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Annoying Things Girls Do

Guest JASH

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Guest GloomyPookie

When they act like good, innocent and nice kids when they're really sluts.

Yes, so true!

And like someone else also already said is: when girls pretend to like someone and then talk sh** behind their back. Same goes for guys

though, I know some fake guys like that too. And it really annoys me.

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Guest babiloveyoo

When they try way too hard to be cute.

Or overreact over the smallest thing.

Like, blow up at someone 'cause of something SO unimportant.

OMG =.=... lols I hate girls like that act all cute and innocent but they're Biotches haha.

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Guest rachellee39

Like so many others have posted before me:

girls that put on that high pitched, baby, whining voice.....

that really grates!

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I don't like when girls say that they just can't get along with guys because they are such tomboys and girls are too sensitive and mean and jealous for a couple of reasons. It's incredibly insecure of them, and really kind of piggish of them, and personally I just don't think you can have a fulfilling friendship with a guy if you are a girl. Not as fulfilling as you can with a girl, at least. I think they're pretty arrogant to say that they are so above and beyond gossip and cat fights and it's rather infelicitous to say that that's all girls do. Yes some girls are gossipy and catty but guys are no better. Chances are you just like the attention and can't deal with women because you're aware of how horrible a girl friend you are and it scares you.

Oh and since when does playing video games make you so revolutionary if you're a girl? Everyone does, get over it.


I hate it when girls flirt with a guy like nonstop. They're like all over them and like teasing them by taking away their hat or something childish. I hate it when girls ditch their friends for guys. And I hate it when a girl goes head over heals for a guy. x]

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this applies for everybody...except Caucasians

when they're AMERICANIZE other word when ,EX AZN, act/ they are WHITE WASH

omg what happen to being traditional?

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Guest cosmicbeat.

when they state that their in-love and want to spend the rest their lives with a guy when they dated a week.

when they cling onto boys like there's no tomorrow.

squealing voices.

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Guest viper2788

-i hate how girls often have this hatred for other girls... and when theyre being so indirect about it. its like when theyre with their girlfriends, they gossip(which i find annoying) if they dont like another girl. but when those girlfriends arent around, some girls just grab ME and start telling me all these things about these things they dont like about the other girl. usually a mixture of bitterness and jealousy even.

-spoiled little girls are brats. when they grow older, they become b!tches. i cant stand it.

-putting on make up in public.

- acting weak. its not like theyre even put into a rough situation. some girls just act weak and i can def tell its BS. in result, i'll simply ignore.

but then again, if i REALLY liked the girl, none of these things listed above would matter... meaning good traits can make up for bad ones.

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`when they try to act all cute just to get attention from guys

`when they whine and squeal about almost everything

`when they complain their fat when they're stick skinny

`when they gossip and talk trash about other people

`when they judge other girls

`when they're super spoiled & act fake

`when they pout/cry for attention

`when they're super loud

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Guest writerstale

When a girl likes you and it's obvious. Yet she still is playing hard to get. Seriously annoying. Or when a girl expects you to know what she's thinking?

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Guest anna12125

When they put in a message in their MSN nickname, addressed to somebody. Eg, we were never meant to be OR 'my hunni is bla bla bla....' OR 'I hate you, you bla bla bla you know what you did' ....

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Guest YummiYummi

Drunk girls that talks REALLY loud after the party, like where there is no music anymore.

And one of my gfs pisses me off so bad:

With her bf: Oh I don't have time for you.

Mid crisis with her bf: Are you still going to be there for me?

Back to normal with her bf and I'm feeling like mini cooper: Yeah I'm really busy lately, I'll TRY to make time for you.

Broken up with her bf officially: Let's hang out.


Sorry, that was more of a rant, but yes. It exists.

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