:

- I'm a pretender. And I'm good at it. I pretend to like people just so I avoid drama.

- I'm way too nice, but that's not because I care, it's because I want people to like me. But people take advantage of it and use me sometimes. They think I don't know, but I do. And what they don't know:

- Another way I benefit from being really nice is not only to get people to like me, but to get things out of them. People trust me with their secrets, and I do keep them. But I have so much dirt on so many people that I could expose them anytime. While I tell them nothing about myself, so they have nothing to work with.

- I put on many different masks depending on the environment/situation.

This is the horrible selfish person I am. Always thinking about myself, but pretending I think about others first. The only person who knows the real me and everything about me is my younger sister. I tell her everything and I'm grateful to have someone to talk to about things I'd never tell anyone else.

Your 4th and 5th points are so relevant to me right now. I slipped up and told a secret about the "Queen Bee" of my social group so I'm pretty much exposed to these "friends." Of course they're all too passive-aggressive to do anything about it, but I notice how guarded they are in front of me now. I wanna be cool and say good riddance but gosh now I've really isolated myself. <_<

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Guest MarsCrescent

-I want people to like me so much and I try so hard to fit in. I feel like no one likes me and I'm lonely.

-My family is driving me insane.

-I have a huge crush on someone I barely know.

-I am super paranoid beyond belief. Every time I post to any sort of message board I fear that someone I know will read it and will know all about me. (I say things I may not say in real life because I take the anonymity of the internet for granted.)

-I'm sad.

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Guest xKanane_1

1. I hate having people talk about me and it really does affect me.

2. The person I am fond of is someone that I barely know.

3. I despise the way I look and I constantly feel self conscious around my friends.

4. I check out people way too much

5. I feel so inferior when I compare myself to other people of my age. I just feel dumb

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Guest ovovoovo

- I'm insanely boring, how do I ever manage to find friends?

- All I care about is my education and exam marks, sadly.

- I have a reputation for being 'stupid and idiotic,' and people rarely talk to me.

- I'm extremely judgmental. I believe everything is solely based on looks.

- I hate to admit that I'm hearing impaired. Even saying it on public forum is hard.

I'm a selfish, bratty person. But I'm willing to change, one by one and hopefully I will become a better person. I don't want anybody to see the selfish side of me.

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Guest rawr_sheila

Thanks for creating this thread. I can finally let out my feelings.

I probably won't admit these things:

-I stay home all weekend bored to death but on youtube watching k-pop videos

-I enjoy being alone but when I'm alone I want to go out with friends

-And when I'm out with friends, I wonder if I'm at the right place at the right time

-I check out people way too much, looking at everything, even girls (I'm a girl)

-I'm a boring person; theres really nothing interesting about me

-I daydream of my ideal guy everyday; though I'm afraid he'll never come

-I have no life; seriously, no lies. I'm on the computer all day

-Some friends can be annoying

Thats all I can think of for now.

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- I don't actually like people in general

- I'm talentless

- I prefer to be alone but it can get boring

- I wish I had a stable circle of friends

- Sometimes I feel forced to talk to people just to get by easier

- If I didn't continue education I'd probably be a bum

- I'm selfish

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it bothers the crap out of me that ive never had a boyfriend

and that i almost never get asked out

and when ever i do, the guys kinda creep me out O____________________________O

sometimes i feel suffocated by my dad... and thats y i wanna leave, i wanna be more independent using my familys money >^<

but i kno that if i dont hav a good reason, ill be scolded by my other relatives.

i lyk to sing when theres noone in the house


and i would NEVER seriously consider dating someone that isnt at least half asian O______O

which im pretty sure causes my dad to lose sleep LoL

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Guest ★ rain-a-sky ★

- I'm so scared of being found out that I don't have the guts to post here facts about me that I would never admit in real life.

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Guest Courtknee

I wish I had a more close knit circle of friends.

I think I'm going to be a sex addict when I'm older (or extremely horny 24/7 LOOL)

I really don't like people.

I don't have a life. At all. I pretend I do, but I don't.

I hate how I 'stalk' guys that I find cute (I don't follow them, but I look for them where I'm going and I'd basically freak out if I see them)


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Guest tomatopotato

1. I'm actually scared of very small spaces ><

2. I also live 3 different life - family, friends, myself

3. I keep many things locked up inside me

4. I'm selfish & greedy ):

5. I look down and judge people a lot

6. I dont have a lot of self confidence so I can't go my all out when doing something while others are there.

I think there more... but can't remember atm (:

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