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Annoying Things Girls Do

Guest JASH

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Acting tough? How tough and for what reasons?

I think personally I'm a 'tough girl'

My area's not so good, so you gotta learn to stand up for yourself and look after yourself.

Being gentle and soft all the time doesn't work all the time, it gets you abducted, raped, stepped over all the time, whatever you call it.

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Guest rachilde

Ahahaha. Sorry, the hoodrat thing just makes me laugh. It's such a ridiculous word. Hahaha...

What do I feel about tough girls? I'm not going to write them off just because they have to enforce their opinions and their autonomy; some people actually live in places where they will get walked all over if they don't act like a 'hoodrat' (ahahahaha). I'm not going to make a judgment about how someone acts without knowing the context of their actions. Also, I kind of like tough cookies, just because I stand up for the people and ideas I believe in, so I'd obviously want a girl or a guy to stand up for me if they believe in me. I'd also stand up for them. My roommate and I were super close and she's picked a couple of fights in clubs about men looking at my richard simmons. It's whatever.

As for myself, eh, I grew up a punk rocker so I can be a little bit vulgar from time to time, especially if I'm in a situation where I'm basically expected to beat everyone up (mosh pits). All in all though, I stick to my intellect; my boyfriend hates that he can't out think me on his feet haha.

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Guest Knee1430266532

I love tough girls that stands up for themselves, I absolutely detest obnoxiously loud and rude girls, like "hood rats". Ugh.

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Complete turn off...

As soon as the girl tells me she's gonna bust a cap up my richard simmons, I'm out.

Hmm...Reminds me of this.


Everyday language in the area I live in. There was a tiny little 7th grader speaking like that to a much older hispanic girl and they were about to start a fight when they got off the bus. Even the bus driver was watching! Honestly, I think they're doing that on purpose to "fit-in".

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I'm a girl but I find it extremely annoying when I hear girls talk in the whiniest voice ever. When they extend their vowels till there's no tomorrow. I just cringe when I hear someone say:


it's not cute, it hurts my ear drums. ):please don't do it.

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i dun like ditzy chicks who try to act all manly.

does that make sense? like per se; a chick who knows jack about sports and all of a sudden talks about how much she loves football just to get a guys attention! pft! for christs sakes, atleast i know i hate sports!

(LOL @ "POP A CAP UP UR richard simmons" STATEMENT! ...and guilty for saying it several times)

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Guest ly*chee

When they pretend to be something they're not, that goes for both genders though :x

But pertaining to girls specifically?

Putting themselves down to get compliments... I haven't met any guys yet that do this.

But plenty of girls who have.

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Guest kishycathiee

Probably crying and complaining so much, and keeps saying "OMGAAH I HATE THIS FREAKING DAY SO MUCH!" to you..

and when you ask what happens, they say "Nothing."

And when girls look at you up and down, it's rude.


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Guest ellyphant

Some Girls are annoying because they...

-backstab for entertainment [The ultimate low]

-flirt with guys, major change of tone to a helpess, innocent thing

-complain that some chick "gave her the look"


-they say they're fat.

-they go "omg like today this guy like totally smiled at me and like i was like".

-a girl goes into a game store to "check out a game"

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when they gossip

or just make fun of other innocent ppl

I'm a girl, but I totally agree with that! Is soo annoying and mean when they do that. I know guys can do that too.. *sigh*

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Guest fatedlove

1-when a girl(clsoe or not clsoe friend) thinks that everything that are YOURS, are alos HERS -.-

2-when she acts innocent and hurt after knowing she lost the fight with her

just to get the boys to comfort her -.-

3-when she tells you how nasty 'that' food/meals is, and right after u left, she goes to buy it...>.>

4-when she 'steal' foods from your plate, as if it was hers...

5-when she ALWAYS talk about her MISERIESSSSSSSSSSS during bday parties(seriously...its a bday party!)

6-the 'i hate makeup lala' girls who then wears it,-wrong way- =.="""

7-those 'I CAN'T DECIDE' girls who keeps getting the SAME thing as you >=[

8-when they tlak bad about people, just because they r better than her...

xD all i could think of for the moment lol

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When a girl is born. I mean I AM a girl, but other girls, ugh, being another girl is annoying! lol.

But here's my list:

-being tough or trying to prove themselves

-being cute and acting like they dont understand

-BEING that cute/dumb, d*mnit go to school or something! Who learned you to live this way?

-Literally painting their faces, i have friends that i have never seen their bare faces, EVER!!!!

-Smelling like a whole lotta non-sense

-being malicious

-thinking they're players and then falling in love. BAH!!!!

-getting their hair and nails done every 4-6 weeks, seriously now, cheeses!

-Wearing flip flops to a hardcore show/concert where!

-wearing skirts/flip flops in the winter time



-when they think they look hott, and they're simply just WAY too easy and are wearing too much make-up

-when they think they can wear heels, and look like a idiot chikcen walking on ice! so gross, just give it up, you're not attractive.

-when they whine about pretty/skinny/hott/sexy/tall/awesome girls(who happen to be their best friend)

-when they whine about not getting any, of any kind

-when they think they can get anyone.

-sl*tty girls

-prude girls

-when they show off their boobs

-when they complain about how no one understands them, yeah because we're not idiots! No one can understand an idiot!

-when they dont know how to do laundry,vacuum, cook, clean, pick up after themselves...

-showing too much skin thinking they're hott richard simmons, when they're simply sh*tty

-being lame

-when you take them out to eat and they take two bites of their food and say theirr full, seriously now, thats a $27 steak, eat it d*mnit!!

-when they dont eat in general!

-when they fish for compliments

ugh, i can go on for days.....

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